Boys 3Rd/4Th Grade Little League Rules
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Sportsmanship: Good sportsmanship should be displayed at all times by coaches and their players. No taunting will be allowed. This league was put together in the interest of our youth being given the opportunity to have fun while learning the fundamentals of softball and fair play.
Time: The time limit is 4 innings or 1 and ¼ hours whichever comes first. No new innings will start after 1 and ¼ hour. There is a run limit of 5 runs per inning. The 4th inning is 3 outs or 5 runs.
Field: The distance between bases is 60 feet and the distance between the pitching rubber and home plate is 46 feet.
Pitching Rules: 1. Player Pitches until: 1) Player strikes out or hits, 2) if a player would walk, the coach will step in. Strikes against batter will carry over to coach pitching. 2. Coach Pitches until: 1) Player strikes out or hits, 2) if Coach throws max 5 pitches without a hit, the player is out. There are NO walks. Coach can pitch from whatever distance is comfortable. Player must stand at the distance of the rubber. 3. Umpires shall be responsible for the conduct of the game while calling balls and strikes 4. **65 pitches per day Maximum. EXCEPTION: If a pitcher reaches the limit of 65 pitches while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until: -1.) The batter reaches the base -2.) That batter is put out -3.) The third out is made to complete the half inning -If a player pitches 51-65 pitches in a day, 3 calendar days of rest -If a player pitches 36-50 pitches in a day, 2 calendar days of rest -If a player pitches 21-35 pitches in a day, 1 calendar day of rest -If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, 0 days of rest ***EXCEPTION: If a pitcher reaches a day(s) of rest threshold while facing a batter, pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occur: 1.) Batter reaches base; 2.) Batter is retired 3.) The 3rd out is made to complete the half-inning or the game. The pitcher is only required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold they reached at-bat, provided that pitcher is removed or the game is completed before delivering a pitch to another batter.
Rules of Play: 1. Base Coaches will be responsible to step in to pitch to their players. 2. You will use free substitution and everyone bats. 3. All games must go a minimum of three (3) innings to be counted as a full game. Games called on darkness will revert back to the last full inning played to determine the winner. If three (3) innings have not been played the game will be suspended and the game will start as a new game on a later date. If a game is suspended due to darkness or weather and the score is tied the game must be played from the point of interruption. 4. There will be 10 players on the field. You must have 4 outfielders if you have 10 players. If a team is short a player the team will be allowed to play with less. IF ALL 10 PLAYERS ARE PRESENT TO PLAY ALL 10 PLAYERS MUST PLAY AND BAT. NO EXCEPTIONS! Every attempt shall be made to allow for equal participation. 5. Players should slide to avoid tag and injury. If you don’t slide and you interfere, play will become dead immediately and an out will be called. (If at home plate and the interference is after a player touches home plate the run will score but play will become dead immediately.) 6. Bunting IS allowed off a player pitch but NOT allowed by a coach pitch. 7. No infield fly rule. 8. Home is closed. No player may steal home off of a pass ball or an over throw to pitcher. A player may advance to home if there is a play made on any runner on the field. Example: a runner on third and first. If the catcher tries to make a play on the runner stealing second, then home becomes open and the player on third can advance. No stealing is allowed as the ball is being thrown to the pitcher. 9. Runners on 1st and 2nd base may lead off, or steal the next base, once the crosses the plate. If a runner leaves early time will be called and the runner will be out. 10. The batter may not achieve 1st base on a dropped 3rd strike 11. If a batter should throw the bat, the umpire will give each team a warning to the effect that the next time a batter throws the bat, play will become dead immediately and the batter will be out. 12. If a ball goes out of play, an award will be 2 bases at the time of throw will be given. (If player is running to first base and the throw to first base goes out of play, if at the time of throw the player is not yet to first base, player is given 1st and 2nd base. If player is already by first base at time of throw then the player is awarded 2nd and 3rd base.) 13. There is no infield to be taken by either team. Ball may be hit to the infields down the foul lines in dead ball territory. The field will be cleared 5 min. before the start of the game for the coaches / umpires meeting at home plate. 19. Batting order stays the same during player substitutions.
Have a great year ***Promote sportsmanship***