First Grade Syllabus

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First Grade Syllabus

First Grade Syllabus Summit Elementary School 2012-2013 First Grade Reading

First grade teachers have identified the following “I Can” statements for our first grade in the areas of reading, spelling, and phonics. We expect each child to master these by the end of first grade.

 I can tell the difference  I can tell about the setting of a between letters, words, and story. sentences.  I can retell important events in  I can say the beginning and the beginning, middle and ending sounds in words. ending of a story.  I can sound out letters to read  I can tell the problem and the words. solution in a story.  I can blend two, three, or four  I can use what I’ve read to sounds into words. answer questions about a  I can read words with short story. and long vowels.  I can put up to 4 events from a  I can read words with 2 letter story in order. blends.  I can tell what happens first,  I can use what I have read and next, and last in a story. pictures I see to figure out  I can tell the main idea in words I do not know. fiction and non-fiction stories.  I can use fix-up strategies  I can tell important details in when my reading doesn’t fiction and non-fiction stories. make sense.  I can use pictures and captions  I can read and understand to help me answer questions words with the suffix –s, -es, about my reading. -ed, -ing, -er, and -est.  I can use lists, charts and  I can read and understand graphs to help me answer words with the prefix un- and questions about my reading. re-.  I can read first grade level  I can stop at periods when I books fluently. read.  I can read first grade level  I can tell where a sentence sight words. begins and ends.  I can describe the jobs of  I can read with expression authors and illustrators. when I see “!” or “?”.  I can give a reason for reading.  I can name characters in a  I can draw, write and talk story. about what I have read.  I can tell about the characters in a story.  I can make predictions while I  I can independently read am reading and give reasons books for fun or to find out for my prediction. information.

The following is a list of our weekly reading units and the “I Can” statements that go along with each unit. The “I Can” statements cover reading, spelling, grammar, and phonics.  I can read the following words: run, ride, be

Reading Unit 1.4 Pets  I can read Grab a Crab. Unit 1.1 We are Special  I can talk about characters and setting in a  I can read A Cap for Pam. story.  I can talk about the beginning, middle, and  I can use lists to help me answer questions ending of a story. about my reading.  I can talk about characters and setting in a  I can tell that a question is a sentence that asks story. something.  I can use photographs to help me understand a  I can tell that a question begins with a capital non-fiction story. letter and ends with a question mark.  I can tell that a sentence is a group of words  I can spell crib, grab, trap, crab, grass, trip, hit, that tells a whole idea. win, that, good  I can tell that a sentence begins with a capital  I can read the following words: come, good, on, letter. that  I can spell man, hat, ran, cat, mat, can, up, and Reading Unit 1.5 Teamwork down  I can read Kids Can Do it Fast!.  I can read the following words: jump, not, up, down  I can talk about the author’s purpose.  I can identify a complete sentence. Unit 1.2 Ready, Set, Move  I can begin every sentence with a capital letter  I can read I Can I Can. and end with punctuation.  I can talk about beginning, middle, and ending  I can spell land, sand, fast, west, sink, sent, of a story. grass, trip, help, very  I can put 3 events from a story in order.  I can read the following words: very, help, use,  I can tell that words in a sentence have to be in now the right order.  I can put the words of a simple sentence in order. Unit 2.1 Animal Families  I can spell dad, back, tap, sad, nap, sack, man,  I can read Fox on a Rock. mat, too, over  I can tell the main idea in fiction and non-fiction  I can read the following words: too, it, yes, over stories. Unit 1.3 Growing Up  I can tell important details in fiction and non- fiction stories.  I can read Jim Had a Big Hit.  I can tell that a noun is a words that names a  I can talk about beginning, middle, and ending person, place or thing. of a story.  I can spell hop, top, log, hog, hot, lot, one, they,  I can put 3 events from a story in order. sand, sink  I can tell that a statement is a sentence that  I can read the following words: one, her, too, tells something. they, does  I can tell that a statement begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. Unit 2.2 Helping Out  I can spell pin, hit, miss, win, sit, kiss, sad, map,  I can read Hen’s Eggs. be, ride  I can retell important events in the beginning, middle, and ending of a story. Unit 3.1 Being Friends  I can add –s or –es to a word to make it mean  I can read Jane and Wade. more than one.  I can make predictions while I am reading and  I can spell leg, beg, men, hen, let, get, hop, hot, give reasons for my prediction. who, some  I can read and understand words with the suffix –  I can read the following words: who, some, of, ed and –ing. no, eat  I can tell that a verb is a word that shows action.  I can put a comma after the greeting and the Unit 2.3 Where Animals Live closing in a letter.  I can read This Fish That Fish.  I can spell make, take, came, game, gate, late, black, flag, walk, all  I can tell the main idea in fiction and non-fiction  I can read the following words: hello, could, walk, stories. pull, all, oh  I can tell important details in fiction and non- fiction stories. Unit 3.2 Kids Around the World  I can tell that some nouns use new words to  I can read Slap Hello. name more than one such as man-men or  I can compare and contrast stories or story child-children. elements.  I can spell fish, shop, ship, with, thin, thank,  can tell that present tense verbs tell about action beg, get, lives, many that happens now.  I can read the following words: into, many, live,  I can add –s to verbs to make them present tense out (jump-jumps; run-runs).  I can spell sled, slip, snake, snap, spill, spin, Reading Unit 2.4 Sing and Dance make, game, people, water  I can read Just for Fun.  I can read the following words: boy, girl, people,  I can retell important events in the beginning, when, care, water, together middle, and ending of a story.  I can use lists to help me answer questions Unit 3.3 Me and My Shadow about my reading.  I can read Such a Grand Day.  I can tell that a noun that names a special  I can tell the main idea in fiction and non-fiction person, place or thing is called a proper noun. stories.  I can begin proper nouns with a capital letter.  I can tell important details in fiction and non- fiction stories.  I can spell crib, grab, trap, crab, grass, trip, hit,  I can tell that a past tense verb tells about action win, that, good that happens in the past.  I can read the following words: come, good, on,  I can add –ed to a verb to make it past tense that (jump-jumped).  I can spell whip, whale, catch, match, chin, chop, Reading Unit 2.5 Let’s Laugh slip, spin, our, your  I can read Grab a Crab.  I can read the following words: our, again, would,  I can put up to 4 events from a story in order. your, light  I can tell what happens first, next, and last in a story. Unit 3.4 Our Families  I can capitalize days of the week, months of the  I can read Job Time for the Pines. year and holidays.  I can make predictions while I am reading and  I can spell clip, clock, flag, flip, black, block, give reasons for my prediction. fun, nut, school, today  I can use lists, charts and graphs to help me  I can read the following words: why, late, answer questions about my reading. school, today, away, way  I can use is and are correctly in a sentence.  I can spell like, spike, ride, hide, bike, mine, whip, chop, call, there  I can read the following words: call, how, more, funny, there, so

Unit 3.5 Family Time  I can read A Trip Last Spring.  I can name characters in a story.  I can tell about the characters in a story.  I can use the words see, sees and saw correctly in  I can tell about the setting of a story. a sentence.  I can write contractions that have the word not.  I can spell me, we, feed, keep, seat, beak, main,  I can spell strike, string, splash, split, scrub, day, friends, knew. scrap, like, ride, says, were.  I can read the following words: friends, kind, by,  I can read the following words: say, says, about, far, knew, house give, ready, were Unit 4.5 Favorite Stories  I can read Study the Trees.  I can summarize what I have read.  I can retell important events in the beginning, middle and ending of a story. Unit 4.1 Birds  I can tell the problem and the solution in a story.  I can read Mole Bakes at Home.  I can write contractions that have the word not.  I can use fix-up strategies when my reading  I can spell bumpy, penny, puppy, sandy, funny, doesn’t make sense. bunny, keep, seat, before, heard.  I can make inferences from what I have read.  I can read the following words: before, happen,  I can read and understand words with the suffixes began, told, heard, falls –er and –est.  I can use the verbs was and were correctly in a sentence.  I can spell joke, nose, note, woke, hose, vote, Unit 5.1 Express Yourself splash, string, every, any.  I can read Be Bold and Show It.  I can read the following words: saw, opened,  I can tell the difference between fantasy and soon, every, any reality.  I can tell that an adjective is a word that Unit 4.2 Recycling describes a noun.  I can read Trash Rules.  I can spell low, row, boat, coat, no, go, puppy,  I can use fix-up strategies when my reading funny, mother, father. doesn’t make sense.  I can read the following words: always, mother,  I can draw conclusions from what I have read. father, try, love, firm, supposed  I can use the verbs has and have correctly in a sentence. Unit 5.2 Watch It Go  I can spell use, tune, cute, June, flute, mule,  I can read Flying High. woke, nose, done, after.  I can tell the problem and the solution in a  I can read the following words: work, after, find, story. old, new, done  I can tell about the characters in a story. Unit 4.3 Weather  I can tell about the setting of a story.  I can read Too Much Rain Today.  I can read and understand words with –er and  I can use fix-up strategies when my reading –est doesn’t make sense.  I can spell find, kind, night, right, by, my, low,  I can compare and contrast. boat, never, head.  I can use the words go, goes, and went correctly  I can read the following words: shout, ball, in a sentence. head, should, never laughter, meadow, perhaps  I can use the words do, does, and did correctly in a sentence. Unit 5.3 Inventions  I can spell mail, rain, chain, way, day, play, cute,  I can read Carly in the Dark. use, great, know.  I can ask questions about what I am reading.  I can read the following words: warm, sound,  I can talk about cause and effect. cold, know, great, their  I can identify color words as adjectives.  I can spell cart, art, barn, yarn, harm, arm, Unit 4.4 What Scientists Do right, by, better, children  I can read Feel the Heat.  I can read the following words: children, round,  I can use inferences about what I have read. better, or, discovery, machine  I can summarize what I have read.  I can use the words say and says and said Unit 5.4 I Can Do It correctly in a sentence.  I can read No More Mort the Short.  I can identify a pronoun as a word that can take the  I can ask questions about what I am reading. place of a noun.  I can make inferences about what I read.  I can put a comma between the day and the year and between the city and the state.  I can identify number words as adjectives.  I can spell broom, room, pool, cool, soon, moon,  I can spell born, corn, cork, fork, horn, pork, hood, took, laugh, ever. barn, art, nothing, thought.  I can read the following words: ever, only,  I can read the following words: early, thought, interesting, laugh, goes, ordinary nothing, along, errand, instead, suddenly Unit 6.4 Watching Animals Grow Unit 5.5 How Does It Grow?  I can read Paws for a Cause.  I can read Miss Mirth’s Herb Garden.  I can summarize by retelling important events in the  I can ask questions about what I am reading. beginning, middle and ending of a story.  I can classify and categorize.  I can compare and contrast.  I can use the word I as the subject of a sentence.  I can identify synonyms as words that have the  I can use the word me as the predicate of a same or similar meanings. sentence.  I can identify antonyms as words that have  I can spell haul, claw, cause, paw, saw, dawn, cool, opposite meanings. soon, air, enough.  I can spell her, fern, bird, dirt, fur, burn, fork,  I can read the following words: cub, eyes, learn, corn, from, beautiful. enough, air, wild, across  I can read the following words: places, animals, ground, from, beautiful, crowded, part, tiny Unit 6.5 Let’s Build  I can read Roy’s Rich Soil.  I can summarize by retelling important events in the beginning, middle and ending of a story.  I can talk about cause and effect  I can make predictions while I am reading and give reasons for my prediction.  I can use the word and to make 2 sentences into one. Unit 6.1 Bugs, Bugs, Bugs  I can spell joy, toy, boy, spoil, coin, join, dawn,  I can read A Proud Brown Ant. cause, toward, circle.  I can use what I have read and pictures I see to  I can read the following words: circle, toward, leave, figure out words I do not know. grew, toppled, wreck, welcoming  I can use fix-up strategies when my reading doesn’t make sense.  I can identify the subject of a sentence as who or what the sentence is about.  I can spell cow, town, mouse, how, out, mouth, her, burn, gone, been  I can read the following words: been, gone, other

Unit 6.2 Exploring Space  I can read We Took a Look at This Camp.  I can use fix-up strategies when my reading doesn’t make sense.  I can make predictions while I am reading and give reasons for my prediction.  I can identify the predicate of a sentence as the part that tells what the subject is or does.  I can spell book, took, look, cook, hood, wood, town, mouth, Earth, bear.  I can read the following words: bear, helmet, birds, Earth, space, table, guess, fooling

Unit 6.3 At Work  I can read See a Zoo Soon.  I can use fix-up strategies when my reading doesn’t make sense.  I can classify and categorize. First Grade Writing

First graders will be participating in many writing activities this year. Research has shown that writing and reading are very closely connected. When students are working on writing they are growing as readers. First grade teachers have identified what we want the children to be able to do by the end of the school year. These are our “I Can” statements for writing:

 I can print all upper and lower case letters.  I can use parts of speech correctly when writing and speaking (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, articles and prepositions).  I can write a complete sentence.  I can capitalize proper nouns.  I can use punctuation correctly when writing.  I can spell first grade words correctly.  I can spell hard words using the sounds I hear.  I can write an opinion story in which I state an opinion, give a reason and write a closing sentence.  I can write a feature article in which I name a topic, write facts and write a closing sentence.  I can write a story with 2 or more sequenced events using transition words and a closing sentence.  I can participate in shared writing.  I can write stories using technology.  I can take part in shared research and write about what I learned.  I can write an answer to a question.

Types of Writing

The students will be working on many different types of writing throughout the school year. As we work on these kinds of writing we will be focusing on the “I Can” statements above.

 Modeled Writing (teacher demonstrating good writing)  Shared Writing (teachers and students writing together)  Independent Writing  Writing to Learn- Drawings, Learning Logs, Graphic Organizers, Journals, Reading Responses, Reflective Writing, etc.  Writing to Demonstrate Learning- Open Response, Constructed Responses (writing in response to books, experiments, and other learning activities), Group Projects  Writing for Realistic Purposes- Personal Narratives (stories about yourself), Literary, Stories (fiction stories), Poems, Letters, How-To Articles, Feature Articles (reports), Persuasive Writing  On Demand Writing (students are given a writing task that they complete on their own) First Grade Math These are the “I Can” statements that we want first graders to master by the end of the year. Also listed is our math units and when we will be teaching each unit. First Grade Power Standards “I Can” Statements  I can use >, =, and < to compare  I can write a number sentence to model numbers. an addition or subtraction problem.  I can add and subtract numbers to 100  I can create, model, and solve an addition (without regrouping). or a subtraction problem.  I can find 10 more and 10 less than a  I can solve addition and subtraction number. problems within 20.  I can measure using non-standard units.  I can add 3 numbers together.  I can order 3 objects by length.  I can write turn-around facts.  I can tell and write time to the hour and  I can write a fact family. half hour.  I can count on to add.  I can create a graph.  I can quickly solve addition and  I can answer questions about a graph. subtraction facts within 10.  I can identify and draw a rectangle,  I can use the equal sign correctly. square, trapezoid, triangle, and circle.  I can find the missing number in an  I can identify a cube, rectangular prism, addition or subtraction problem. cone and cylinder.  I can count, write, and model numbers to  I can put 2 shapes together to make a 120. new shape.  I can identify the number of tens and  I can divide circles and rectangles into ones in a 2-digit number. halves and fourths.  I can put numbers in order.  I can solve equal group problems using manipulatives.

Math Topics

Topic 1: Numbers to 10 (August) Topics 2 and 3: Addition Facts to 10 (August) Topic 4: Subtraction Facts to 10 (August/September) Topic 5: Shapes and Patterns (September) Topic 6: Numbers to 20 (September/October) Topic 7: Money- pennies, nickels, and dimes (October) Topic 8: Time to the Hour (October) Topic 9: Addition and Subtraction to 20/Fact Families (October/November) Topic 10: Measurement, Length, and Weight (November) Topic 11: Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs (November/December) Topic 12: Calendar and Time (December) Topic 13: Numbers to 40 and Money (January) Topic 14: Addition and Subtraction to 40 and Mental Math Strategies (January/February) Topic 15: Numbers to 120 (February) Topic 16: Review Addition and Subtraction (February) Topic 17: Problem Solving and Model Drawing (February/March) Topic 18: Review Shapes and Patterns, Money, Time, Place Value, Basic Facts (March) Topic 19: Multiplication and Division (April) Topic 20: Addition and Subtraction to 100 (April/May)

First Grade Science

First grade teachers have identified the following “I Can” statements for our first graders in the area of science. We expect each child to master these by the end of first grade. Because first grade is so focused on teaching reading, many of these science topics will be covered along with our reading curriculum. For example, there is a story in our reading series about the sun, so as we are reading that story we will be focusing on the I Can statement that says, “I can tell that the sun gives the Earth heat and light.” Students will read about science, write about science and do hands- on science and experiments.

 I can sort objects by the materials they are made from.  I can sort objects by size, shape, and color.  I can use rulers and balances to help me sort  I can collect weather data. objects by size.  I can compare weather  I can tell that matter is from season to season. anything that has mass  I can observe and describe and takes up space. weather using  I can identify matter as a temperature, wind, and solid, liquid, or a gas. precipitation.  I can identify things  I can identify what plants magnets attract. and animals need to  I can identify things survive. magnets do not attract.  I can tell that a life cycle  I can explore the shows how plants and movement of objects by animals grow and change. pushes and pulls.  I can put the stages of a  I can tell that the force of frog life cycle in order. a push or pull affects how  I can put the stages of a an object moves. plant life cycle in order.  I can tell that a fossil shows plants and animals that lived long ago.  I can tell that the sun gives the Earth heat and light. First Grade Social Studies

First grade teachers have identified the following “I Can” statements for our first graders in the area of social studies. We expect each child to master these by the end of first grade. First graders will be learning about rules, being a good citizen, different cultures, economics, geography, and patriotic songs, symbols, and holidays.

 I can name important rules at  I can give examples of goods home and school. and services.  I can explain the purpose of  I can identify a map and a rules at home and school. globe.  I can name ways to be a  I can answer questions about good citizen at home. a map, globe, chart or graph.  I can name ways to be a  I can identify the following good citizen at school. landforms: mountain, hill,  I can name ways to be a and plain. good citizen in my  I can identify the following community. bodies of water: ocean, river,  I can explore different lake. cultures.  I can identify our basic needs  I can discuss how cultures —food, shelter, and clothing. are alike and different.  I can describe ways people  I can describe conflict as a change the environment to disagreement between meet their needs. people.  I can identify the patriotic  I can describe cooperation as songs The Star Spangled working together to get the Banner and You’re a Grand job done. Ole Flag.  I can give examples of wants  I can identify the statue of and needs. liberty, the liberty bell, the  I can identify the difference bald eagle, and the flag as between goods and services. symbols of the United States of America.  I can identify Veteran’s Day, President’s Day and Martin Luther King’s birthday, Independence Day as important patriotic holidays.

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