Academic Planning Council Meeting Minutes s1

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Academic Planning Council Meeting Minutes s1

Academic Planning Council Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Time: 4:00 P.M.

Location: Computer Conference Room, MPSC

Officers: Travis Nelson (Co-Chair), Andrew Pawl (Co-Chair)


Present: Annie Kinwa-Muzinga, Susan Hansen, Bidhan Roy, Mesut Muslu, Travis Nelson, Teresa Burns, Irfan

Ul-Haq, Andrew Pawl, Daniel Avenarius, Patrick Hagen, Rosalyn Broussard, Michael Black, James

Hibbard, Laura Anderson, Lisa Merkes-Kress

Guests: Dominic Barraclough, Robin White, Melissa Gormley, Michael Compton, Staci Strobl, Robert Flum I Opening of the Meeting

1. Chair Nelson called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.

2. It was moved by Muslu , seconded by Ul-Haq, and carried to approve the minutes of Wednesday,

May 11, 2016

II Reports and Announcements Presenter

1. UW-System Program Planning Travis Nelson

The Board of Regents four main areas of concern are the following: will

students get jobs at the end, marketability, time to degree, and sustainability.

2. Provost Office Patrick Hagen

Patrick Hagen will be the Provost representative and will be attending the APC meetings. Hagen also mentioned that he was requested to update the

New Program Path to coordinate with system, APC will review this at the next

meeting and forward to Faculty Senate for approval.

III Unfinished Business – No unfinished business to discuss at this time.

VI New Business Presenter

1. Form B Non-Submission

Agriculture Education Mike Compton

There is no report at this time, Compton informed APC members that he

has reached out to the program many times. After discussing the non-

submission and noting that there are consequences at system level for lack of review, the following action was taken:

MOTION: It was moved by Hanson, seconded by Kinwa-Muzinga, and

carried unanimously to have the chairs meet with the deans and discuss

the inappropriateness, the unacceptability of a non-submission and the

consequences there of.

Soil & Crop Science

This program was to be reviewed in the Spring, but due to changes in the

program and having no release time Form B was not completed on time.

It was noted that Soil and Crop Science will be merged into a single

program with Environmental Horticulture and Reclamation in the near

future. MOTION: It was moved by Hanson, seconded by Burns, and carried

unanimously to forward Soil and Crop Science to AOC and ASC to do an

expedited review by November 1.

2. Requests for Adjustments to Program Review Cycle

Dairy Science B.S. [New Program: Group 6] Patrick Hagen

STEM Middle Childhood –Early Adolescence Education B.S. [New Program: Patrick Hagen

Group 6]

The two new programs Dairy Science B.S. and STEM Middle Childhood-

Early Adolescence Education B.S. need to be reviewed by April 2020 for


MOTION: It was moved by Avenarius, seconded by Muslu, and carried unanimously to add Dairy Science B.S. and STEM Middle Childhood-Early

Adolescence Education B.S. to the schedule into group 6.

Forensic Investigation move for compliance with UW-System timeline Patrick Hagen

Forensic Investigation review to UW System was due April 2016, but the & Staci Strobl

lack of non-compliance was not the fault of the program but due to

miscommunication. Hagen has spoken to UW System and the program

regarding this issue and is recommending that APC review Forensic

investigation as soon as possible.

After discussion it was determined that APC will begin reviewing this fall

with completion of review being spring 2019.

Communications Technology requesting move Susan Hansen The program has had many changes in personnel and the department

itself, including a name change to media studies and would to have extra

time before they are reviewed.

MOTION: It was moved by Burns, seconded by Muslu, and carried

unanimously, to move media studies from group 4 to group 6.

Foreign Language requesting move Teresa Burns

Members of the Foreign Language Program (which is up for Form B

review this year) request that, rather than delaying the Form B review

another year, they be given an extension until February 1 due to the

changes in the foreign language competency requirement and the large

FTE reduction in Foreign Languages. It was also stated that Portuguese is no longer taught on campus. After extensive discussion the following

action was take:

MOTION: It was moved by Burns, seconded by Hansen, and carried

unanimously to unite foreign language as a single unit and then move

foreign language as a unit to group 5.

3. Spring Retreat Travis Nelson

The spring retreat has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, January

11, please let Chair Nelson know if there are any problems with this date.

4. Identify Non-voting Cross-representation Travis Nelson

Reviewed the membership of APC and the representatives from other

committees. 5. Form A Deadline Dominic

The process has not started so it is not possible to meet the October 15 Barraclough

deadline Barraclough asked APC to delay the deadline and presented

suggested changes for 2016-17 Form A. After much discussion the

following action was taken:

MOTION: It was moved by Pawl, seconded by Kinwa-Muzinga, and carried

unanimously to delay the Form A deadline to November 1.

AMENDMENT: It was moved by Ul-Haq, seconded by Kinwa-Muzinga, and

carried unanimously to amend November 1 deadline to December 15.

Review of the suggestions to Form A will take place at the next meeting.

V Close Meeting 1. Next Meeting Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2. The meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.

Submitted by Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary) and Andrew Pawl (Co-Chair)

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