Items required by the order that are not currently performed at the SPR

Contractor – designate an Operating Experience Program (OEP) Coordinator who will ensure

Program Implementation: 1. Assignment of roles and responsibilities for the OEP . 2. Develop, implement and maintain an OEP that is coordinated with the HQ Corporate OEP Office. This will include DM roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities, develop processes, communication methods, and documentation to implement the program. 3. Include the OEP in DM management control systems (policies and procedures) a. Identification of problems b. Diagnose issues c. Develop and implement corrective actions d. Create, disseminate and implement LL at the SPR to include subcontractors at any tier. e. Provide LL to the DOE complex 4. Incorporate LL into operations, training, maintenance, quality assurance, work planning, work processes, Project design and construction. 5. Ensure the OEP flows down to subcontractors, at any tier, using a graded approach. 6. Establish metrics to measure program performance and evaluate the effectives of actions implemented from LL. 7. Include OEP in self assessments to evaluate DM’s ISMS performance and effectiveness of the OEP. Assessment results are to be reported to the SPRPMO and the HQ Corporate OEP Office. 8. Establish methods and procedures for searching various DOE and External LL databases for LL applicable to the SPR. 9. Establish methods and procedures for resolution of unresolved issues associated with OEP. 10. Establish methods and procedures for using subject matter experts to help assess the applicability and significance of potential SPR LL gleaned from other DOE or external LL databases. 11. Establish methods and procedures for collecting, analyzing and reporting the effectiveness of the SPR OEP. 12. Establish methods and procedures for training, familiarization and advertising OEP to all SPR personnel. 13. Establish methods and procedures for integration of OEP with existing programs such as QA, ISMS, ATS, Engineering failure analysis, Non-routine and close call reporting.

Program maintenance: 1. Participate in the OA process. 2. Search the ATS for applicable LL for all SPR sites. 3. Search DOE and external LL databases for LL applicable to the SPR. 4. Evaluate ORPS, ATS, Engineering failure analysis and other SPR events subject to causal analysis for potential SPR or DOE LL. 5. Participate in the screening, creation, distribution, tracking and implementation of LL at the SPR. 6. Create and publish applicable LL for the DOE complex. 7. Assess minor events such as Non-routine and Close Call reports for recurring issues and or trends. 8. Resolve issues within OEP policies and procedures. 9. Attend appropriate training, workshops and accident investigation classes. 10. Conduct/arrange for SPR OEP training and familiarization. 11. Ensure the OEP is well advertised within the SPR 12. Share SPR lessons learned with the DOE complex using the DOE Corporate Lessons Learned Database. 13. Evaluate and report on the effectiveness of the OEP and LL program as directed by the order. 14. Coordinate the SPR OEP with the HQ OEP 15. Maintain the Close call, lessons learned and ORPS databases. 16. Ensure integration of OEP with existing programs such as QA, ISMS, ATS, Engineering failure analysis, Non-routine and close call reporting.