New York City Department of Education s2

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New York City Department of Education s2

New York City Department of Education Magnet Program District 25 & 28

The Green Magnet School M. S. 217

Course / Unit Literacy Nature – Friend and Foe

Essential Questions: What’s so good about the wild?

Suggested Time Frame: 6 Weeks Theme: Stewardship, Endurance, Diversity

Graphic Overview of Unit Suggested Time Frame: 8 Weeks

1 Essential Question: What’s so good about the wild?

Unit name: Nature – Friend and Foe

Mini-unit name: The Alligator and The Everglades: Life and Death How poetry helps us makes sense of the world.

Mini-unit name: Losing Wildness: Missing ‘Gator of Gumbo Limbo Mini-Units * It is recommended that each mini- unit end with a standardized test that reflects the Mini-unit name: Advocating for Wildness state / city assessment

Mini-unit name: Presenting Research and Products

Unit’s Culminating Project: (briefly explain in 2-3 sentences): Students will create a powerpoint , PSA idoc, website or wiki on:  History of the Everglades – geological, early inhabitants, Seminole Indians •Everglades Ecosystem – Flora, Fauna, keystone species •Dangers to the Everglades: Pollution, Invasive Species*, Habitat Destruction, Endangered Species •Restoration of the Everglades Plan and implement a videoconference with Cypress Palm Middle School, Naples, Florida.

2 Stage 1- Desired Results Standards-Based Learning Goals:

Magnet Sustainability: Students explore how nature sustains life on earth. Students explore ways to balance human needs with nature's laws. Activism: Students research issues and determine actions that can make a difference. •Students take actions that affect their local and global communities. Inquiry. Students explore by closely observing, formulating questions, analyzing systems, drawing conclusions. Technology. Students use technology to communicate locally and globally. Careers. Students connect classroom studies with future careers. ELA. Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding. 1. Listening and reading to acquire information and understanding involves collecting data, facts, and ideas; discovering relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and using knowledge from oral, written, and electronic sources. Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression. Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation. 1. Listening and reading to analyze and evaluate experiences, ideas, information, and issues requires using evaluative criteria from a variety of perspectives and recognizing the difference in evaluations based on different sets of criteria. Standard 4: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction. Concepts Macro-concept: Big idea Magnet School Theme: Stewardship, Endurance, Wildness Sustainability, Inquiry, Activism, Careers, Technology Enduring Understandings Overarching Essential Question: (this question should Wildness. Wildness is essential for diversity. connect to your school theme) Diversity is essential for human life. “In wildness is the preservation of the World” by Henry . What’s so good about the wild? David Thoreau . Why is human life dependent on wildness? Stewardship. As humans, we are responsible for the health of our world. “There are no passengers on . How do we balance human and non-human needs? Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.” ~Marshall McLuhan, 1964 . Protagoras of Abdera (c. 480-410 B.C.) wrote that “Man is Endurance. To endure, we have to know, care and the measure of all things.” Is this true? act. “If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.” ~Edward O. Wilson Content and Skills Content - Part I Skills - Part I – Poetry/Fiction •Noticing/Describing details in Images •Visualize •“The Alligator Poem” by Mary Oliver •Identify Details •Predictions •Identify Literary Devices •Sensory Details •Inference •Similes •Determine - Main idea/Theme •“Some Rivers” •Pt. of View •Fluency •Meaning of words in context •Comprehension Strategies •Relate to own experience •Theme •Compare and contrast •Inferencing Skills - Part II – Non-Fiction •Sensory Details •Take Notes on flora and fauna, history •Similes, •alligators •Metaphors, •Determine Relevant Info •Vocabulary •Navigate GoogleEarth •Exposition: Setting •Use Track Star •Characterization •Use and •Conflict Skills – Part III – Presentations PowerpointsIdocs, Wiki, website

3 Stage 2- Summative Assessment Evidence If students understand, know and are able to do the items in Stage 1, they should be able to show their understanding by completing an authentic task found in the world beyond the classroom.

 Design the Culminating/Summative Task:  Please note: The Essential Question and the Grasp are interconnected. The GRASP is a way for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding unit by answer of the Essential Question. Or you can say, they are answering the essential question through their GRASP. G- (goal). Students will research the Everglades and determine if the wildness of the Everglades should be restored and sustained. Students select a way to advocate for the Everglades.

R- (role). Students will be “Everglades Stewards” and be part of the Everglades Stewardship Program.

A- (audience). Students will present their products to classmates, school administrators, Everglades school community, and government officials.

S- (situation). After reading fiction and non-fiction about the Everglades, students will advocate for the American alligator and the Everglades, one of the most unique ecosystems on Earth.

P- (purpose and product). Powerpoint, PSA iDoc, Website, or Wiki on:  History of the Everglades – geological, early inhabitants, Seminole Indians •Everglades Ecosystem – Flora, Fauna, keystone species •Dangers to the Everglades: Pollution, Invasive Species*, Habitat Destruction, Endangered Species •Restoration of the Everglades

Culminating Event: Videoconference with Cypress Palm Middle School, Naples, Florida. Sharing of work with Cypress students.

S- (standards for performance). Standards-Based Learning Goals: Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding. 1. Listening and reading to acquire information and understanding involves collecting data, facts, and ideas; discovering relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and using knowledge from oral, written, and electronic sources. Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression. Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation. 1. Listening and reading to analyze and evaluate experiences, ideas, information, and issues requires using evaluative criteria from a variety of perspectives and recognizing the difference in evaluations based on different sets of criteria. Standard 4: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.

4 Student Task. In the space below, write the task exactly as students will see it. You should give this task to them on the first day of the unit. This way they know where they are going.

The Everglades Stewardship Program - Everglades National Park 2009 Crocodile Row. Everglades, Florida 21709

Dear Student:

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as a fellow in the elite Everglades Stewardship program. As an Everglades Steward, you join a community of scholars, social scientists, artists, and activists whose research and advocacy are saving the American alligator and the Everglades, one of the most unique ecosystems on Earth.

You will be asked to think about the following Essential Questions • What’s so good about wildness? • Are alligators our friends or foes? ••How do we use our senses to understand the world around us? How can poetry, stories(fiction), and research help us make sense of the world?

Your mission is to advocate for the Everglades by researching and publishing one of the following: •History of the Everglades – geological, early inhabitants, Seminole Indians •Everglades Ecosystem – Flora, Fauna, keystone species •Dangers to the Everglades: Pollution, Invasive Species*, Habitat Destruction, Endangered Species •Restoration of the Everglades-plans & progress

You will publish your research through one of the following Culminating Projects: Powerpoint Brochure Persuasive PSA Class Website www.ning or Wikispace on one of the following:

Please read and return the enclosed contract, so you can start your work as soon as possible.

5 UNIT Essential ? Content Skills Assessments Resources Eco- Tourist Eco-Tourist Wildlife Wildlife BrochurePart 1: What’s so good •Noticing/Describing1 •Visualize2 •K-W-L ChartIntern GoogleEarthManager Nature- about the wild? details •Identify •Read Alouds3 - Fluency 4 Friend •“The Alligator Poem” Details •Text to self connections “The Alligator Poem” by Mary Notetaking& Foe Literacy•Identifies ? 0 essentialby details. Mary Oliver, “Some•Identifies 1-2•Identify essential details. Literary writing.•Identifies 3 essential details. •IdentifiesOliver 4-5 essential details. •Does not synthesizeRivers” information by F. Asch.•SynthesizesDevices information from 2 •“•SynthesizesSavor Your information Senses” from 3 •Synthesize information from 4 sources by condensing, •HowDoes do not our condense, combine, or categorize sources. Condenses, combines, or sources by condensing, combining, combining, or categorizing data, facts, and ideas sensesdata, help facts, andus ideas•Sensory Details categorizes •data,Inference facts, and ideas Journal/Writing-Drawingor categorizing data, facts, and •Uses“Some note and Rivers” graphic organizers by Frank to record Asch and organize make• Note sense and graphicof • organizersSimiles do not •Notes and graphic•Determine organizers record •ideasProgressive Test – Similes,information record and organize• Fluencyinformation and organize info from 2 sources Metaphors,•Notes and graphic organizers the world? information •Main idea/Theme- record and organize info from 3 •Why do poets •Comprehension Message •“sourcesBecome information a Telescope” gator-hole/id/582466308 use similes Strategies •Pt. of View Double Entry Journal about nature? •Theme Vocabulary Missing ‘Gator of Gumbo Limbo Eco-Facts •Meaning of words Information is cursory or Some solid information 5 questionInformation multiple is clear choice Information– is well presented, clear, Subject •Inferencing in context incorrect. Student does not is presented; however, Inferencing-themeand correct throughout and correct throughout. Knowledge •Sensory Details •Relate to own show understanding.•Predictions someexperience information is •Comparethe presentation. contrast •Similes, incorrect•Compare or cursory. and meaning in two poems: •Metaphors, contrast Nature: Friend & Foe: How  Presentation Student uses irrelevant Student uses some doesStudent each poetuses view graphics nature?Student uses graphics that reinforce  Overall Idea •Vocabulary  Supporting graphics graphics that don’t •Poetryrelated Slam to the text and and enhance the text and Details Everglades flora/fauna supportRecalling the text facts and and presentation. presentation.  Sequence of presentationdetails. Ideas

 Grammar, Presentation has 6 or more Presentation has 4-5 or more Presentation has 2-3 or Presentation has no more than one (1) Mechanics spelling, grammatical, or usage spelling, grammatical, or more spelling, spelling, grammatical, or usage error. errors usage errors grammatical, or usage errors

6 UNIT Essential ? Content Skills Assessments Resources Part 2: Can we co-exist •Fiction •Take Notes on Fiction Missing ‘Gator of Gumbo Limbo Nature- with wildness? Missing ‘Gator: flora and fauna, Perspective Lotto Friend Foreward, Ch. 1-3 history Predicting the Future Track Star & Foe Should we Exposition: Setting •alligators Character Face –inventory #383386 return lands to Characterization •Determine of physical /personality traits their wild state? Conflict-multiple Relevant Info Conflict Map perspectives •Navigate •“History of Everglades”-Belanger Content Predictions GoogleEarth Non-Fiction specific ? •Use Track Star •Word Maps Alligator Everglades by George Why are the •Non-Fiction •Use •Progressive Test Everglades such •Everglades Geography – and •Flora & Fauna a special GoogleEarth. •Vocabulary ecosystem? •Everglades’ •Notetaking-Dialectical flora, fauna history Journals •Wetlands •Jeopardy Game on •Alligators Everglades-wetlands, •Keystone, endangered, Keystone, endangered, indigenous, invasive invasive species species •ELA Multiple Choice Test •Notetaking on Alligators. 4 paragraphs-12 •Vocabulary ?s: Main Idea, Facts, Fact & Details Sequence, Cause-Effect, Main Idea, Predicitons Predictions

7 A Week at a Glance – Copy as Necessary - WHERE is the student going and what is expected Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore TAILOR work to student needs Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Focus: Close Content Focus: Poetry, Content Focus: Content Focus: Poetry Content Focus: Poetry Observation “Alligator Poem” Visualizing in words or “Some Rivers” images the Everglades Hook: Hook: “Come on Down” Hook: Nature: Friend or Hook: We’re Killing the powerpoint Foe? Hook: Video-Gator Wild GoogleEarth & Gator Hole Weekly Assessment: Hole video Daily Assessment: Illustrate the Everglades Daily Assessment: Multiple Choice – Savor Your Senses graphic Be a Inference, Literary Daily Assessment: organizer Telescope Graphic Techniques, Author’s Exit Ticket: Daily Assessment: Organizer Purpose What I know about the Drawing/Writing Everglades What I wonder…

8 Weekly Assessment (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams): Students will take a Multiple Choice Assessment on Inferencing, Literary Techniques, and Author’s Point of View on “Alligator Poem” and “Some Rivers.”

What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? (for example if the unit’s culminating assessment is a newspaper – perhaps the students have written an article)

9 : A Week at a Glance – Copy as Necessary

WHERE is the student going and what is expected Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore TAILOR work to student needs Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Focus: Missing Content Focus: Content Focus: The Content Focus: The Content Focus: Putting ‘Gator Missing ‘Gator Everglades-Notetaking Everglades-Notetaking it All Together – What’s Chapters 1-3 so good about the wild? Exposition: Setting Hook: “This is Your Hook: Videos: Jumping Characterization Life” Alligators; Sneaky Hook: Is it relevant? Is Hook: Powerpoint Conflict-multiple perspectives You’re a character in Alligators; To Save it a fact? Is it an Create a multigenre Predictions the story. Alligators, Save the opinion? powerpoint about the Hook: Suspending Disbelief – Eggs Everglades – No more Would you live near an alligator Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: than 7 slides. Character Face Daily Assessment: Notetaking Charts: Daily Assessment: Notetaking Charts: Using Websites: Daily Assessment: Directed Free Write: Impt Info, Vocabulary, Relevant Info: Facts & Powerpoints Should Dajun be killed? Conclusion Opinions

10 Weekly Assessment (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams):

What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? (for example if the unit’s culminating assessment is a newspaper – perhaps the students have written an article)

11 Unit Resources Powerpoint – “Come on Down” – Invitation to the Florida Everglades - Intro Google Earth – Geography and Video: Gator Hole playerId=219243115&categoryId=350721045&lineupId=348523849&titleId=18579404 Poems: “Alligator Poem” by Mary Oliver and “Some Rivers” by Frank Asch Books: Missing ‘Gator of Gumbo Limbo and Everglades by Jean Craighead George

Websites: •, Group ID# 4803 – Go to Everglades Folder.

•Video of sunrise over “Gator Hole.” • How Stuff Works – Alligators videos and text – personal study

•Track Star - Created Track #383386, 'Everglades: listControl=clear •Kartoo - Type in key words • • • - HOMELESSNESS • This site was created for kids. "Wildlife Eco-Region Profile" from National Geographic. • . Video about restoring the Everglades • . Site to hear an American Alligator, Watch - Video: Gator Water Dance •

12 • The Living Everglades. A website designed to provide citizens, scientists, teachers, and students access to a vast amount of information and data about the Florida Everglades. •Environmental Kid's Club: URL: - A good site for younger students or second language learners. Uses graphic organizers. • - A site dedicated to education and information about toxins, pollution and programs. • - This site contains links and articles about Florida's environmental concerns. • - This site has good animations, 2-4 minute video clips, •URL: • Comments: An excellent site with a wealth of information about wading birds in the Everglade. The site contains links to further resources and research • .

Teacher Materials:, Group ID# 4803 – Go to Everglades Folder. The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean



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