Supplementary Table S1 Other Characteristics and Main Results of Studies Included in The

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Supplementary Table S1 Other Characteristics and Main Results of Studies Included in The

Supplementary Table S1 Other characteristics and main results of studies included in the meta-analysis Participants Inclusion Laboratory First author Blood Laborator Detection Statistical Risk OR or RR (95% Cohort recruitment criteria for quality Markers Cutoffs Confounders (year) sample type y assay limit method assessment CIs) (yrs) cases control 1974 for CLUE Age, race, menopausal I; 1989 for The upper status, last menstrual CLUE II; 1977- Serum and lower CLUE I/II, High Conditional Tertile 1 1.00 period, current McSorley MA 1987 for Cancer free at (except limits for the Duplicate Columbia, MO sensitivity CRP assay logistic OR CRP Tertile 2 1.26 (0.78, 2.04) hormone use, date and (2007) (31) Columbia, MO; study entry plasma for and masked serum bank, GP ELISA were 10–500 regression Tertile 3 1.72 (1.06, 2.77) time of day of blood 1977-1985 for CLUE II) ng/mL draw, and cohort of GP I; 1986-1990 origin for GP II Primary T1 (<0.84 mg/L for DSHDS; invasive or <1.17 mg/L for NYUWHS; borderline <0.91 mg/L for ORDET) epithelial The T2 (0.85-2.06 mg/L for sensitivity Conditional 1.00 ovarian cancer; range for the DSHDS; 1.18-2.94 mg/L for 1985–1991 for logistic OR CRP 0.97 (0.64, 1.46) BMI no preceding Plasma for High assay was NYUWHS; 0.92-1.96 mg/L for NSHDS, NYUWHS; regression 1.15 (0.74, 1.79) invasive cancer NSHDS; sensitivity 0.1–20 mg/l. ORDET) Lundin E NYUWHS, 1986–2007 for Duplicate diagnosis Serum for immunotur T3 (≥2.07 mg/L for DSHDS; (2009) (23) ORDET NSHDS; 1987– and masked (except non- NYUWHS bidimetric ≥2.95 mg/L for NYUWHS; 1992 for melanoma skin and ORDET assay ≥1.97 mg/L for ORDET) ORDET cancer); no use exogenous <=1 mg/L 1.00 hormones at the CRP 2-10 mg/L 1.10 (0.77, 1.59) time of blood >10 4.39 (1.76, 10.90) donation Clendenen TV NSHDS, 1985–1991 for Invasive Plasma for Luminexx The lower Duplicate Conditional OR IL-6 Quartile 1 1.00 Age, cohort, (2011) (32) NYUWHS, NYUWHS; epithelial NSHDS; Map detection and masked logistic Quartile 2 1.22 (0.77, 1.95) menopausal status, ORDET 1986–present for ovarian cancer Serum for technology limit for IL- regression Quartile 3 1.37 (0.86, 2.17) ever pregnant, ever NSHDS; 1987– and had no NYUWHS 6 was 0.10 Quartile 4 1.63 (1.03, 2.58) use of contraceptives, 1992 for history of any and ORDET pg/ml, for and BMI

1 TNF-α was 0.05 pg/ml, and for TNFR2 was

cancer; using 0.015 ng/ml Quartile 1 1.00 exogenous ORDET Quartile 2 0.77 (0.49, 1.21) hormones were TNF-α Quartile 3 1.12 (0.70, 1.78) excluded Quartile 4 1.23 (0.77, 1.97) Quartile 1 1.00 Quartile 2 1.28 (0.82, 2.01) TNFR2 Quartile 3 1.28 (0.81, 2.03) Quartile 4 0.94 (0.58, 1.51) The lower detection limit for Donated serum High CRP was samples to the sensitivity 0.03 mg/l Conditional Tertile 1 (<1.1 mg/L) 1.00 Toriola AT cohort twice; Duplicate Age at serum FMC 1983 Serum immunotur with an logistic OR CRP Tertile 2 (1.1-2.6 mg/L) 1.35 (0.77, 2.35) (2011) (33) ≥1 year apart and masked sampling bidimetric assay regression Tertile 3 (>2.6 mg/L) 1.62 (0.93, 2.83) before cancer assay sensitivity diagnoses ranging from 0.1 to 20 mg/l. Poole EM NHS I/ II NHS; 1989- No previous Plasma High - Duplicate Uncondition RR CRP Tertile 1 (<0.72 mg/L) 1.00 Age at blood draw, (2013) (14) 1990; NHS II; history of sensitivity and masked al logistic Tertile 2 (0.72-2.36 mg/L) 1.11 (0.75, 1.65) date and time of day 1996-1999 cancer, except immunotur regression Tertile 3 (>2.36 mg/L) 1.15 (0.74, 1.77) of blood draw, fasting Quartile 1 (median: 0.33 mg/L) 1.00 nonmelanoma bidimetric status, menopause Quartile 2 (median: 0.88 mg/L) 1.10 (0.68, 1.78) skin cancer, assay for status at diagnosis and Quartile 3 (median: 2.11 mg/L) 1.05 (0.64, 1.74) before blood CRP; blood draw, post- Quartile 4 (median: 5.17 mg/L) 1.34 (0.79, 2.27) collection Quantitativ menopausal hormone ≤1 mg/L 1.00 e sandwich use at blood draw, 1-10 mg/L 1.08 (0.74, 1.57)

2 >10 mg/L 2.33 (1.00, 5.44) Quartile 1 (median: 0.67 pg/ml) 1.00 Quartile 2 (median: 1.03 pg/ml) 0.75 (0.46, 1.21) IL-6 Quartile 3 (median: 1.56 pg/ml) 0.93 (0.58, 1.50) Quartile 4 (median: 3.11 pg/ml) 0.85 (0.52, 1.40) Quartile 1 (median: 1934.2 pg/ml) enzyme BMI, duration of oral Quartile 2 (median: 2360.2 1.00 immunoass contraceptives use, TNF-α- pg/ml) 1.34 (0.81, 2.22) ay tubal ligation, and R2 Quartile 3 (median: 2770.8 1.48 (0.89, 2.45) technique parity pg/ml) 1.57 (0.92, 2.68) for IL-6, Quartile 4 (median: 3475.6 and ELISA pg/ml) for TNF-α- Tertile 1 (<1.15 mg/L) 1.00 Tertile 2 (1.15-3.38 mg/L) 1.52 (1.03, 2.31) Tertile 3 (>3.39 mg/L) 1.38 (0.88, 2.18) High Age, randomization, Diagnosed with Cox Quartile 1 (median: 0.43 mg/L) 1.00 sensitivity BMI, duration of oral Poole EM WHS: 1992- invasive ovarian Duplicate proportional Quartile 2 (median: 1.34 mg/L) 1.65 (1.02, 2.68) WHS Plasma immunotur - RR CRP contraceptives use, (2013) (14) 2004 cancer between and masked hazards Quartile 3 (median: 2.98 mg/L) 1.86 (1.13, 3.05) bidimetric tubal ligation, and blood collection regression Quartile 4 (median: 6.93 mg/L) 1.76 (1.03, 3.01) assay ≤1 mg/L 1.00 parity 1-10 mg/L 1.61 (1.08, 2.41) >10 mg/L 2.02 (0.96, 4.27) Trabert B PLCO 1993-2001 No history of Serum Luminex Duplicate BMI, cigarette (2014) (15) cancer (other bead-based smoking status, parity, than non- commercia Conditional Tertile 1 (<3.23 mg/L) 1.00 duration of oral melanoma skin l assay - logistic OR CRP Tertile 2 (3.23-9.76 mg/L) 1.29 (0.68, 2.41) contraceptive use, and cancer) prior to panels for regression Tertile 3 (>9.76 mg/L) 2.04 (1.06, 3.93) duration of ovarian cancer IL-6, TNF- menopausal hormone diagnosis α, TNF-α- therapy use IL-6 1.00 R2; ≤ 0.64 ng/L (lower limit of 1.41 (0.81, 2.46) Luminex detection) >0.64 ng/L (detectable)

3 Tertile 1 (<4.05 ng/L) 1.00 TNF-α Tertile 2 (4.05-5.48 ng/L) 1.89 (1.01, 3.53) Tertile 3 (>5.48 ng/L) 2.21 (1.06, 4.63) bead-based Tertile 1 1.00 TNF-α- assay for Tertile 2 1.76 (0.94, 3.29) R2 CRP Tertile 3 1.95 (0.94, 4.01) High Conditional Tertile 1 (<0.53-1.47 mg/L) 1.00 BMI, ever full-term Duplicate sensitivity - logistic OR CRP Tertile 2 (1.48-4.01 mg/L) 0.88 (0.70, 1.10) pregnancy, and age at and masked ELISA for regression Tertile 3 (>4.01 mg/L) 0.87 (0.68, 1.11) first birth CRP; high ≤1 mg/L 1.00 Ose J No history of sensitivity 1-10 mg/L 0.91 (0.74, 1.12) EPIC 1992-2000 - (2015) (16) cancer quantitativ >10 mg/L 1.67 (1.03, 2.70)

e sandwich Tertile 1 (0.78-1.26 pg/L) 1.00 enzyme IL-6 Tertile 2 (1.27-2.17 pg/L) 0.90 (0.71, 1.13) immunoass Tertile 3 (>2.17 pg/L) 1.03 (0.81, 1.32) ay for IL-6 CLUE I/II: “Give us a CLUE to cancer and heart disease” and “Campaign Against Cancer and Heart Disease” cohorts of Washington County, Maryland, and Columbia, Missouri Serum Bank; IGP: the Island of Guernsey Prospective Study, United Kingdom; NSHDS: the Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study; NYUWHS: the New York University Women’s Health Study; ORDET: the Study of Hormones and Diet in the Etiology of Breast Cancer; FMC: the Finnish Maternity Cohort; NHS: the Nurses' Health Study; WHS: the Women's Health Study; PLCO: the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial; EPIC: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort; BMI: body mass index; CRP: C-reactive protein; IL-6: interleukin-6; TNF-α: necrosis factor-alpha; and TNF-α-R2: TNF-α receptor 2; OR: odds ratio; RR: relative risk.


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