5 12 April 2015 Easter Sunday / Second Sunday of Easter

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5 12 April 2015 Easter Sunday / Second Sunday of Easter

CATHOLIC PORTSMOUTH Catholic Parishes and Schools in Partnership in the City of Portsmouth


Thought for the week

A son set out to buy his mum the best Easter gift he could find. After much searching online and in many a shop he finally bought a Zurka bird. This was no ordinary bird. It was ridiculously expensive and had to be especially flown in from the Amazon. It could speak five languages, recite poetry and sing certain arias from well-known operas. Truly an amazing bird!

On Easter Sunday, having arranged delivery of the Zurka bird, the son waited patiently by the phone expecting his mum to call. When she did he shouted down the phone, ‘Mum, what did you think about the beautiful, intelligent, poetry-reciting and opera-singing Zurka bird that I sent you as my special gift for Easter?’ His mum replied, “Oh son, it tasted delicious.”

My daft story can help us ensure that this Easter we don’t miss the point. We may have got through Lent having abstained from this and that. We may have participated in the long liturgies of Holy Week. In coming to church on Easter Sunday we may be thrilled to see everything so magnificently decorated and the Paschal Candle towering above us with its flame. We may feel relief that so much is over and that now the only thing awaiting us is the devouring of chocolate eggs. To feel like this is to miss the point and to be like the son who bought his mum the Zurka bird, failing to see that the true beauty of the gift is found in the loving gesture of the giver.

Easter is not an entertainment. I’ve often thought that we find it difficult to warm to this ‘mother of all feasts.’ Is this because in the Sacred Scriptures we hear first of weeping female disciples, shut-away male disciples and a Jesus who is mistaken for the gardener? Where is the joy in that? The joy of Easter is to be found in a remembering. Today and on all the Sundays of Easter we are encouraged to remember God’s gift to us of eternal life given in the loving gesture of the Paschal Mystery which embraces Christ’s life, death and resurrection. Our remembering of it only begins on Easter Day. And as we remember it we should try to act on the consequences of our remembering. This means radiating joy and hope (go on, give it a try!) and embracing a lifestyle which lets others see that we do believe ‘by Christ’s cross and resurrection we are set free’ (how might we do that?). In this primary Christian belief there is so much to delight. To respond to it is to appreciate the love with which the Divine Giver gave it. Does Easter taste delicious? Yes, in so many ways.

Canon Dominic Golding

St John’s Cathedral: Bishop’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, PO1 3HG – Tel. 02392 826170 Cathedral Dean: Canon Dominic Golding VG – [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr James McAuley – [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Lily Peach – [email protected] – Office Hours: 0900-1600 Monday – Friday Parish Pastoral Assistant: Sister Maura Chin - Safeguarding Representative: Sue Smy 023 9273 0855 Corpus Christi & St Joseph Fr Steven Restori tel 023 9266 0927 – [email protected] Corpus Christi Gladys Avenue, North End PO2 9AZ – St Joseph Tangier Road, Copnor PO3 6JH Parish Sister: Sr Mary Gleavey FMDM 07586 801868 – St Joseph Hall Bookings: Mrs Mary Vale 07897 488254 Safeguarding Representative: Elaine Lindsay 07749 200592 Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun Fr Kazimierz Stefek - Assistant Priest: Fr Pawel Przybyszewski tel. 023 9282 8305 – [email protected] Our Lady of Lourdes Bransbury Road, Eastney, PO4 9JY - St Swithun 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, PO5 2PL Pastoral Assistant: Sr Marie Elise Tel. 07747 728734 Parish Secretary: Mrs Clare Shore – Office Hours: Mon 0900-1100 and Tues to Friday 0900-1500 Safeguarding Representative: Val Croughan 023 9234 1682 St Colman with St Paul Fr Joe McNerney (Hospital Chaplain) – Assistant Priest: Fr John Humphreys [email protected] - 023 9228 6408 St Colman St Colman’s Avenue, Cosham, PO6 2JJ – St Paul Allaway Avenue, PO6 4DG– tel. 023 9237 6151 Parish Assistant: Mrs Tess Pritchard Office Hours: 0900-1500 Mon to Fri Safeguarding Representative: Irene Taylor 023 9264 0754 or 07914 722708 Pastoral Youth Worker: Dom DeBoo tel 023 9283 6524 mob 07769 185603 – [email protected] PARISHES: Corpus Christi & St Joseph • Our Lady of Lourdes with St Swithun • St Colman & St Paul • St John’s Cathedral SCHOOLS: Primary: Corpus Christi • St John’s Cathedral • St Paul’s • St Swithun’s • Secondary: St Edmund’s

Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Cathedral Notices

WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS CANON DOMINIC WRITES HUSTINGS FOR THE GENERAL If you are visiting family, friends or are come to “Each Easter a new Paschal Candle stands in ELECTION see the sights of Portsmouth you are most our midst, the sign of our belief in Christ’s Canon Dominic has with his local ecumenical welcome to St John’s Cathedral, the mother Resurrection. As we gaze at the decorated clergy arranged for a hustings to be held at the church of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth. candle, the work of Barbara Birt a Hampshire Discovery Centre on Friday 17 April at 7pm. Do visit the Cathedral Discovery Centre artist, and recall the joyful message of salvation The parliamentary candidates for Portsmouth accessible from the car park and from the let us be thankful for all in our parish who have South have been invited and most have Cathedral exits near the Lady Chapel. There helped ensure the Cathedral remains the replied to say they’ll be coming. In preparation you will find our shop selling a range of welcoming and worshipping community we for this there will be an event at Portsmouth devotional items and a coffee shop; open know it to be. Please remember in your prayers Cathedral (the Anglican one) at 10 am on Sunday 0930-1300, Tuesday-Saturday 0930- our organists, choir, sacristan, altar servers, Thursday 9 April. This will provide a space for 1530 (closed Mondays). flower arrangers, cleaners and those who people to discuss and reach decisions on two TRAIDCRAFT (FAIRTRADE) compiled and printed our various Holy Week key topics: (1) what local and national issues Thank you to everyone who supported the orders of service. Through their various efforts they most want decision-makers to tackle; and Traidcraft (Fairtrade) stall last weekend. we have all been assisted in the practice of our (2) if and how politics needs to change. We Traidcraft works with many smaller producers faith. As together we rejoice in Christ’s are particularly keen to include those groups who are unable to fulfil large scale orders for Resurrection let us be thankful for their gifts whose views are frequently missed by supermarkets, so your support is especially and pray that their efforts may further lead us decision-makers, despite the fact they often needed and important. The stall will be held all to Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. have strong well-informed opinions. The again after the 1000 and 1200 noon Masses Fr James, Sr Maura and Ansel our resident event’s findings will be used to inform the next Sunday (12 April). Every Fairtrade seminarian join me in wishing you a blessed hustings. Given current levels of purchase makes a positive difference to the Easter.” disillusionment and disconnection from lives of hardworking farmers and producers in politics, the local clergy believe a chance for developing countries; helping to build a fair BANNS OF MARRIAGE people to say what’s wrong and be heard is and just world for all. The following persons wish to get married in long overdue. We hope to provide a CATHEDRAL WEBCAM the Catholic Church and outside the UK: PAUL loudspeaker for people’s concerns. We would Did you know we have a webcam? It’s EHIGIATOR and MERCY OSUIDE. If anyone love to see you and anyone you would like to accessible on our website ( knows why they may not marry please contact bring with you at the event. Please RSVP to www.portsmouthcatholiccathedral.org.uk/live-mass.phpthe Parish Office by 12 April 2015. [email protected] or 023 9282 ). In recent weeks we’ve heard from people CHILDREN’S LITURGY 3300 by Wednesday 8 April. All we need is a who regularly watch our Masses in Brazil, This is available each Sunday during term time rough idea of the number of people planning to Dubai, Ireland and the Shetland Isles. If you at the 1200 Mass. It is aimed at children aged attend. Please do forward on this invitation to know of anyone more local who might like to from reception to year 3. To go along to it their anyone else you think might like to come view Mass in this way do tell them about the parents do need to register them – forms for along. weblink. this are available at the Cathedral exits. CHILDREN’S MASS BOOKS Cathedral Big Clean These are available to borrow during Mass Thank you to everyone who came and helped FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 from a display stand located by the Lady with the Big Clean last Saturday. It was very Quick reminder: the next session for the Chapel. Many thanks to those parishioners much appreciated. If you would like to help on children preparing for this sacrament is who have donated some of the books; more a more regular basis, feel free to come along Sunday 19 April after the 1200 Mass. donations are welcome provided they are any Saturday morning. We clean between books suitable for children to use during 0900 and 1030. Mass. (i.e., no fairy stories or Disney, wonderful though they too may be). FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 Quick reminder: the next session for the children preparing for this sacrament is Sunday 19 April after the 1200 Mass. Pastoral Area News CATHEDRAL BIG CLEAN Thank you to everyone who came and helped with the Big Clean last Saturday. It EASTER DAY COLLECTION EASTER DUTY was very muchWORLD appreciated. WAR ONE: If you would It is the diocesan custom that the collection The Church recommends that the faithful, if like to helpCATHEDRAL on a more FUNDING regular basis, feel taken on Easter Sunday is given to the parish they have the required dispositions, receive freeSt John’s to come Cathedral along any has Saturday been awardedmorning. clergy for their personal use. This forms a Holy Communion whenever they participate We£79,800 clean forbetween external 0900 masonry and 1030. repairs; a large part of their annual income. at Holy Mass. However, the Church obliges grant from the Government’s WW1 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (12 APRIL) them to receive Holy Communion at least Centenary Commemoration Cathedral During Jesus’ revelations to St Faustina he once during the Easter season. Repairs Fund. Our sister cathedral of St asked that day be dedicated to the Divine (Compendium of the Catechism, n. 290) Thomas’ Anglican Cathedral has been Mercy and that this be celebrated on the awarded £86,053 for removal of cement Second Sunday of Easter. The liturgical texts CONFIRMATION BEGIN pointing and completion of lime mortar of that day concern the institution of the Sacrament of Penance and are thus already On 12 April and continuing throughout pointing. suited to the request of Our Lord. This feast Easter the Bishop will begin his annual Canon Dominic said “I am delighted that we was given to the Universal Church by St John Confirmation Masses here at the Cathedral. have received this grant. It enables us here Paul II on the occasion of the canonisation of Parishes will be coming from across the at St Johns to complete the works begun in Sr Faustina on 30 April 2000. The diocese on many but not all Saturday 2001 which back then had to exclude the Congregation for Divine Worship and the mornings and Sunday afternoons. Due to stonework repairs due to financial Discipline of the Sacraments advises that in the Saturday Confirmations taking place at restraints. By repairing the stonework this annual feast we have ‘a perennial 1100 there will on those days be no morning visible at eye level we ensure that when invitation to the Christian world to face, with confessions or 1215 Mass. Please check the anyone looks at St John’s they will see a confidence in divine benevolence, the newsletter each week to see what’s on and building well maintained and if that difficulties and trials that humanity what’s not. persuades them in, so much the better!” experiences.”

Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Liturgy Calendar and Mass Times 5 – 12 April 2014

SATURDAY 4 APRIL St Colman Deceased Members of the Scantlebury Family (FM) 2000 Solemn Easter Vigil and First Mass St Swithun Marie de Glamorgan RIP P of Easter 2030 Corpus Christi People of the Parish 2100 St John’s Cathedral People of the Parish BEGINNING OF THE SEASON OF 0800 St John’s Cathedral Mary Ann Doherty RIP EASTER 0830 St Swithun Michael Gracias RIP F SUNDAY 5 APRIL 0900 St Joseph Intentions of Sr Mary Gleavey EASTER SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S 0930 St Colman Thanksgiving (FD) RESURRECTION 1000 St John’s Cathedral Richard Trist INT (80th Birthday) Acts 10:34.37-43 1015 St Swithun Margaret Moran and Family Colossians 3:1-4 1100 St Paul Ryan Tejam RIP (CT) John 20:1-9 1100 Corpus Christi Moira Cooke RIP 1200 St John’s Cathedral People of the Parish 1200 St Swithun Mass in Polish 1600 QA Hospital John Joseph Cummings RIP (CC) 1800 St John’s Cathedral Sister Bernadette Nevin INT MONDAY 6 APRIL 1000 St Swithun Bernard Martin RIP F MONDAY WITHIN EASTER OCTAVE 1215 St John’s Cathedral Tony and Adelaide de Battista RIP TUESDAY 7 APRIL Private Intentions (Friends, Relatives, Alive & Deceased) 0915 St Colman TUESDAY WITHIN EASTER OCTAVE (CC) 1000 St Swithun Beatrice Mary Gravil RIP P 1215 St John’s Cathedral Pam Weller RIP 1900 St Swithun WEDNESDAY 8 APRIL 0730 St John’s Cathedral Joseph Salerno RIP WEDNESDAY WITHIN EASTER 1000 St Swithun Deceased Members of Simmons Family OCTAVE 1215 St John’s Cathedral Mary Cecila Coghlan RIP THURSDAY 9 APRIL Private Intentions (Priests, Nuns & Religious - Two 0915 St Colman THURSDAY WITHIN EASTER Parishes) (CC) OCTAVE 1000 St Swithun Andrew Gracias RIP F 1200 Our Lady of Lourdes 1215 St John’s Cathedral Ron Bell RIP FRIDAY 10 APRIL 0730 St John’s Cathedral Joseph Salerno RIP FRIDAY WITHIN EASTER OCTAVE 1000 St Swithun Charlotte de Pol RIP P 1215 St John’s Cathedral Fred Harkin INT 1830 St Colman Don Murdoch RIP (FM) 1900 St Swithun SATURDAY 11 APRIL Rosemary Devonald's Intentions (Souls that are luke 1000 St Swithun SATURDAY WITHIN EASTER warm) OCTAVE 1100 St John’s Cathedral Confirmation Mass SATURDAY 11 APRIL Our Lady of Lourdes Dec of Thomas/Loughlin Families F FIRST MASS OF SECOND SUNDAY St John’s Cathedral People of the Parish 1800 OF EASTER St Joseph Violet & Jeffery Heaword F St Colman SUNDAY 12 APRIL 0800 St John’s Cathedral Angela Coghlan INT SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 0830 St Swithun People of the Parish 0900 St Joseph People of the Parish Acts 4:32-35 0930 St Colman Joan Hudson RIP (BH) 1 John 5:1-6 1000 St John’s Cathedral Winnie Woods INT John 20:19-31 1015 St Swithun Lilian Audrey de Silva RIP F 1100 Corpus Christi Eleanor Coggan F 1100 St Paul Mary Ann White RIP (CC) 1200 St John’s Cathedral Antonio and Francisco Furtado RIP 1500 St John’s Cathedral Confirmation Mass 1500 St Swithun Divine Mercy Devotion 1600 QA Hospital Holy Souls (CC) 1800 St Swithun Mass in Polish 1800 St John’s Cathedral Sister Josephine Collier INT MONDAY 13 APRIL 0915 St Colman Mrs Agnes Almida RIP (VA) of the 2nd Week of Easter or: 1000 St Swithun St Martin I, Pope & Martyr, op mem 1215 St John’s Cathedral Tony and Adelaide de Battista RIP TUESDAY 14 APRIL 0915 St Colman Mary Ann White RIP (CC) of the 2nd Week of Easter 1000 St Swithun 1215 St John’s Cathedral Margaret and Tony Lunny INT WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL 0730 St John’s Cathedral Joseph Salerno RIP of the 2nd Week of Easter 0915 St Colman John Joseph Cummings RIP (CC)

Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk 1000 St Swithun Rev Patrick J MacSwiney RIP P 1200 Corpus Christi Beatrice & John Baillie F 1215 St John’s Cathedral Fenton Family INT THURSDAY 16 APRIL 0915 St Colman John Joseph Cummings RIP (CC) of the 2nd Week of Easter 1000 St Joseph Funeral Mass: Eileen Johns RIP 1000 St Swithun 1200 Our Lady of Lourdes 1215 St John’s Cathedral FRIDAY 17 APRIL 0730 St John’s Cathedral Joseph Salerno RIP of the 2nd Week of Easter 0930 Corpus Christi Thomas Dale P 1000 St Swithun Louisa Lee RIP P 1215 St John’s Cathedral Michael Cregan RIP Private Intentions (Friends & Relatives, Alive & 1830 St Colman Deceased) (CC) 1900 St Swithun SATURDAY 18 APRIL 0900 Corpus Christi Forde Family P of the 2nd Week of Easter 1000 St Swithun Deceased of Naylor Family F 1215 St John’s Cathedral Holy Souls SATURDAY 18 APRIL St Joseph People of the Parish FIRST MASS OF 3RD SUNDAY OF St John’s Cathedral Elson Carvalho RIP 1800 EASTER St Colman Ethel O'Donoghue RIP (FM) Our Lady of Lourdes People of the Parish SUNDAY 19 APRIL 0800 St John’s Cathedral Stephen and Maria Coghlan INT THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 0830 St Swithun Paul de Calon RIP P 0900 St Joseph William Hill F Acts 3:13-15.17-19 0930 St Colman Mary Docherty & Dec'd Members of UCM 1 John 2:1-5 1000 St John’s Cathedral Margaret Mary Mealyer RIP F Luke 24:35-48 1015 St Swithun 1100 Corpus Christi Nazareno (Joe) Pace F 1100 St Paul 1200 St John’s Cathedral People of the Parish 1600 QA Hospital 1800 St Swithun Mass in Polish 1800 St John’s Cathedral Members of the Chapter 1932-1982

CONTACT Youth Club (11 – 16) SUNDAY NIGHT EXTRA (11 – 16) CONTACT Youth Club, our youth club for Sunday Night Extra is our space for you to chill young people aged 11–16, runs from 1900– out on a Sunday night with other young 2100 at St Colman’s Catholic Church. £1 a Catholics, to eat good food and to explore your week subs + tuck shop. Thank you to all the faith deeper. It is held in the Cathedral leaders and young people who have made Discovery Centre from 1900–2045 and we ask this a wonderful term and have a happy Feel free to get in touch: for a donation of £2 per person towards the Easter. Next Session: Wednesday 22 April facebook: ‘Dom DeBoo Portsmouth’ cost of food. From next term we will be ZONED In (Year 6 Youth Club) twitter @Dom_DeBoo_Youth increasing the regularity of Sunday Night Extra If you are in school year 6, then we run a www.catholicportsmouth.org.uk/youth from monthly to fortnightly so do come and join youth club for you on Thursday nights from [email protected] us. Next Session: Sunday 26 April 1830–2000 at Corpus Christi Catholic tel: 07769185603 School with lots of fun activities and REJOICE – Schools Celebration Evening Volunteers Training Evening equipment. £1 a week subs + tuck shop. On Tuesday 5 May we will be hosting a celebration On Tuesday 28 April we will be putting on an We will be taking a break for Easter and will evening for all of the five Catholic schools in evening for all of our volunteers called ‘Passion see you again at the start of next term. Next Portsmouth featuring drama, dance, sign language for Portsmouth’ in the Cathedral Discovery Session: Thursday 28 April and music. The evening will run from 1900–2015 in St Centre from 1900–2015 looking at how we can FIRST AID TRAINING John’s Cathedral followed by tea, coffee and light develop a mission mind-set in the time that we We have booked a first aid training session refreshments in the hall. Over the next few weeks I give/ Please put the date in your diaries will be working with each of the schools to teach them run by the British Red Cross at St John’s material for the evening so look out for that, get the Cathedral Hall from 1030–1400 on HAPPY EASTER date booked in your diary and come and support us. Saturday 13 June. 15 places are available Youth and Children’s Mass Happy Easter everyone and I hope you have a and costs £20 per person although we are Thank you to everyone at Corpus Christi and St wonderful break. Thank you to everyone who offering it at the discounted price of £10 per Joseph’s parish for your excellent participation in the has been involved, in what we have done this person for all those involved in youth recent youth and children’s mass. Particular thanks to term and to all those who have encouraged, ministry. Book by Sunday 17 May. Fr Steven for letting us run the mass, to Christine Tye supported or prayed for us. May the joy of the and Angela Tallieu for the help with refreshments and risen Lord bless you all. all those who participated in any way

Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk

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