MINUTES of the MEETING of BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Held on Monday 5Th June, 2006 at Mount

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MINUTES of the MEETING of BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Held on Monday 5Th June, 2006 at Mount

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 5th October, 2009 at Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield.

PRESENT : Councillor E. Croft Vice-Chair – in the Chair Councillor Mrs. P. Collins Councillor Ms. J. Dance Councillor G. Denslow Councillor J. Eccles Councillor D. Eldridge Councillor B. Harris Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

1. Items raised by Members of the Public.

a) Windrush Road. It was reported that a White Horse Turf lorry is being parked on the green open space at the entrance to Windrush Road and it was AGREED that Thames Valley Police should be asked to investigate and take the relevant action.

b) Vehicles parking on the grass verges in Fane Drive. It was reported that vehicles are still being parked on the grass verge in Fane Drive adjacent to the entrance and exit to Colwell Road. It was AGREED that Thames Valley Police should be asked to investigate and take relevant action to prevent the vehicles parking in this location.

c) Fane Drive – area near to shops and Church. It was reported that the litter bin installed as part of the environmental improvement scheme required replacing and that the blocked paving on the road in this area was sinking. It was AGREED that these matters would be referred to the relevant authorities for attention.

d) Black plastic refuse sacks. It was reported that there were still black plastic refuse sacks on the grass verge near to the Family Centre in Wimblestraw Road. The matter had been reported to South Oxfordshire District Council following the last meeting and it was agreed that the Clerk should contact them again to find out why they are being left there and to ask for them to be removed.

e) Damaged tree - Green Furlong. It was reported that one of the new trees that had been planted as part of the environmental improvement scheme by the Sports Centre and Library had been broken in half. It was AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed about this and asked if they are able to supply and plant a replacement tree.

2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K. Hall and Mrs. N. Sutton.

3. To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th September, 2009 .

a) Minute No. 1(g) Colwell Road. Councillor Mrs. Stockford informed the Council that the wood that is being stored by a resident of Colwell Road is obstructing an access and not restricting access to the flats. It was AGREED that the Minute should be amended accordingly.

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th September, 2009 were APPROVED subject to Minute No. 1(g) Colwell Road being amended to read, “It was also reported that wood is being stored against the wall of the flats and that this is obstructing an access.”

1 4. Matters Arising.

a) Bottle Bank. It was reported that the “Bottle Bank” sign had still not been provided by South Oxfordshire District Council and it was AGREED that the Environmental Services Department should be contacted again with regard to this matter.

b) Disabled Persons’ Parking Place. The Parish Council was informed that the Public Transport section of the County Council had also informed the Traffic Regulation Officer about the bus stop near to 172 Fane Drive and as a result of this the proposed disabled persons’ parking place will be moved three metres to the north of the original site to accommodate the buses.

5. District Councillor’s Report.

District Councillor Cotton attended the meeting and answered questions raised by Parish Councillors.

The Parish Council informed Councillor Cotton that contractors had been brought in by SOHA Housing to cut shrubbery and clear areas that were under the control of South Oxfordshire District Council recently, one of the areas being the car park adjacent to the Church. Councillor Cotton was informed that this area had not been included in the maintenance contract that South Oxfordshire District Council have with Berinsfield Community Business and as such the area was not maintained on a regular basis. Councillor Cotton agreed to speak to the relevant Officer at the District Council about this matter in order to try and get the Church car park and the new car parking area by the Sports Centre and Library included on the maintenance contract that the District Council have with Berinsfield Community Business.

Councillor Cotton also agreed to liaise with the officers at the District Council with regard to the strategic land review in an attempt to get the areas of land owned by South Oxfordshire District Council transferred into the ownership of the Parish Council.

6. County Councillor’s Report.

County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gayle attended the meeting and reported on the following matters :-

a) Training Event at H Riders Café, 19th September, 2009. The event held on 19th September, which was featured in the local press and on the radio and BBC TV news, was a huge success. It was organised by the H Café Riders Club Committee who are very aware and concerned about the rising number of complaints from local residents about noise and dangerous driving. The Training Day is the first of a series and was supported by the Police, Fire Service, Advanced Motorists Association and the County Council. Motorcyclists were asked to complete a questionnaire produced by the County Council in order search for a balance between the needs and expectations of the local communities and the motorcyclists. It is intended that funds will be made available to support training and awareness activities in the future.

b) The Oxford Greenbelt. Following legal challenges to the South East Plan, the Secretary of State has concluded that insufficient consideration was given to reasonable alternatives to the proposed urban extension in the Oxford Green Belt south of Grenoble Road. The plan will now have to be reconsidered by the legal system and a sustainability appraisal conducted by South Oxfordshire District Council.

2 c) Speed Limits review. County Councillor Lindsay-Gayle reported on submissions that had been made with regard to altering speed limits in neighbouring parishes and asked whether Berinsfield had submitted any requests. She was informed that the Council, at its meeting held on3rd August, 2009, had agreed to ask the County Council to implement a 30 mph speed limit on the A 4074 from Berinsfield roundabout to the junction of the A 4074 and Burcot Farm Lane, located south of the Golden Balls roundabout. County Councillor Lindsay-Gayle asked for a copy of the letter written by the Clerk and informed the Parish Council that she would pursue this matter with the relevant officers.

Councillor Eldridge asked if consideration could be given to implementing a 30 mph speed limit in Benson Lane, Crowmarsh from the point where it now ends by the District Council Offices to the point where it joins the A 4074. It was AGREED that the Clerk should be asked to contact the relevant Parish Council with regard to this request.

d) Incinerator. County Councillor Lindsay-Gayle informed the Parish Council that the County Council had resolved to give preferred bidder status to Viridor, the Contractor proposing to develop an energy from waste incinerator plant at Ardley. The Contractor proposing to build a similar facility at Sutton Courtenay still has the option to continue with the planning application which will be heard with Viridor’s at the Planning and Resources Committee meeting of the County Council on 19th October. She emphasized that both applications will be determined on purely planning grounds.

e) Biogas Plant at Upper Farm, Warborough. The planning application has been approved. The unit will recycle commercial food waste and pig slurry and convert it into fertilizer which will be spread on the surrounding fields. The biogas produced during the process will generate electricity.

f) Gravel Extraction. Councillor Denslow informed the meeting that he understood that sites in the area were again being considered for gravel extraction. County Councillor Lindsay-Gayle informed the meeting that she was a member of the County Council’s Minerals and Waste Working Group and advised the Parish Council to include an item on its agenda for the meeting to be held in November.

7. To consider planning applications and decisions received to date :-

a) Application No. P09/W0448/LD Certificate of lawful use or development. Land at Lakeside View, Burcot Lane, Dorchester on Thames.

The Parish Council noted that South Oxfordshire District Council certified that on 13th May, 2009 the undertaking of the following use namely: the erection and use of the building known as Lakeside View as a residential dwelling was lawful within the meaning of Section 191 of the T & CP Act 1990 (as amended).

Councillor Denslow informed the Parish Council that new buildings and a new slipway have been constructed and that photographs have been sent to South Oxfordshire District Council.

8. a) Request to site a clothing bank next to the bottle bank in Green Furlong to raise funds for Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance. South Oxfordshire District Council has been asked for permission to site a clothing bank next to the bottle bank in Green Furlong for an initial period of six weeks to raise funds for the Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance. The District Council has indicated, in principle, that it has no objections to this proposal, subject to the Parish Council not having any objections or concerns or suggesting another location.

3 The Parish Council considered this request and whilst it was in favour of the proposal from the point of view of assisting the Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance to raise funds, it was concerned that this was not the most suitable site as it is an area where young people congregate in the evenings. The Parish Council was also concerned that people might just leave bags of clothing by the side of the clothing bank, as happens in other locations, and that this would be detrimental to the appearance of the village and cause problems to residents living close by. It was AGREED South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that:

i) the Parish Council is in favour of assisting the Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance to raise funds.

ii) the Parish Council does not consider the area by the bottle bank to be an ideal site for the clothing bank due to the fact that young people congregate in the area at night and should the scheme proceed, it is possible that people would leave bags of clothing by the side of the clothing bank which would be detrimental to the appearance of the village and cause problems to residents living close by.

iii) if the District Council gives permission for the clothing bank to be sited on its land by the bottle bank, an assurance should be obtained from the District Council that it will keep the site clean and not allow bags of clothing to be left at the side of the clothing bank. The Parish Council would also like an assurance the clothing bank will only be there for a period of six weeks, after which it will be removed.

b) Oxfordshire County Council. Review of Supported Bus Services. Abingdon & Oxford areas. The Parish Council noted that the County Council will be reviewing services No. 46, 49A and 49 and that further information will be circulated in due course.

c) Chiltern Close – parking. The Parish Council noted that there have been reports of inconsiderate parking causing problems to residents in Chiltern Close. Thames Valley Police have been informed and have carried out a leaflet drop in the area. A request has been received for bollards to be installed on the pavement/grass verge in an attempt to curtail the inconsiderate parking. The Parish Council considered the request and it was AGREED that further investigations should be carried out with regard to land ownership in the first instance.

d) Oxfordshire County Council Road Safety Team’s Mobile Information Unit. The Parish Council noted that the Road Safety Team has a mobile exhibition unit which it is prepared to take to villages for use at exhibitions, fetes, roadside events etc. It was AGREED that it would be beneficial for the unit to visit Berinsfield and the Clerk was asked to make arrangements for this.

e) Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association AGM 21st October, 2009, at Islip Village Hall. It was AGREED that Councillor Hall and Councillor Mrs. Stockford should attend the AGM of the Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association.

f) Clock, church of St. Mary and St. Berin. The Parish Council noted that the clock was serviced on 16th September, 2009.

g) NALC Quality Councils’ Seminar Friday 30th October, 2009 at the offices of Aylesbury Town Council. It was AGREED that Councillor Hall, Councillor Croft and Councillor Denslow should attend this meeting to represent the Parish Council.

h) Berinsfield Children’s Centre. The Parish Council noted that a new Family Support Worker has been appointed and a new Project Manager. The current Manager is

4 going to manage PACT’S new Children’s Centre in Wallingford. A new programme of events has been devised aimed at sectors of the community not yet taking part in the activities.

The Parish Council have been invited to attend a function to celebrate the opening of the Sensory Room on Tuesday 6th October, 2009 and it was AGREED that Councillor Denslow should represent the Parish Council on this occasion.

i) Thames Valley Police. The Parish Council noted that Thames Valley Police is about to launch its anti-social behaviour campaign starting with Alcohol Awareness week 19 – 23rd October and taking in Halloween week and “Not in my Neighbourhood” week 2nd – 6th November. The campaign will be run over several months and will be publicised by a number of activities during that time. It was noted that Thames Valley Police would be pleased to hear of any events that are planned in the village over the coming months, regarding discouraging anti-social behaviour in the area, even small things such as a litter pick, which they consider can make a difference to the locality.

j) Skateboard Park. The Parish Council was informed that the Clerk and Members of the Skateboard Park Sub-committee would be meeting with the contractors on Monday 12th October at 10 a.m. in order to agree where the soil from the excavations should be deposited.

9. Statement of Accounts. It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for payment in October 2009 in the sum of £12,257.21 should be approved.

10. Date of next meeting. 2nd November, 2009

11. Confidential Item.

In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, it is recommended that the public and press be excluded for the consideration of this item.

a) To approve the Minutes of the Appointments committee meeting held on Tuesday 22nd September, 2009.


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