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Go Medieval at the Tower – Auditions application
Send your form to [email protected] no later than Monday 27 March 2017. Please write “Go Medieval Auditions” in the subject line.
Thank you for taking part in the Go Medieval at the Tower auditions. Please let us know which session you would like to attend – please mark a first and second choice.
Friday 31 March Friday 31 March Friday 31 March 16.30-17.30 17.30-18.30 18.30-19.30 Saturday 1 April Saturday 1 April Saturday 1 April 14.30-15.30 15.30-16.30 16.30-17.30 Please note you will need to arrive at the Tower at least 30 minutes before your audition time.
If you are successful you will need to attend at least two days of the festival (but ideally all three). Please indicate which days you will be able to attend.
Saturday 29 April Sunday 30 April Monday 1 May
Your details – please provide the following information
First Name: Surname:
Date of Birth: Age:
Address: Postcode:
Email address (to be used for booking purposes):
Emergency contact name: Emergency contact number:
Do you have a medical condition that we should be aware of? (eg asthma or epilepsy)
You hereby grant to HRP and its staff and facilitators the right to call for medical emergency treatment for you should the need arise during HRP activity.
The personal details collected will only be used for the purpose stated. Historic Royal Palaces are committed to protecting your privacy online and not share your personal information for marketing or any other purposes without your consent unless where required by law. To see details of HRP’s privacy policy
please visit:
Terms and Conditions – please make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Filming and photography We will be photographing and filming parts of the Go Medieval at the Tower event and training days for internal and public purposes. If you would rather not be photographed or filmed, please let us know.
Evaluation At the end of the event, HRP would like to ask you for some feedback on the session. This will be in the form of a short paper survey asking for their thoughts on the workshop itself and what you have learned. Feedback will be anonymous and the results will be used to see how successful the workshop has been and how we can improve it in the future.
Participant declaration – all participants must sign this declaration
I agree that: I am able to attend the audition dates I have selected I am able to attend both training days on Monday 10 and Thursday 13 April I am able attend rehearsals (selected dates between 14 and 28 April, tbc) I am able to attend at least two of the festival dates 29 April – 1 May I am happy to be filmed and photographed during training and festival I am happy to provide feedback at the end of the event
Signed: Date:
Print Name:
Parent or Guardian signature – required for any participants under 18 years of age
I allow my child to attend the Go Medieval auditions, training, rehearsals and festival at the Tower of London. I understand that these sessions will take place at the Tower of London, some of which will be out of hours. I permit Historic Royal Palaces (HRP), its licensees or assignees and any trusted third party organisations working with HRP, to use in perpetuity the photograph(s) and/or film and/or audio recordings taken, either complete or in part, alone or in conjunction with any wording, images, drawings or other audio recordings solely and exclusively for internal or public purposes. I understand that I do not own the copyright of the photograph(s), film or audio recordings; for the avoidance of doubt, this copyright and all moral rights shall belong to HRP. I understand that HRP are not responsible for my child’s transport to and from the Tower of London.
Travelling home – please tick as appropriate
I, or another person, designated by me, will collect my child from the Tower of London.
My child is allowed to leave the Tower alone.
Signed: Date:
Print Name:
Contact number/email address:
What happens next?
Please email this completed form to [email protected] ensuring that all of the sections are completed correctly. Please write “Go Medieval Auditions” in the subject line.
You will receive a confirmation email (to the address supplied above) from our bookings team with the joining information.