Essential Questions Response: Consider our unit questions regarding social responsibility. Now that Rainsford has survived, the matter of what to do about the captive sailors remains. What responsibility does Rainsford have to help the sailors, if any? Would it be in his character to rescue them? Use details from the story to support your response. (One paragraph - 5)

Critical Thinking Response: Choose one of the following activities to complete. Your writing must be one page, typed, and double-spaced. Use a generic 11- or 12-point font.

1. Sequel: The next morning, Rainsford woke up in Zaroff’s excellent bed. What happened next? Write the next part of the story. Did he find a way to get home? Or did he decide to stay on the island? Keep your story’s style consistent with Connell’s. Your story will be graded on:

 Length (one page) - 1  Appropriate point of view - 2  Tone and characters consistent with original - 3  Story is creative, logical, and fluid - 4  References to specific details from story - 2  Grammar & punctuation - 3

2. Trial: Suppose Rainsford had taken Zaroff captive, sailed back to New York, and turned him in for his crimes. Imagine you are a lawyer assigned to either prosecute or defend Zaroff. Write a speech you would deliver to the jury. What evidence and reasoning would you use to persuade the jury of Zaroff’s guilt or innocence? Your speech will be graded on:

 Length (one page) - 1  Appropriate point of view - 2  Demonstrates understanding of character - 3  Speech is creative, logical, and fluid - 4  References to specific details from the story - 2  Grammar & punctuation - 3

3. Instructions: Select one of the three traps that Rainsford constructs. Using your imagination and the details Connell provides, write detailed instructions for building the trap. Include the materials needed, time required, and step-by-step directions for construction. Write the information as a paragraph rather than a list. Your instructional manual will be graded on:

 Length (one page) - 1  Appropriate diction - 2  Demonstrates attention to detail and procedure - 3  Instructions are detailed, logical, and easy to follow - 4  References to specific details from the story - 2  Grammar & punctuation - 3