O List of Adults Participating in the Excursion

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O List of Adults Participating in the Excursion

Excursion Risk Management Plan

Service Name: Service ID: Regional Manager: Courtney Mitchel Regional Manager Contact Number: 0447460459 Staff Hotline: 1300 665 257 Holiday Club Coordinator: 0423 577 622

Plan prepared by: (Regional Manager) Kyiesha Wagland Plan approved by: (National Hannah Wilson Operations Manager) Prepared in consultation with: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Management Communicated to: Camp Australia Holiday Club Manager, Operations Manager, Regional Managers, Holiday Club services and Parents

Excursion Details: Date(s) of excursion: Excursion destination: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Departure time: Arrival time: Proposed activities: Viewing a movie as a part of the Holiday Club Program Water Hazards at the venue: No Method of transport: Bus- map and directions are included (include proposed route)

Excursion Coordinator: Excursion Coordinator Contact Number: Number of children attending: Number of staff: Staff to children ratio: 1:8 Include whether this excursion warrants a higher ratio and provide details

Excursion Checklist: (Please mark off)

o First Aid kit o List of adults participating in the excursion o Contact information for each adult o List of children attending the excursion o Contact information for each child o Mobile phone and/or other means of communicating with the service and emergency services o Medical information for each child o Ensure all medication for children is in date o Excursion information sheet o Clothes suitable for weather

Page 1 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan o Plastic bags for soiled clothing o Risk Management Plan o Sanitiser (if bus does not provide this already)

Risk Assessment: Activity: Reviewing Safety and Excursion Details

Hazard identified: Children may become separated from the group or be involved in an incident. Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Coordinator and educators to allocate groups and have children Coordinator Prior to excursion apply wristbands showing service name and mobile telephone All educators number.

Coordinator and educators to discuss in a group session: Coordinator Prior to excursion  Rules All educators  Behaviour expectations  What to do in an emergency- Children are to stay with their educator; listen and follow educator’s instructions.  What to do if you become lost- Becoming lost or separated from group, children are to ensure they can always see an educator ‘CA blue shirt’.  Wearing hats and sunscreen  Wearing seatbelts on the bus  Hand washing before eating and not sharing food at meal breaks

Provide Educators a list of children within their group to enable Coordinator Throughout educators to conduct regular head counts every hour All educators excursion

Activity: Walking to the bus Hazard identified: Children wandering off from the group Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) High Elimination / Control measures: Who When A head count to be taken as children leave the OSHC room and Coordinator Before leaving the then again as they arrive on the bus using an attendance checklist OSHC room and on template. arrival at the bus

Children are informed and shown a specific area to gather as they Coordinator Before walking to leave the OSHC room. Educators to actively supervise to ensure all the bus children are going to this specific area.

All children to be informed of the route taken Coordinator Prior to leaving One educator to lead the group and one educator to follow the All educators During the walk group ensuring all children can be seen at all times

Activity: Bus transport- prior to excursion Hazard identified: Condition of vehicle Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When

Page 2 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Ensure vehicle operators hold appropriate licences and insurance Holiday Club Prior to booking Manager buses Check availability of seatbelts Hotline Coordinator Prior to booking buses Vehicle to be appropriate for the size of the group Hotline Coordinator Prior to booking buses Remind children of rules and monitor behaviour Coordinator During trip Educators Ensure seatbelts are worn Coordinator During trip Educators

Activity: Bus transport to and from movie complex

Hazard identified: Flat Tyre/ Breakdown Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Have children disembark the bus safely. Coordinator All During Incident Educators

Ensure all children off the bus by doing a sweep of the bus. Coordinator All During Incident Educators

Do a roll call and head count of children Coordinator During Incident, once off the bus

Have group remain together until allowed to return to seats Coordinator All During Incident, Educators once off the bus Educators to play games and keep children engaged whilst the Coordinator All During Incident, vehicle is repaired Educators once off the bus Notify Regional Manager of the incident Coordinator During Incident, once off the bus

Activity: Bus transport Hazard identified: Children tripping or falling as they embark/disembark the bus Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Coordinator to discuss the guidelines of appropriate behaviour Coordinator Group discussion when travelling on the bus with children at the service

Educator to stand at the bottom of the stairs/door when children are Educator Departing and embarking and disembarking the bus Arriving at a venue

Children to embark and disembark the bus one at a time All educators Departing and Arriving at a venue Coordinator to carry first aid kit, child information and mobile phone Coordinator At all times in bag in case of an accident.

Page 3 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Activity: Travelling between bus disembarkation and movie complex

Hazard identified: Children struck by a moving vehicle

Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) High Elimination / Control measures: Who When Avoid crossing major roads, discuss with the bus driver to be Coordinator All Prior to leaving For dropped at the main entrance. Educators Excursion

Always obey any traffic signs or signals Coordinator All Ongoing during Educators walk to the Cinema

Use designated pedestrian crossings Coordinator All Ongoing during Educators walk to the Cinema

Use designated foot paths Coordinator All Ongoing during Educators walk to the Cinema

Coordinator to explain to children that they will be walking in pairs Coordinator Before walking to the Cinema

Educators to help children get organised into pairs and in line Coordinator All Before walking to Educators the Cinema

Ensure educators are at the front and back of the line with other Coordinator All Ongoing during educators throughout the group of children. Educators walk to the Cinema

Activity: Bus Transport Hazard identified: Travel sickness Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Children not feeling well will be seated at the front of the bus and All Educators During transport monitored closely by the coordinator

Sick bags will be held by the coordinator and provided to the child Coordinator During Transport who is unwell.

If the child continues to feel unwell then the bus will need to stop. Coordinator During Transport This will allow time for the child to breathe in fresh air and recover.

If the child vomits on the bus, then the bus will need to stop, child Coordinator During Transport will need to be attended to by the coordinator.

Page 4 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan The contamination area is cleaned by an educator and ensure the All educators During Transport area is sanitised prior to the bus continuing to the venue

The child’s parents will need to be called once the child has settled Coordinator During Transport/at the venue

Activity: Bus transport to and from excursion Hazard identified: Vehicle Accident Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) High Elimination / Control measures: Who When Ensure bus drivers hold appropriate licences and insurance Holiday Club Initial Booking of Manager the vehicle Coordinator to discuss the guidelines of appropriate behaviour Coordinator During group when travelling on the bus with children discussion at the service Educators to be evenly spread out throughout the bus and All Educators During transit supervise during transit Ensure all children are wearing seatbelts and sitting down All Educators Prior to bus appropriately departing Only one child per seat All Educators Prior to bus departing Bus to have appropriate escape route and all educators to be aware All Educators Prior to bus of the routes departing

Mobile phone used to call emergency services, Regional Manager Coordinator During transit and Camp Australia Customer service

First Aid to be administer if required All educators During transit

Activity: Bus transport- disembarking the bus at the venue or Holiday Club service Hazard identified: Child becoming isolated from the group Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) High Elimination / Control measures: Who When Coordinator to allow educators to disembark the bus prior to Coordinator and Disembarking the children so that children have a meeting point when they disembark educators bus Educators to complete a head count and record onto their All Educators Disembark is attendance template once all children have disembarked and in complete their care Coordinator to complete a final check of the bus and ensure all Coordinator Disembark is children have disembarked complete If a child is lost an educator must notify all educators on the All educators Immediately excursion by calling out to one another Educator to settle all other children into a safe area whilst the other All educators After the children educators actively search for the lost child have disembarked the bus If the child is not located within 2 minutes then police are to be All educators Immediately notified

Page 5 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Coordinator to notify Regional Manager who will attend to the Coordinator Immediately excursion immediately (if possible) to support the staff and children.

Parents must be notified of the incident by the coordinator Coordinator Immediately

Coordinator to complete Accident, illness and Trauma Incident form Coordinator Return to Holiday and send through to Regional Manager Club service

Regional Manager to notify Camp Australia Operations Manager. Regional Manager On the day

Regional Manager to complete a serious incident report and send Regional Manager Within 24 hours through to the National Operations Manager for approval. The Operations Administrator will submit the report to the Operations Within 24 hours Regulatory Authority as per Camp Australia policy. Administrator

Activity: At Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Hazard identified: Child becoming isolated from the group whilst at the venue Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) High Elimination / Control measures: Who When Children must wear Camp Australia wrist bands that clearly state Coordinator Prior to excursion the service name and contact number

Educators to ensure children have a ‘buddy’ for the excursion. Coordinator and Prior to excursion Children reminded to stay with their buddy throughout excursion educators

Educators to complete head count at every entry/exit point using All Educators During excursion attendance template

If a child is lost, an educator must notify all educators on the All educators During excursion excursion by calling out to one another

Settle all other children in the designated seated area in the café All educators During excursion An educator to stay with the children and play a quiet game i.e. Educator During excursion Simon says, charades

All other educators actively search for the lost child. Searching the All educators During excursion toilet facilities, throughout the cinema and the games/arcade area.

If the child is not located within 2 minutes then management at the All educators During excursion venue must be notified by the coordinator so an announcement can be made over the speakers and the police notified.

Coordinator to notify Regional Manager who will attend to the Coordinator Immediately excursion immediately (if possible) to support the staff and children.

Parents must be notified of the incident by the coordinator Coordinator During excursion

Coordinator to complete Accident, illness and Trauma Incident form Coordinator Return to Holiday and send through to Regional Manager Club service

Regional Manager to notify Camp Australia Operations Manager. Regional Manager On the day

Regional Manager to complete a serious incident report and send Regional Manager Within 24 hours through to the National Operations Manager for approval. The Operations Administrator will submit the report to the Operations Within 24 hours Regulatory Authority as per Camp Australia policy Administrator

Page 6 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Activity: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Hazard identified: Children using the toilet Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When An educator to locate toilets at the venue and inspect toilets for All educators During the hazards ( needles, strangers etc. ) prior to children accessing excursion

Children should be provided with opportunities to go to the toilet. All educators During the excursion

Educators to be seated on the aisle/end of the children in each row All educators During movie Educator to accompany children to the toilets All educators During movie

Head count to be taken prior to leaving the cinema All educators Leaving the cinema to use toilets Before leaving the toilet facilities educator to make an All educators Leaving the toilets announcement that the group will be leaving

Conduct another head count and then head back to the cinema All educators Leaving the toilets

If a child has wet their pants then they will be asked to change into All educators During the a dry pair immediately. excursion

Soiled clothes will be placed into two plastic bags and given to the All educators During the child, ensuring that it doesn't contaminate other items in their bag excursion (i.e. lunch)

Educators must be supervising the children at all times. All educators During the excursion

Activity: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Hazard identified: Child becoming hurt at the venue Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When If an Accident/Incident/injury or Trauma occurs during the excursion Coordinator On excursion attend to the child and apply first Aid

The rest of the group are to be seated in safe location Educator On excursion

Coordinator to assess environment for any hazards Coordinator On excursion

Parents, Regional Manager and Cinema Manager must be notified Coordinator On excursion

Page 7 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan of the incident by the Coordinator.

Activity: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Hazard identified: Strangers in the area Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Coordinator to remind children not to talk to strangers and to notify Coordinator Prior to excursion educators if a stranger approaches them. during group discussion Educators to be actively supervising children at all times All educators During the excursion Suspicious behaviour by other people must be monitored. Notify All educator During the other educators, management at the venue or the police if excursion behaviour continues

Page 8 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Activity: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Hazard identified: Identifying hazards that arise during the excursion

Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) High Elimination / Control measures: Who When Educators to continually check for hazards during excursion and Coordinator All Ongoing during notify management if a danger to children Educators excursion

Educators to ensure visual safety checks are being done when Coordinator All Ongoing during moving into a new space/area during excursion. Educators excursion Check eating areas, bus stops, toilets and undercover shelters for hazards, strangers etc.

Activity: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Hazard identified: Child becoming afraid Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Low Elimination / Control measures: Who When Coordinator to move the child to next to them and reassure the child Coordinator Immediately Coordinator to reassess the movie and its suitability for other Coordinator Immediately children If a risk to children the group to be escorted to the exit Coordinator After assessing the situation and risk to children

Activity: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Hazard identified: Tripping climbing the stairs Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Coordinator to discuss appropriate walking techniques inside the Coordinator Prior to venue approaching the stairs Children to use the handrails when climbing and descending the All educators While climbing or stairs descending stairs Only one child to climb/descend the stairs at a time All educators While climbing or descending stairs

Activity: Evacuation of the venue due to fire, flood or natural disaster

Page 9 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Hazard identified: Educators and children becoming trapped or isolated in an emergency Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Coordinator to ensure all educators are aware of emergency All educators During excursion evacuation exits/doors which are located at the front of the building and the back door under the screen

Coordinator to discuss the evacuation process with the children Coordinator On arrival to the prior to children accessing the cinema rooms venue

Educators to follow cinema centre management’s request to All educators During evacuate excursion/evacuation

Educators to calmly escort the children to the assembly point All educators During which will be announced over the PA system excursion/evacuation

Educators to conduct head counts of their individual assigned All educators During groups and report to coordinator excursion/evacuation

Coordinator to a head count of all children Coordinator During excursion/evacuation Coordinator to communicate with cinema management that all Coordinator During children are accounted for. excursion/evacuation

If a child is not accounted for then refer to the above hazard- Coordinator During ‘Child becoming isolated from the group’ excursions/evacuation

Coordinator to notify Regional Manager who will attend to the Coordinator Immediately excursion immediately (if possible) to support the staff and children. Parents must be notified of the incident by the coordinator Coordinator During excursion

Coordinator to complete Accident, illness and Trauma Incident Coordinator Return to Holiday form and send through to Regional Manager Club service

Regional Manager to notify Camp Australia Operations Manager. Regional Manager On the day

Regional Manager to complete a serious incident report and send Regional Manager Within 24 hours through to the National Operations Manager for approval.

The Operations Administrator will submit the report to the Operations Within 24 hours Regulatory Authority as per Camp Australia policy Administrator

Page 10 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Activity: Morning Tea/Lunch Hazard identified: Children with allergies and medical conditions Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) High Elimination / Control measures: Who When All children’s medical information is current and is taken on the Coordinator Prior to the excursion. All child enrolment information to be in a folder with the excursion coordinator

All children’s medical information is communicated to educators by Coordinator Prior to the using the staff communication book excursion

All child enrolment information sheets are completed and signed by Coordinator Prior to the parent or guardian. excursion

Children are encouraged to eat from their own personal lunchboxes. Coordinator Prior to excursion Educators will support and guide children during break times. and prior to Morning tea/lunch Medication and action plan provided by parents must be taken to Coordinator Prior to the the excursion and kept with the coordinator in a bag excursion

As children break up into small groups, Educators responsible will Educator/ At the excursion carry any child medication that maybe in their group Coordinator

Educators to active supervise children with allergies All educators During Morning tea/lunch If an allergic reaction occurs then follow Medical Management plan All educators During Morning and call an ambulance. tea/lunch Coordinator to notify Regional Manager who will attend to the Coordinator Immediately excursion immediately to support the staff and children.

Parents must be notified of the incident by the coordinator Coordinator During excursion

Coordinator to complete Accident, illness and Trauma Incident form Coordinator Return to Holiday and send through to Regional Manager Club service

Regional Manager to notify Camp Australia Operations Manager. Regional Manager On the day

Regional Manager to complete a serious incident report and send Regional Manager Within 24 hours through to the National Operations Manager for approval.

The Operations Administrator will submit the report to the Operations Within 24 hours Regulatory Authority as per Camp Australia policy Administrator

Activity: Meal Time Hazard identified: Hygiene practices/infectious disease

Page 11 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) High Elimination / Control measures: Who When Coordinator to ensure action plan risk minimisation plan and Coordinator Prior to excursion medication for each child must be taken to the excursion

Coordinator is to ensure Child enrolment information sheets Coordinator Prior to excursion updated, completed and signed

Any medication are within expiry date Coordinator Prior to Excursion

Hands must be washed prior to commencing meal times All educators On excursion

Educators to actively supervise children with allergies All educators On excursion

Educators to ensure children do not share food All educators On excursion

Activity: Mt Barker Wallis Cinemas Hazard identified: Sunburn Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Sun smart hat (wide brimmed) and sun smart clothing (shoulders Coordinator Check prior to covered) to be worn Educators leaving Children and educators to follow the sun smart policy Coordinator During excursion Apply sunscreen before departure and reapply again during rest Coordinator During excursion breaks (i.e. lunch) Educators

Activity: Wallis Cinemas - Mt Barker Hazard identified: Ensuring the individual needs of the children are supporting on the excursion Risk assessment rating: (use matrix) Moderate Elimination / Control measures: Who When Discussions with the children around the excursion and what will be Coordinator Prior to excursion taking place including activities and safety rules

Coordinator to review all children attending the excursion to ensure Coordinator Prior to excursion they will be well supported during the excursion Review of Guidance Support Plans to ensure strategies are Coordinator Prior to excursion implemented for children with additionall needs, this will support the childrens needs. Children to be grouped appropriately with the educators to ensure Coordinator Prior to excursion the individual needs are supported. Consideration will be given to ensuring there are additional spaces Regional Manager Prior to the available for children who do not wish to participate in the session & Coordinator excursion and ensure the educators are informed prior to the start of the session Alternate activities will made available to children based on their All educators During excursion needs at the time – interactions and games with the educator, quiet time or drawing

Comments / Additional Notes

Page 12 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan Group discussion with children and all Educators:

 Embarking / disembarking from the bus  Excursion venue and activity the children will be performing  Toileting procedure  Traveling on the bus  The purpose of the wrist band  Importance of head counts and answering your name when called out by your Educator  Lunch/ Snack breaks

Regional Manager Signature: Kyiesha Wagland Date: 21 August 2017

Reminder: Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or significant change occurs.

Page 13 of 13 Excursion Risk Management Plan

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