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PCC Meeting Notes

July 17 – 19, 2015

2014-15 Year in Review

Year Highlights – Karen Albritton

 The PCC added two people to become 12 members. This allowed for expanded and deeper chapter mentoring. 87% of chapters have President-Elects for 2015-16; the historic average is around 60%.

 The PCC was intentional in introducing Russ Klein as the new CEO to chapters.

 CEA judging was done virtually for the first time. This allowed for twice as many judges – 15 instead of 7. It also made it possible for the PCC to call top winners as a group.

 Fewer Regional Retreats were held this year – 7 – but this actually resulted in 8% increase in attendance as well as increased satisfaction.

 Record breaking attendance was achieved at Leadership Summit along with very high ratings.

 Collegiate Relations Toolkit was developed in conjunctions with 8 chapters. It serves as a best practice guide for chapters.

 The AMA Chapter Board Network LinkedIn Group in January. It is up to 450+ members already, and more promotion around this will be important in the year ahead.

Year-End Chapter Leader Survey Results – Pat Malone

 Only about 15% of chapter leaders took the survey. More survey respondents would be preferable. There might be some survey fatigue because only 6 weeks after Leadership Summit.

 Boosted the percentage of leaders who had familiarity with PCC from 56% to 76% and those who connected with PCC by 10%. The PCC would still like to continue to improve this.

 The percentage of people who prefer to communicate virtually continues to go up. Should Skype be used more to communicate with chapter leaders?

 Top rated resources haven’t changed year-over-year. Are there any resources that should be discontinued because they aren’t highly valued?

 70% of chapter leaders said that the AMA Support Center and PCC are communicating at the right level. Should the survey ask how relevant the communications are next year?

1  While the survey asked about engagement with the AMA Support Center and PCC, it might be good to add a question next year about satisfaction.

2015-16 Year Ahead

PCC Alignment with AMA Strategic Plan – Brian Woods

 Service Leadership

o Everyone on the PCC is a servant leader that has an impact on a thousand chapter leaders.

 Intellectual Property & Online/Offline Fusion

o The new Chapter Board Network LinkedIn Group helps chapters share their great thoughts with one another.

o The New Chief Content Officer could look at how to capitalize on the great content being created by local chapter conferences. The marketplace can tie into this – perhaps by videotaping conference content so that all members have digital access.

 One AMA

o The chapter conversation often zeros in on the logo, but One AMA is also much bigger than this. Chapters are already starting to recognize that they are part of something bigger. The ultimate goal is to help make chapters’ lives easier and free up some of their time and resources for other important chapter activities.

o The AMA Support Center aims to have a design identified by end of 2015 and then give several years for chapter compliance. Chapters will be more accepting of the brand if it is impressive and has flexibility for localization – AIG was a good example of this, of which Robin and Mihali are familiar.

o The PCC will help serve as the chapters’ voice on One AMA initiatives. AMA Support Center communication and collaboration with the PCC early and often will be important. The PCC can then keep chapters continually informed, such as through regular newsletter updates.

The Next AMA Update – Russ Klein

 The essence of The Next AMA: Service | Knowledge | Community

 Chapter leaders produce millions of dollars worth of work for the AMA each year.

 The AMA is running at a historic growth rate of new membership rate at +17%, and this growth is broad-based geographically. Almost 8 in 10 of these new members came from the chapters

2 during the Membership Acquisition Campaigns, but a slight majority (46%) say they are focused on national benefits. About 5% of new members have already set up auto-renewals.

 Group membership growth is also at a high point. Groups will continue to be an opportunity as the new Alliances Department looks at ways to better partner with companies. There is a lot of opportunity to educate employers on the importance of their young professionals’ involvement with the AMA.

 Young professionals don’t necessarily see why being part of an association matters. Research shows that Millennial are looking for things from an association beyond local connections.

 8 of 10 graduating marketing students end up in sales, so we are working on developing more relevant content around sales.

 AMA.org users and page views are up. This will be transformed into the AMA Marketplace.

Design Targeting – Russ Klein

 The process of design targeting is comprised of three key tenants: Paretos Law, They Love Us, and They Network.

 The AMA ecosystem has lots of different pieces to it, but our two critical design targets are:

1. Entry/mid-career marketers from middle-market enterprises

2. Academics from research institutions.

 Through ethnographies, several tensions were identified. Many of these are mentioned in the “You Are the One” video that was played at Leadership Summit.

 AMA’s two archetypes are:

o Primary – Magician – ex. Steve Jobs and Don Draper

o Secondary – Sage – ex. Sherlock Holmes and Malcolm Gladwell

 Personas – the aggregate representatives of the design target that are reflective of and work cooperatives with your brand archetype:

o Middle Market Enterprise: The Enlightened Initate (college-29 year old)

o Middle Market Enterprise: The Marketing Maestro (30-45 year old)

The Next AMA Upcoming Activities – Russ Klein

 The AMA Support Center is beginning to look at membership versioning or tiers that are more responsive to the current marketplace.

 AMA team will be advancing into brand development for the “Next AMA.” The PCC and select chapter representatives will be critical in serving as the voice around how to implement this within the chapters.

3  The Next AMA must create a ”community advantage” – they like me, they are like me, and we are more together than apart. The goal will be to position the AMA brand to our Design Target as an essential community for marketers. The essential community by definition needs to be “above or ahead”

 The possibility was discussed of the AMA Support Center developing an exploratory study on how the new AMA structure might affect the chapter design, but the PCC ultimately decided that such a study was unnecessary at this time.

Next Steps (Megan Backes, Karen Albritton, Mihali Stavlas, Russ Klein, Jen Billings, All PCC)

 By August 1, Megan will work with Russ to provide the PCC with a statement on what to share with chapter leaders who ask about what is happening with the ”Next AMA.”

 By August 1, Megan will look into confidentiality agreements for councils.

 By August 1, PCC will send Karen questions and considerations for her to share with Jen Billings.

 By August newsletter, Megan will include an update article from Russ on The Next AMA.

 By the October PCC meeting, Karen and Mihali will generate an estimate of financial cost of fully assisting chapters with integrating new branding.

 By the October Meeting, Megan will find out if Persona information can be shared with chapters at Leadership Summit.

 Throughout the year, Megan will work with staff to keep PCC and Chapters aware of the progress of the Next AMA.

Membership Team – Will Krieger

Mentoring Chapters

 About half the PCC welcome calls have been conducted. Based on early conversations with presidents and presidents-Elect, chapters don’t know what to expect with One AMA, but there is positivity around this. Other discussion topics include programming, succession planning, Regional Retreats and Leadership Summit.

 Linda sends an email to her chapters almost every month with reminders and offers of support around those.

 Chapter struggles often become apparent through regular PCC conversations. Is there a better way to identify chapter struggles earlier on? A lack of people resources (no president-elect, small board, limited volunteer base) is usually a red flag, so continuing to focusing on board succession will be key. An active president-elect and immediate past president are central to strong succession, so it might be helpful to give chapters direction around successfully utilizing these roles. This topic could be added to the president breakout session at Leadership Summit.

4  Chapter Updates:

o Alaska – resident might not be working out. Seems to be focusing on the wrong things and might undo some progress of previous years.

o Charlotte – now understands that they are in a rebuilding year and need to find a Pres- Elect right away

o Inland Empire – grew membership a lot at the end of the year. They now have a Pres- Elect and Treasurer as part of a fuller board than before. They just created their first dashboard to help with planning in the year ahead.

o Silicon Valley – had a toxic year last year. They currently only have 3 board members. The paid admin has been able to sustain them, but they will probably also run out of money before they can pull things together. We can provide support to them as they ask, but we may need to let them go bankrupt or close them if things digress. PCC would like the AMA to take a stronger stance with them.

o South Florida – Greg hasn’t been able to connect with them yet. This chapter has struggled on and off for over a decade. It’s not yet clear if the current president is the type of leader who will be able to progress things forward. Could the new AMA Alliances team find an agency that would want to take on rejuvenating the chapter in the area, or does Russ have any connections that could assist?

Renaming the Team and Rep

 The names “Membership” and “Rep” don’t embody the main function this team and its members.

 Approximately a dozen new names were brainstormed.

 There is agreement that the new name “Advisor” is better than the current name “Rep” and a better fit than other new ideas like “Mentor” or “Coach.”

 “Leadership Excellence Team” seems to be one of the more popular choices for a new team name, but this isn’t set in stone yet.

Next Steps (Greg Millman, Will Krieger, Megan Backes, PCC Leadership Team, PCC Membership Team, All PCC)

 At the July Leadership Team call, Will and Leadership Team will discuss renaming the Membership Team.

 By August 1, Greg will try to connect with the South Florida Chapter to gauge their status and determine what progress they may be capable of this year.

 By August 1, Will will draft email for Reps to remind chapters of key dates and offer of support.

 At the August Membership Team call, the Membership Team will decide who will update last year’s membership communications for this year.

 By August 15, Will will update the Leadership Team description to incorporate the new name.

5  By September 1, Megan will provide Inland Empire and Silicon Valley with a set of specific minimums and timeline.

Succession Planning – Linda Mansur

 Last year the PCC ramped up succession planning supporting, including creating a Toolkit, holding a Virtual Roundtable Call, and sending targeted communications.

 The PCC and AMA doesn’t have the capability to support an in-person retreat for presidents-elect this year, but this possibility could be considered for next year. It would still be good to add more targeted communications to the President-Elects this year.

 Would a more formal framework around interview questions for potential board candidates be helpful?

 Better addressing the lack of bench strength across all positions might be helpful. An interesting idea would be to hold an emerging chapter leader boot camp at the beginning or end of the AMA Annual Conference.

 Can additional member benefits be offered for Presidents and Presidents-Elect? Perhaps a VIP event for them at Leadership Summit or a free registration at the AMA Annual Conference.

 How can the PCC help chapters prepare to better recover from an unexpected departure? A Virtual Roundtable Call was held on this topic 1-2 years ago.

Next Steps (Linda Mansur)

 By September 1, Linda will update succession planning communications for the PCC membership team to send to their chapters.

 At the October meeting, Linda will provide update to PCC about additional succession planning support activities and resources.

 Throughout the year, all PCC will bring more focus to providing President-Elects with mentoring and resources.

Communications – Greg Millman

 The AMA sends a lot of emails, so not all communications concerning chapter operations/leadership are being digested. How do you make sure people are reading the most important communications?

 The AMA chapter leader email communications calendar is a good start to better coordinate emails from AMA Support Center and PCC.

 The newsletter is an important communication, and more could be done to emphasize this with chapter leaders, such as mentioning the newsletter before each Virtual Roundtable Call.

6  Can social media be used better to communicate with chapter leaders?

 The addition of PCC Rep tables at Leadership Summit last year was a great example of how to improve communication with chapters during in-person events.

Next Steps (Greg)

 August 15, Greg will work with the Membership Team to update the email communications calendar with PCC communications and make it more user-friendly.

Chapter Resources and Tools – Jennifer Schultz

 How well are we connecting chapter leaders with these resources/tools? Many of the chapter leader year-end survey comments said that they didn’t know all these resources/tools existed.

 One of the pre-conference Leadership Summit videos could them to these resources/tools.

 Linda has a copy of the AMA.org/CR overview document created last year that the PCC Membership Team can send out to chapters.

 How often do we update BIB? Does it include revalidation of research, filling in gaps in areas like Sponsorship, and next AMA? This needs to remain based in research.

 National volunteers can be better utilized for PCC projects. This requires both identifying potential volunteers as well as projects to use them for.

Next Steps (Linda Mansur, Karen Albritton, Robin Tooms, Angela Brutsche PCC Membership Team)

 By September 1, Linda will provide the AMA.org/CR overview document to the Membership Team to send out to chapters.

 By the October meeting, Karen will develop a list of PCC activities that need national volunteers and seek out a few past chapter presidents to help with developing a volunteer pool.

 By Leadership Summit, Robin and Angela will create a pre-conference video on chapter resources/tools.

Chapter Excellence Awards – April Schmaltz

 Virtually judging worked well last year, and there are no plans to make significant changes to the process.

 Historically, those chapters invited to judge CEAs previously won a CEAs. Should chapters who submitted a CEA but didn’t win be given more consideration?

 The electronic CEA badges introduced last year were popular but need to be updated to move to gold/silver/bronze naming and add a finance badge.

7 Next Steps (April Schmaltz, Brian Woods, Megan Backes, All PCC)

 By August 1, All PCC will let April know if they would like to judge CEAs or have any judge recommendations for April.

 October 1, Brian will provide Megan with updated CEA badges for 2014-15.

Regional Retreats – Pat Malone


 2016 Retreat hosts have been identified and dates are being finalized:

1. Northeast – New Jersey

2. Southeast – Birmingham

3. Midwest I – Cleveland

4. Midwest II – Lincoln

5. South – Dallas/Ft. Worth

6. West – Utah

7. Northwest – PDX

 A member of the Membership Team will facilitate each Retreat. One Retreat could have an additional PCC member in attendance, but the PCC could also choose to use this funding for other activities like chapter grants.


 Attendance 325 (vs 319 last year)

 63 of 74 chapters

 97% top 2 boxes for satisfaction

Content Proposals

 Want to interject even more interaction and energy. Ideas include “your biggest challenge” game and BIB LOUDTables.

 Depending on the progress of the One AMA Brand Initiative by January, a brand visualization or activation session could be added to generate ideas around what the new AMA identity looks like or how to activate it locally.

8  While there aren’t plans for a full Leadership Skill Building session, it might be useful to walk through shorter a leadership exercise with various scenarios that are meaningful to chapters. The team building session from Leadership Summit might have some good elements can be repurposed for this, and the “your biggest challenge” game could be integrated into this.

 Some host chapters have expressed interest in having a local thought-leader speak. This isn’t the best idea because it takes time away from more important items like networking or idea sharing.

Next Steps (Pat Malone, All PCC)

 By August 1, Pat will send 2016 Retreat dates to all PCC.

 By August 8, the PCC Membership Team will send top two Retreat preferences to Pat.

 At October meeting, PCC will determine if one additional PCC member will attend a Retreat or if funding will be reallocated.

Leadership Summit – Will Krieger & Robin Tooms

2015 Survey Results

 Overall:

o More than 9 of 10 rated LS15 as “excellent”

o 3/4 of respondents feel that Summit was of great value – slight bump from last year.

o Over 60% feel that AMA staff are “excellent.”

o Idea sharing, brainstorming, and networking were the most valuable components. People want more networking and discussion time – this can be woven into the sessions to make them more interactive.

o Each year we hear that BIB info needs to be presented differently. It’s recommended that this information gets relayed thorough panels and spotlights to get the chapters sharing this info directly and to each other.

o Sunday content is good, but 1/3 of attendees are still opting not to attend. It’s recommend we end a little earlier to better promote Sunday speakers.

o It’s recommended that 2016 improvements focus on variety and organization.

 Individual sessions:

o Programming was the highest rated Friday session, but none scored under 88%.

o There was a much larger drop in the rating of the Marketing Leaders Panel year-over- year. The verbatims reveal that a lack of a break may have played into this.

9 o The keynote knocked it out of the park.

o The Volunteer of the Year presentation was the least popular session of all the sessions. The verbatims might help reveal what is behind these lower ratings.

o The running group was very popular among participants.

o The strategic planning sessions continued to be highly rated.

o People really like the skill building sessions on Sunday.

o Sunday closing session was very well received. 34% didn’t attend, but it seems like more people attend now than they did years ago.

2016 Goals

 Total chapter attendees – 310

 Median attendees – 3

 Pres-Elects – 75%

 Survey response – 50%

 Overall usefulness – 75%

 Overall Excellence – 50%

 Relevancy – 50%

 Connectedness – 33%

2016 Theme and Vision

 Converge. We want to promise an experience with this theme – it promotes powerful connections, evokes energy, builds upon “stronger together.”

 The event will draw out the benefits of Leadership and Board in a Box – leadership, culture, member/volunteer/partner experience, brand loyalty, and innovation/creativity.

2016 Event Promotion

 Pre-conference:

o Summit will be promoted early and often through more engaging means, including earlier social media engagement and a virtual round-table call.

o Online registration will be done through AMA.org.

o Pre-con videos on BIB fundamentals will be developed to help new people come in better prepared. To help improve watch rates, these need to be easily digestible and the PCC

10 can enroll chapter presidents in asking their team to watch these videos or suggest showing them during board meetings.

2016 Presentation Prep

 More will be done to prepare and train guest presenters and volunteers.

 The Co-chairs plan to add a presentation training session in the fall for PCC and CEA winners. Not sure if additional guest presenters will be identified by then.

 Brian’s leadership skill building session webcast on the topic of Presentation Skills is a useful resources.

 It may be helpful to have Skype calls with CEA winners earlier on to help them prepare. Encouragement is so important throughout this process. Recommending that winners present to their own board in advance is a helpful prep technique.

 What basic information do we want to require that CEA presentations convey – membership, finance, programming?

 Want to take last few minutes of each session to ask attendees to think about how what they learned could be rolled into a strategic goal for the year.

2016 Agenda

 Friday:

o Canva will do a pre-conference session on Friday. It hasn’t been determined yet is Capstrat will also do a pre-conference session.

o The Friday BIB sessions will be structured as a panel with a brief intro and close from the PCC facilitator. The panelists need to make sure to introduce the BIB principles since a presenter will no longer be doing this.

o Keynote Guy Kawasaki – Canva; Alternate – Dave Ridley, Southwest Airlines


 Saturday:

o The Saturday BIB will still be structured around case studies.

o The Strategic Planning session provides chapters with important time to meet as a team and begin thinking about their year ahead. Should we ask chapters to integrate the design target into their strategic plan?

 Sunday:

o Things will begin a little earlier on Sunday so we can end earlier, and there will be no optional early-morning session.

11 o Closing keynote not finalized yet, but probably Beth Buelow – author of The Introvert Entrepreneur

Leadership Development – Sarah Finstad

 Why offer leadership development opportunities to chapter leaders?

o Better leaders = better operated chapters.

o This is a value add as a volunteer. It can serve as a volunteer recruitment tool.

o 90% of CEOs plan to increase investment in leadership development. They view it at the single most important human-capital issue their organizations face. This is something the AMA can help deliver.

 The top Leadership Qualities according to a recent McKinsey study are:

1. Solve problems effectively – must be able to do this in order to make effective decisions.

2. Operate with strong results orientation – a key part of project management.

3. Seek different perspectives – need to make base decisions on sound analysis.

4. Support others.

 Leadership Skill Building session topics and presenters for Leadership Summit:

1. Strengths finders – Jennifer

2. Servant leadership – Mihali and Karen

3. TBD – additional ideas:

. Multipliers – Stacy Armijo

. Insights that transform businesses – Rob Malcolm

. Presentation Skills w/storytelling – Brian has updated his session to incorporate this

. Performing under pressure – Karen is reading this book

. Being a mindful leaders

. Emotional intelligence 2.0

. Creative problem solving

. Design thinking

12 . Building successful teams

. Collaboration

. Delegation/leading vs doing

. Framing problems properly/asking better questions

. Being a responsible board member.

Next Steps (All PCC)

 By the October Meeting, all PCC will let Leadership Summit Co-Chairs know if they would like to host a Skill Building session.

PCC Measurement Framework – Karen Albritton

 Karen is maintaining a document that tracks all PCC goals and measurements for the year.

 Suggestions include:

o Looking at chapter leader newsletter opens/clicks each month.

o Adding a question to the year-end survey about awareness around the AMA rebranding process.

o Asking an intern to go through 2015-16 chapter plans to see which ones have retention strategies instead of waiting for 2014-15 CEAs to see which did this.

Next Steps (Megan Backes)

 By August 1, Megan will add chapter leader newsletter metrics to monthly recap email to the PCC.

Next PCC Meeting

 Tucson, AZ – October 16-18.

Next Steps (Brian Woods)

 By September 1, Brian will share the fall meeting hotel with the PCC.


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