MINUTES of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Royston Town Council Held on Monday 11 May 2009
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ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Royston Town Council held on Monday 14 June 2010 in the Heritage Hall of the Town Hall at 7.15 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Kennedy (Town Mayor) in the Chair, Councillors M. Beaver, L. Berry, P. Burt, L. Davidson, J. Davison, E. Freeman, P. Grimes, H. Harrison, V. Hulström, R. Inwood, P. Mayne, M. Phillips, F. J. Smith and R. Smith. Town Clerk In attendance, Assistant Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, District & County Councillor Hill, District Councillor Hunter, Officers Pam Robinson, Yolanda Hayes, 3 Members of the Public and 4 Members of the Press.
The Reverend Canon Leslie Harman led the meeting in prayers.
The Town Mayor welcomed everybody to the meeting and said how much he had enjoyed his year as Mayor. £5,694.69 had been raised for his charities and the Royston Community Fund. Thanks were due to his fellow councillors and the Town Hall staff for their help and support during his year of office. He also thanked his wife Kath for her support
It was then proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor F.J. Smith and RESOLVED that COUNCILLOR MARTIN BEAVER be Town Mayor for the year 2010/2011.
Councillor Kennedy presented Councillor Beaver with the Chain of Office, followed by photographs taken by the Press.
The Town Mayor read out and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of office and took over the Chairmanship of the meeting. The Town Mayor thanked the ex Town Mayor for his hard work during his year as Town Mayor and said that he was proud to be the next Town Mayor and promised he would do his best for Royston.
(a) That the Council places on record their sincere appreciation of the service rendered to the Town by Councillor Rod Kennedy as Mayor of Royston from 2009-2010;
(b) That the Council is very mindful that Councillor Kennedy has during the period fulfilled the duties of Town Mayor and has worked to further the interests of the inhabitants of the Town;
(c) That the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to the above Resolution and that it be signed by the Town Mayor and the Town Clerk.
The Town Mayor and Town Clerk then signed the Resolution and the Town Mayor presented it to the outgoing Town Mayor.
It was then RESOLVED
That the Council places on record their sincere appreciation of the service rendered to the 1 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Town by Mrs. Kath Kennedy in support of the Town Mayor from 2009 to 2010.
The Town Mayor then announced that his wife, Caroline Beaver, would be his Mayoress for the next year.
It was RESOLVED that Councillor Inwood be appointed Deputy Mayor.
The Town Clerk reported the persons duly elected Town Councillors on the 27th May 2010 and each Councillor then read out their declarations of Acceptance of Office.
The Town Clerk reported apologies for absence from Councillor Palmer.
It was RESOLVED that the current Standing Orders be adopted.
(a) It was RESOLVED that the following Councillors be appointed to the Finance Committee:
Councillor Robert Smith (Chair) Councillor F. John Smith (Vice Chair) Councillor Martin Beaver Councillor Lynn Berry Councillor Peter Burt Councillor Lindsay Davidson Councillor John Davison Councillor Paul Grimes Councillor Mike Harrison Councillor Robert Inwood
(b) It was RESOLVED that the following Councillors be appointed to the Planning Committee:
Councillor Lynn Berry (Chair) Councillor Philip Mayne (Vice Chair) Councillor Martin Beaver Councillor John Davison Councillor Elizabeth Freeman Councillor Victoria Hulström Councillor Graham Palmer Councillor Marguerite Phillips Councillor F. John Smith Councillor Robert Smith
2 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL (c) It was RESOLVED that the following Councillors be appointed to the General Purposes and Highways Committee:
Councillor Mike Harrison (Chair) Councillor Lindsay Davidson (Vice Chair) Councillor Peter Burt Councillor Elizabeth Freeman Councillor Paul Grimes Councillor Victoria Hulström Councillor Robert Inwood Councillor Philip Mayne Councillor Graham Palmer Councillor Marguerite Phillips
(a) That the powers and duties of the Council in regard to:-
All matters relating to finance, (including but not limited to) properties, insurance, civic functions, finance, accounts, markets, staffing matters, entertainment, subscriptions and co-operation with voluntary bodies and charities (with the exception of the power to levy a precept or to approve capital expenditure or to authorise the raising of a loan) be delegated to the Finance Committee: and that the Committee shall appoint Sub- Committees and Working Parties as appropriate
(b) that the powers and duties of the Council in regard to:-
matters under the Town and Country Planning Acts be delegated to the Planning Committee; and that the Committee shall appoint Sub-Committees and Working Parties as appropriate.
(c) That the considerations, powers and duties in regard to:-
(i) footpaths, street lighting and open spaces be delegated to the General Purposes and Highways Committee together with;
(ii) the considerations in regard to Highways & Transport matters: and the Committee be delegated to make representation to the North Hertfordshire District Council and such other bodies as they consider necessary, and that the Committee shall appoint Sub-Committees and Working Parties as appropriate.
It was proposed by the Town Mayor, seconded by Councillor Phillips and RESOLVED that the following members be appointed as representatives to outside bodies for the ensuing year:
Friends of Royston & District Museum Councillor F. J. Smith Meridian Youth Centre Committee Councillor L. Berry Police Neighbourhood Panel Councillor L. Davidson 3 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Councillor M. Harrison Royston Citizens Advice Bureau Councillor J. Davison Royston Community Transport Craig Doel Royston Coombes Community Association Councillor G. Palmer Royston Day Centre Councillor F. J. Smith Royston & District Chamber of Commerce Councillor J. Davison Royston & District Local History Society Elizabeth Beardwell Royston & District Scouts Council Councillor L. Berry Royston & District Sports Council Craig Doel Royston Town Twinning Association Councillor M. Beaver (Mayor) Royston Youth Council Councillor L. Davidson Royston Youth Network Councillor L. Davidson Royston Volunteer Centre Management Committee Councillor L. Davidson Sustran Underpass Support Group Councillor P. Burt Therfield Heath and Greens Conservation Joint Advisory Committee Councillor J. Davison
The Town Clerk reported the following deeds and trust instruments.
(i) The Town Hall (ii) 30 Kneesworth Street (iii) Market Hill Rooms (iv) Green Street Allotments (v) Green Walk Plantation vi) Stile Plantation (vii) War Memorial (viii) Royston Cave (Freehold) (ix) Royston & District Museum (Leasehold)
Counterpart Lease
(i) 30 Kneesworth Street
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 24 May 2010 (minutes 445/10 to 449/10) be approved and signed as a correct record.
It was RESOLVED that Agendas and Minutes could be sent to any Councillor who wished to receive them by e-mail as opposed to being delivered to their home address by post.
13/11 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS 2010-2011:
Members noted the Schedule of Meeting dates for the year.
The Town Mayor announced that he would continue to support the Community Chest Fund as one of his charities, and the other charities would be the Bobby Moore Cancer Fund, and the Royston branch of the Royal British Legion. The Civic Reception would be held on the 12 November 2010.
The date of the next meeting is 9 August 2010.
There being no further business the Town Mayor closed the meeting at 7.46 p.m.
5 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.56 p.m. on Monday, 14 June 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor Beaver (Town Mayor in the Chair) Councillors Berry, Burt, Davidson, Davison, Grimes, Harrison, Inwood, F.J. Smith & R. Smith. Town Clerk In attendance Town Councillors Freeman, Hulström, Mayne, Phillips, Assistant to Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, 2 Members of the Press and 1 Member of the public.
It was RESOLVED: that Councillor Robert Smith be appointed Chairman for the ensuing year.
Councillor R Smith took the Chair.
It was RESOLVED: that Councillor F. John Smith be appointed Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
The Committee noted the powers and duties of the Council in regard to:-
Finance (including but not limited to) properties, insurance, civic functions, finance, accounts, markets, staffing matters, entertainment, subscriptions and co-operation with voluntary bodies and charities (with the exception of the power to levy a precept or to approve capital expenditure or to authorise the raising of a loan) be delegated to the Finance Committee; and that the Committee shall appoint Sub-Committees and Working Parties as appropriate.
The Committee noted that the signatories for cheques for the ensuing year would be Councillors Berry, Harrison, Smith and the Town Clerk.
It was RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to serve on the Museum Advisory Sub-Committee:-
Councillor Berry as Chairman, Councillor Robert Smith as Vice Chairman and Councillors Burt, Davison, Mayne and F. J. Smith. It was noted that Les Baker, the previous Vice-Chairman, would be acting as representative for North Hertfordshire District Council on this Advisory Sub-Committee.
It was RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to serve on the Town Council Premises Sub-Committee:-
6 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Councillor Berry as Chairman, Councillor Davidson as Vice-Chairman and Councillors Harrison, Hulström, Palmer and R. Smith.
It was RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to serve on the Leete Charity Committee:-
Councillor Beaver (as Town Mayor) and Councillors Berry, Harrison, Inwood and R. Smith.
It was RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to serve on the Community Chest Awards Sub-Committee:-
Councillor Beaver (as Town Mayor) and Councillors Berry, Harrison, Inwood and R. Smith.
It was RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to serve as Trustees to the Cave Trust Fund:-
Councillor Beaver (as Mayor).and Councillors Mayne and Inwood.
It was RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to serve on the May Fayre Working Party:-
Councillors Davidson, Mayne and Phillips.
It was RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to serve on the Markets Sub- Advisory Committee:-
Councillors Berry, Davidson & R. Smith.
It was noted that Councillors Berry, Burt, Davidson, Davison, Freeman, Mayne, Palmer and R. Smith would be members of the Town Hall Cinema Working Party.
Members noted that Councillors Davidson, Davison, Harrison, Palmer & R. Smith would be on the Forward Plan Working Party.
It was Resolved that the Financial Regulations be adopted.
It was Resolved to adopt the Financial Risk Management document into the workings of the council.
It was Resolved to approve the following Annual Subscription payments:-
SAGE Accounting and Payroll HAPTC Hertfordshire Association of Parish & Town Councils (including NALC membership) SLCC – Society of Local Council Clerks LCAS – Local Council Advisory Service
It was Resolved to approve the Direct Debit and Standing Order payments as attached.
33/11 MINUTES:
It was Resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held Monday, 24 May 2010 (minutes 450/10 to 458/10) as a correct record.
The Chairman then informed the Members that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on the 21 June 2010 and said that he looked forward to working with Members.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10 p.m.
8 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the GENERAL PURPOSES & HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 8.12 p.m. on Monday, 14 June 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor Beaver (Town Mayor in the Chair) Councillors, Burt, Davidson, Freeman, Grimes, Harrison, Hulström, Inwood, Mayne & Phillips. Town Clerk In attendance Town Councillors Berry, Davison, F.J. Smith & R Smith, Assistant to Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, 1 Member of the public and 2 Members of the Press in attendance.
It was RESOLVED that Councillor Harrison be appointed Chairman for the ensuing year.
Councillor Harrison took the Chair.
It was RESOLVED that Councillor Davidson be appointed Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Palmer.
The Committee noted that the considerations, powers and duties in regard to:
(i) footpaths, street lighting and open spaces be delegated to the General Purposes & Highways Committee together with: (ii) the considerations in regard to Highways & Transport matters, and that the General Purposes & Highways Committee be delegated to make representation to the North Hertfordshire District Council and such other bodies as they consider necessary, and that the Committee shall appoint Sub-Committees and Working Parties as appropriate.
It was RESOLVED that Councillors Burt, Davidson & Mayne be appointed to the Royston in Bloom Working Party.
39/11 MINUTES:
It was Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held Monday, 12 April 2010 (minutes 404/10 to 414/10) be approved as a correct record.
The Chairman invited Councillor Burt to speak on this item. Councillor Burt explained that he had attended a presentation by the Police on Community Speed Watch. It involved volunteers to watch for speeding and the object of this would be to encourage drivers to slow down their speeds. Councillor Burt wished to know if the Town Council would be interested 9 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL in having a presentation by the Police. Councillor Burt answered questions and following a debate it was proposed by Councillor Mayne, seconded by Councillor Grimes and Resolved to ask the Police to make a presentation if possible at the meeting in July, and to inform local parish councils that they could attend as members of the public. It was also agreed to consider the outcome of the presentation at the meeting in September.
There being no further business the Chairman informed Members that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on the 5 July 2010 closed the meeting at 8.47 p.m.
10 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 14 June 2010 at 8.48 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Beaver (Town Mayor in the Chair) Councillors Berry, Davison, Freeman, Hulström, Palmer, Mayne, Phillips, F.J. Smith and R. Smith Town Clerk In attendance Councillors Burt, Harrison & Inwood, Assistant Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, 1 Member of the Public and 2 Members of the Press.
It wasRESOLVED that Councillor L Berry be appointed Chairman for the ensuing year.
Councillor Berry took the Chair.
It was RESOLVED that Councillor Mayne be appointed Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Palmer.
The Committee noted that the powers and duties of the Council in regard to matters under the Town and Country Planning Acts be delegated to the Planning Committee; and that the Committee shall appoint Sub-Committees and Working Parties as appropriate.
45/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 10 May 2010 (442/10 to 444/10) were approved and signed as a correct record.
Monday, 21 June 2010 to include training session from NHDC Planning Manager - all Councillors welcome
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50 p.m.
11 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 21 June 2010 at 8 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Hulström, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith and R. Smith. Town Clerk County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Councillor Harrison, Mrs. Mary Caldwell, Development & Conservation Manager, N.H.D.C., Assistant Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance.
The Chairman opened the meeting and thanked Mrs. Mary Caldwell for arranging the Planning Training Session and for staying on for this meeting of the Planning Committee. The Chairman then spoke of the death of Charles Lander, a Town Councillor from 1983 to 1990, and the Town Mayor 1989-1990 and the support he had given to many organisations within the town. The funeral would be held the next day and a memorial service was also due to be held on 10 July 2010. The Chairman then led the meeting in a minute’s silence in memory of Charles Lander.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mayne.
Councillor F. J. Smith declared a personal interest in Item 5 (d) 10/00894/1 –Johnson Matthey Plc, Orchard Road.
49/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 14 June 2010 (41/11 to 46/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
(a) 10/00856/1 27 Heathfield. Mary Caldwell explained that this application had been withdrawn but any comments that the Planning Committee made would be referred back to the agent. Following a full debate on this application it was proposed by Councillor F. J. Smith, seconded by Councillor R. Smith and agreed that the landscaping and details are not in keeping with what was proposed in the Outline Application.
(b) The Committee agreed to support the following applications:-
10/00978/1 40-42 High Street. 10/01002/1AD 40-42 High Street 10/00894/1 Johnson Matthey Plc, Orchard Road. The Town Clerk noted the request for a visit to Johnson Matthey Plc. 10/00771/1HH 114 Mill Road. 10/00747/1HH 58 Honeyway. 10/00794/1HH 1 Hawthorn Way. 10/00323/1HH 42 Field Crescent. 10/01015/1 Rear of 31 Priory Close. 12 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL 10/01024/1 4a Kneesworth Street. (1 abstention) 10/01025/1LB 2-3 Kneesworth Street. (Provided that any work does not take away any historic fabric of the building and alterations are in keeping with the conservation area). 10/00762/1 Land west of Little Chef, Baldock Road. 10/01079/1 Land at the South end of Anglian Business Park, Orchard Road. 10/01203/1 Unit 2, Lower Gower Road. (Provided that NHDC is happy with the car parking provision, access, and the impact the traffic will have on the neighbourhood in relation to noise and consideration is given to opening hours.). 10/00447/1 2 Angel Pavement. (Members considered that this change of use would add to the security of the area).
51/11 APPEAL – REF: 09/2115689 – 7 LOWER KING STREET:
The Town Clerk reported that this Appeal had been dismissed and Members noted this with pleasure.
The Chairman then noted the date of the next meeting as 5th July 2010 and declared the meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.
13 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 8.45 p.m. on Monday, 21 June 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Davison, Harrison & F. J. Smith. Town Clerk County & District Councillors Hill and Hunter, Town Councillors Hulström & Palmer, Assistant Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Burt, Davidson & Grimes.
53/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 14 June 2010 (minutes 16/11 to 33/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman, subject to the amendment under item 19/11 – Signatories for Cheques, that to ease identification the initial R be placed before the name Smith.
It was Resolved to approve the accounts for June 2010 in the sum of £39,774.68 for payment.
(i) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for May 2010. (ii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for April 2010.
The Chairman outlined the background to this item and that it had been felt that if the Mayor’s Charity was registered with the Charity Commissioners it would attract more donations. A Working Party had been set up by the previous Council and the next step was to decide whether or not to go ahead with this registration. There followed a full debate by Members and Councillor Beaver explained that he had some concerns but Members wished to support this proposal and noted that it was likely to take at least a year to bring it to fruition. Various points were put forward including the point that the Town Mayor’s charities often already support well established charities, and the monies collected should be for Royston groups. Finally it was proposed by Councillor F. J. Smith, seconded by Councillor Harrison and Resolved that the Town Clerk go ahead with the setting up of this Charity and it should be called ‘Royston Town Mayor’s Community Charity Fund’
57/11 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-2010:
Members received the Annual Report, which is due to be published by the 30th June, into the workings of the Town Council subject to minor amendments. The Town Clerk was thanked for her work on this Annual Report.
The Chairman then announced the next meeting of the Finance Committee scheduled for 26 July 2010 and closed the meeting at 9.10 p.m.
14 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the TOWN COUNCIL PREMISES/HUMAN RESOURCES SUB- COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston on Monday 21 June 2010 at 9.12 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair). Councillors Harrison, Hulström. Palmer & R.Smith. Town Councillor F. J. Smith, Town Clerk, Assistant to the Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Davidson.
59/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee held on the 26 April 2010 (minutes 436/10 to 441/10) were approved for signature.
60/11 TOWN HALL:
(i) The Town Clerk reported that the certificate of Lawful Development had been received from the District Council and that now the quotations for the work on toilets for the disabled and the lift were required. It was proposed by Councillor Berry, seconded by Councillor Harrison and Resolved that the Town Clerk obtain three quotations for this work.
(ii) The Town Clerk reported that an electrical inspection had taken place and in order to receive the appropriate certificate, necessary for the entertainment licence certain works were required. These comprised of replacing sockets in the sum of £410. She explained that this inspection was required every 5 years. It was proposed by Councillor Berry, seconded by Councillor Palmer and Resolved that the Town Clerk put this work in hand forthwith.
The Town Clerk reported that correspondence had been received in respect of restrictions on usage of sprinklers and hosepipes. She had circulated a letter to all allotment holders and one letter had been received suggesting that tanks be placed at the back of the allotments. Following discussion it was proposed by Councillor Berry, seconded by Councillor Hulström and agreed that a letter be sent to say that the Town Council had no objection to allotment holders placing a tank on their allotments.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25 p.m.
15 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 5 July 2010 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Hulström, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips and R. Smith. Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Councillors Burt, Davidson & Inwood, 3 Members of the Public
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor F. J. Smith.
63/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 21 June 2010 (47/11 to 51/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
(a) 10/00450/1HH 55 Melbourn Road.
Following a discussion on this application during which Members considered it was a development double the size of the existing building, Members agreed to support it if the District Council was happy that it was not an over development of the site.
(b) 10/00866/1 3 Lumen House, Lumen Road.
Members discussed this application and had mixed concerns on the change of use as to the parking issues and that there was not much room for expansion. Members agreed to support this application, although they would have liked to see it kept for industrial use, providing that Highways had no issues in relation to parking and access and that consideration should be given regarding children playing outside as the land may be contaminated. Councillors Beaver and Berry asked that their abstentions be noted.
(c) 10/01174/1 45 Baldock Road.
Members agreed to support this application providing it complied with the objectives in the new PPS3 policy relating to brownfield sites.
The Town Clerk reported that plans for the development of Coombelands and Thackeray Close would be available for the next meeting of the Committee and there was a CD with the plans on available in the Town Clerk’s office for anyone to borrow.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.30 p.m.
16 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the GENERAL PURPOSES & HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.35 p.m. on Monday, 5 July 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor Davidson (Deputy Chairman in the Chair). Councillors Burt, Freeman, Hulström, Inwood, Mayne, Palmer & Phillips. Town Clerk, Committee Administrator County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Town Councillor Davison & R. Smith, 2 Members of the public
The Chairman announced that the Presentation from Hertfordshire Police re Community Speed Watch would not take place at this meeting and had been postponed until the meeting in August, and therefore Item 7 on the agenda would not be discussed.
The Chairman then invited Mr. Derek Emblem to speak to the meeting. He said that he had three items: (i) He asked that the Town Council support his request to the District Council that the roads be cleared of weeds, especially on the A10. (ii) He asked that there be speed indicators manned by volunteers on the roads in Royston to help reduce the speed of traffic as it had been proved in other districts that it slows down traffic. No vehicle registration number is recorded. The machines can be hired. (iii) Vehicles over 7½ tons were continuing to use Newmarket Road and signs were ineffective. Mr.Terry Hutt then spoke to the meeting in respect of the No.17 Bus as people were still having difficulties in getting into the town centre. He had asked Morrisons to support the use of a bus but it was not in their remit. He then handed over a petition.
Mr.Emblem and Mr.Hutt were thanked for their attendance and assured that the Committee would take into account their comments. They then left the meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Harrison.
67/11 MINUTES:
It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held Monday, 14 June 2010 (minutes 34/11 to 40/11) be approved as a correct record.
The Committee received the notes of the Royston in Bloom Working Party meetings held on:-
13th April 2010 11th May 2010 15th June 2010 17 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL
Councillor Davidson updated the meeting on this item and said that 4 schools had shown interest in being involved in the Youth Council. The Youth Council is being reshaped. Councillor Inwood said that the Buntingford Youth Council would be interested to meet with Royston to talk about Youth Council and how theirs work.
The Chairman reported that this year’s Summer Programme had now been published, the Town Mayor would be visiting some of the events. Councillor Phillips said she would be available to help. Councillor Inwood commented on the fact that the swimming at the Leisure Centre was not free as in Cambridgeshire.
Members had received correspondence about Neighbourhood Policing Priorities – Involving Councillors, and it was noted that the Police wanted to get more people involved. Two Councillors’ are already involved in the Neighbourhood Policing meetings and it was agreed to wait for further details.
The Chairman took these three Agenda items under one heading and following some discussion it was agreed that these policies be noted, and members were happy with them as they are. If any Councillor had any comments he should referred them to the Town Clerk before the 30 August 2010. Councillor Burt said that in the Licensing Policy, Section 17 was about temporary event notices for one off events; the 10 day notice rule was often missed by people and was being looked into. Oliver Heald MP had agreed to speak to the appropriate person.
The Town Clerk reported correspondence received from Oliver Heald MP in respect of Road Adoption in Hertfordshire and show a document (Hansard of a Debate) that Oliver Heald MP had forwarded to her with a section discussed by Minister’s on adopted roads in Hertfordshire. It states that Ministers are interested in the problems and they are to have meetings with the County Council. The County Council have said they will be revisiting the issues on adopted roads at a future date.
Councillor Harrison had reported that he had contacted the District Council in respect of the heavy vehicles using the Newmarket Road. The problem was worsening and heavy vehicles were using this road at night and were quite noisy. He requested extra signs were put up and the signs there should be kept clear from vegetation. Councillor Hill spoke to the meeting and reported that this matter had been before the Area Committee and the JMP Highways Committee. As speed and weight limit issues are an
18 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL enforcement issue this has been referred to the police who are actioning it. Highways were looking for a solution for the road noise issues; unfortunately vegetation is an ongoing problem at this time of year and procedures are in place to keep it cut back. It is thought that Sat Nav’s could be sending vehicles along Newmarket Road and this would be looked into.
The Chairman read a letter from Cllr Harrison in respect of the problem at Garden Walk since the “No Right Turn” has been implemented and suggested that another sign be put up to stop drivers who are still turning right. The Chairman asked District Councillor Hill about this matter and she replied that this matter had been discussed at a District Council committee meeting but it had been noted that road layout could not be repositioned as it would cause Lorries using the road to mount onto the pavement; another warning sign has been ordered to be installed. District Councillor Hunter said that the new system worked well at busy times but it was at less busy times that people had been seen to make a right turn into Melbourn Road.
Councillor Phillips circulated a report on a recent Sport Royston meeting and on the various events that had taken place. Holiday programmes would be held in Royston and brochures have been distributed to all school children.
Councillor Davidson reported on the Royston Volunteer Centre and said that many volunteers had applied to help during the Olympic Games in 2012, many of these would get rejected and referred back to volunteer in their home town. There will be benefits to be gained for the Royston area if events were put on in connection to the Olympic Games and she asked if the Council would like to have a presentation about this and about the volunteering centre in Royston. She suggested that the May Fayre, Royston in Bloom and Arts Festival events could be themed to the Olympics instead of putting on extra events. It was agreed to ask Denise Graham to come and make a presentation to the council.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.20 p.m.
19 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the MUSEUM ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE held on in Royston Museum on Thursday 22nd July at 7.p.m.
PRESENT: Councillors: Berry (Chair) Burt, Davison, F J Smith and R Smith Museum Trustees: Peter Ketteringham, Mike Lawrence, Jenny Smith, Phil Smith, Friends: Shirley Thrussell History Society Rep – Betty Skyrme Ros Allwood NHDC Cultural Services Manager Mr. L. Baker NHDC Representative Town Council Officers: Susan Thornton-Björk Town Clerk Carole Kaszak Royston Museum Curator
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all members of the committee to the new council year and asked everyone to introduce themselves for the benefit of the new elected members.
77/11 APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Councillor Mayne
78/11 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held Thursday 15th April 2010 (415/10 to 417C/10) were approved for signing by the chairman.
79/11 CURATORS REPORT: (copy attached to the minute book): The curator went through her report and updated members of some of the items. Visitors: She reported that visitor numbers are steadily increasing and it was noted that there was an increase compared to June last year. The Family Fun Day had attracted 78 visitors and a number of group visits, which happen on closed days and in the evenings, had increased the numbers. In July there have been 106 visitors in the first week. Web-site: The curator and Christine Whitbourn are due to up date the information on the web-site next week. Training: The curator and her assistant had attended a number of free training days in relation to the current projects, ‘Engaging with the Community’ Reminiscence Boxes. Councillor’s Induction Evening: The induction evening had been attended by 11 councillors and all were pleased to hear about the projects the museum is undertaking. Royston Arts Festival Weekend: The museum this year will be one of the Hub Centres for the Arts Festival weekend in September. Holiday Art4Crafty Kids Drop-in Workshop: The first session in the school summer holidays was now fully booked.
The Committee were then shown a recent donation received in the museum, it was a shirt and trouser set with a 1934 edition of the Royston Crow printed on it.
The Friends of the Museum were thanked for purchasing a new fridge for the museum. Phil Smith explained that the Friends also wanted to purchase a motorised screen for the museum; all members agreed this was an excellent idea.
Cllr R Smith complimented the Curator and her Assistant on the excellent work they were doing and congratulated them on the work involving the local community. He asked if the on the outside visits to the Community was it mentioned that the museum’s main source of
20 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL funding came from the Town Council. Carole said that she does mention it when she is talking about the museum but not always if the talk is about the Tapestry, unless the subject is brought up.
Peter Ketteringham said that the Curator’s report showed the museum was modern and keeping up to date.
Las Baker said that the involvement of teenage volunteers helping at the museum showed there is a need for the museum throughout all age ranges as shown in the different projects and workshops that the museum was covering.
80/11 FINANCE: Members noted the income and expenditure figures for the museum. After further discussion about museum expenditure on rent, repairs and future refurbishment of the building the Town Clerk was asked to investigate whether there were any other options concerning spending on the museum and to report back to Town Premises Sub Committee. Members noted shop sales and donation received.
81/11 TAPESTRY PROJECT: The curator reported that 3 designers had now visited the museum on an informal basis to look at ways of incorporating the display of the tapestry within the museum. Designer 1 suggested cutting the tapestry up, this designer was not asked to forward costings for a design brief, the other 2 have forwarded their costs for doing a design brief of refurbishing the museum to incorporate displaying the Tapestry when it is finished. The final length of the tapestry has yet to be agreed. The Curator said she needed more time to have discussions with the designers before suggesting which one to use. Les reported he had been talking to the Lottery Funding office and they have suggested that a Pre -Application form should be submitted which should also include the cost of the designers brief. A Pre- Application could be made on line and a response would be received in about 10 days. The time limit between a pre application and a formal application is 18 months. After discussion it was agreed that this was the route to take and it was agreed to recommend to the Finance Committee that a pre-application to the Lottery Heritage Fund be made.
82/11 REMINISCENCE BOXES – Performing Right Licence Members agreed there was a need to apply for a Performing Right Licence to cover the playing of DVD/CD to public groups in the museum, it was therefore agreed to recommend to the Finance Committee the need to purchase one. The cost would be £74.93 per for the first year.
83/11 MUSEUM CLOSURE 2011: The museum will be closed from Christmas for approx 6 weeks to re-display part of the museum; the curator hopes to be able to open in time for the February school half term. It is hope to clear out the store room and to redisplay the area to the left back of the lower ground floor area. The expenditure for this will come out of the Exhibition budget. It was agreed that a schedule of the work to be done along with details for the new display to be available at the next committee meeting.
84/11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Cllr John Davison recommended that the Fire Extinguisher in the cellar be relocated, the curator explained that the extinguishers in the museum are inspected every 6 months and have been put in their positions by a Fire Protection Service. She will ask them about the position of the one in the cellar when they next visit.
21 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL He then asked about the museums financial spending plans for the next 5 years and it was explained that the spending budget for the museum was set by the Finance Committee of the council. The Museum does have a Forward Plan but this does not incorporate any spending as the curator cannot commit the council to any extra costs so far ahead owing to the present budgeting system. The Museum Sub Advisory Committee is asked if they have any special request for the budget for the following year and this is then discussed by the Finance Committee.
Cllr Bob Smith asked for the following items to be placed on the next agenda. Review of the actions taken so far on the Museum Review which was carried out in the previous year. Museum Governance/Management Structure – how to proceed with reviewing the Governance of the museum.
85/11 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Members agreed the date for the next meeting for Thursday 11th November 2010
There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 8. 38 pm
22 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 26 July 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor F. J. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Grimes, Harrison & Inwood. Town Councillors Mayne & Phillips, Mr. L. Baker, Town Clerk, Assistant Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor R. Smith.
87/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 21 June 2010 (minutes 52/11 to 57/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman.
a) The minutes of the meeting of the Museum Advisory Sub-Committee held on the 15th April 2010 were adopted into the workings of the council. It was agreed that in respect of the Tapestry and its future display a pre- application should be made to Heritage Lottery. It was necessary to make this as soon as possible in order not to miss the next submission date. This application could be done on-line. b) The minutes of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee meeting held on 21 June 2010 (minutes 58/11 to 61/11) were approved.
Following explanations by the Town Clerk it was Resolved to approve the accounts for July 2010 in the sum of £34,122.59 for payment.
(i) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for June 2010. (ii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for May & June 2010.
Councillor Davidson said there were a few changes to be made to the draft newsletter, these included opening hours of the office and that a councillor had requested that his home address and telephone number be removed. Councillor Davison then said that he had not given permission for these to be published and would not agree to it, he was happy to give a mobile number and email address as contact details for members of the public. The Town Clerk was asked to check if these contact details were sufficient to adhere to the Quality Town Council Status that the Town Council has been awarded. She was then asked if a refund of the election expenses was due to the Town Council, the clerk said she could not confirm this as yet but it was expected and it was requested this be put in the newsletter. With these alterations it was agreed the newsletter be published.
The Town Clerk reported receipt of a letter from the Spanish town Villaneuva de la Canada wishing for the town twinning with Royston to go ahead. There was an enthusiastic response from Members and several groups in the town It was Resolved that the committee recommend to Full Council that Twinning with the Spanish town Villaneuva de la Canada go ahead and hopefully the agreement could be signed before the end of the year.
Members approved the expenditure for the gift presented to the town of La Loupe from Royston Town Council at a cost of £27.59. (LGA 72 s144)
Councillor Beaver reported on the Twinning Association’s recent visit to La Loupe and that next year it will the 25th year celebration of La Loupe Twinning with Royston.
Councillor F. J. Smith reported on the Royston Day Centre and said that Mrs. Pat Turner who had been organiser for many years had just retired. She had been given a good send-off by everybody. He said that the Royston Day Centre continues to be vital service to the town.
It was RESOLVED: That under Section I of the Public Bodies (admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press be excluded during the Items in Part II of the agenda for this meeting, because it was likely that publicity would prejudice the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business or for other special reasons arising from the nature of the business or proceedings.
The Town Clerk reported she now had confirmation that Mrs. Jean Waldock, Assistant Town Clerk, had been awarded the Certificate of Higher Education for her University course in ‘Community Engagement and Governance’ formerly ‘Local Policy’. She was congratulated and Mrs. Waldock thanked everybody for their help, particularly from the Town Clerk during the last three years. Members agreed that there should be an item on the next agenda for the Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee for consideration of promoting her to Deputy Town Clerk. It was also agreed that an item should be placed in the newsletter congratulating Jean.
Members noted that Jean is entitled to receive an increment on the salary scale as part of her employment contract conditions.
The Chairman then closed the meeting at 8.05 p.m.
MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 2 August 2010 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Hulström, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips and F. J. Smith. County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Councillors Davidson & Inwood, 2 Members of the Public, Mrs. M. Caldwell, Planning Control & Conservation Manager, NHDC, Mr. S. Gough & 2 colleagues, Fairview New Homes Ltd., Town Clerk, Town Clerk’s Assistant, Committee Administrator and 1 Member of the Press in attendance.
The Chairman invited Mr. Stephen Gough and his colleagues to give a presentation on Fairview New Homes planning applications. He explained the layout of the two sites on the map labelled Site B, land off Thackeray Close and Site C, land off Coombelands, and said that the Site A application on the map had been put on hold. He said there had been communications with the District Council Planning Department, who suggested that some thought about the design of the buildings to reflect with the older character of houses in Royston should be given. Both sites included green areas and on Site B an area was ear-marked for allotments. He then invited questions and Members asked about the car parking provision and vehicle access and road safety on an already very difficult busy road. Concerns were also expressed about the extra traffic when construction would take place and especially as the vehicles would pass near to two schools. The Chairman then thanked Mr. Gough for his presentation.
Mr. Cliff Brazil spoke on behalf of the North Royston Action Group in respect of the application for the land off Thackeray Close. There were concerns about the access and traffic issues through Burns Road estate and safety issues during the building works. The Chairman thanked him and said his concerns would be noted in the deliberations by the Committee.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Freeman & R. Smith.
Councillors Beaver & Palmer declared a personal interest in Item 5 (a) Site B, Land off Thackery Close and (b) Site C, land off Coombelands as they live in the vicinity.
98/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 5 July 2010 (62/11 to 64/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
(a) 10/01065/1 Site B, Land off Thackeray Close
Members fully discussed the application and expressed their concerns regarding the lay- out of the site and parking provision. They also voiced their concerns over access and road safety issues due to the number of cars parking in Burns Road. It was noted that the emergency services have concerns about vehicles attending the area. After further debate it was agreed not to support this application for the following reasons,
i) Access to the site was considered unsafe as vehicles will have to pass through an already difficult road aligned with parked cars and blind bends. There are also two schools along this road. They would like to see a separate access for the development other than along Burns Road to help with traffic generation in Burns Road. ii) The layout of the site needs to be improved with the suggested removal of the hairpin design to improve road safety and an increase of parking spaces to improve on road parking conditions. iii) Members considered it to be an overdevelopment of the site and that the density should be reduced Members stated that should the application be approved there should be some consultation on whether or not allotments would be sensible at this location as it would generate even extra traffic along Burns Road to the development. Members noted that should allotments be included in the development the Town Council could take over management of these.
(b) 10/01066/1 Site C, Land off Coombelands Road.
A letter from Coombelands’ residents was read to the meeting. Councillors fully considered this application and have concerns over access and parking facilities. They would like to see the proposed temporary access which is to be used for construction used as a permanent access to the new development.
After further debate by members it was agreed not to support this application on the grounds that:
i) Access to the site is along a bendy road with cars parked on either side. This will cause an issue with highway safety and suggest an alternative access is required. ii) The layout of the site needs to be improved and the number of parking spaces increased to prevent on road parking. Members request that NHDC look into increasing the number of parking spaces needed per house in their policy.
Those in attendance left the meeting at 8.15 p.m.
(c) Members agreed to support the following planning applications:-
10/01405/1 Royston Fan Co. Ltd., Lumen Road 10/01075/1HH 14 Thomas Way 10/01475/1HH 19 Heron Way
27 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL 10/01088/1HH 16 Parklands. Providing the boundary wall was not moved. 10/01555/1HH 115 Icknield Walk
(d) 10/01435/1 22 Charding Crescent.
The Committee did not support this application and strongly objected to the change of use of a roadside verge to form a car parking space as it was not in keeping with the design of the estate.
(e) 10/01452/1 70 Heathfield.
Members discussed this application and received a letter of objection from the Residents Assn of Heathfield. In principle they supported the comments made from Heathfield Residence group in that the development should moved back on the plot to incorporate extra parking and a turning area for cars so they do not have to reverse out onto the road.
The date of the next meeting was scheduled for 6 September 2010.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30 p.m.
28 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL held on Monday, 9 August 2010 in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor M. Beaver (Town Mayor in the Chair) Councillors Berry, Davidson, Davison, Freeman, Grimes, Harrison, Hulström, Inwood, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith, & R. Smith. Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter & 2 Members of Hertfordshire Police in attendance.
The Reverend Canon Les Harman led the meeting in prayer
The Town Mayor invited PC Mustoe and his colleague to give a presentation re community speed watch. PC Mustoe said that he knew that one question forthcoming would be “why should volunteers do the job of the Police?” and he explained that the Police would continue to deal with speed enforcement and this volunteering for speed watch would be complementary to and does not replace conventional police speed enforcement. It was a new venture in Hertfordshire, Barkway village are already planning to purchase a device. It is effectively the opportunity for like minded residents in the town who are concerned with traffic speed to become actively involved. The appropriate equipment would need to be purchased at a cost of £2500 but it could be shared and, therefore, the cost shared. A number of questions were asked by members, PC Mustoe confirmed that the device used would record the speed but it was up to volunteers to note the number plates of offending vehicles. Warning letters would then be issued by the Police to the offending motorists advising them they had been recorded as speeding, repeated offenders would be investigated by the Police. County Councillor Hill was invited to speak, she asked about the possibility of a volunteer having a vendetta against a motorist and it was noted that the Police would continue to deal with specific speed issues; community speed watch was aimed at educating the motorists on speed regulations. Pc Mustoe confirmed that volunteers will need to be vetted and become a Police Community Volunteer. It would be possible for volunteers in the first instance to borrow the device owned by the Police.
The Town Mayor then thanked PC Mustoe and his colleague for attending the meeting and said that the matter of Community Speed Watch would be discussed at a meeting in due course.
The Police and Reverend Canon Harman then left the meeting at 7.45 p.m.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor P. Burt.
The Town Mayor reported on the many events he had attended during the last eight weeks and that he had very much enjoyed all of them. In particular he mentioned attending the Green
29 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Flag Award for the Priory Memorial Gardens and the opening of the Children’s Centre in Burns Road. He had attended 33 events and he thanked his Deputy, Councillor Robert Inwood, for attending 5 events on his behalf. Some fund raising events had been held and £200 had been raised by a cricket match. The next event would be a cricket match played for the Oliver Heald Cup. . There had been some events held by the Town Twinning Association in Grossalmerode and La Loupe. A book had been presented to the Town Council by La Loupe and he noted that next year would be the 25th anniversary of the twinning with La Loupe. He thanked the Town Clerk and her staff for their help to him. Councillor R. Smith thanked the Town Mayor for his efforts over the last few weeks and said he was raising the profile of the Town Council.
103/11 MINUTES:
It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 14 June 2010 (minutes 01/11 to 15/11).
(a) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Finance Committee held on: 24 May 2010 (minutes 450/10 to 458/10) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council. 14 June 2010 (minutes 16/11 to 33/11) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council 21 June 2010 (minutes 52/11 to 57/11) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(b) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes & Highways & Transport Committee held on:
14 June 2010 (minutes 34/11 to 40/11) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(c) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on: 14 June 2010 (minutes 41/11 to 46/11) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council. 21 June 2010 (minutes 47/11 to 51/11) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council. 5 July 2010 (minutes 62/11 to 64/11) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(a) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes & Highways & Transport Committee held on the 5 July 2010 (minutes 65/11 to 76/11) be adopted as a true record subject to the name of Mr. Emblen replacing the name 30 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Emblem. It was also noted that it was important that the extra sign “No right turn” in Garden Walk be placed in position as soon as possible.
The Town Clerk reported that NHDC was undertaking a review of their Rural Strategy for the next 5 years and the Parish Charter will feature as an appendix to the Strategy. Consultation on the Parish Charter is now open and responses should be returned to NHDC by the end of September. The document was available to view on the Internet and comments should be forwarded to the Town Clerk as she will be attending the Review Working Group early in October. Following some discussion it was agreed that a small Working Party should be organised to consider this matter and Councillors R Smith, Davidson, Beaver and Phillips showed interest in being part of this Group. Any other interested parties should notify the Town Clerk.
Councillor F. J. Smith spoke to the meeting and updated Members of the current situation in respect of this possible Town Twinning with Villanueva de la Canada. After meetings with members of the Spanish town it appeared that it would match well with Royston and it was felt by all concerned that it would be right to twin Royston with Villanueva de la Canada. It was then RESOLVED to accept the recommendation from the Finance Committee that arrangements be made for the third Twinning of the town to take place with Villanueva de la Canada in Spain, it was hoped that the agreement could be signed before the end of the year.
The Town Clerk reported that (i) the Annual Market celebration was due to be held on the 28 August 2011, 11 am. to 1 p.m. with various events and a raffle. Donations for the BBQ would go to the Town Mayor’s Charity Fund. She reported that the recent Farmers’ Markets had been cancelled due to lack of stall holders taking part. (ii) The launch of the public consultation in respect of the Fish Hill Square enhancement was to be held at Fish Hill Square on Saturday, 28 August 2010 and then would be available to view in the library. Consultation closes end of September. (iii) In respect of Royston Cave a second application for grant aid to English Heritage had been successful and work was to go ahead on Stage 2 of the project to preserve the carvings in the Cave. (iv) a Consultation on ‘Local referendums to veto excessive council tax increases’ has just been launched and ends at the end of September, a copy of the document was given to all councillors, it will be discussed at the next meeting of the Finance Committee.
The date of the next meeting was scheduled for 11 October 2010.
The Town Mayor closed the meeting at 8.25 p.m.
31 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 23 August 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Harrison & F. J. Smith. County Councillor & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Town Councillor Hulström, Town Clerk, Assistant Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance and 2 members of the public.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Grimes & Inwood.
111/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 26 July 2010 (minutes 86/11 to 95/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman.
The minutes of the meeting of the Leete Charity Trustees held on 26 July 2010 were received into the workings of the Council.
The minutes of the Markets Sub-Committee meeting held 23 July 2010 were received into the workings of the Council.
It was Resolved to approve the accounts for August 2010 in the sum of £28,732.33 for payment.
(i) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for July 2010. (ii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for July 2010.
The Chairman explained the background to this item and that Members should consider a response to the consultation document (previously circulated) which is to seek Local Authorities’ views (including Parish and Town Councils) on the practicality and technical feasibility of the scheme proposed, to allow local referendums to veto excessive council tax increases as an alternative to capping by central government. It was noted that at the moment Parish and Town Councils’ precept increases are not capped. The Chairman said he had a number of concerns including the fact that comments had to be made by the 10 September 2010 on this important matter for Town and Parish Councils. There would also be a delay in implementation in any budget decisions made. He asked Members if they wished to discuss this matter now or to appoint a Working Party.
32 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Following discussion and input by all Members and also County & District Councillor Hill it was agreed that the Chairman and Town Clerk compose a suitable response, taking on board the comments made by Councillors, with a copy to the MP, HAPTC and to all councillors.
117/11 ELECTION COSTS 2010:
The Town Clerk updated Members in respect of the cost of the Town Council elections for 2010. The District Council hoped to have the final figures available in September but it was expected that the figure would be between £8,000 and £9,000. This was considered to compare favourably with previous years and would be within the budget.
Members noted that three Members were required to carry out the Internal Audit Review with the Town Clerk and Councillors L Davidson, J Davison and R Smith agreed to be part of this group, with Councillor F. J. Smith as a reserve.
Members agreed to set up a Working Party to work with the Town Clerk to produce budget figures and the amount of precept to be raised. Councillors Berry, Davison, F.J. Smith and R Smith would be on this Working Party.
Following discussion it was Resolved to agree the recommendation from the Museum Sub Advisory Committee that a Performing Rights Licence be purchased at a cost of £74.93, this had not been allowed for in the initial budget set for 2010-2011. This was for the playing of music DVD/CD to public groups in the Museum as part of the community Reminiscence Boxes project.
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it was Resolved that, in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Town Clerk reported that there was an outstanding account due to the Council in respect of a hiring in 2009. The hirer had hired the hall for an event and was planning to give a donation to the East Anglian Air Ambulance. The Town Clerk had tried a number of ways to contact him but all have been ignored. Because he had hired the hall before he had been considered as a regular hirer and no deposit was taken after the first few hirings. Following discussion the Town Clerk was advised to obtain advice from the District Council’s legal department, and it was also suggested that the hiring regulations be reviewed.
The Chairman then closed the meeting at 7.55 p.m.
34 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the TOWN COUNCIL PREMISES/HUMAN RESOURCES SUB- COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston on Monday 23 August 2010 at 8 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair). Councillors Davidson, Harrison, Hulström & R.Smith. County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Town Councillors Beaver & F. J. Smith, Town Clerk, Assistant to the Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Palmer.
124/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee held on the 21 June 2010 (minutes 58/11 to 61/11) were approved for signature.
The Town Clerk requested that Members considered the erection of Christmas Lights on the front of the building and explained that once installed the lights would be left up permanently. The total cost for lights £2,063.83 included installation costs. This could be funded by £982 left from last year’s funding and the balance to be funded from Hertfordshire County Councillors’ locality budgets, £250 from Cllr Hunter and £831 from Cllr Hill. Members welcomed this proposal and agreed the erection of the lights on Market Hill Rooms. County Councillors Hill and Hunter were thanked for this funding and their support, the Town Clerk was asked to send a letter of thanks.
126/11 TOWN HALL:
The Town Clerk showed Members the plans for the provision of the lift and toilets for the disabled. A quote had been received for the lift at £15,601. Building works would be required and costing for this work was not yet to hand. Details for the work required were awaited from Mr. Easton and then the Council could put out requests for three tenders. The Town Clerk also circulated photographs of the proposed lift. After discussion from members, District Councillor Hill said that the District Council would help towards the project with a grant from the Visioning Budget.
The Town Clerk circulated a document on Protocol on Member/Officer Relations. Following some discussion it was proposed by Councillor Berry, seconded by Councillor R. Smith and agreed that this item be forwarded to the Full Council for approval.
It was RESOLVED that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is proposed that, in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Town Clerk explained that a review on the rent for 30 Kneesworth Street was due on the 29 August 2010, and that this is reviewed on a three yearly basis. Following some discussion it was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor R. Smith and agreed that in view of the present recession the rent should remain the same as it is now for the next 3 years: £15,250 p.a. The Town Clerk was asked to request that the tenant pay on a monthly Direct Debit basis to keep his account up to date.
The Chairman asked Mrs. Jean Waldock to leave the room for the next item on the agenda.
The Chairman then asked Members to consider the promotion of the Assistant to Town Clerk to Deputy Clerk in view of her recent achievement in the Local Policy Course. Following discussion the Chairman proposed, Councillor R Smith seconded and it was agreed that the position of Deputy Town Clerk be offered to Mrs. Jean Waldock and that discussions take place to see how the work of the Town Clerk and the Deputy can best be shared. It was also agreed that she is entitled to an increase in salary to go with the promotion. It was agreed to recommend her promotion and increase in salary to Point 27 to the Finance Committee. The Town Clerk was asked to see if there was enough money in this year’s salary budget to cover the increase.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40 p.m.
36 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 6 September 2010 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Davison, Freeman, Hulstrõm, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, R. Smith and F. J. Smith. County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, 1 Member of the Public, Town Clerk, and Committee Administrator in attendance.
Mr. Derek Emblen said he had concerns about the lack of seating in the town for the elderly and disabled and asked if there could be more seating in the High Street area. He also said that more parking spaces were required and he asked if the loading bays in John Street could be restricted to Monday to Friday only and change on Saturday’s to short stay parking. Councillors Hill and Hunter were invited to comment and said that the consultation on Fish Hill Square showed that more seating will be available. In respect of the loading bays in the High St. they have already been changed to short stay parking and traders had requested that the bays in John St. remain as loading bays. There is now free parking after 3 p.m. in the car-parks.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Beaver.
Councillor Davison asked if it was necessary to read out all details on the item for the Declaration of Interest. Councillor F. J. Smith said the same applied to each planning application. The Chairman asked for the Town Clerk’s advice on this matter and she advised that it had always been done this way, District Councillor Hill confirmed that it was also carried out in this way at the District Council. The Town Clerk was asked to research this matter.
133/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 2 August 2010 (96/11 to 100/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
a) 10/01552/1 27 Heathfield. - Members supported the comments made by the Chairman and the Town Clerk that had already been forwarded to the District Council which were to support this application.
b) 10/01449/1 34 Victoria Crescent - Members had no objection
c) 10/01589/1HH 36 Serby Avenue. - Members discussed this application and it was agreed to object to this application in respect of the scale of the development and poor design and that it was out of keeping with the area.
d) 10/01577/1AD 4a Kneesworth Street, providing it is in keeping with the conservation area and that the projecting signs do not cause any safety issues with traffic.
37 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL e) 10/01658/1 Cutlers House, Lumen Road – Members supported this application
f) 10/02108/1HH 1 Middle Drift – Members had not objection to this application
g) 10/0167/1 Land adjacent, 10 Copperfields. Members agreed to object to this application on the grounds that it is an over development of the site and out of keeping with the area. Councillor Berry had proposed that the application should be supported but as it was not seconded she withdrew the proposal, she asked for her objection to the decision to be noted.
The date of the next meeting was scheduled for 4 October 2010.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.41 p.m.
38 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Special Meeting of the GENERAL PURPOSES & HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE held in the Hardwicke Hall, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 13 September 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor Harrison (in the Chair). Councillors Burt, Davidson, Freeman, Grimes, Inwood, Mayne & Phillips. County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Town Councillor R. Smith, Town Clerk, Assistant to Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hulström.
The Committee had a full discussion on the Fish Hill Square Enhancement scheme proposed by the District Council with input from all Members who considered that this would be a great improvement and an attractive centre for the town. Members agreed to go through each item on the proposed scheme and their views to be relayed to the District Council as follows:-
1. a) Trees Members suggested that the trees planted should be decorative, not too large and similar to the species planted in Baldock, They should not be planted too near to the buildings.
b) Public Art Members thought that a sculpture would be enough for this area.
c) Seating Members agreed that there should not be any seating initially to make sure the whole area is available for flexible usage. Extra seating to be provided in Church Lane.
d) Better lighting Lighting to be of a standard appropriate to the area for pedestrians and motorists and to include connections for Christmas lighting if possible.
e) Parking Members had a full discussion on whether some parking should be retained in this area. Councillor Burt proposed that the consultants be asked to look at marking the parking bays out differently but on being put to the vote the motion was lost. Councillor R Smith was allowed to speak; he had concerns regarding the additional parking being proposed farther up Market Hill as this was already causing a concern for delivery Lorries when Blue Badge holders parked their cars on the single yellow lines outside the Library. Finally it was agreed that more parking should be made available on Market Hill but with restrictions in certain areas such as the Library area to enable lorries to gain access for deliveries.
f) Loading Bay Members agreed this was not required.
g) Open space for events Members agreed that there should be open space for events.
39 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL h) Pavement cafes Members agreed that this was a good idea in principle.
i) Markets In principle members agreed to special events/markets being held here. There should be no conflict with the existing Charter Market.
j) Other matters
Church Lane and Jepps Lane both need improvements to them. Jepps Lane needs tidying up by screening the service areas behind the shops i.e. to hide the bins and rubbish stored there.
The Chairman invited Councillor R Smith to speak and he was concerned about the flooding in Church Lane area and said this should be investigated before any enhancement of Fish Hill Square took place. County/District Councillor F Hill responded by saying that work had already started on the drainage works in this area and this was part of the scheme.
District Councillor Hunter spoke about the recent press coverage on the money being used for this enhancement scheme. He explained that the money has come from Gross Area Funding (GAF) and it is a requirement that this money is only to be spent on Capital projects and cannot be used to provide services.
Councillor Davidson left the meeting at 8.10 p.m.
2. Lay-Out & Materials Members were happy with the suggested layout. Materials – It was decided to leave the choice of materials to the experts but suggest that kerbs are of a different colour to make them obvious and to help prevent tripping.
3. Sculpture Members suggested that this sculpture should be tall and narrow and that it could include the Crests of Royston’s Twinning Towns. Members would like to hear what the public views are.
4. Name of Square Not Fish Hill Square, Members asked if they could be consulted on the suggestions for names received from members of the public.
5. Comments Members agreed this is a great scheme for Royston and are pleased to see this first step in moving the town forward. The Town Clerk was asked to write to the Press on behalf of the Town Council to show their support for it and to explain about the funding of this enhancement scheme. It was also agreed to record the Town Council’s support in the council’s next newsletter
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.23 p.m.
40 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 27 September 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Harrison & F. J. Smith. Town Clerk, Assistant Town Clerk, Committee Administrator & 1 Member of the Press in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Grimes & Inwood.
There were no Declarations of Interest but the Chairman informed the Members that the Town Clerk had researched whether or not the Declaration of Interest item needed to be read out in full at every meeting even though it was in writing on the Agenda. It appeared that it was the decision of the Chairman as to whether this method should be followed and this information would be circulated to all the Chairmen. In the meantime the Chairman said he would read the information out as usual.
140/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 23 August 2010 (minutes 110/11 to 122/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman.
(a) The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee meetings held 23 August 2010 (minutes 123/11 to 130/11) were received into the workings of the Council. (b) The minutes of the meeting of the May Fayre Working Party held on 7 September 2010 were received into the workings of the Council.
The minutes of the Leete Charity Trustees meeting held 23 August 2010 were received into the workings of the Council.
The minutes of the Cave Trustees meeting held on 10 August 2010 were received into the workings of the Council. In answer to a query the Town Clerk reported that English Heritage had increased their funding and that the environment monitoring equipment would be in place in October and the vibration monitoring would also take place in October.
It was Resolved to approve the accounts for September 2010 in the sum of £30,764.56 for payment.
(i) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for August 2010. (ii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for August 2010.
The Town Clerk explained that this policy needed to be adopted as part of the criteria for the re-accreditation of the Town Council’s Quality Town Status. There was currently a sum of £200 in the budget for Councillor training and it may have to be increased in the next budget. After discussion as to how much would be needed for training, members agreed to recommend the policy to Full Council for adopting into the workings of the council.
Following discussion it was proposed and RESOLVED that the sum of £50 be approved as a donation to the Twinning Association towards expenses for the Grossalmerode reception to be held on 17 October 2010 in the Town Hall at 12 noon. Local Government Act 1972, s.144 All members are invited. Councillor Beaver reminded Members that it would be the 25th anniversary of La Loupe next year and this should be kept in mind when considering the Budget.
The Town Clerk reported that the Crow was undergoing repair and would be completed in time for Remembrance Sunday. The cost would be £670 and the first £250 would have to be paid by the Council under the insurance excess. The budget would cover this amount. Local Authorities Powers Act 1923 s1. The Town Clerk also informed the meeting that a cast of the Crow had been taken some years ago and, therefore, a cast was not required. To date no information had been forthcoming from the Police.
Members received the Audit Plan for 2010-2011 as previously circulated and the appointment of the Internal Auditor (HW Chartered Accountants) was agreed.
Members noted and agreed to appoint Trustees to serve on the Mayor’s Community Charity Fund as follows:- Town Mayor for the current year Deputy Town Mayor for the current year Town Clerk Two Town Councillors for the current year
It was noted that the immediate past Mayor would not be appointed this year as he was not a member of the Town Council.
Following discussion it was agreed that the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee should be the two Town Councillors for the current year and that the positions should be recorded and not the names.
42 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Members discussed the Governing Document for setting up the Charity and agreed the document after some minor amendments. It was then RESOLVED to approve the Governing Document.
Councillor Davison reported on his attendance at a meeting of the North Hertfordshire District Citizens Advice Bureau. He explained that the CAB relied heavily on funding from the North Hertfordshire and South Cambridgeshire District Councils. (Report with minutes)
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it was Resolved that in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Members considered the recommendation from the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub- Committee that Mrs. Jean Waldock be promoted to Deputy Town Clerk following her achievement on the Local Policy exams, and confirm the salary scale point be increased from 26 to 27 with a further increment to point 28 in April 2011. Members were happy to support this recommendation and it was proposed by Councillor Burt, seconded by Councillor Harrison and agreed that this promotion be put in hand. Members congratulated Mrs.Waldock.
The Chairman then said the next meeting would be held on the 25th October 2010 and closed the meeting at 8 p.m.
44 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the MUSEUM ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE held in Royston Museum on Thursday 30th September at 7.p.m.
PRESENT: Councillors: Berry (Chair) Burt, F J Smith and R Smith Museum Trustees: Peter Ketteringham, Mike Lawrence, Jenny Smith, Phil Smith, Peter Franks Friends: Shirley Thrussell History Society Rep – Betty Skyrme Mr. L. Baker NHDC Representative
Town Council Officers: Susan Thornton-Björk Town Clerk Carole Kaszak Royston Museum Curator Ros Allwood NHDC Cultural Services Manager arrived at 7.10pm
Apologies were received from Councillor Mayne
155/11 MINUTES:
Members of the Committee were reminded that anything discussed in committee in Part 2 of the meeting was confidential and not to be discussed outside of the committee. The minutes of the meeting held Thursday 22nd July 2010 (77/11 to 85/11) were approved for signing by the chairman.
156/11 CURATORS REPORT: (copy attached to the minute book):
The curator updated members on the report.
Visitors: Carole reported that there had been a total of 625 visitors to the museum in September and it showed that the trend was on the up. The Royston Arts Festival drew in 316 visitors over the weekend and there had been some very positive feedback to the workshops put on at the museum. The Magic Lantern slide display will be repeated. The Engaging with Community project DVD was premiered on Saturday and Sunday, members were asked if they wanted a private view of the DVD or for it to be presented to a council meeting. She is planning to invite over 60’s to the museum to view the film.
Sunday Opening: Carole reported there had been 298 visitors on Sundays throughout the summer of 2010. It seemed that some of the Cave guides were not aware that the museum was open on Sundays and it was suggested that a poster be put up at the Cave entrance for next year. The History Society had agreed to do the poster. The Committee congratulated the staff on the success of the Arts Festival weekend and on all the work connected with the latest projects, it was pleasing to see the museum going out to the community as well as the increase in visitor numbers.
Performing Right Licence had now been purchased.
The Friends of the Museum were thanked for purchasing a motorised screen for the museum.
45 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL New volunteers had joined the museum recently and they have been involved with the new projects.
157/11 FINANCE:
Members noted the income and expenditure figures for the museum. (Copies to be sent to members). Members noted donations received. Members noted the shop sales
Proposed Budget 2011-2011 – How to increase the museum’s income was discussed, suggestions made were:
Sell postcards elsewhere – problem, up front costs needed Introduce Admission Charges or incorporated them with the Cave charges – Ros explained how Bedford museum had introduce charges and then reverted back to free entrance after their visitor numbers declined rapidly, introducing admission charges was not supported by members Advertising to increase visitor numbers to increase shop sales, it is difficult to increase shop stock as there is nowhere to store it. There is already a lot of free advertising done both on line and in free magazines already Peter Ketteringham offered to sell his books to the museum for a small price so they could be sold on and the museum to make a profit on them - problem up front costs needed and storage area Glossy brochures: The Town Clerk was asked to look into costing
It was agreed to put in the budget the costs of Wardens for Sunday opening for 2011.
The curator reported that the A3 printer would soon need replacing and asked for the equipment budget to be increased.
The Curator said she was still waiting for more information from one of the designers. Les was still working on the lottery pre-application form.
159/11 MUSEUM REVIEW 2009:
Councillor R Smith went through the report 2 – a) the museum has been open throughout the summer on Sunday afternoons in line with the Cave. 3 – Working party set up by the Finance Committee need to meet. 4- The Town Clerk is working on this 5- No entrance charge agreed, charges for research applied when needed 6- A number of Grant applications have been made 7- Funding received from NHDC Area Committee for the Sunday opening hours 8- Arrangements kept the same 9- Some of the items in Appendix 7 have been actioned 10- Closure planned Jan 2011 – Store room to be emptied and cleaned and a new display at the back of the museum to be done 11- No areas identified for off site storage
46 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL 12- On-going - The tapestry is about to go back on the frame and Martin Kaszak will put on the next design to be embroidered; the museum is looking for more people to volunteer to do the embroidery. It was suggested to do a Press Release through the Crow for volunteers.
Earlier in the year Museum Trustees, Cllr R Smith, Les Baker and the Town Clerk attended a Governance Training session which was funded by SHARE, at the time a need for Governance part 2 training was identified which would be at a cost to the council; this was put on hold due to the Town Council elections. The reason for a review of the Governing Structure was because it is thought that the current management structure is out of date. Members agreed that if the governing structure needs to be changed it needs to be an improvement of what we have. It was agreed to bring this back to the next meeting (11th November) to discuss further, the meeting will start at 6pm with this item and follow with a short agenda. Ros agreed to investigate to see if there was any further funding available from SHARE.
The Chairman congratulated the museum on helping make the Arts Festival Event a success.
Members agreed the date for the next meeting for Thursday 11th November 2010 to start at 6pm
There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.38 pm.
47 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 4 October 2010 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith and R. Smith. Town Councillors Burt, Davidson, Grimes & Harrison, 2 Members of the Public, 1 Member of the Press, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance.
Mrs Kerry Hay talked about her planning application 10/02091/1 and the concerns that have been raised over volume of traffic in Lumen Road that will result from this change of use. She hopes the committee will support her application for change of use to a dance studio and that the parking issues can be resolved. Councillor F. J. Smith said that his attention had been drawn to the building being erected at 31 Mill Road and that a stop notice had been placed on this building. The Town Clerk said she would investigate this.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hulström.
164/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 6th September 2010 (131/11 to 135/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
(a) 10/02085/1SU Royston Railway Station, Kneesworth Street The Chairman read out a directive on this application and Members noted that the extension of the platform was a permitted development. There were concerns that the longer platform would be near to houses in Leete Place and would cause some extra vibration and noise to this area. Following discussion Members supported this application but asked that problems of vibration and noise be taken into account and measures taken to keep these to the minimum.
(b) 10/02259/1 7 Melbourn Road Following discussion it was agreed that the Committee support the District Council’s request for Condition 10 to remain.
(c) 10/02091/1 Royston Fan Co. Ltd., Lumen Road. Members supported this application.
Members of the public left the meeting.
(d) Members had no objection to the following planning applications:-
10/02278/1 Johnson Matthey Plc, Orchard Road. Councillor F.J.Smith & Councillor Mayne declared an interest.
48 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL 10/02143/1HH 9 Honeyway. 10/02325/1HH 7 Downlands. 10/02131/1HH 32 Serby Avenue
(e) 10/02221/1HH 16 Saffron Street Following discussion the Committee agreed not to support this application because the development was out of keeping with the area.
There being no further business the Chairman said the next meeting of the Committee would be held on 1st November 2010 and closed the meeting at 7.40 p.m.
49 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the GENERAL PURPOSES & HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.44 p.m. on Monday, 4 October 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor Harrison (in the Chair). Councillors Burt, Davidson, Freeman, Grimes, Inwood, Mayne, Palmer & Phillips. Town Councillors Beaver, Davison, F. J. Smith & R. Smith, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Committee Administrator & 1 Member of the press in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hulström.
167/11 MINUTES:
It was agreed that the minutes of the meetings held
(a) 5th July 2010 (minutes 65/11 to 76/11) be approved as a correct record. (b) 13th September 2010 (minutes 136/11 to 137/11) be approved as a correct record.
The Committee received the notes of the Royston in Bloom Working Party meetings held on:-
20th July 2010 7th September 2010
Councillor Davidson updated the meeting on this item and said that children from first and middle schools in Royston had a meeting which was held at Meridian School. 8 children from first schools and some children from Greneway had attended and the Head Girl at Meridian had chaired the meeting. It is hoped that the Youth Council would be revitalised. Members discussed this item and hoped that the Youth Council would meet up with the Town Council. This offer had been made before and Councillor Beaver said he would be happy to go to meet them as Mayor.
Councillor Davidson reported that the summer events were well attended and more events would be arranged during half term and at Easter. Updated Art work would be displayed at Market Hill Rooms shortly.
Members discussed this item and various views put forward. Councillor Burt said it would be possible to borrow the equipment for a short time to test out the possibility of taking on this voluntary work. Councillors Beaver, Burt, Freeman, Harrison, and Inwood said they would be willing to be a volunteer for the trail period. It was then proposed by 6 votes to 2 and one abstention to approach the police to borrow the equipment for a trail period. 50 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL
Members received and noted the petition from Terry Hutt re the Fish Hill Square enhancement, and that a copy had gone to County Councillor Fiona Hill and to the NHDC project manager. Members also noted that an invitation had been received to attend a joint Members’ briefing on 13th October at 6.30 p.m. Harris Room, Coombes Community Centre, and to stay on for the Area Committee meeting.
Councillor Inwood said he would be interested in attending the Public Consultation event on the 4th November, Councillor Freeman agreed to attend also. Members agreed that a Working Party be set up to include Councillors Inwood, Freeman, Harrison and Davidson to do a response on behalf of the Committee to the consultation. Information was available on the website www.hertsdirect.org/LTP .
Members noted details of the proposed Cycle Way Links for Old North Road and BMX Track Cycle Way. The Town Clerk said the plans should be forthcoming mid October or November.
Members noted that information was available on the Future of Hertfordshire Waste on the website www.hertsdirect.org/waste
Members noted that information on Hertfordshire Transport Facts 2009 and Road Traffic Collision and Casualty Facts 2009 was available on website www.hertsdirect.org.hdr.
Members discussed the problems with parking for the disabled at Market Hill, near to the library and surgery, and the Lorries making deliveries to Store 21 and Peacock’s store. At the recent meeting on the Fish Hill Square enhancement it had been suggested that the car spaces there be removed to Market Hill. Finally it was agreed to refer this matter to the District Council’s Area Committee.
178/11 FLOODING:
The Town Clerk reported that County Councillor Hill had given an update on the problems of flooding in the town.
The Twigdens Estate was being monitored Church Lane - ongoing drainage works included as part of the Fish Hill Square enhancement. The consultants are very aware of the problems Lower King Street - Phase 1 completed, next stage in hand Burns Road is into the final stage and will be finished by the end of October. 51 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Baldock St flooding outside Archers and the Nail shop – It is believed it is caused by damaged underground utilities and is being investigated The program for maintenance on all gullies and drains in Royston is due to be carried out shortly. Members were pleased to note this and it was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to County Councillor Hill for her work on getting these improvements carried out.
Councillor Freeman gave a report on behalf of Mrs .Elizabeth Beardwell who had attended a recent meeting of the Royston & District Local History Society. There had been 60 openings of Royston Cave during the summer season with 2,376 adults and 594 children, an increase of 10% on last year. A vibration survey is to be carried out on 4th November and the drain repairs scheduled for late October. There have been some problems with unaccompanied children visiting the Cave and it has been decided not to allow unaccompanied children into the Cave. Visitors to the Cave would be encouraged to visit the Museum and vice versa.
There being no further business the Chairman announced the next meeting would take place on 6th December 2010 and declared the meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.
52 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL held on Monday, 11 October 2010 in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor M. Beaver (Town Mayor in the Chair) Councillors Berry, Burt, Davidson, Davison, Freeman, Harrison, Inwood, Mayne, Phillips & R. Smith Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, Denise Graham Volunteer Centre 1 member of the public.
The Reverend Canon Les Harman led the meeting in prayer
The Town Mayor welcomed everybody to the meeting and invited Denise Graham to give her presentation on the Royston Volunteer Centre. Denise Graham outlined the background to the Royston Volunteer Centre that operated in rooms at Royston & District Hospital. She explained the core function of the work involved and said that volunteer enquiries for the year so far stood at 459, an increase from last year, 227 organisations were registered and 48% of the enquiries were from people in Royston with 28% being from unemployed people. Meetings were held with other Volunteer Co-ordinators and events held to promote volunteering. The Centre was developing and had been chosen as the Regional Sporting Champion for the East of England. She then explained the various things that volunteers can do and that people can find out about volunteering by making an appointment at the local Volunteer Centre or to visit www.do-it.org.uk website. People were volunteering to help with the 2012 Games and they would be given the opportunity of volunteering in their local area. Local organisations could consider how best to incorporate the inspiration of the 2012 Games into their organisation’s work. Volunteers would be asked for their permission to pass on their details to the Town Council so that they could be informed about events and what volunteering roles were required. She concluded her presentation by asking for questions.
The Town Mayor then thanked Denise Graham for attending the meeting and said how impressed he was with the work of the Volunteer Centre.
Reverend Canon Harman and Denise Graham then left the meeting at 7.35 p.m.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hulström, Palmer and F. J. Smith. F J Smith was representing the Town Council at NHDC Annual Community Partnership Conference in Letchworth. The Town Mayor and members sent Councillor Hulström best wishes for her upcoming wedding.
The Town Mayor reported attending 70 events, 20 of which were in connection with the Royston Arts Festival that had been very impressive and he had had a good time visiting as many of the events as possible. Thanks were due to the Royston Festival Committee for their hard work in promoting the Festival. The Royston Arts Society had been going for over 30
53 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL years and their exhibition was very good this year. The Royston & District Museum and Art Gallery had had a lot of events going on during that weekend and he had been very impressed with the work. He had a copy of the two DVDs made by the Curator for the Festival weekend. One was entitled “Engaging the Community” and the other was showing work done by “Ignite Youth” at the Community Centre, he encouraged Members to borrow these DVDs to view. He had been very impressed with Royston and its achievements and he was pleased to be the Town Mayor at this time. His charity account stood at £2,113.40 and he thanked Rod Kennedy for arranging the Golf Day that had raised a good sum of money. This Sunday there would be a Twinning Association Civic Reception and he was pleased to hear that 9 Councillors would be attending. His Charity Quiz Night is to be held on Friday 22 October 2010 and his Civic Reception would be held on the 12th November at Market Hill Rooms. He asked Members to note the date proposed for the Civic Service on 20 February 2011.
Councillor R. Smith thanked the Town Mayor on behalf of the Town Council for his hard work over the last few weeks.
182/11 MINUTES:
It was proposed by Councillor Beaver, seconded by Councillor R. Smith and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 9 th August 2010 (minutes 101/11 to 109/11).
(a) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Finance Committee held 26 July 2010 (minutes 86/11 to 95/11) be adopted into the workings of this Council. 23 August 2010 (minutes 110/11 to 122/11) be adopted into the workings of this Council.
(d) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes & Highways & Transport Committee held on 13 September 2010 (minutes 136/11 to 137/11) be adopted into the workings of this Council. Councillor Harrison said he would be attending the Area Committee meeting at Coombes Community centre when the Fish Hill Square enhancement would be discussed.
(e) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 2nd August 2010 (minutes 96/11 to 100/11) be adopted into the workings of this Council. 6 September 2010 (minutes 131/11 to 135/11) be adopted into the workings of this Council.
(a) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on the 27th September 2010 (minutes 138/11 to 153/11) be adopted into the workings of the Council. 54 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL The Town Mayor thanked the Town Clerk for making sure that the Crow would be back on the Memorial in time for Remembrance Sunday.
Councillor Davidson reported that she had been involved with the Volunteers’ Centre in respect of Royston being involved with preparations and events for the Olympic Games 2012. The May Fayre and Royston in Bloom would be involved with an Olympic theme for their events. She suggested a committee be set up to co-ordinate events and asked if the committee room could be available for meetings. She asked for the Committee’s agreement to form this Group. Following discussion it was proposed and agreed that a Co-ordinating Committee for Royston 2012 Olympic themed events be formed and a report be put to the meeting of the Finance Committee on 29 November 2010 after the first meeting of the group.
Members approved the recommendation from the Town Premises and Human Resources Sub- Committee to adopt the Protocol on Members/Officer Relations Policy into the workings of the Council.
Members approved the recommendation from the Finance Committee to adopt the Town Council Training Policy into the workings of the Council.
188/11 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT – Statement of Intent:
Members approved and adopted the Statement of Intent into the workings of the Council. The Town Clerk noted that this Statement of Intent was required as part of the Quality Status re- accreditation due for renewal next year.
The Town Clerk reported that the Rotary Club had offered a donation of £250 in respect of the Town Council’s payment for the insurance excess for repairs to the Crow that was to be re-affixed to the War Memorial. A donation had also been received from the Mr Vincent Hemmings to the Town Council of a Limited Edition print depicting aircraft stationed at Bassingbourn Barracks that had crashed in 1945 at Weston nr Baldock. The Royston & District Museum and Art Gallery and the Tower Museum at Bassingbourn also held Limited Edition prints. Members were delighted at both these donations and agreed that letters of thanks be sent to the Rotary Club and Vincent Hemmings. The Town Clerk also reported that the Christmas Carnival would be held on Sunday, 5th December 2010 and there would be a Farmers’ Market, Carnival Fair and stalls etc. The Town Mayor thanked her for her report and also for the help given to him from all the Staff.
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it was Resolved that in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Councillor Burt declared an interest as a Member of the North Hertfordshire District Council and would leave the room at time of voting. A letter had been received from Royston First in respect of the pigeons that were causing problems in the Town Centre. The Town Council was being asked if they would consider conducting a survey on public attitudes to the pigeon problem and how best to deal with this problem. A lot of members did not agree with this There followed a full discussion and Councillor Burt left the room for the vote. It was proposed and agreed not to organise a survey but to try to educate people in the town not to feed the pigeons thus breaking their food chain. It was also agreed to provide information at the next Councillor’s Surgery in the town about the problems of pigeons in the town. The next surgery is to be held on Saturday 4th December in Angel Pavement. It was also agreed to support the Town Centre Manager by writing to the Area Committee asking the District Council for their advice and help on this matter.
The date of the next meeting was scheduled for 13 December 2010.
The Town Mayor closed the meeting at 8.40 p.m.
56 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 25 October 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Harrison, Inwood & F. J. Smith. Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, Councillor B. Davidson, Councillors Mayne & Palmer & Mr. L. Baker in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Grimes.
193/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 27 September 2010 (minutes 138/11 to 153/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman. In respect of minute 148/11 War Memorial, the Town Clerk confirmed that the Crow would be fitted back onto the War Memorial this week.
It was Resolved to approve the accounts for October 2010 in the sum of £40,330.68 for payment.
(i) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for September 2010. (ii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for September 2010 which included the Markets income and expenditure.
196/11 EXTERNAL AUDIT 2009/2010:
(i) The Town Clerk reported that the External Audit had been completed for 2009/2010 and the completion notice had been posted.
(ii) The Town Clerk then reported that the result of the Audit was a qualified audit because the money invested from the Leete Charity account had been included in the accounts. In future, the Clerk will invest the Leete Charity money separately and not include it in the councils accounts.
(iii) There had also been two recommendations:
a) An Asset Register should be held by the council to include location of access, date purchased and current value. b) The Review of the effectiveness of the Internal Audit had not been covered correctly last year.
The Town Clerk explained that as to recommendation a) the assets register is complete and had been for many years, the auditors had not requested sight of this. In relation to b) Councillors had already met to do the review this year and called a second meeting to cover the points that were missing.
57 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL The Town Clerk explained she had contacted the auditors about the report and her disappointment at not being contacted about the issue with the Leete Charity money as it could have been rectified before the audit was signed off. The Auditor said they had made two phone calls to the council but the clerk had not spoken to anyone from the audit office. There is a form from the Auditors to complete in respect of the Town Council’s satisfaction at the Auditors’ work on the Audit. Following a full discussion the Members agreed that they did not have satisfaction with the way in which this Audit had been performed. It was then agreed that the survey form be completed and returned showing the Town Council’s dissatisfaction together with a letter with copies to the appropriate Government Department HAPTC The Town Clerk to seek views from Councillor Grimes and together with the Chairman of the Finance Committee to deal with this matter as soon as possible.
The Chairman reported that Councillors have now had two meetings, the second following the recommendations by the external auditor, and completed the review. There were no issues of concern with the internal audit process but the following three items have been noted.
(i) New Standing Orders have been issued by NALC, the Town Clerk will be revising the councils Standing Orders to comply with the new ones and these will be implemented in May 2011. (ii) Cleared cheques are currently returned to RTC but the initialling of cheque stubs needs to be reviewed should Barclays Bank withdraw this facility. (iii) Consider further Financial Awareness training requirements for all recently elected Members.
Members agreed to receive and accept the report of the Review of the Effectiveness of the Internal Audit into the workings of the council.
The Town Clerk had previously reported that the cost of voluntary registration for the Town Council’s properties, except for 30 Kneesworth Street, was £410. After checking the value of the properties it is found that the cost will be £690 and the clerk asked the council to approve the extra expenditure. The allotments would need to be registered at a later date at a cost of £40. NHDC had registered the land around the Town Hall and the Town Clerk had received a copy showing the Town Council’s property. Following discussion it was agreed that the Town Council go ahead with voluntary registration on the properties outlined. It was further agreed that the Town Council should do a voluntary registration on the allotments as soon as possible.
(i) Members discussed whether the Museum should continue the Sunday afternoon opening during the summer of 2011. The funding for this during this year had been given by the NHDC in the sum of £1,442. It was agreed to postpone a decision and to
58 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL await further information following a meeting of the District Council’s Area Committee in December. (ii) Improvements to security. The Town Clerk reported that there had been concerns over the last three years about the security of the downstairs windows including the toilet and kitchen windows. It had been suggested that bars be placed on these windows but the landlord did not want bars on the outside of the windows but would agree to the inside and to be of the concertina type. Cost would be £895 and could be put in the budget for the next year. Following discussion it was suggested that the most vulnerable window be fitted with bars. The Town Clerk confirmed that about 2 or 3 years ago the Crime Prevention Officer had visited the Museum and had advised the clerk and curator that this should be done. After further discussion it was agreed to ask The Friends of the Royston & District Museum & Art Gallery if they would be able to help with funding.
Members discussed this matter and it was agreed that training for Councillor’s on the Power of Well-Being Act be arranged so the council could then adopt the power.
Following discussion it was agreed that the heading under the Blooms photograph should read “Blooming Winners”. A suggestion was also made that e-mail addresses be included in the contact list of Royston Town Councillors and it was agreed to look at this possibility for the next issues. It was then agreed that the draft copy of the December Newsletter go ahead with publication subject to the amendment suggested.
Councillor Berry reported that she and the Town Mayor had attended the closing ceremony for the Guiding Anniversary Year. There had been a countdown throughout the country and through the web link. It had been a very poignant occasion and she had been very pleased to be able to attend and go to many of the events arranged.
Councillor F. J. Smith reported that the Community Transport Office had moved from an office in Royston Hospital to the old X-ray room downstairs and this was giving them more space and making them more easily available to the public.
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Beaver and Resolved that, in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Town Clerk reported that she had asked for advice from the District Council in respect of an outstanding hire charge in the sum of £355.50, and they had explained the long procedure that was necessary to go through the courts and at the end of this the Council could not be assured that the sum would be repaid. Members discussed this matter and suggested other options such as a civil recovery service. After further discussion it was Resolved that this debt of £355.50 be written off. In future hiring regulations would be more stringently observed. The Town Clerk was asked to look into the possibility of hiring a Debt Recovery Service.
The Town Clerk explained that now admin costs had been added to the expenditure budget for the allotments and with the increasing cost of water the yearly expenditure was very excessive over income. Checks had been made by the allotment association to see if there were any water leaks on site. The Town Clerk had carried out some research and compared rents with other areas. The Royston allotments cost £2 per pole and the average plot is 5 poles, and other areas appeared to have much higher rents. Concessions were allowed at age 60 but some areas it was 65 and some did not have concessions at all. The District Council charges are £28 per 5 pole plot.
Following a full discussion the following was agreed:-
1. Increase the cost of a 5 pole plot from £10 to £52.00 (£1 per week) as from 1st January 2012. Councillor Beaver abstained from the vote. (£10.50 per pole) 2. New allotment holders to pay a £10 joining fee as from 1st January 2012. 3. Concessions for existing allotment holders of 25% would be honoured but no new holders would receive concessions as from the 1st January 2012. Councillor Burt abstained from the vote. 4. Holders joining in the middle of a year would only pay pro rata charge as from the 1st January 2012.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9 p.m.
60 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the TOWN COUNCIL PREMISES/HUMAN RESOURCES SUB- COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston on Monday 25 October 2010 at 9.01 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair). Councillors Davidson, Harrison, Palmer & R. Smith. Town Clerk & Deputy Town Clerk Town Councillors Beaver, Mayne & F. J. Smith, & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hulström.
207/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee held on the 23 August 2010 (minutes 123/11 to 130/11) were approved for signature.
(i) The Town Clerk updated Members on this item and building regulations were being sorted with a proviso for a lift. Plans and details have been sent out to a few contractors. Two did not wish to be involved and two were still to quote. One had answered and the Town Clerk was searching for two other contractors so that there would be a choice of 3. She had applied to the District Council for funding from the Visioning budget and enquired about Section 106 funding.
(ii) The Town Clerk asked Members for their decision on what facilities should be available in the kitchen. The present fridge would be transferred to the new kitchen area and it was agreed that the old steam oven was no longer required but that a large free standing oven would be necessary. A warming oven and microwave was also suggested and it was noted that the sinks would be complete with cupboard areas. The Town Clerk would report back to the Committee in due course.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10 p.m.
61 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 1st November 2010 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Davison, Freeman, Mayne, Palmer, F. J. Smith and R. Smith. In attendance County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Town Councillors Burt & Inwood, 1 Member of the Public, 2 Members of the Press, Town Clerk, Committee Administrator and 2 Representatives of Fairview Homes.
The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and invited Mr. John Baines, Fairview Homes, to give an update on the planning application from Fairview Homes in respect of Site B, Land off Thackery Close and Site C, Land off Coombelands. Mr. Baines then explained that Fairview Homes had taken into account the views of Royston and had amended the plans accordingly. The biggest message had been in respect of car parking and, therefore, the number of dwellings had been reduced from 28 to 23 on Site B and from 64 to 59 on Site C. This had enabled Fairview to free spaces for more car parking. This had also been achieved by not eating into the open spaces and these remained as previously shown. Fairview had listened to the residents and now there are no flats at all on Site B and for Site C there are now 11 flats instead of 22 flats. In respect of the construction problems in relation to Site B, Fairview was working with the Highways Authority to come up with a solution so that Thackeray Close does not have to be accessed during construction. Mr. Baines then answered questions from Members.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Baines for his update on these planning applications.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beaver, Hulström & Phillips.
Councillors Mayne and F. J. Smith declared an interest in Item 5 (e) and (h) in respect of applications from Johnson Matthey and would not take part in any discussion or vote.
211/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 4th October 2010 (163/11 to 165/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
(a) 10/01065/1 Site B, Land off Thackery Close.
Members discussed this application and considered that there were still issues in respect of the vehicle access to the site along Burns Road.
Members agreed not to support this application on the grounds off access issues. The access issues from the previous plans have still not been addressed, it brings extra traffic along an already busy, difficult road which is a very long cul-de-sac passing by 2
62 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL schools, an alterative route to the site should be found. There were also concerns on a minor design issue in that the chimneys for decoration only were not needed.
Members requested that any Section 106 monies are considered for provision of allotments or go towards improvements of the Town Hall.
(b) 10/01066/1 Site C, Land off Coombelands.
Following discussion it was agreed that the Committee support this application subject to traffic calming measures being put in Coombelands. Members were pleased to see access for construction traffic will be off the A10.
Councillor F. J. Smith abstained from voting.
Members request that Section 106 monies are allowed to go to redevelopment of the Town Hall
The Fairview representatives and Councillor Burt left the meeting at 7.35 p.m.
(c) 10/02416/1 Heath House, Princes Mews.
After discussion members agreed to support this application. Councillor F. J. Smith voted against.
(d) 10/02203/1 Land between and in the Gardens of 31 and 33 Mill Road
The Town Clerk reported her investigations into why there had been a stop on this development and it appeared that the town ditch was in a different location to that advised by the Water Board and a new application was needed for the development. Following discussion it was agreed to support this application.
(e) Members had no objection to the following planning applications:-
10/02274/1 Johnson Matthey Plc, Orchard Road. 10/02387/1HH 22A Garden Walk 10/02478/1HH 5 Sun Hill 10/02470/1 Johnson Matthey Plc, Orchard Road 10/02609 9 Old North Road
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.51 p.m.
63 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the MUSEUM ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE held in Royston Museum on Thursday, 11th November 2010 at 6.p.m.
PRESENT: Councillors: Berry (Chair) Burt, Davison, F J Smith and R Smith Museum Trustees: Peter Ketteringham, Mike Lawrence, Jenny Smith, Phil Smith, Peter Franks Friends: Shirley Thrussell History Society Rep – Neville Chuck Mr. L. Baker NHDC Representative
Town Council Officers: Susan Thornton-Björk Town Clerk Carole Kaszak Royston Museum Curator Cultural Services Manager arrived at 7.10pm
The Chairman welcomed Mr Neville Chuck to the meeting as the new Chairman of the History Society. It was agreed to write and thank Betty Skyrme for the time she had spent as a member of the committee.
Apologies were received from Councillor Mayne & Ros Allwood, NHDC
214/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held Thursday 30th September 2010 (154/11 to 162/11) were approved for signing by the chairman after the inclusion of the year 2010.
Councillor Smith updated members on the training workshops that he had attending earlier in the year along with Carole, Susan and some the Trustees. It was felt that the existing governance/management structure and agreements need addressing, the documents are old and could do with bringing up to date. Various members were involved in the discussion that followed and the following questions were raised:
What is wrong with the current structure? Do the current agreements need updating? Are there too many members on the Advisory Committee as it is? Could the museum be set up as a Trust/Charity? Would extra funding be available if the museum was set up as a Trust? Is there any funding available for training on how to set up a Trust? Are we changing just for change sake? Will the Town Council still provide funding?
It was then proposed and agreed to set up a small working party (5 members) to review the current management structure and look into whether setting the museum up as a Trust would be feasible. There were two abstentions. Volunteers for the working party were Councillors L Berry, J Davison, R Smith, Les Baker, and one of the Trustees of the Collection. The Trustees will let Susan know who will be their representative at a later date. It was agreed that the working party arrange a date early in the New Year for their first meeting. 64 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL
216/11 CURATORS REPORT: (copy attached to the minute book):
The curator updated members on the report. Sales- Carole reported that the sales figure for October was £56.11 Exhibition – The current exhibition comes to an end next week and will be replaced with an exhibition from the Priory Quilters. All Councillors will receive an invite from the Friends to the Coffee morning to be held on Sat 20th November. Events: - Peter Franks thanked Carole for the Reminiscence Session which was held at the Herts Association for the Disabled and said how much everyone had enjoyed it.
217/11 FINANCE:
Members noted the income and expenditure figures for the museum. Members noted donations received. Members noted the shop sales
SHARE: It was reported to the meeting that Share is looking at ways to continue in spite of Renaissance East of England changing and the hub structure being dismantled.
Share hopes to continue to provide a service to museums and will be having a number of meetings around the region to discuss its plans for the future.
Royston & District Museum and Art Gallery has been invited to take part in Share and will be sending two representatives to an initial meeting at the Polar Museum, Cambridge on Thursday, December 9.
Heritage Lottery Fund: The meeting was told that the Heritage Lottery Fund has increased funds available and that the match-funding requirement for projects under £1 million had been reduced from 10 per cent to 5 per cent.
Closure of Museum for re-display: Carole was thanked for producing a timetable for when the museum is closed to do a re- display and all members said that they hoped they managed to achieve all the changes to the display in the closure time. It was agreed not to have the next Museum Sub meeting in January so as not to interrupt the flow of work. Date of next meeting to follow.
There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 7 05 p.m.
65 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 22 November 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Harrison, & F. J. Smith. Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Inwood.
The Chairman congratulated Councillor F. J. Smith on receiving the Honorary Alderman in recognition of his 60 years of service to North Hertfordshire District Council. Members acknowledged this achievement. Councillor F J Smith thanked Members for their congratulations.
220/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 25 October 2010 (minutes 192/11 to 205/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman.
(a) (i) Members received the minutes of the meeting of the Museum Advisory Sub- Committee held on 22 July 2010 (minutes 77/11 to 85/11) and (ii) The minutes of the meeting of the Museum Advisory Sub-Committee held on 30 September 2010 (minutes 154/11 to 162/11).
(b) Members received the minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee meeting held 25th October 2010 (minutes 206/11 to 208/11).
(c) Members received minutes of the May Fayre Working Party meeting held 2nd November 2010.
Members received minutes of the meeting of the Leete Charity Trustees held on 25 October 2010 into the workings of the Council.
Following clarification of certain items it was Resolved to approve the accounts for November 2010 in the sum of £50,321.61 for payment.
(iii) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for October 2010. (iv) Members noted Income & Expenditure for October 2010. (v) Members noted the Markets Income & Expenditure for October 2010
Members received a report from the Internal Auditor, for the first part of the Internal Audit 2010-2011, and it was noted that the External Auditor’s report for the year ending 31st March 2010 had been reviewed and everything is in order. The Town Clerk was thanked for a fair report.
The Town Clerk explained that the Market Hill Rooms and Town Hall were being booked more often for children’s parties and the problem had been raised in respect of paying the Bond of £250 for the Town Hall. She asked Members to consider introducing a £50 Bond for hirers who book the halls for children’s parties during off peak hours for both halls. A full discussion ensued and the various ways of payments were considered. Finally it was agreed that a Bond of £50 should be requested for children’s day time parties and at the discretion of the Town Clerk this amount to be increased if necessary. Councillors Burt and Davison abstained from the vote.
(i) Members approved a donation to this year’s Poppy Appeal in the sum of £50.
(ii) Following a discussion, during which it was considered time to bring back the refreshments following the parade and service to the Town Hall, it was agreed to approve a donation of £25 towards the refreshments laid on by the Royston Branch of the British Legion on behalf of the Town Council.
Councillor Davidson reported on the successful and enthusiastic first meeting of the Royston 2012 Co-ordinating Committee held recently. Many suggestions had been put forward including celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee. Town Twinning and Royston in Bloom are also planning to have an Olympic theme. It was hoped that local businesses would support the venture. It was also hoped that the Olympic Flame could come through Royston. Councillor F.J. Smith mentioned the Reminiscence DVD produced by the museum which shows the Carnivals and Celebrations held in 1937 and 1953, and suggested that these sorts of events be held in Royston during 2012. He also informed the Committee that the Church would be celebrating 850 years since the beginning of the Priory and that this was the founding of the town of Royston and should be celebrated also. Councillor Davidson thanked Councillor F J Smith and said that the Co-ordinating Committee would do its best to incorporate this into the programme. The Chairman thanked Councillor Davidson for her report and for chairing the Co-ordinating Committee.
229/11 91ST BOMB GROUP:
The Town Clerk reported that correspondence had been received from the 91st Bomb Group saying that a group would be visiting Royston in May 2011, and the Madingley American Cemetery, and asked the Committee to consider planning an event for them. Following discussion it was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Berry and agreed that the sum of £350 be put into the budget for next year to cover an event welcoming the 91st Bomb Group to Royston.
(i) The Town Clerk informed Members that the Charity had been set up and registration number received. Arrangements would be made to transfer funds from the British Gas Fund account to the Mayor’s Charity account. These funds would be earmarked for use for grants, applied for by local organisations once a year, together with 50% of the current Mayor’s fund raising monies each year. The Town Clerk was thanked for dealing with this so speedily. (ii) The date for the first meeting of the Charity was scheduled for Monday, 13 December 2010.
(iii) Improvements to security. The Town Clerk read correspondence received from the Friends of Royston & District Museum saying that the letter of request to help funding for the security to the three windows in the Museum would be considered at their next meeting to be held in February 2011. It was agreed not to include money for security bars in next year’s budget. It was noted that the most vulnerable window of the three could be made more secure and members asked the Town Clerk to ask the Friends about security for this window only. (iv) Stock for Museum The Town Clerk explained the background to the offer to the Council to purchase 500 books at a cost of £1 each which could then be sold in the Museum at £9.95 each, they are currently sold as a sale and return, which generates no income for the museum. Members were grateful for the offer but it was agreed to decline the offer.
Councillor Davison reported on his attendance at a Conservators of Therfield Heath meeting and had circulated his report to Members. There was a concern about fly tipping and Councillor Burt asked Councillor Davison to give him details after the meeting. Councillor Davidson reported on her attendance at the Volunteers Centre meeting and that the Members were invited to attend the AGM on the 24th November 2010. Councillor Burt wished to say how well the Royal British Legion had organised the events on Remembrance Day and asked for a letter of congratulations to be sent to Chris Murphy. The Town Clerk said that a request had been made by the Royston HomeStart for a representative of the Royston Town Council as there had not been a replacement for Bill Prime. Councillor Hill had also asked for Councillors to consider being a School Governor. Councillor R. Smith said he would look into this matter.
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it was proposed by Councillor Berry, seconded by Councillor F. J. Smith and Resolved in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
(a) The Chairman said that the Markets Manager was concerned about the Sunday Farmers’ Markets and lack of stall holders and customers. Following some discussion it was agreed to cease organising the Sunday Farmers’ Market from January 2011. Members asked that Emma be thanked for her hard work in the promotion of the Market.
(b) Charter Market. Councillor Burt declared an interest and took no part in discussion or voting thereof. The Chairman informed the Members that the contract with NHDC would be due for renewal next July. There was some discussion on the cleaning and clearing of the market and how the money for this could be reduced to create savings on the contract figures if NHDC would renew the contract for a further 2 years. Following discussion it was agreed that the Town Council make a provisional request to the District Council to renew the contract with the suggestion of how savings could be made.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45 p.m.
69 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 6th December 2010 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith and R. Smith. In attendance County & District Councillor Hill, Town Councillors Davidson & Harrison, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk and Committee Administrator. 1 member of public
The Chairman welcomed Mr. Procter to the meeting and invited him to speak to the Committee in respect of Planning application10/02616/1 – 47-49 High Street. Mr. Procter explained the reasons for this change of use from class A1 shop to use Class A3 Restaurant and café. There had been two firm offers for this site both for change of use as eating places and this appeared the way to go forward to avoid empty shops in the High Street.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Procter for his update on the planning application.
Apologies were received from Councillor Hulström.
236/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 1st November 2010 (209/11 to 212/11) were approved and signed as a correct record with the amendment of the correct spelling of Thackeray Close.
(a) 10/02517/1 - Ivy Farm Baldock Road Royston
Members agreed not to support this application and objected for the following reasons;
1. Access to site, members have concerns of the safety of the proposed access to the site and suggest that a roundabout or other traffic calming measures are installed to help reduce the speed of traffic along this road. There have already been a number of accidents in this area. As more development occurs along this road the amount of traffic will increase further and increase speed problems along this stretch of road.
2. Some of the plots and garages are closer than the proposed 25m from the eastern boundary
3. Plots 78, 79 & 80 back directly onto properties invading privacy these would be better if they were offset as other plots.
4. Some of the roof heights of properties backing on to Heathfield are higher than existing rooflines and will affect the look of Heathfield. 70 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL
5. There were also concerns about the balancing pond.
(b) 10/02616/1 - 47-49 High Street.
It was agreed to support this application as the building has been vacant for a long time, members were pleased to see that there are no alterations planned for the front of the building. Members agreed it was better to have a restaurant in the High St rather than a deteriorating empty building. It will help bring people to the High St. Members agreed that the planning consent should include a condition that the change of use is for a particular restaurant.
Mr. Procter left the meeting.
(c) 10/02628/1- Land between A505 and York Way Members supported this application
(d) 10/02823/1LB 13 High Street. Members had no objection to this application
(e) 10/02617/1 - Cutlers House, Lumen Road Royston RTC members fully supported this application for temporary change of use to a snooker hall. The temporary usage will allow time for any noise issues to be monitored to see if there is an adverse impact on the residents in the area, although they do not feel there will be any. Members feel this facility is greatly needed to serve the community of Royston.
(f) 10/02545/1- Ling Dynamic Systems Ltd. Following discussion the Members agreed not to support this amended application due to the height of the buildings being higher than the original plans.
(g) 10/02611/1HH - 5 Stile Plantation Members had no objection to this application
(h) 10/02113/1LB - 5 London Road Members had no objection to this application
(i) 10/02514/1HH - 19 Serby Avenue Members had no objection to this application
(j) 10/0274/1HH - 13 Windsor Way Members had no objection to this application
Councillor Hill left the meeting at 7.40.
Members considered the planning application for a proposed 2.5m wide shared cycle track at Royston BMX Park, between Burns Road and Betjeman Road, Royston. Members agreed to support this application but asked that provision of lighting be made before the commencement of the building of the cycle track.
The Town Clerk had already informed members that a DVD about this proposed development was available from the Town Clerk’s office or the proposals were available to view on-line. There followed a full discussion on this subject and it was considered that some enhancement of the area was required and members welcomed the proposals, it was agreed that the following comments be returned.
(i) Option 1 – Members supported this option and would like to see some building at the Cross; they would like to see more detailed plans on this. They would like to see the building incorporating the facilities already at the Cross, i.e. public conveniences. It was also thought that it could incorporate a Tourist Information point.
(ii) Option 2 - Members also supported this option and also wanted to see a more detailed study.
(iii) Option 3 - Members did not support this option
240/11 SOUTH CAMBRIDGESHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL – Land Development Framework:
Members noted that the outcome of the Gypsy and Traveller site options consultation would be available to view on the website http://scambs.idi-consult.net/ldf from the 7th December 2010.
There being no further business the Chairman informed the meeting that the next meeting of the committee would be held on the 10 January 2011, wished everybody a Happy Christmas and New Year and closed the meeting at 8.25 p.m.
72 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the GENERAL PURPOSES & HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 8.29 p.m. on Monday, 6 December 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor Harrison (in the Chair). Councillors Davidson, Freeman, Mayne, Palmer & Phillips Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk & Committee Administrator Town Councillors F. J. Smith & R. Smith in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Burt, Hulström & Inwood.
Councillor Freeman declared an interest in Item 10 – Hertfordshire County Council Consultation on the Library Service as an employee in the Library Service.
243/11 MINUTES:
It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on the 4th October 2010 (minutes 166/11 to 179/11) be approved as a correct record.
The Committee received the notes of the Royston in Bloom Working Party meeting held on 16th November 2010 into the workings of the Council.
Councillor Davidson reported to the meeting that she had attended a Youth Council meeting in November. Eleven young people from schools in and around Royston attended the meeting and it was chaired by the Head Girl and Head Boy at Meridian School. There was considerable discussion about a graffiti wall being provided for outside art with the suggestion that the back of the public conveniences in the Fish Hill could be used for this, it would be managed and supervised. Following some discussion it was felt that the wall of the conveniences in Priory Memorial Gardens were not the suitable place for the graffiti wall. It was agreed that the youngsters needed to be able to display their art and it was suggested that perhaps a facilities within school grounds would be more suitable and that it could be supervised more easily or a portable trailer and then the art could be displayed at the May Fayre. The Youth Council will meet once early in each half term. Councillor Davidson said she would contact Alan Fleck to let him know Councillors comments
Councillor Davidson reported that it was likely that this Network group would be disappearing from this area next year as it was likely that the funding for the extended schools project would not be replaced when it ends in August 2011. This was very regrettable as the children had enjoyed many events during the school holidays.
Councillor Harrison reported that a meeting of the volunteers will be taking place soon. The Town Clerk reported that the police were busy setting up the Community Speed watch for Barkway village at present.
It was agreed to response to the consultation with the following comments: Meridian Ward needed an extra polling station The Leisure Centre was suggested as a possible venue. The Town Clerk also reminded members that they could add their comments as individuals on line at www.north-herts.gov.uk/electoralreview.
Members had been advised that these documents were available on line at www.hertsdirect.org/wasteplanning or a CD was available in the Town Council office. Consultation ends on 13th December 2010. The Committee considered: (i) Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Polices Pre Submission document and (ii) Waste Site Omissions document, The Committee agreed that the following comment be sent, Members agreed with all the suggestions in the report.
Following discussions about the cut-backs in the Hertfordshire Library service, it was felt that the views of the staff and public who use the Royston library should be taken into account when the cuts in the hours the library is opened is considered. The Committee agreed to put forward the suggestion that the library should been closed in the afternoons and not the mornings as the mornings is the time when the library is used most.
The Committee agreed to form a Working Party to consider and put forward their ideas on improvements in Royston by 31 January 2011. The Working Party would comprise of Councillors Harrison, Davidson & Mayne, and County Councillor Hill had asked if she could also be a member of the Working Party. Members had no objection to this
Members considered that the name Lill Parade for the link road between Fish Hill and Market Hill was not appropriate and that the name Lill should be put to one of the new roads on a future development. Councillor F. J. Smith had already suggested the name of Market Link for this road, members agreed with this.
(a) The Chairman said that Members should report any problems on the state of Royston roads directly to www.hertsdirect.org/actweb/hfr/default.cfm. (b) The Chairman said that he had reported the condition of the footpath between Highlands and Parthia Close some months ago but nothing had been done. Councillor Hill had confirmed that she would look into this.
The Cross Public Conveniences. The Town Clerk reported that a letter had been received from NHDC re the public toilets and that they might have to close if funding cannot be found for the maintenance of them and asking whether RTC was interested in providing the funding for them. It was agreed by the Committee that the Town Council deeply regretted the proposed closure of these toilets by NHDC but the Town Council does not have sufficient funds in their budget to take on this facility, they stressed to NHDC that the toilets at The Cross are not closed until the Fish Hill toilets are in good working order.
Members were asked to give their comments and views on the Draft Hertfordshire Policing Plan 2011-2014. Comments to be returned by Friday, 14 January 2011.
Members agreed to respond with; They agree with the aims in the Plan In respect of 7.3 members suggested that the hours off due to sickness and absence should be reduced if possible rather than maintained.
There being no further business the Chairman announced the next meeting would take place on 7th March 2011 and wished everybody a Happy Christmas and declared the meeting closed at 9.26 p.m.
75 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL held on Monday, 13 December 2010 in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor M. Beaver (Town Mayor in the Chair) Councillors Berry, Burt, Davidson, Davison, Freeman, Harrison, Hulström-Allen, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith & R. Smith. County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, District Councillor B. Davidson, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance 4 Members of the Public, The Reverend Canon Les Harman led the meeting in prayer
The Town Mayor opened the meeting welcoming all those present and on behalf of himself and the Council he congratulated Councillor F. J. Smith on receiving the Honorary Alderman in recognition of his 50 years of service to North Hertfordshire District Council. Councillor Smith thanked Members for their congratulations.
The Town Mayor invited Mr. N. Guttridge to speak to the Committee. Mr. Guttridge said he wished to speak in respect of Agenda item 4 (b) – Finance Minutes for 25th October 2010. He was at a loss to understand why there was an exclusion of public and press for this item that was essentially a public matter, and he quoted the appropriate law in respect of this. The subject of allotment rent increases had been raised on Cambridge Radio and therefore the knowledge was out in the public domain. The Town Mayor said that this matter would be discussed later and said that the Allotments Association would have twelve months notice of any increase. He thanked Mr. Guttridge for his comments and said that these would be taken on board at the appropriate meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Grimes and Inwood.
The Town Mayor reported that he had lost count of how many events he had attended but he had enjoyed all of them. His Civic Reception had been very successful and he thanked the Town Council staff for their hard work to make the event go smoothly. The Remembrance Day had also been a good occasion with many people attending. His charity fund raising activities had raised approximately £3,800 to date. The Civic Service had been arranged for the 20th February 2011 at 3 p.m. and there would be another fund raising event in the form of a Curry Evening in the New Year. He would be visiting Royston Hospital and the Care Homes over the Christmas period.
258/11 MINUTES:
It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 11th October 2010 (minutes 180/11 to 191/11). Councillor F J Smith abstained.
(a) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the General Purposes & Highways & Transport Committee held
4 October 2010 (minutes 166/11 to 179/11) be approved and adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(b) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 25 October 2010 (minutes 192/11 to 205/11) be approved and adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
The Town Mayor asked Councillor R Smith to clarify the position in respect of having spoken to Cambridge Radio about the Town Council’s discussion of allotments under Part Two of their meeting. Councillor Smith informed the committee that Cambridge Radio had already been given the facts and information about the allotment rents increase and also that RAGA had already given this information to the local press.
(c) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 4th October 2010 (minutes 163/11 to 165/11) be approved and adopted as part of the true workings of this Council. 1st November 2010 (minutes 209/11 to 212/11) be approved and adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(a) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on the 22nd November 2010 (minutes 219/11 to 234/11) be approved and adopted as a true record into the workings of the Council subject to the amendment that under minute 219/11 the 60 years of service by Councillor F. J. Smith to NHDC be amended to 50 years of service. In relation to Minute 228/11 Councillor F. J. Smith also stressed the importance of the 850th Anniversary of the Royston Priory and that this should also be celebrated in 2012.
County and District Councillor Hill updated members on the following issues: Salt Bins/Pot Holes - several requests for salt bins have been made and it was hoped to provide as many as possible. The Upper King Street area near the Day Centre was being perused heavily at the moment for salting. Potholes would be attended to to make the roads as safe as possible and there was a programme for resurfacing of roads in Royston. Flooding - Works to Burns Road area had now been completed in respect of the flooding issues, Phase 1 of works for Baldock Road is complete, and Phase 2 was yet to be done. Drainage was being looked at in Fish Hill area. Railway Underpass - Still awaiting the outcome of the public enquiry Education - In respect of the education cuts the County Council is supporting where possible. Future funding will go directly to schools. Funding for the extended schools project currently ends in April 2011. Cllr Hill also mentioned that School Governors were required. Library Consultation - Consultations in respect of the Library cuts had ended and the Royston Town Council was thanked for their input into that consultation. 77 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL HCC Locality Budget - This funding of £10,000 was helping organisations in many areas. It is hoped that this budget will be available again in 2011-2012 NHDC/Area Committee has approved to funding of £11,000 for lighting improvements in the Royston & District Museum Fish Hill - The Project is planned for completion in 2011 Councillor Surgeries- The joint surgeries with Town & District Councillors are working well with residents bringing a lot of problems to the attention of Councillors so they can be dealt with. Home to School Transport –Everyone should be encouraged to respond to this consultation.
The Town Mayor thanked Councillor Hill for her report and thanked both Councillors Hill and Hunter for their work for Royston and for the Grants given. Councillor Hunter said that some of the villages were looking to buy their own bins and salt
The Town Clerk reported that the NHDC Parish & Town Conference 2011 would be held on Wednesday, 6 July 2011 and asked that Councillors make their suggestions for agenda items to be discussed. If any Councillor wished to join the Working Group they should let her know. The first meeting would be held in March.
The Town Mayor then wished everybody a Happy Christmas and New Year, announced the date of the next meeting due to be held on 17 January 2011, and closed the meeting at 7.50 p.m.
78 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 20 December 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Harrison, & F. J. Smith County & District Councillors Hill and Hunter, Town Councillor Palmer Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance 4 members of the public
The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and invited Mr. Guttridge to speak to the meeting. Mr. Guttridge said he represented the Royston Allotments Garden Association (RAGA) and wished to speak about Agenda item 9. He explained that the portacabin used as the Association’s Clubhouse was now in a very dilapidated state and the Association had raised funds to replace this building at no cost to the Town Council. Details of the proposed replacement had been given to the Town Clerk and he hoped that the Council would look at these favourably when discussing the matter.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Guttridge for his comments and commented on the good relationship the council has with members of RAGA and hoped that this continues. He then invited Mr. Kennedy to speak to the meeting.
Mr. Kennedy spoke about the proposed budget that was to be discussed at the meeting and that he would like to see a reduction in the precept for next year, and a review of the subsidy on the market as the market is not part of the Town Council’s budget but part of the District Council’s budget. He also voiced his concerns of the increase in allotment rents.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Kennedy for his comments.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Berry, Inwood and Jean Waldock.
264/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 22 November 2010 (minutes 219/11 to 234/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman subject to the amendment that the item under Apologies in respect of the Award to Councillor F. J. Smith by NHDC. This should read 50 years and not 60 years.
It was proposed by Councillor Beaver, seconded by Councillor R. Smith and Resolved to receive the minutes of the Mayor’s Community Trust Fund meeting held on 13 December 2010 into the workings of the Council.
The minutes of the meeting held with RAGA on 24th November 2010 were received into the workings of the Committee subject to the amendment that Councillor J. Davison be listed in those present.
Following clarification of certain items it was Resolved to approve the accounts for December 2010 in the sum of £45,952.84 for payment.
(i) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for November 2010. (ii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for November 2010 against allocated budget for November 2010. (iii) Members noted Markets Income & Expenditure for November 2010. Also noted was the extra expenditure for advertising the markets.
The Chairman explained that a zero increase in the Precept for 2011-2012 is proposed and outlined various matters in response to Mr. Kennedy’s comments. The museum’s budget had been kept at the same net cost as last year and in reference to the cost of Sunday and Bank Holiday Wardens for the Museum during the summer it was possible that the District Council would grant a sum to cover this item as they did last year. There was input from the Councillors in respect of the need for Wardens but it was agreed that the Museum opening hours was complementary to the Cave opening hours from Easter until the end of September on Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays. There is a need to increase income and the suggestion was made that there should be either an entry fee or request for donations by a noticeable poster. It was suggested that the Volunteer Bureau be asked for volunteers to man the Museum on Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays but it was explained that there were certain responsibilities as regards security etc. It was agreed to keep the costs allocated to Wardens in the income and expenditure of the museum’s budget until it was known whether or not the District Council’s would be granting the money for this.
The Chairman then spoke about Allotments budget and said that admin costs and the massive increase in the water consumption had forced this increase and that any monies accrued from the increased charges would be ring fenced for the allotments. Members had a full discussion on the proposed rent increase and it was felt necessary to keep the 25% discount for concessions and to have the facility to pay quarterly.
The following Proposals were then made:-
(i) The rent for an Allotment with effect as from 1st January 2012 is increased to £1 per week (£52 per annum) for 5 poles and £2 per week (£104 per annum for 10 poles) This was agreed 6 votes to 1. Councillor M Beaver abstained.
(ii) Concession for tenants over 60 continue at a rate of 25% reduction. This was unanimously agreed
(iii) A facility be available to pay quarterly in advance by Standing Order This was unanimously agreed
(iv) A £10 admin fee be payable for new tenants from January 2012. This was agreed by 5 votes and 2, Councillors M Beaver and Councillor L Davidson, abstained.
80 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Members then went through the Draft Budget 2011-2012 and agreed that admin costs should be spread by % costs over all the various cost centres; they also discussed the possibility of cutting costs on the hanging baskets by having fewer on the Market Hill Rooms. Finally it was RESOLVED to: a) Recommend to Full Council that the Precept for 2011/2012 be raised in the sum of £222,780 b) Recommend to Full Council that the proposed draft budget for 2011/2012 be agreed.
Members considered the request from the Allotment Association to purchase a building to replace the existing Clubhouse. RAGA had raised sufficient funds to donate to the Town Council to cover the costs. Following a full discussion with input from all Members it was agreed that a meeting with RAGA be arranged in the New Year to obtain full details.
Councillor Davidson reported on the recent meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee and said that there was a good attendance and three new members. There was much enthusiasm for the project and several sub groups had been set up. A domain name Royston2012 had been set by Black Pig Design and there would be Facebook and Twitter connections. The next meeting would be held on 26 January 2011 and John Fuller would be talking to the group. Hertfordshire had applied for the Olympic Flame to come through the county and as it is the 850th Anniversary of the Founding of the Priory in Royston it is hoped the torch could come through Royston. The Chairman thanked Councillor Davidson for her report and enthusiasm for this project.
Councillor Smith reported that the Chairman of the Town Twinning Association had asked what the next step was to bring about the twinning of the Spanish link. He had explained that it was for the Mayor of Royston and Mayor of the Villanueva de la Cañada in Spain to meet and the Chairman of the Twinning Association would contact the Town Mayor in January.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.59 p.m. wishing everybody a Happy Christmas.
81 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the TOWN COUNCIL PREMISES/HUMAN RESOURCES SUB- COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston on Monday 20 December 2010 at 9.01 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Davidson (in the Chair). Councillors Harrison, Palmer & R. Smith. Town Councillor Burt, Mr. N. Guttridge, Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Berry & Hulström-Allen.
274/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee held on the 25 October 2010 (minutes 206/11 to 208/11) were approved for signature.
The Town Clerk reported that some quotations were now to hand and this would be discussed in Part 2.
Councillor R Smith reported that he and the Town Clerk had paid a visit to the Allotment site and had noticed that there were a lot of hose pipes and signs of a water irrigation system being used on the allotments. It was thought that this system is causing a huge consumption of water and consequently large bills for water usage despite a written request to tenants to conserve water as much as possible. Members had a full discussion and considered different solutions. Members were informed that during freezing conditions the water was turned off. It was then proposed by Councillor Davidson, seconded by Councillor Harrison and agreed that;
(i) The tenant be asked by the Town Clerk to remove the alleged water irrigation system (ii) Other systems of water usage are discussed at the next meeting with RAGA. (iii) A review of the allotment tenancy agreement is looked at and that this should also be discussed with RAGA at the next meeting.
It was proposed by Councillor Davidson, seconded by Councillor Palmer and Resolved that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is proposed that, in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Town Clerk reported on her research as recommended by the Museum Sub-Committee, minute 80/11 to look at ways to save costs on the running of the Museum. The owner of the building that houses the museum had indicated he would be willing to listen to the Town Council’s offer for purchasing the property although it would have to be kept for use as a Museum. Members had a full discussion on this matter and it was agreed that the Town Clerk make enquiries of a commercial estate agent to ascertain the costs for having a valuation carried out on the building and to report this back to the Finance Committee.
279/11 TOWN HALL:
The Town Clerk circulated details of quotations received from contractors in respect of work in the Town Hall to provide toilets for the disabled, and a lift to the upper floor. Members discussed these, and it was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Harrison and agreed to recommend to the Finance Committee that the Tender from No.3 contractor be accepted.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50 p.m.
83 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 10th January 2011 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith and R. Smith. In attendance County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Deputy Town Clerk and Committee Administrator.
The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and wished them a Happy New Year.
No apologies for absence had been received.
281/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 6th December 2010 (235/11 to 240/11) were approved and signed as a correct record. Councillor Beaver stressed the importance of supporting the application for Cutlers House, Lumen Road, Application 10/02617/1 under minute 237/11 (e).
(a) Members had no objection to the following planning applications:-
10/03024/1LB 47-49 High Street (subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied). 10/02953/1HH 29 Priory Close. 10/02818/1HH 80-82 Green Drift. 10/02994/1HH 5 Kipling Road.
There being no further business the Chairman informed the meeting that the next meeting of the committee would be held on the 7 February 2011 and closed the meeting at 7.20 p.m.
84 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL held on Monday, 17 January 2011 in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.17 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor M. Beaver (Town Mayor in the Chair) Councillors Berry, Burt, Davidson, Davison, Freeman, Harrison, Hulström-Allen, Inwood, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith & R. Smith County & District Councillor Hill, District Councillor B. Davidson, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance 4 Members of the Public,
The Reverend Canon Les Harman led the meeting in prayer
The Town Mayor invited Mr. Emblen to speak to the Committee. Mr. Emblen explained that he had recently had a heart attack and was undergoing treatment, and therefore he was now using public transport. He had found difficulties in walking especially having to walk up the High Street to catch the bus home and that more seats should be available in the High Street for people to rest on. He asked that the No 17 bus be reinstated or the number 16 bus to serve Newmarket Road and then on to Coombelands instead of going both sides of Newmarket road especially as there are plans for more houses to be built on at Coombelands. The Town Mayor thanked Mr. Emblen and wished him well. He said that this matter would be discussed by the Town Council’s appropriate committee at a later date. Councillor Harrison said he understood that the seats had been removed from the High Street due to vandalism.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Grimes.
The Town Mayor reported that he had attended about 25 events since his last report, thoroughly enjoying them all. He had visited Royston Hospital and nursing homes in Royston at Christmas and was impressed with the care given. He had recently attended a Round Table presentation and he had received a banner for his services. He was amazed at the work and funds they raised. The Museum staff had given a presentation about the Time Trackers and had also been presented with a banner. His fund stood at just over £4,000 and he reminded Councillors of his Civic Service to be held on 20th February and the Charity event to be held at Yuva on 21st February 2011 and that he hoped all Councillors would endeavour to attend.
285/11 MINUTES:
It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 13th December 2010 (minutes 256/11 to 262/11). The Town Clerk referred to minute 261/11 in respect of Education and the funding for Extended School Projects, HCC are encouraging schools to continue with this service out of their budget as all school funding is now received directly by the schools.
(a) Planning Committee Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on the 6th December 2010 (minutes 235/11 to 240/11) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(a) General Purpose Highways Committee Minutes: Councillor F. J. Smith said that thanks should be given to the Hertfordshire County Council for the work done on the repairs of potholes. He noted that some work was required in Mill Road and near Tesco’s. Also that there was still a problem with some vehicles turning right from Garden Walk on to Melbourn Road. Councillor Harrison agreed to take this matter in hand and that he was reporting potholes every day and asked that Councillors report any that they see. County Councillor Hill was invited to speak and she reported that the Tesco area was to be re-surfaced shortly, and that all potholes were being repaired as soon as possible. The problem in respect of Garden Walk was in hand. It was then RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes & Highways & Transport Committee held on the 6th December 2010 (minutes 241/11 to 255/11) be adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(b) Finance Committee Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on the 20th December 2010 (minutes 263/11 to 272/11) be adopted as a part of the true workings of this Council.
288/11 PROPOSED BUDGET & PRECEPT 2011-2012:
Councillor R. Smith presented the Budget and amount of Precept to be raised for 2011-2012 as recommended by the Finance Committee on 20 December 2010 (minute 269/11. He explained that the Working Party had had several meetings to try and find some savings and members needed to be mindful that some grants made by the County Council and the District Council may be cut next year. The Charter Markets contract renewal is due in August and the Town Council has submitted an expression of interest to re-tender with proposals of savings to be made in connection with Waste Disposal and cleansing of the market area. A difficult decision was made to increase allotment rents due to an increase in water consumption and overall costs, these increases would come into effect from January 2012. Concessions for over age of 60 will continue. The District Council have in principle agreed to funding for the Sunday Wardens at the museum. Improvements to the Town Hall are in progress, as is, the progress for the eventual provision of a cinema on the upper floor of which the equipment will be financed by Royston First Bid Co. The Town Council continues to give support to the Town Twinning, Royston in Bloom, Christmas lights, and the Day Centre and also make provisions for Royston Cave and the Plantations. The former Town Mayor had made contributions from his fund to the Community Fund and this would continue now that the Town Mayor’s Charity is registered. Unfortunately, the council is ceasing the running of the Sunday Farmers’ Markets due to less take up by stall holders and the lack of costumers. He thanked the Town Council staff for their work on the budget and fellow Councillors for their support.
86 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL There followed a full discussion, the Town Clerk reported that it was difficult to set the budget before the County and District Councils had set their budgets. That day she had received the news of a 1% increase in relation to pensions which is not included in the budget figures; she expects there will be other increases to come which have not been allowed for in the budget. Some Members raised their concerns that the Precept had not been increased this year to cover any unforeseen costs. It was then proposed by the Town Mayor, seconded by Councillor R. Smith and RESOLVED unanimously that the Town Council accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation that the Budget for 2011-2012 be accepted and the Precept be raised in the sum of £222,780.
The Town Clerk reported that a request had been made by a resident that there be a Memorial Service in Royston on Holocaust Memorial Day. It was too late to arrange for this year but it was suggested that a candle could be lit at the War Memorial on the day. Councillor Burt said that he had participated in an event held in 2002 for this and he would be happy for the tradition to continue. It was proposed by the Town Mayor, seconded by Councillor Inwood and RESOLVED that this event be arranged.
Councillor Davison reported that he had attended a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and that his report had been circulated previously. He was thanked for his attendance at these meetings.
There being no other business the Town Mayor closed the meeting at 7.55 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 8 p.m. on Monday, 17 January 2011.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Burt, Davidson, Harrison, Inwood & F. J. Smith. County & District Councillors Hill and Hunter, Town Councillors Freeman & Mayne, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance. 2 members of the public
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Grimes.
(a) The Chairman explained that the Public Inquiry report had now been received and the Compulsory Purchase Orders for land at Coombes Hole had been agreed. These were advertised in last week’s paper. The completion of the underpass was expected for March 2012.
(b) The Town Clerk reported on the Compulsory Purchase Order for Town Council land required at the allotments in preparation for the work on the underpass. Following discussion it was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Berry and Resolved that the Town Council would seek consent under Section 8 of the Allotment Act re the Compulsory Purchase Order required for allotment land - required temporarily while the construction of the underpass is undertaken.
(c) The Chairman said that the present clubhouse used by RAGA was in a bad condition and the County Council would provide a replacement for one to be positioned on plot 29a as this had now become vacant. They would also remove the old clubhouse at the same time. The funds RAGA had raised would now be used to purchase the second storage cabin required which would be position on plot 29a also. The Town Clerk reminded Members that the Town Council will be having a meeting with RAGA on the 20 January 2011 and on the 27 January 2011 all allotment holders are invited to a meeting which will be attended by members of the County Council’s underpass project team. Following discussion it was agreed that the offer to replace the old clubhouse with a renovated building and to take away the old clubhouse was a generous offer and to accept this in principle subject to the meeting to be held with RAGA.
(d) Town Clerk reported on the proposed fencing and gates and any additional lock requirements. Discussion followed and questions asked regarding the type of replacement fencing, gates and hedging to be provided by the County Council and agreed by RAGA. It was noted that temporary fencing would be placed between contractors and allotments.
(e) Discussion on works to start on the allotment boundary hedge during the 4 week notification period took place, and it was agreed that these works should go ahead as soon as possible.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 31 January 2011.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Davison, Davidson, Harrison, Inwood & F. J. Smith. Town Councillors Mayne & Phillips, District Councillor B. Davidson, 2 members of the public Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Burt.
The Chairman read a letter of thanks to the Town Council from Carlo Zambonini for arranging the special remembrance of Holocaust Day and lighting of a candle at the War Memorial on the 27 January 2011, and for the Town Mayor’s attendance and leading the remembrance.
294/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meetings of the Finance Committee held on 20 December 2010 (minutes 263/11 to 272/11) and 17 January 2011 (minutes 291/11 to 292/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman.
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee held 20 December 2010 (minutes 273/11 to 279/11) were received into the workings of the Council. The Chairman referred to minute 276/11, Allotments, and reported that the Town Clerk had spoken to the tenant concerned and he had assured her that the water system had been removed.
Following clarification of certain items it was Resolved to approve the accounts for January 2011 in the sum of £33,873.02 for payment.
(i) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for December 2010. The Town Clerk explained that the British Gas fund was shown separate from the Mayor’s Community Fund but that the transfer had already been done. (ii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for December 2010 against allocated budget for November 2010. (iii) Members noted Markets Income & Expenditure for December 2010. Also noted was the extra expenditure for advertising the markets.
The Chairman explained that there were three changes to the hire charges as from 1st April 2011. The only increase related to the Market Hill Rooms in respect of commercial rates with an increase from £13.10 to £15 and a rounding up in the figures in respect of after 11 p.m.
Room 18 has been deleted from the Hire Charges as this room is no longer available for hire. A bond of £50 would be required from occasional hirers of Market Hill Rooms for children’s parties held during off-peak hours. The new hire charges were then approved.
The Chairman notified Members that the Market Manager and Town Centre Manager would be moving into the Town Hall at the end of February when their current office would no longer be free accommodation. The Town Manager would be moving into Room 18 and the Market Manager into the office area for the time being. In answer to a query the Town Clerk said this change would have a neutral effect on finances.
Councillor Davidson said that the latest Town Crier publication had included an item on the Census in order to persuade people to complete the Census. She also informed the Committee that the March issue would be the last one under the current sponsorship and further funding would be sought. It was hoped that the previous sponsors would feel able to fund the newsletter again. Members were appreciative of the work done by Councillors Davidson and Phillips on the newsletter and it was agreed that this was in order for publication.
(i) Members accepted the notes of the meeting held with RAGA on Thursday, 20 January 2011 into the workings of the Council. Councillor F. J. Smith asked that the surnames be used when referring to people in the minutes. (ii) The Town Clerk said that she had researched the position about admin costs and possible savings but it appeared that as the Town Council was the land owner it was important that the Council continued to administer the allotments. Ways would be sought to minimise costs. This was noted. (iii) Members discussed increasing Concessions to 50% for tenants over 60 and the unemployed as recommended by the Town Clerk on further investigation into other councils’ allotment charges. There was some concern about allowing concessions to the unemployed and following a full discussion it was proposed and agreed that concessions would be increased to 50% for over 60’s but more investigation was required to define what other categories could be eligible for concessions. Councillor Harrison asked for his objection to be noted and Councillor F. J. Smith abstained.
It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Davidson and RESOLVED that Councillor Martin Beaver be nominated for the Buckingham Palace Garden Party draw.
(i) It was agreed to receive the notes from meetings held:
90 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL 10th November 2010 15th December 2010
into the workings of the Council.
Councillor Davidson reported that the third meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee had been held last week and John Fuller from Hertfordshire IS Ready for Winners had given an excellent presentation and it was hoped to join the Partnership if funding could be found. The Aims and Constitution of the Committee had now been finalised. A Logo Competition was being held for the schools and prizes were being donated by Heasells. The prize giving will be at the May Fayre 2011. The setting up of a bank account was required for the 2012 Co-ordinating Committee and it had been agreed and this should be dealt with under the Town Council accounts. An excellent meeting had been held that day with Hertfordshire IS Ready for Winners and they are planning to use Royston as a case study and add information to their website. The programme of events planned would be circulated to Members. It was also noted that the railway underpass is planned to be opened in March 2012 and Sustran would like to arrange a special opening event.
(ii) It was Resolved that a bank account for the 2012 Co-ordinating Committee be set up under the Town Council accounts.
Councillor Beaver thanked Councillor L. Davidson and Mr. L. Baker for their hard work in getting the Co-ordinating Committee up and running.
The notes of the Cinema Working Party meeting held on 24 January 2011 were circulated to Members. It had now been decided that a Boutique style of cinema would be a better option to allow the hall to still be a multi use facility. Following a full discussion it was agreed in principle to accept the Boutique style of cinema. The chairman said that he had received a wish list of things to be done to the hall from Councillor Davison and Councillor Berry asked for a copy so it could be brought to the next meeting of the Premises Committee.
The Chairman reported on information received from Community Transport and said that Mr. Doel who had been nominated the Council’s representative on the Community Transport Committee had not attended any meetings and they had been unable to contact him. They asked that a replacement representative be nominated and the next meeting was to be held at 10 a.m. on the 22nd February 2011 at the office in Royston Hospital. Meetings were held quarterly. Councillor Davison volunteered to attend and this was agreed.
It was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Berry and Resolved that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is proposed that in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Town Clerk circulated the costings of the work proposed in the Town Hall. There followed a full discussion with pertinent questions asked about the bids.
Councillor Beaver left the meeting at 8.30 p.m.
It was finally decided that the Project Manager should be present to discuss it with the Members and a meeting should be arranged as soon as possible and before the next meeting of the Finance Committee. The Town Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting and it was suggested that if possible it could take place at 6.30 p.m. prior to the meeting of the Planning Committee on Monday next, 7 th February 2011.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.42 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 6.30 p.m. on Monday, 7 February 2011.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Davidson, Davison, Harrison & F. J. Smith. Town Councillors Freeman, Mayne & Phillips,, Mr. L. Baker, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Committee Administrator and Mr. M. Easton in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Burt & Inwood.
It was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Berry and Resolved that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is proposed that, in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Chairman welcomed Mr. Easton, to the meeting and the chance to discuss estimates received and contract details for the improvement works to the Town Hall. The Chairman had circulated a summary for discussion in respect of a number of queries regarding the award of a contract for the Town Hall improvements, to provide a lift for the disabled and toilet facilities for the disabled together with work in the existing kitchen area.
1. There was a full discussion on whether or not the Town Council draw up a JCT Minor Works Building Contract with the proposed contractor. There was divided opinion on whether this was necessary on a job that was not a very major one but it was agreed that a JCT Minor Works Building Contract with the proposed contractor be prepared. After discussion it was proposed by Councillor Berry, seconded by Councillor Harrison and Resolved that the Chairman and the Town Clerk deal with this to cover all works and timescale.
2. The matter of whether the Town Council or the Contractor should place the order for the Platform Life was discussed and proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Councillor Beaver and Resolved that the Contractor place the order.
3. Mr. Easton said there was not any change in the quotation and that best price and payment terms had been received
4. It was confirmed that radiators were included in the disabled toilets and kitchen. Also required was the removal of the oven.
5. The costs for (a) electrics at £1,500 and (b) plumbing £1,750 were in order and in respect of (c) £20,000 for the supply and installation of the lift a breakdown of costs to be requested. It was agreed that a short discussion be held in private and Mr. Easton was thanked for his attendance and left the meeting.
There then followed a debate and the Town Clerk circulated details of the proposed contract and explained that Contractor No.3 was chosen because of their previous work in installing a lift in the area. Finally it was proposed by Councillor F. J. Smith, seconded by Councillor Beaver and Resolved that the Contractor No.3 be requested to go ahead with the work as detailed, and to look at the payment terms. Councillor Berry then proposed that Mr. Easton be appointed Project Manager and this was seconded by Councillor Beaver and unanimously resolved.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.15 p.m.
MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 7th February 2011 at 7.17 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Hulström, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith and R. Smith. In attendance Town Councillors Davidson & Harrison, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, 4 Members of the Public and 1 Member of the Press.
311/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 10th January 2011 (280/11 to 282/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
(a) Members had no objection to the following planning applications:-
10/03047/1LB Banyers Lodge, 7 The Green 10/03079/1LB) 40 Kneesworth Street 10/03078/1HH) 40 Kneesworth Street 10/03109/1HH 5 Lower Gower Road 10/03088/1HH 9 Ackroyd Road 11/00032/1HH 6 Bannister Gardens 11/00096/1HH Jowlers, Dog Kennel Lane 10/02759/1LB) 4 Old North Road 10/03126/1HH) 4 Old North Road 11/00134/1HH 29 Newmarket Road
313/11 PLANNING APPEAL – APP/X1925/A/11/2144265/WF – 45 BALDOCK ROAD:
Members noted that an appeal, against the decision to refuse planning permission, has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.
The Town Clerk reported that a letter from the North Hertfordshire District Council had been received that day in respect of the decision to progress work on the preparation of a Development Brief for the Civic Centre site at Royston. There would be a 2 stage process; the first stage would involve the use of consultants and this work to be completed by mid March 2011. Following this would be stage 2 in April 2011 with a formal public consultation in the summer. The Committee noted this and welcomed being consulted and asked the Town Clerk to request a meeting with the consultants and council members.
There being no further business the Chairman informed the meeting that the next meeting of the committee would be held on the 7 March 2011 and closed the meeting at 7.35 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the GENERAL PURPOSES & HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.38 p.m. on Monday, 7 February 2011.
PRESENT: Councillor Harrison (in the Chair). Councillors Davidson, Freeman, Hulström, Mayne, Palmer & Phillips. Town Councillors F. J. Smith & R. Smith, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Committee Administrator, 4 Members of the Public & 1 Member of the Press in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Burt & Inwood.
316/11 MINUTES:
It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th December 2010 (minutes 241/11 to 255/11) be approved as a correct record.
Members received a communication about Fields in Trust and noted that this must be land owned by the Town Council. A suggestion was put forward that the Green Walk Plantation might be suitable for this scheme. It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Freeman and agreed to put this forward.
318/11 PETITION FOR BUS No.17:
The Town Clerk presented the petition received in respect of Bus No.17 and reported that she had been advised that Royston & District Area Committee were still pursuing to get the bus route changed to include Coombelands. It was agreed to place this item on the next agenda for this Committee when more information would be available. It was agreed to pass on the petition to the District Council.
A request for extra seats to be put in the High St had been received for the elderly to rest on when walking up the High St to the bus station. The Town Clerk had requested information about the removal of a seat in the High Street and it appeared that this was due to a request from the Police. Youngsters were using the seat into the early hours and causing a lot of noise for people living in the area. There would be seats provided in the new enhancement scheme in Fish Hill Square. Members discussed this problem and it was proposed by Councillor Freeman, seconded by Councillor Phillips and agreed that a request go to North Herts Area Committee to have more seats put in the High St.
Members received and noted the information regarding changes being made to support services in Sheltered Housing.
Members noted the Launch of Hertfordshire’s Policing Plan 20/10/14 and that a representative could be sent to the Launch to be held on 28 March 2011 at 6.30 p.m. It was agreed that Councillor Harrison attend this Launch.
Councillor Davidson reported that the Royston Volunteers Centre is doing very well and enquiries are high. Unfortunately they are facing funding cuts and this may cause a reduction in their hours.
Councillor Freeman gave a report on behalf of Elizabeth Beardwell who was the Council’s representative on the Royston & District Local History Society committee. The meeting covered the refurbishment of the Museum and the report given by the Curator. A report had been received in respect of Royston Cave and it was noted that the Christmas Opening had been successful with 43 children attending. A new publication was due out shortly, a list of residents in Royston from 1200 to 1800.
There being no further business the Chairman announced the next meeting would take place on 4th April 2011 and declared the meeting closed at 8.05 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 28 February 2011.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Grimes, Inwood & F. J. Smith. Town Councillors Mayne & Palmer, County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Harrison and Councillor Davison apologised for late arrival at 7.20 p.m.
324/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 31 January 2011 (minutes 293/11 to 307/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman. The Chairman informed the meeting that unfortunately Councillor Beaver’s name had not been drawn for the Buckingham Palace Garden Party. The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 7 February 2011 (minutes 308/11 to 310/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman. The Chairman reported that in respect of minute 310/11, first paragraph, he, together with the Town Clerk, had drawn up a Minor Works Building Contract and now awaited it back from the contractor.
Councillor Davison arrived at the meeting at 7.20 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of the May Fayre Working Party held 25 January 2011 were received into the workings of the Council. Councillor F. J. Smith noted once again that the use of Christian names was not acceptable and asked that surnames be used at all times.
Following clarification on the item relating to the vibration traffic monitoring at the Cave and that this had been funded by a grant from English Heritage, Members Resolved to approve the accounts for February 2011 in the sum of £43,727.37 for payment. It was noted that Councillor F. J. Smith declared an interest and took no part in the voting thereon. Members thanked the Royston & District Area Committee of NHDC for the funding in respect of the new lighting at the Royston Museum.
(i) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for January 2011 (ii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for January 2011. (iii) Members noted Markets Income & Expenditure for January 2011. Members noted that the Market Manager and the Town Manager had now moved into the Town council offices.
Members received a report from Councillor Davidson in respect of Royston 2012 and noted that it had taken up Bronze partnership in the ‘Hertfordshire is Ready for Winners’ at a cost of £500. This should bring about some benefits for Royston 2012. The minutes of the committee were accepted into the workings of the council. Councillor Davidson was thanked for her hard work in connection with this Co-ordinating Committee.
Members noted that the La Loupe’s visit would take place at the beginning of June 2011 and details would be available in due course. The Twinning Association had also asked the Town Council to consider any financial support in respect of the planned visit to the Houses of Parliament. It was noted that a request had also been made to County Councillors for a Locality Grant and Royston & District Area Committee. Following discussion it was agreed that no financial support be given to this particular item but it was proposed and agreed to help with the reception costs.
Members noted that the sponsorship of the Newsletter by The Listing and Johnson Matthey expired in March. Councillor Davidson had approached them to ask if this could be continued and Members were pleased to note that both parties had agreed to sponsor the Newsletter. Members agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to Johnson Matthey and The Listing.
The Chairman reported that it was expected that a contract for the works would be signed this week with the minor adjustments confirmed. The cost would be £43,500. The Town Council had been assured that the builder will try not to disrupt the hirers.
The Chairman reported the background to this item and a report on the meeting with the Town Clerk and NHDC officer Andrew Mills had been received by Members. New rules on the burials in Royston were to come into effect on April 1st. Members discussed options of the Town Council’s acquisition of land and managing a cemetery and whether the reuse of graves are permitted. Following a full discussion Members agreed that the Committee move into Part Two.
It was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Beaver and Resolved that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is proposed that in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Members continued the discussion on the Royston Cemetery and it was noted investigations about the legislation on re-using old graves is being looked into. It was agreed that Letchworth Wilbury Hills Cemetery was too far for people of Royston to be buried in and that consideration should be given to finding a site in Royston which the Town Council could manage like many other towns and parish councils do. In the meantime, the decision to stop burials in Royston Cemetery should be delayed. Councillor Burt informed the committee that Ickleford Parish Council were willing to meet and discuss how they set up their cemetery. Finally, it was agreed that in principle the Town Council wished to move forward to try and resolve this problem. NHDC had said they would help with advertising and advising. It was proposed that a Working Party be set up as follows: - Councillors Burt, Beaver, Davison, F.J. Smith and R. Smith. Councillor Burt would liaise with the Town Clerk to make a suitable date for meeting.
It was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Beaver and RESOLVED that the meeting revert back into Committee.
Councillors Hill and Hunter returned to the meeting.
Councillor Davison reported on his attendance at a meeting of the Citizens Advice Bureau. Because of cuts in funding the Bureau would be closing its Hitchin branch and the Royston branch is considering closing next year. This would be a great loss as it was a good organisation that helped many people, and more calls would be made on them in the future. Councillor Hunter was invited to speak and he said that it was a difficult situation but it was a chance for the Bureau to look again at their organisation. Councillor Hill said that the locality budget might be able to help.
Councillor Beaver reported that the new twinning with Spain might not be signed during his term of office but that he hoped he could visit along with the new Mayor when the event occurs.
It was proposed by Councillor R. Smith, seconded by Councillor Burt and Resolved that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is proposed that in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Town Clerk reported on an investigation she had done regarding the Museum building as requested by the Town Premises Sub-Committee. To get a valuation of the building would cost from £600 up to £1,250. After further discussion it was proposed by Councillor Burt, seconded by Councillor Beaver and unanimously agreed that the owner of the Museum be approached to discuss this further.
The date of the next meeting - 28 March 2011
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30 p.m.
Notes of the Meeting of the TOWN COUNCIL PREMISES/HUMAN RESOURCES SUB- COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston on Monday 28 February 2011 at 8.35 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair). Councillors Davidson, Palmer & R. Smith. Town Councillors Beaver, Davison & F. J. Smith, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
As the meeting was not quorate there was an informal discussion.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Harrison.
341/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee held on the 25 October 2010 (minutes 206/11 to 208/11) would be approved at the next meeting of the Committee.
342/11 TOWN HALL:
Members discussed further works that are required to the Town Hall to make it useable for a community cinema.
Flooring, lighting and general redecoration Improvements to the toilets on the downstairs floor Ceiling lights Ventilation heating and toilets in the dressing rooms stage area
Councillor Davison said he would be happy to obtain some figures to enable further discussions. Health and Safety requirements were a priority and mention was made about the door in the stairwell area at the rear of the hall. It was agreed that a meeting be arranged for the Cinema Working Party with Royston First once a business plan for the cinema has been drawn up. .
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the MUSEUM ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE held in Royston Museum on Thursday, 3rd March 2011 at 6.p.m.
PRESENT: Councillors: Berry (Chair) Burt, Davison, F J Smith and R Smith Museum Trustees: Peter Ketteringham, Jenny Smith, Phil Smith, Peter Franks Friends: Shirley Thrussell History Society Rep – Neville Chuck Mr. L. Baker NHDC Representative Town Council Officers: Susan Thornton-Björk Town Clerk Carole Kaszak Royston Museum Curator
343/11 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies for absence were received from Mike Lawrence and Ros Allwood
344/11 MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held Thursday 11TH November 2010 (213/11 to 218/11) were approved for signing by the chairman.
345/11 CURATORS REPORT: (copy attached to the minute book): The curator updated members on the report.
Visitor’s numbers for February were 370. 3 pieces of Quilt work had been sold at the Priory Quilters Exhibition. Royston Round Table has given a donation of £300 for Royston Time Trackers and they have pledged lifelong support. A third day training for Encouraging Volunteers was due soon. The curator reported that she had been asked to give a presentation at the Hertfordshire curators meeting on the Hertfordshire Museums Community Partnerships Project ‘Engaging with the Community’ in which the museum was one of four selected to take part last year.
Following the refurbishment there are now over 400 new items on exhibit and coins are on display for the first time.
Members gave their thanks especially to Mr Mike Lawrence, Mr Phil Smith, and Mr Les Baker for their constant support and work during the refurbishment, they were at the museum most days all day, and thanks also went to Councillor F J Smith for his contribution. In total their work amounted to in excess of 500 volunteer hours. Further thanks go to the Friends of the Museums for providing the funding for the desk cases.
346/11 FINANCE:
Members noted the income and expenditure figures for the museum. Members noted donations received. Members noted the shop sales
Councillor R Smith reported that he had attended a training day along with the Town Clerk and Mr Les Baker which was focused on Governance and Management Structure of Museums and explained how the museum could be run as a Trust. This training was a follow on from a
104 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL previous training day. Councillor R Smith said he thought consideration should be given to changing the management structure of the museum as he felt that changing to a Trust was highly desirable and would attract more funding for the museum.
The Governance and Management Structure Working Party had met and after going through the agreements it was found that 5 years notice is required from either party before any change to the current agreement can be made. The Working Party had not made any recommendation at present and they were asked to continue meeting and to come back to the committee when they have come to a conclusion on the current management structure and if it needs to be changed.
348/11 SHARE: Mr Les Baker informed members that he had attended the meeting at the Polar Museum, Cambridge on Thursday, December 9; this was the first of four meetings across the area. The work of SHARE is essential as they have experience and expertise that they can share with all museums in the East of England. Royston Museum had already benefited from a wide variety of training courses, conservation advice and funds for equipment including a freezer. SHARE is now providing the curator with advice about the drugs in the apothecary’s case which has been put on display. Nearly all of the training courses the staff have attended, are funded by SHARE, they may have to ask for a small donation from museums in order to keep going next year.
A request was made that meetings are not held on the 1st and last Thursday of the month.
19th May 2011
MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 7th March 2011 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Hulström-Allen, Mayne & Phillips. In attendance District Councillor Davidson, County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Deputy Town Clerk, Committee Administrator and 1 Member of the Press..
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Palmer and R. Smith and apologies for late arrival were received from Councillor Freeman.
352/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 7th February 2011 (Minutes 311/11 to 314/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
Councillor Freeman apologised for late arrival at 7.20 p.m.
(a) 11/00040/1 The Old Police Station, Priory Lane
There were no objections to the change of use from commercial to residential but there were concerns about the parking issues, noise and building works causing disturbance to traffic.
(b) Members had no objection to the following planning applications:-
11/00308/1 Telephone Exchange, Baldock Street 11/00217/1AD 25 High Street 11/00238/1HH 73 Green Drift 11/00397/1HH 8 Coltsfoot Drive 11/00422/1HH 22 Heron Way
Members noted they were required to give their views and make comments on the draft Design SPD and the deadline was 25 March 2011. Members considered that comments were required specifically on the area of Royston and that it was necessary to make the Council’s views very clear. Councillor Davison was particularly concerned about the high density in the town centre. The use of residential property in the centre of the town was becoming commercial on the lower floor with residential above. Parking etc. was difficult. Other Councillors felt that having a mixture of residential with commercial gave better security to the town centre. It was agreed that time was required to study the document and it was proposed by Councillor Beaver, seconded by Councillor Phillips and agreed that a Working Party be set up to consider the document and prepare comments for submission. Councillors Beaver, Berry, Davison and
Phillips agreed to be part of this Working Party and a date for meeting would be set up as soon as possible.
Members discussed their views on the current infrastructure provision and the needs for Royston and noted that responses were required by the 11 March 2011. It was proposed by Councillor Davison, seconded by Councillor Hulström-Allen and agreed to reply to the document that it was necessary to maintain whatever Royston already had such as the parklands, recreational spaces, free car parking in the afternoons and the hospital. Allotment land and burial grounds were required and also better transport and leisure facilities for the town. Infrastructure needs to match the growing population of Royston.
There being no further business the Chairman informed the meeting that the next meeting of the committee would be held on the 4 April 2011 and closed the meeting at 7.58 p.m.
MINUTES of the Meeting of ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL held on Monday, 14 March 2011 in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor M. Beaver (Town Mayor in the Chair) Councillors Berry, Burt, Davidson, Davison, Freeman, Harrison, Hulström-Allen, Inwood, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith & R. Smith. County & District Councillor Hill, Mr. W. Hogan & Sheila Hogan representing Royston branch of North Herts 50 Plus, 4 Members of the Public, Mr. C. Doel, Deputy Town Clerk & Committee Administrator and 1 Member of the Press in attendance.
The Reverend Canon Les Harman led the meeting in prayer
Sheila Hogan gave a presentation in respect of the North Herts 50 Plus Forum outlining the background to the Forum explaining that the North Herts group began June 2010 and that it provides a voice for older people. The group meets once a month giving an opportunity to members to be informed and be heard. Campaigns have been run and have brought about improvements bringing better conditions for all. Leaflets were circulated about the work of NH 50 Plus and it was stressed that this was a non political group. They would welcome new members and the meetings were informative, lively and open to all. Questions were then answered. The Town Mayor thanked the speakers for their presentation and said the Town would benefit from their work.
The Town Mayor invited Mr. Emblen to speak to the Committee. Mr. Emblen asked if the Town Council would consider taking over the Bus Station toilets. These had been closed by the District Council some time ago and were very much missed as they are used by many travellers using the buses and also the general public and market stall holders. Running costs were a lot less than the Priory toilets that were heated and lit 24/7.
Mr. Terry Hutt then spoke to the meeting in respect of the bench that had been removed from the High Street. He asked that it be replaced and put outside Store 21. Mr.Hutt also spoke about the cutting back on the buses and he asked that the bus company be asked to re-route the No.17 bus to take in all areas. Also of concern was the lack of toilets at the bus station. He presented petitions for the return of the bench and the No.17 bus.
The Town Mayor invited County & District Councillor Hill to update the meeting on these items and she reported that discussions were going ahead to see if additional seating can be supplied. Also the bus services were being investigated to see if the bus could be diverted to go by Coombelands on a trial basis.
The Town Mayor thanked the speakers for their participation and said that their concerns would be passed to the relevant Committees for discussion.
The Town Mayor reported that his fund stood at £5,503.31 and another £300 was due to come in shortly. He had attended numerous events including the Tiger Tots, Holocaust Memorial
Day in the Priory Memorial Gardens, dedication of the newly refurbished Methodist Church, the Rotary Club’s Technological Tournament and the Youth Makes Music. The Yuva Restaurant Curry Evening had been well attended and £1,500 was raised for his Charities. He asked for his thanks to Yuva for their generosity to be recorded. He also thanked Reverend Canon Harman for the lovely Civic Service in February with the Royston Town Band, Royston Youth Makes Music, Chris Murphy and Christina Rees taking part to make it such a good event. He then reminded Members of his Quiz Evening due to be held on 15 April 2011.
357/11 MINUTES:
It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 17th January 2011 (minutes 283/11 to 290/11).
(a) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held
10 January 2011 (minutes 280/11 to 282/11) be approved and adopted as part of the true workings of this Council. 7th February 2011 (minutes 311/11 to 314/11) be approved and adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(b) It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of the Finance Committee held
31st January 2011 (minutes 293/11 to 307/11) be approved and adopted as part of the true workings of this Council. 7th February 2011 (minutes 308/11 to 310/11) be approved and adopted as part of the true workings of this Council.
(a) Subject to the amendment in minute 322/11 that in paragraph 1 the words “Management Committee for the” be deleted and that “this would cause a reduction in their hours” be amended to “this may cause a reduction in their hours” it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes & Highways & Transport Committee held on the 7th February 2011 (minutes 315/11 to 322/11) be approved and adopted as a true record into the workings of the Council.
(b) Councillor R. Smith reported that there had been a meeting with Vaughan Watson of NHDC, in respect of the burials in Royston ceasing in April 2011, to request a six month delay on this action. Councillor Burt also confirmed that the proposal to delay this by six months would be considered by the District Council shortly. A decision had not been agreed yet. Subject to the amendment in minute 336/11 that the words “and the Royston branch would be closing next year” be amended to “and the Royston branch may close next year” it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee
109 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL held on the 28th February 2011 (minutes 323/11 to 339/11) be approved and adopted as a true record into the workings of the Council.
Members received a report, read out by the Town Mayor, on the adoption of the Power of Well-Being that allowed eligible councils to do anything (except raise money) which they consider necessary to promote the economic, social or environmental well-being of their area or its inhabitants. When using the power the Council must have regard to the Sustainable Community Strategy of North Herts District Council. A council must determine its eligibility to use the power of well-being at a Full Council meeting and its eligibility remains until the day before the Annual Meeting after the next ordinary elections. The conditions for eligibility are:
A qualified clerk At least two-thirds of members must be elected at the previous election Council must adopt and publish a State of Intent on community engagement – ref minute 188/11 80% of councillors must have completed the relevant training – training completed by councillors on January 17 2011
Royston Town Council is now eligible to adopt the power.
The Town Mayor then proposed and unanimously Resolved that the Town Council adopt the Power of Well-Being.
The Town Clerk had circulated her report itemising the Royston Cemetery, Royston Underpass Portrait Bench, Sculpture for new square Fish Hill, Continental Market, Royston May Fayre and the 91st Bomb Group visit to Royston on 30th May 2011. This report was noted.
Councillor R. Smith reported that he had attended a Parish & Town Councils Conference Working Party at NHDC, Letchworth on the 8 March 2011. The Annual Conference would be held on the 6 July 2011, 17.30 for an 18.00 start, finishing at 20.30, due to be held at the NHDC Letchworth offices. The subject for discussion would be an evaluation of the working agreement between Parish/Town Councils and NHDC. There would be a joint Parish Councils’ Networking meeting on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 at 19.30 in St.Ippolyts Parish Hall to prepare for presentation to the Conference in July. He encouraged Town Councillors to attend the Networking meeting in April and the Conference in July. Noting that HCC had failed to claim or spend S106 monies collected from developers he had requested an assurance from NHDC that this had not also happened at NHDC and it had been noted that discussions were taking place regarding some back payment of S106 monies. Councillor Hill spoke to the meeting saying that an assurance had been given that this problem did not exist.
110 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Mr. Doel then reported on his attendance at a meeting of the Sports Council’s AGM last week and said that a lot of work was being done towards the 2012 Olympics. The May Fayre that year would be held on Therfield Heath. The plan was to encourage as many young people as possible and schools were being asked to design a logo. The Town Mayor said that Royston was very involved and Councillor Davidson said that the Herts Sports Partnership had had funding taken away and cuts would start to bite from April. County Councillors’ Hill and Hunter confirmed that they have allocated £500 each to the Herts Sports Partnership from the Locality Budgets and this was much appreciated.
Councillor Harrison reported that he would be attending a meeting next week of the Herts Association of Town & Parish Councils. The Town Mayor reported that he would also be attending this meeting. He also reported that the Town Meeting would be held on the 31st March 2011.
There being no other business the Town Mayor closed the meeting at 8.15 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 28.March 2011.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Berry, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Inwood & F. J. Smith. Town Councillors Mayne, Hulström-Allen & Palmer, Mr. L. Baker, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beaver, Grimes & Harrison.
364/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 28 February 2011 (minutes 323/11 to 339/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman. The Chairman informed the meeting that unfortunately Councillor Beaver had not been accepted for the Buckingham Palace visit.
(a) The minutes of the meeting of the Museum Advisory Sub-Committee meeting held 11 November 2010 (minutes 213/11 to 218/11) were received into the workings of the Council. Councillor F. J. Smith noted that in respect of minute 215/11 Peter Franks was the Museum Trustee on the Working Party.
(b) Following the amendment that despite at the time of the meeting it was mistakenly considered that the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee meeting held 28 February 2011 (minutes 340/11 to 342/11) was not quorate, the minutes were received into the workings of the council.
The minutes of the Mayor’s Community Trust Fund meeting held 28 February 2011 were received into the workings of the council.
Following clarification on the item relating to the lift item under Town Hall Members Resolved to approve the accounts for March 2011 in the sum of £33,745.11 for payment.
(vi) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for February 2011 (vii) Members noted Income & Expenditure for February 2011. (viii) Members noted Markets Income & Expenditure for February 2011
Members received the following Risk Assessments into the workings of the council following discussion.
Green Street Allotments War Memorial Royston Cave Town Hall Priory Rooms Market Hill Rooms Council offices Markets Museum Risk Management
In respect of the Town Hall the Town Clerk was asked to arrange for a check to be made on the roof slates, and also to obtain advice about the exposed radiators having a mesh covering. It was also considered that there should be an approved person available to erect banners. The Town Clerk assured Members that she had received training to test the water supply in relation to Legionnaires Disease and this was being done on a regular basis.
Members considered the gift from the Town Council to La Loupe to celebrate 25 years of Twinning for presentation at the Civic Reception in June. It had been suggested that a glass vase engraved with the details of the twinning and the Town Crest be purchased. It was proposed by Councillor Berry, seconded by Councillor R. Smith and Resolved that this be purchased in the sum of £25 minimum to £60 maximum.
Councillor Burt updated Members on the Working Party and reported that questions had been asked and answers were awaited. The District Council had extended the date for closure of the Royston Cemetery until the end of the year to enable investigations to be made. The Town Clerk reported that she had received a letter from Oliver Heald, MP re the re-use of old graves outside London and he would be asking the Minister of Justice about any change in law. Responses from land owners would be discussed at the next meeting of the Working Party.
It was Resolved that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is proposed that in the public interest, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting under the provision of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
(a) Members approved the salaries for 2011-2012 as per the information circulated at the meeting in respect of the Deputy Town Clerk moving to point 28 on the scale and the Museum Assistant to point 17. It was noted that the Museum Assistant’s rate was per hour and the Town Clerk confirmed that salary scales were National Scales. (b) Members approved the Policy on Pension Banded Contributions 2011-2012 as per the information circulated at the meeting.
Date of the next meeting – 18 April 2011
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.02 p.m.
MINUTES of the Meeting of the TOWN COUNCIL PREMISES/HUMAN RESOURCES SUB- COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston on Monday 28 March 2011 at 8.04 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair). Councillors Davidson, Hulström-Allen, Palmer & R. Smith Town Councillors Inwood, Davison, Mayne & F. J. Smith, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Harrison.
375/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee held on:-
20 December 2010 (minutes 273/11 to 279/11) 28 February 2011 (minutes 340/11 to 342/11)
were approved and signed as a correct record.
376/11 TOWN HALL:
The Town Clerk reported that the building works had commenced that day. Part of the Heritage Hall had been partitioned off and the builders had said they would try not to inconvenience hirers and work around them if possible. The Town Clerk asked councillors to refrain from parking at the rear of the Town Hall as the builders would be using that part of the parking area. The Chairman reported that the work would take 6-8 weeks and would be finished by the 23 May 2011.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.15 p.m.
MINUTES of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held on Monday, 4th April 2011 at 7.15 p.m. in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Davison, Freeman, Hulström-Allen, Mayne, Palmer, Phillips, F. J. Smith & R. Smith In attendance District Councillor Davidson, County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Town Councillors Davidson, Burt & Inwood, Town Clerk & Committee Administrator.
There were no apologies for absence.
378/11 MINUTES:
Following confirmation that under minute 354/11 – Draft Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation – the proposed Working Party had been held and responses made for submission, the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 7th March 2011 (Minutes 351/11 to 355/11) were approved and signed as a correct record.
(a) 11/00569/1 Land adjacent 51 Melbourn Road.
Following a full discussion by Members it was agreed to object to this proposal on the grounds of inadequate access. Members request that should this development be approved then Section 106 should be provide for improvements towards Town Hall.
(c) Members had no objection to the following planning applications:-
10/02416/1 Heath House, Princes Mews. Councillor F. J. Smith abstained from voting. Members request for any Section 106 monies to be provided for improvement to the Town Hall
11/00577/1HH 25 Priory Close 11/00135/1HH 70 Heathfield 11/00547/1HH 33 Morton Street 11/00571/1 70 Heathfield 11/00634/1HH 9 Tannery Close
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.30 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the GENERAL PURPOSES & HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.36 p.m. on Monday, 4 April 2011.
PRESENT: Councillor Harrison (in the Chair). Councillors Burt, Davidson, Freeman, Hulström-Allen, Inwood, Mayne, Palmer & Phillips. County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, District Councillor B. Davidson, Town Councillors Beaver & F. J. Smith, Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
The Chairman welcomed everybody to the final meeting of the Committee for the Council year.
There were no apologies for absence.
381/11 MINUTES:
It was noted that Councillor Davidson had abstained from voting under minute 319/11and it was noted that in Minute 322/11 the first paragraph, the words “Management Committee” should be deleted, and that the word “would” be substituted with the word “may”. It was then agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on the 7 February 2011 (minutes 315/11 to 322/11) be approved and signed as a correct record.
There was no update to hand.
383/11 PETITION FOR BUS No.17:
The Chairman received a petition in respect of the bus No.17. There followed a full discussion and it was noted that the Town Council had asked the Royston Area Committee previously to see if there was anything that could be done to reinstate this service. The District Committee have requested an extension to the current bus service and they were waiting a reply. It was agreed to leave the matter with the District Council to see if anything could be done to relieve the situation.
The Committee had a full discussion on this item with input from District Councillors. It was noted that there were three seats in the High Street already. The Area Committee have agreed to wait until after the refurbishment of Fish Hill Square has been completed and will then consult with stakeholders i.e. Police, town council, and the Town Centre manager to see if further benches are required and where they are required. The Town Clerk informed the committee that the Police do not wish to see the seat put back outside the Chinese restaurant as its users had caused a lot of unsociable behaviour in the evenings. Councillor Freeman abstained from voting
The Town Clerk had circulated a letter from Hertfordshire County Council in respect of this item and it was agreed that a Working Party be set up including County Councillor Hill and Town Councillors Davidson and Harrison. The Town Clerk would obtain copy of the documents concerned for their attention.
Councillor Burt reported that names had been put forward for volunteers and the Police had two sets of the speed monitoring equipment in readiness and sites suggested. As soon as the training and passes were done the watch would take place. The Chairman thanked Councillor Burt for his report.
The Town Clerk reported that a letter had been received from North Hertfordshire Homes in respect of changes to the support service in sheltered housing. Members noted that due to cuts there were various options of support service, and the preferred option was to change from “fixed” to “floating” support. This was the preferred option voted for by the residents .Members noted this item.
Youth Council: (Report with minutes) Councillor Davidson reported on that it was proving to be working better now. There had been two meetings and the suggestion that play equipment for older children be placed in the Priory Memorial Gardens was being researched by the Royston Area Committee. Also of interest was an outside art facility. Councillor Davidson would be attending their next meeting and would be discussing the plans for 2012. Royston Youth Network: (Report with Minutes) Councillor Davidson reported on the meeting held and that a young peoples’ drop-in centre (for 14-17 year olds) was to be set up on a trial basis at Coombes Community Centre on a Thursday evening from 5pm to 10pm. The future of the Extended Schools Network was discussed. The Easter holidays youth activities would be continued by NHDC and Royston Youth Network. School visits by Councillors and the Market Manager for the year had been completed and there would be a report in due course.
Royston & District local History Society: (Report with Minutes) Councillor Freeman read out Elizabeth Beardwell’s report on her attendance at the last committee meeting of the Local History Society. Various matters had been discussed including the refurbishment of the Museum, and investigation work on the Cave in respect of possible damage by vibration of traffic and the damage to the carvings caused by worms, still to be identified. Preparations were in hand for the re-opening of the Cave at Easter. Several special parties of visitors had taken place during the closed period. The publications sub-committee was publishing a new book shortly.
118 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Hertfordshire Parish & Town Association: (Report with Minutes). Councillor Harrison reported that he had attended the meeting and during the Question & Answer Forum he had asked about the use of incinerators to burn rubbish as landfill sites were nearing the end of their use. Councillor Burt said that the District Council is seeking to join together with other districts in the area to provide waste disposal facilities.
Hertfordshire Police (Report with Minutes) Councillor Harrison reported on his attendance at a meeting held at Welwyn Garden City in respect of the Hertfordshire’s Policing Plan 2010/14. An alliance had been formed between Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Police where certain resources were shared and as from April, Cambridgeshire will be involved as well. The Town Clerk reported that in answer to the council’s response to the Policing Plan consultation in respect of the levels of fitness and sickness the Police had replied that endeavours would be made to keep the levels of sickness down despite the cutbacks. Councillor Burt said that the Baldock Police Station was to close and Hitchin and Letchworth stations would be reducing the open hours. Royston, however, would be opening an extra 2 hours a week as Royston was considered to be out on a limb.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.
MINUTES of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston at 7.15 p.m. on Monday, 18 April 2011.
PRESENT: Councillor R. Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Beaver, Berry, Burt, Davison, Davidson, Harrison, Inwood & F. J. Smith. County & District Councillors Hill & Hunter, Town Councillors Mayne & Palmer, 1 members of the public & 1 Member of the Press, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk and Committee Administrator in attendance.
No apologies for absence were received.
390/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 28 March 2011 (minutes 363/11 to 373/11) were approved and signed by the Chairman.
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee meeting held 28 March 2011 (minutes 374/11 to 376/11) were received into the workings of the Council.
(a) The notes of the meeting held 31st March 2011 were received into the workings of the committee. (b) (i) The Committee considered the recommendations from the Working Party in respect of charges for the use of gazebos on market days. It had been recommended that £5 a day be applied for the use of the gazebos by market traders. This sum was to cover maintenance costs. If more than one gazebo was used the charges were suggested as £7.50 for 2 and £9 for 3. Following a full discussion it was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Harrison and agreed that there be a one month’s consultation between the Market Manager and the market traders and report back to the meeting of the Finance Committee on the 23 May 2011. (ii) The Committee considered the recommendations from the Working Party in respect of charging for parking permits on the market square. Following discussion, it agreed that this suggestion also be part of the consultation with the market traders and reported back at the next meeting of the Finance Committee. Clarity over charges for vehicles that are used to trade from need to be defined as well.
The minutes of the Leete Charity Trustees’ meeting held 28th March 2011 were received into the workings of the Council.
Following clarifications on various items including the payments for Town Hall refurbishment, and engineering services for the Cave that would be reclaimed from English
120 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL Heritage, Members Resolved to approve the accounts for April 2011 in the sum of £68,008.93 for payment.
(ix) Members noted the Bank Reconciliation for March 2011
Members received an update from Members of the Cinema Working Party meeting held on the 7 April 2011 and considered the recommendations. There followed a lengthy discussion over the works required to the town hall and what work was necessary to get the cinema up and running but there was no real understanding of how the cinema would be managed as present. It was noted that Royston First were preparing a business plan for the running of the cinema and that it should be ready by the end of April. It was unanimously agreed that Royston Town Council would not be involved in the running of the cinema as this needs to be run separate from the Town Council. After further discussion it was agreed that a maximum budget of £130,000 should be used from the Capital Fund (Stamford Yard Fund) to do improvements to the Town Hall to incorporate a Community Cinema with the equipment being supplied by Royston First Bid Company and the running of the cinema by an outside organisation or charity. The Town Clerk will continue to make applications for grants where possible. All normal tendering processes will be followed. Councillors Harrison and Burt abstained. Councillors then discussed the suggested target date for opening March 2012 and it was unanimously agreed that the target date should be no later than March 2012 and earlier if possible. The opening hours for the cinema were then discussed. It was agreed that generally these would be Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday afternoon and evening. There are various civic functions that need to occur in the Town Hall and these would take priority over the cinema opening times. It was agreed that informal discussions should be held with organisations who already hire the hall to see how they can be helped to continue their activities in alternative venues. Councillor Burt abstained. It was unanimously agreed that no further bookings for the periods mentioned should be taken as from the end of December 2011. It was further agreed unanimously that the halls be closed to hirers for January/February 2012 for major works to be done if it cannot be done while the halls are open to hirers, help would be provided were possible to find alternative venues for the hirers. It was also agreed that there be a progress report on the agenda for the next meeting of the Committee.
Councillor Burt reported that the Working Party had met several times and that day a letter had been received from the Ministry of Justices regarding the reuse of graves. It appeared that this matter was being investigated. The Town Clerk had written to a number of people and it was hoped that responses would be available at the next meeting of the Working Party.
398/11 DRAFT MEETING DIARY 2011-2012;
Members received a draft copy of the meeting diary for 2011/2012.
Press left the meeting at 8.50 p.m.
Councillor Davidson reported that she had attended a meeting of the Volunteers Centre and it had been confirmed that the North Herts District Council would be cutting its funding to the Centre, and they will have to try and seek funding elsewhere.
She also reported that the Royston 2012 Committee had chosen the winning Logo, the prizes will be given at the May Fayre. She and Les Baker had visited the Olympic Park recently and taken photographs that would be placed on the 2012 website.
Councillor Harrison reported that he and Councillor B Smith had attended a Police Neighbourhood Panel meeting recently and the police reported that the three priorities for the past three years has been drugs, anti-social behaviour and car speeding. With the imminent introduction of Speedwatch in Royston and the rising incidence of shop-lifting in the town over the recent months, it was agreed that car speeding would be removed from the list of priorities and shop-lifting be substituted.
The Chairman then reported on the e-mail received by the Town Clerk concerning the HAPTC organisation and that applications can be made to be a member of the Executive Committee by 30 May 2011.
The Chairman then thanked his fellow councillors for their support during the year and also thanked the Town Clerk and her staff for their hard work and help. He then closed the meeting at 9 p.m.
122 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of the TOWN COUNCIL PREMISES/HUMAN RESOURCES SUB- COMMITTEE held in the Committee Room, Town Hall, Royston on Monday 18 April 2011 at 9.02 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Berry (in the Chair). Councillors Davidson, Harrison, Palmer & R. Smith. Town Councillors Mayne & F. J. Smith, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk & Committee Administrator in attendance.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hulström-Allen.
401/11 MINUTES:
The minutes of the meeting of the Town Premises/Human Resources Sub-Committee held on Monday, 28th March 2011 (minutes 374/11 to 376/11) were approved as a correct record.
402/11 TOWN HALL:
The Town Clerk reported that everything was going to plan with the refurbishments and the lift shaft was in place and the lift due for delivery that week. She required authority to purchase an oven for the new kitchen and had got details of a stainless steel double oven, and electric hob, at cost of £535. There was £400 in the budget for equipment and £300. It was agreed that the purchase of the oven go ahead using the money in the budget. In respect of the roof, an inspection had been made and it appeared that some slates were in need of repair and also a window upstairs needed repair or replacement. The Town Clerk had approached builders for quotations and these were awaited. Expenses would have to be met from the General Fund if there was not enough in the town hall budget to cover the costs. The Clerk will report back with details. It was also agreed that quotations for a mesh covering around the guttering of the roof be obtained to prevent the slates from falling into the road.
The Town Clerk reported that a request had been received from Property Services for Stamford Yard to erect a sign and light on the museum wall. She had informed them that we did not own the building and they had written to the landlord who had advised that he was ok with it, if the Town Council were, and providing it was at no cost to them. Following discussion it was agreed that permission be given to Property Services for Stamford Yard providing it was at no cost to the town council.
Members had received copies of a letter from an allotment holder in respect of the proposed rental increases. Members discussed this and it was agreed that the Town Clerk answer the letter covering the various points in the letter pointing out that a year’s notice was plenty of time for the notice and that the cost came down to £1 a week which they considered reasonable. Concessions are being increased to 50%. The income from the rents goes into an allotment account for use on allotments only. It was also agreed that the Town Clerk copy her letter to Oliver Heald MP.
123 ROYSTON TOWN COUNCIL It was then agreed that a date for the six monthly meeting with Allotment Association be either May 12th or 16th 2011.
The Committee received a report on the traffic vibration study held in November 2010. It had been found that vibration was causing some problems with damaged carvings and it was suggested that the unloading in the area be restricted, and drop sacks should be used when delivering beer barrels. Building work such as pedestrianization could have impact on the Cave as would traffic calming measures. It was also noted that samples of the worms found in the Cave were with the Natural History Museum. The Committee agreed that the local public houses be asked to take this into account and it was agreed to ask the Royston Area Committee and Hertfordshire Highways to take this report into consideration when any works are done in the area of the cave. The report would help to enforce the Council’s request in regards to parking and HGV vehicles in this area. The Committee also received a report about 7.5% reduction in the Memorandum of Understanding for 2011/2012 from NHDC for the Cave.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45 p.m.