Chem 1634 Second Test 2-B October, 1994

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Chem 1634 Second Test 2-B October, 1994


Instructor: Dr. Ya-Ping Huang ( 223-3323), RGC 319.1 e-mail: [email protected] web page:

Synonym/section: in first summer session, May 28-July 3, 2002

Synonym (section) Lecture: RGC 320 Lab :RGC 316 38445 (009) MTWThF 10:40am - 12:10pm MWF 8:00am - 10:30am 38446 (010) MTWThF 10:40am - 12:10pm MWF 12:20pm - 2:50pm

Office Hours: T Th : 9:00-10:30 am, 12:30-2:00 pm in RGC 319.1 By appointment MWF: 2:50-4:30 pm in RGC 319.1

I. Prerequisite : One year of high school chemistry or CHEM 1405; two years of high school algebra or MATD 0390. II. Textbook: Lecture: General Chemistry, 6 th Edition by Whitten, Davis and Peck (2000) Problem Solving Skill Lab: Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, ACC Custom Edition. by Slowinski, Wolsey & Masterton. III. Course Description: Covers the fundamental facts, laws, principles, theories, and concepts of chemistry necessary for further work in science or science-related subjects. Stresses atomic structure, periodic properties of matter, chemical bonding, and molecular geometry of organic and inorganic molecules, states of matter, stoichiometry, and properties of solutions. We will cover Ch 1- Ch 9 and Ch. 11-Ch. 14 at approximately two days per chapter.

IV. Tests: Tentative schedule and material covered for the test and retest are as following: Test Dates Topics Whitten/Davis/Peck Test 1 Introduction Ch.1etel June 3- June 5 Chemical Formula and Nomenclature Ch.2, Ch.4-11-12 Composition & rexn stoichiometry Ch.3: Test 2 aqueous soln rexns: balance & stoichiometry Ch.4: 1-10, Ch.11:1-4 June 11 - June 14 Thermochemistry Ch.15-4 Test 3 June 18 – June 21 Structure of Atoms Ch.5 Chemical periodicity, Ch.6 Test 4 June 24 – June 27 Chemical bonding & Lewis Structure Ch.7 Molecular structure & bonding theories: Ch.8, 9 Test 5 June 28– July 1 Gases & Kinetic theory Ch.12 Liquids & Solids Ch.13 Test 6 July 3 Solutions & Colligative properties Ch. 14 Comprehensive There are six tests for the semester. The first 5 tests (one retest allowed for each of these tests) will be held in the testing center. The comprehensive final will be held in class (no retest allowed).

052dc67600dc0d17745420de421aa5e8.doc 1 5/8/2018 1. In order to receive full credit for the test questions you MUST show all your work on the scratch paper provided by the testing center. 2. Clearly number each problem and show all the works neatly and legibly.

Each test will have one or two questions related to previous topics. Any changes in the schedule will be announced in class. It is your responsibility to keep yourself informed! The result of the retest is your final grade. No further make-ups will be allowed. Extensions : If for any reason you fail to take the test or retest on or before the deadline, you will be given a 3-day extension with penalties as following: 5% off for one day extension, 10% off for two-day extension and 15% off for three-day extension. Instructor's signed permission is required to take the test or retest after the deadline Limitation for retests: To be eligible to get a final average of an “A,” you cannot take more than 2 retests. No retests are allowed if you miss the deadline for the test. Scholastic Dishonesty The use or possession of any unauthorized material in the testing center is considered an offense of academic dishonesty. The penalty is withdrawal from class or F for the course. V. Homework: 1. Homework based on chapter assignments (every other odd) will not be collected. 2. Homework given in class will be collected and graded. All homework turned in must show detailed work to get credit. Late assignment will be subject to penalty of 1 point or 10% per day (whichever is less). Assignment more than one week late will not be accepted. VI. Grading: Homework assignments 120 pts A  900 pts and 6th test  60% 5 exams, 100 pts each 500 pts B  800 pts Comprehensive final 120 pts C  700 pts Quizzes/attendance 20 pts 12 labs 250 pts D  600 pts ------Total 1010 pts F < 600 pts *** Students must finish at least 60% of lab to pass the course. VII. Attendance: Detailed attendance records will be kept for each student. If you fail to attend class for 3 consecutive sessions without legitimate excuses, you may be withdrawn from the course by the instructor. However, it is your responsibility to withdraw if you so desire. VIII. Miscellaneous: 1. Testing center (Room 127): photo ID and ACC ID (or fee receipt) required Hours: MTWH: 8 AM - 8 PM F: 8 AM - 4 PM Sat: 9 AM - 1 PM 2. Parallel study lab: free tutoring for chemistry and other subjects. Check room 212 for individual tutor’s schedule. (MTWH: 9 am – 9 pm, F: 9 am- noon) 3. NO FOODS / DRINKS or cellular phone / pager in CLASSROOM. 4. A basic scientific calculator with log and trig functions is sufficient for the class. Only non-programmable calculators are allowed in the Testing Center. 5. Withdrawal deadline: June 26(Wednesday), 2002.

052dc67600dc0d17745420de421aa5e8.doc 2 5/8/2018 CHM 1411 Lecture Schedule: Summer 2002

Day Date Subjects References Chapter Pages 1 M28 Introduction, Significant figures, Dimensional analysis 1.1-1.12 1-36 2 M29 Chemical Formulas and formula mass and moles 2.1-2.2 37-53 2.5-2.7 57-66 3 M30 Ionic compounds & nomenclature 2.3-2.4 53-57 4.10-4.12 160-167 4 M31 Stoichiometry: mole and chemical formulas 2.8-2.10 66-76 5 J3 Stoichiometry: chemical reactions, limiting reactants & yields 3.1-3.4 90-100 6 J4 Solution composition & Molarity & stoichiometry 3.6-3.8 103-112 7 J5 Periodic Table, Electrolytes: Ionic equation, 4.1-4.3 123-137 8 J6 (Single) displacement reactions: Activity series, oxidation 4.8 147-153 numbers, oxidation-reduction reactions 4.4 137-143 9 J7 Metathesis reactions 4.9 153-158 solution stoichiometry, equivalence, normality 11.1-11.4 401-415 10 J10 Thermochemistry: calorimetry 15.4 596-598 11 J11 Electron Structure of atoms : light, energy, Bohr’s H atom model 5.1-5.10 177-197 12 J12 Bohr’s H atom model, particle-wave duality, quantum mechanics 5.11-5.14 197-207 13 J13 Quantum mechanics, atomic orbitals and quantum numbers 5.15-5.16 204-208 14 J14 Electron configuration and periodic table, Periodic properties 5.17-5.18 214-225 15 J17 Radii, ionization energy, electronic affinity, electronegativity 6.1-6.6 240-251 16 J18 Ionic bonding, Born-Habor cycle, Covalent bonding 7.2-7.3 272-278 17 J19 Lewis structure, octet rules and exceptions, resonance, isomers 7.4-7.10 280-299 18 J20 Molecular shape VSEPR, hybrid 8.1-8.12 307-340 19 J21 Compounds with multiple bonds, Molecular orbital theory 8.13-8.15 340-344 9.1-9.6 353-368 20 J24 Gas Laws, Kinetic theory of Gases 12.1-12.13 435-467 21 J25 Molecular speed, Gas diffusion and effusion, Real Gas 12.13- 469-474 12.15 Intermolecular forces, Phase changes, Liquids: 13.1-13.7 487-498 22 J26 Liquid, solid and Phase diagram, 13.8-13.14 498-516 23 J27 Structure of solids 13.15- 512-528 13.16 24 J28 Dissolutions processes 14.1-14.8 453-469 25 Jy1 Vapor pressure and colligative properties 14.9-14.15 557-575 26 Jy2 Catch up 26 Comprehensive Final 052dc67600dc0d17745420de421aa5e8.doc 3 5/8/2018 Calendar : Summer 2002 Dr. Ya-Ping Huang

Week Mon Tue Wed. Thur Fri

1 M27 M28 first day M29 M30 M31 of class 2 J3 Test 1 J4 J5 Test 1 ends J6 J7 starts 3 J10 J11 Test 2 J12 J13 J14 Test 2 starts ends 4 J17 J18 Test 3 J19 J20 J21 Test 3 starts ends 5 J24 Test 4 J25 J26 last day to J27 Test 4 J28 Test 5 starts withdraw ends starts 6 JY1 Test 5 JY2 JY3 last day of ends class, Test 6 Office Hours: T H : 9:00 AM-10:30 AM 12:30 PM- 2:00 PM RGC 319.1 or by appointment MWF: 2:50-4:30 pm RGC 319.1

Summer 2002 Weekly Schedule Dr. Ya-Ping Huang

Time Mon Tue Wed. Thur Fri

8:00-9:00 am Lab 38445 Lab 38445 Lab 38445

9:00-10:30 am Lab 38445 Office Hour Lab 38445 Office Hour Lab 38445

10:40 am- Lecture 38445 Lecture 38445 Lecture 38445 Lecture 38445 Lecture 38445 & 38446 & 38446 & 38446 & 38446 & 38446 12:10 pm

12:20-12:30 pm Lab 38446 Lab 38446 Lab 38446

12:30-2:00 pm Lab 38446 Office Hour Lab 38446 Office Hour Lab 38446

2:00-2:50 pm Lab 38446 Lab 38446 Lab 38446

2:50-4:30 pm Appointment Appointment Appointment hour hour hour

052dc67600dc0d17745420de421aa5e8.doc 4 5/8/2018 Calendar : Summer 2002 Dr. Ya-Ping Huang

Time Mon Tue Wed. Thur Fri

8:00 am Lab 38445 Lab 38445 Lab 38445

9:00 am Office Hour Office Hour

10:30 am 10:40 am - Lecture M-F : 38445 & 12:10 pm 38446

12:20pm Lab 38445 Lab 38446 Lab 38446

1:15 pm Appointment 2:50 pm Office hour Appointment Appointment Appointment 3:30 pm Office hour Office hour Office hour

Calendar : Summer 2002 Dr. Ya-Ping Huang

Time Mon Tue Wed. Thur Fri

8:00 am Lab 38445 Lab 38445 Lab 38445

9:00 am Office Hour Office Hour

10:30 am 10:40 am - Lecture M-F : 38445 & 12:10 pm 38446

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