Offer Form for the Best of Indian Cinema for Telecast On
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1. The Applicant must read carefully the Guidelines before submitting the offer that the film fulfils the eligibility criteria and the offerer agrees the rate structure as specified in Part I of the application form. Films not fulfilling the eligibility criteria shall not be considered for telecast. 2. The Applicant also ensure that all the relevant documents as specified in part IV of the application form are enclosed. Failure to do so shall result in the rejection of the application and no correspondence shall be entertained. 3. Please enclose a Demand Draft of Rs 10,000/-(Ten Thousand only) in favour of Prasar Bharati (BCI), DG: Doordarshan (non refundable) payable at New Delhi towards processing fee. Applications received without processing fee shall be rejected. 4. Please enclose original notarized documents. Photocopies of the notarized documents will not be accepted. 5. The selection for telecast of the films will be subject to the selection by Selection Committee chaired by DG, Doordarshan and eminent film makers. 6. Application Form should be filled up in Block letters.
(Signature of the Applicant) Name______Seal _
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No. Dated ------
1. Affidavit(s) 2. Link Agreement 3. Agreement for Multiple Telecast (To be executed after selection) 4. Indemnity Bond 5. Censor Certificate 6. Declaration 7. Synopsis/Booklet 8. Offer Form ADP(Film) PART – I ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Only the films which fall in the following categories will be eligible for telecast:
1. Films which have won Swarna Kamal National Award conferred for Best Feature Film for the year. 2. Swarna Kamal National Award conferred for Best Direction. 3. National Award conferred for Best Feature Film in an Indian Language/Dialect (including Hindi, Urdu, and English). 4. Indira Gandhi Award conferred for the Best First Film of a Director. 5. Films which have been selected for the Indian Panorama section of International Film Festival of India (IFFI). 6. Films which have been invited to any of the festivals mentioned below: Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Toronto, Locarno, London, Karlovy Vary, Nantes(Festival de 3 Continents), Rotterdam, Fribourg, Munich, Busan, Hongkong, Tokyo, Rome &, Sydney.
1. Preference will be given to Producers while selecting the films. 2. Only Films which have been produced after the year 2000 shall be eligible for selection under this category. 3. These films will be procured for multiple telecast on Doordarshan’s Terrestrial & Satellite channels for a period of three years from the date of 1st telecast on Doordarshan National Network, hence the offerer should ensure that they are in possession of both Terrestrial and Satellite rights for the film for entire period. 4. All films will have to be sub-titled in English or Hindi.
Fixed Royalty will be paid as per the following criteria:
a) Rs 25.00 lakh for television premier of the film on Doordarshan. b) Rs 15.00 lakh for films already premiered elsewhere, on other channels. PART – II SUBMISSION OF DETAILS BY THE APPLICANT / OFFERER: Attested Photograph of the Applicant be pasted
1. Demand Draft No. & Date with name of the Bank ______
2. (I) Name of the applicant in BLOCK LETTERS ______
(II) Address for correspondence ______
PIN: ______
FAX: ______
3. Address of the applicant ______(Registered office in case applicant is a company ______registered under Companies Act 1956 ) ______
PIN: ______
4. Legal status of the applicant a) (i.e.) Producer / Negative / Terristrial & Satellite TV Rights holder. ( Attach copy of the agreement(s) duly notarized) ______(ii) Nature of the Company/Firm : ______( Public Ltd./ Private Ltd./ Proprietary Firm/ Partnership Firm/ HUF/Others)
5. Name and address of the laboratory where the negatives of the film are kept. ______
6. Specify period of multiple telecast rights with the offerer. ______PART – III FILM DETAILS
1. Name of the Film offered ______
2. Language ______
3. Year of Production ______
4. Genere ______
5. (a) Date of issue of Censor Certificate ______
(b) Duration of the Film (in minutes), with cuts: ------
without cuts: ------
6. Category: “U”/ “V / U”/”U/A”/”V/UA” : ______
7. Cast in Respect of Major Roles: 1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
4) ______
5) ______
8. Name of the Producer 1. ______
( if there is more than one Producer, 2. ______
give names of all Producers) 3. ______
9. Name of the Director ______
10. Name of the Music Director ______
11. (a) Name of the National Award/ ______Panorama Entry/ Participation in International Film Festivals______And the year. ______12. Details of the film telecast earlier. Was the film telecast earlier on Doordarshan or any other channels ? (Yes/No) ______If Yes, please mention the Date(s) & Channel(s) of such telecast
Sr. No. Name of the Channel(s) Date(s) of Telecast
Name in full ______
Seal PART – IV
1. Copy/copies of Censor Certificate(s) (all parts) duly notarized. 2. Affidavit on Stamp paper duly notarized. 3. Declaration on Stamp paper duly notarized. 4. Copy of Link Agreement (s), if any, regarding purchase of Terristrial & Satellite TV rights duly notarized. 5. Indemnity Bond on Stamp Paper duly notarized. 6. A copy of Synopsis/Booklet along with English/Hindi Translation. 7. DVD of the film. 8. A guarantee to provide the best print of the film on DVC Pro-50 format or any other format prescribed by Doordarshan, on stamp paper duly notarized. 9. Soft copy of still Photographs of the film which is required for press publicity. 10. Copy of Award Certificate(s)/Documents for participation in the International Film Festivals duly notarized. 11. Copy of PAN Card. ******* FORMAT
[To be given on Stamp Paper of Rs 100/- duly notarized.]
I/We affirm and declare that all the information / documents furnished by me /us regarding the offer is/are true and correct to the best of my / our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed. Any information / documents given is / are found wrong at any stage shall result in rejection of my / our offer and also forfeiture of royalty amount in question. I/We also affirm and declare that I/We have offered the film after reading carefully and having understood the provisions of Best of Indian Cinema Guidelines.
Further, I/We affirm and declare that I/We have submitted the best print of the film on DVC-Pro 50 format or any future format prescribed by Doordarshan from time to time in the original version and with English/Hindi subtitle both.
Signature : ______
Name in full :______
Banner :______
Address :______Place : ______Date : Seal : FORMAT
(To be given on Stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only duly noterised)
I/We______S/O______R/o______do hereby solemnly affirm and declare:
1. That I/We ______am / are the sole proprietor / Partner / Director / Karta(s) of Terrestrial and Satellite TV Right Holder(s) of the film “______” (language) offered for Prasar Bharati (BCI), DG:Doordarshan for multiple telecast basis on terrestrial and satellite channels.
2. That there is no Dispute / Court Case pending regarding ownership of the terrestrial and satellite TV Rights in respect of the said Film. Both Terrestrial and Satellite TV Rights are with the deponent.
3. That the said film ______has never been telecast on any TV channel including Doordarshan earlier or the said film has been telecast on ______channel(s) earlier.
4. Above named deponent verify and declares that the information / documents given is / are absolutely correct and complete to the best of my / our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. If at any stage, the information / documents given is / are found contrary / wrong, I / We shall be personally held responsible and liable to face all legal consequences apart from forfeiture of royalty amount in question.
Place : Date : DEPONENT
On this day (date) of the year (______) I/We the above named deponent(s) verify that the above statement are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
DEPONENT FORMAT (To be given on Stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only duly notarized)
This INDEMNITY BOND is executed by Mr. / Ms. ______S/O______R/O______Sole proprietor/ partner/ Director/ Karta (be stated anyone) of M/s.______( Name & banner with address ) (Hereinafter called ‘the Obligor’) in favour of DG:Doordarshan, Prasar Bharti, (BCI), constituted under Prasar Bharti ( Broadcasting Corporation of India ) Act 1990 at New Delhi (hereinafter called ‘the obligee’).
1. AND WHEREAS that the obligor hereby declares that he is the producer / sole Terrestrial and Satellite TV right holder of the film “______” in ______language and is legally entitled and competent to offer the aforesaid film for its telecast over Doordarshan’s Terrestrial and Satellite channels.
2. FURTHER that the ‘Obligor’ hereby undertakes to keep the ‘Obligee’ indemnified against any claim, dispute, litigation etc. in respect of the Terrestrial and Satellite TV rights / Copy rights of the said film for all India.
3. FURTHERMORE, that the ‘Obligor’ agrees to make available to the ‘Obligee’ the good quality telecast tapes in original version and with English/Hindi subtitle in DVC Pro 50 format at his/her own expenses.
4. FURTHER, that in the event of any objection and/or claim from any distributor(s) or negative rights holder / Video rights holder or any party or parties against telecast of the above film ‘the Obligor’ agrees and undertakes to get the objections/claim cleared at his/her own cost.
5. FURTHER, that in the event of any dispute, this indemnity bond shall be subjected to the jurisdiction of appropriate Hon’ble Court in Delhi only.
6. AND WHEREAS, “the Obligor’ has consented to accept the royalty as per criteria of ‘the Obligee’.
7. That said Indemnity Bond is without prejudice to any other remedy that the Prasar Bharti, (Broadcasting Corporation of India), DG : Doordarshan, (‘The Obligee’) may have against the Obligor under any law for the time being in force.
IN WITNESS whereof the said ‘Obligor’ has hereto signed at ______(Place) on this ______day of ______
Name & signature Signature Of the 1st witness______Name Father’s Name ______Father’s Name Address______Address :
Name & signature Of the 2nd witness______Father’s Name ______Address______