1. Credit Cards Interest - Free Installment Plan Offer (Hereinafter Referred to As The

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1. Credit Cards Interest - Free Installment Plan Offer (Hereinafter Referred to As The

Easy Payment Plan Application Form

Merchant details

Merchant Name :Sri Lankan Air Lines ………………………………

Air Ticket Details Monthly Installment Ticket Authorisation Destination Period (03, 06 or 12 months) Purchase Price LKR Code

Applicants Information

Credit Card Number

Name on Credit Card

Contact Numbers (Day Time) Mobile Number

National ID

Applicant’s Declaration

I agree and / or confirm , that;

1. I have read and understood the terms and conditions (Printed below) of the Commercial Bank credit card Easy Payment plan and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Installment plan as well as with the terms and conditions of the existing Credit Card Agreement with the Bank. 2. Acceptance of this application and the Installment amount and period granted, shall be at the sole discretion of the bank. 3. In the event of this application not being accepted by the Bank, the whole of the Installment plan amount referred to above shall be debited to my above mentioned card account in one lump sum. 4. The initial Installment will be paid to the Bank, within one month from the date of Plan.

Date: ______1. Credit Cards Interest - Free Accounts may have their Installment 12. If the Cardholder’s credit card is Installment Plan offer (hereinafter Plans rejected by the Bank until cancelled / terminated / blocked / referred to as ‘the Installment Plan’) such time that they are able to not renewed / over the limit due to with Sri Lankan Air lines regularize their credit card accounts the default or delinquency or non (hereinafter referred to as ‘the or until any other time as determined payment of dues at any time during Merchant’) will be available to all by the Bank at its sole discretion. the Installment Plan, the total Commercial Bank of Ceylon outstanding installments shall Limited Credit Cardholders 7. The Cardholder agrees that the become immediately, without (hereinafter referred to as the first installment will be debited to advance notice, due and payable by ‘Cardholders’ which term or the Credit Card Account on or the Cardholder and will be subject to expression as herein used where the before one month after the date the standard rates of interest / charges / context so requires or admits shall Installment Plan Agreement form is fees and General Terms and mean and include the cardholders in signed by the Cardholder. Conditions applicable to Credit whose name a Commercial Bank Cards. No reversal can be made Credit Card has been issued). 8. The goods will be refunded / once the Bank has billed the total exchanged based on the Merchant’s outstanding installments to the Card 2. The Bank reserves the right to refund policy, except on cash or the terminated Card. withdraw the Installment Plan offer refunds. Cash will not be offered as at any given time with two weeks refund proceeds. In such case credit 13. The Bank reserves the right to prior notice to the Cardholders at the against goods to be purchased will reduce the balance available to the Bank’s sole discretion. The Bank be offered. The amount of each Cardholder’s Credit Card Account also receives the right to extend the installment and the installment by the total amount of the Installment Plan offer to any or all period of the Installment Plan as Installment Plan upon the other Cardholders at its sole approved by the Bank may not Installment Plan being approved by discretion. (except as permitted under the Bank or after evaluating the paragraph 9 below) be varied. The Cardholders Account at the end of 3. The Cardholder agrees that Bank is authorized to continue to each billing cycle or any other such Commercial Bank of Ceylon debit the Cardholder’s card account time. Limited may at its sole discretion in accordance with these Terms and specify a minimum/maximum Conditions despite any agreement 14. The Bank may be at any time purchase amount to qualify for this between the Cardholder and the and without notice combine and Installment Plan. Merchant being contrary to any of consolidate all or any of the the above. accounts held in the Cardholder’s 4. In the event the Cardholder name irrespective of the titles they decides to make a purchase under 9. The amount of each installment come under and or set off against the the Installment Plan or to award the will be debited to the Cardholder’s Cardholders overdrawn account purchase made under the Installment card account on a monthly basis and whether on current account, savings Plan to a third party as a gift, the will be included as a transaction account, or deposit account all or Cardholder or the person purported appearing on the statement to be any monies whatsoever and in to have signed the Installment Plan sent to the Cardholder in relation to whatsoever currency which the Agreement form shall be liable for the Card Account. Save where Bank may at any tine hold to the all Installments falling due under the expressly provided herein each Cardholder’s Account at any of its plan including any charges therein. installment amount shall be treated offices. in the same way as a transaction 5. The selling price of an item is charged to the Card Account and 15. The Cardholder hereby agrees decided at the sole discretion of the shall be paid by the Cardholder in and authorizes the Bank to appoint Merchant and the Cardholder should the same manner. third party collection agents for be satisfied that the product meets recovery of outstanding amounts. with its requirements and the Bank 10. The Cardholder shall either pay The Cardholder shall pay all the will not be held liable for any the installment amount on or before costs of collection of the outstanding dispute and / or liability arising the statement date or pay the amounts with interest, legal directly and / or indirectly in statement balance in full on/ or expenses and collection agency connection to the selling price and / before the due date in order to avoid charges. should it become necessary or the quality of the item/ items. interest being charged on to refer the matter to a collection installment. /(s). agency or to take legal action to 6. The availability of the Installment enforce payment. Plan to the Cardholder is subject to 11. The Cardholder at any time the available balance in the repay to the Bank the sum of all the 16. In any doubt, dispute or Cardholders Credit Card Account then outstanding installments under difference arising between the and to acceptance by the Bank of the the Installment Plan by notifying the parties hereto concerning this Cardholder utilizing the Installment Bank in writing / fax. The payment Installment Plan or any matter of Plan. Cardholders who are may be made by cheque or other whatsoever nature arising there delinquent ( i.e. Cardholders who means acceptable to the Bank. under or the interpretation thereof or are not current in their payments ) or the rights , duties or liabilities of any over the limit on their Credit Card party under or in connection therewith, such doubt, dispute or difference shall be submitted for 22. Any claim summons, advice or settlement by Arbitration in notice relating to this Installment accordance with the rules of the Plan which the Bank may desire to Institute for the Development of convey to the Cardholder shall be Commercial Law and Practice in Sri deemed to have been duly given to Lanka. This Installment Plan and the the Cardholder if given in writing by rights and obligations of the parties Registered post to the address of the hereto shall continue and be in full Cardholders last known to the Bank. force and effective during the period dispute resolution. 23. This Agreement shall be construed .and take effect in 17. No delay or omission of the accordance with the laws of Sri Bank in exercising or enforcing Lanka and proceedings shall be (whether wholly or in part only) any brought in the courts of Sri Lanka right or remedy hereunder shall provided always that the Bank if it impair such right or remedy of the so desires take proceedings in the Bank and shall not be construed as a Courts of any other country or waiver of such right or remedy. jurisdiction if it thinks fit in which event the laws applicable to such 18. The Bank accepts no country shall apply and the responsibility in any way for any Cardholder shall agree to submit to goods purchased under the such other courts and such other Installment Plan and avoid dispute laws. relating to the same should be resolved by the Cardholder directly 24. The Bank reserves the right to with the Merchant and no claim by impose service fees and / or other the Cardholder against the Merchant charges/ commissions /levies on the will relieve the Cardholder from Installment Plan from time to time his/her obligation or repayment of as the Commercial Bank of Ceylon the monthly Installment and other Limited in its absolute discretion obligations to the Bank hereunder. deems necessary.

19. Unless otherwise provided 25. In the event of any dispute herein, the Bank Credit Card regarding any of the Terms and Cardholder Agreement (‘Cardholder Conditions contained herein, the Agreement’) shall apply to decision of the Bank shall be final. payments under the Installment Plan as if each installment amount were a 26. All communications should be transaction charged or to be charged addressed to the Commercial Bank to the Cardholder’s Card Account. Card Centre, No 01, Union Place, In the event of any conflict between Colombo 02. these Terms and Conditions and the Cardholder Agreement the former shall prevail to the extent that the same relates to matters involving payments under the Installment Plan.

20. The Bank reserves the right to amend these Terms and conditions with prior notice from time to time and notify the Cardholder of such amendments in any manner if thinks fit (including display at the Bank’s Branches) The Cardholder will be bound by such amendments unless the sum of all installments then remaining outstanding under the Installment Plan is settled in full before the date upon which any such amendments is to have effect.

21. For any purchase order of good, that has been placed with the Merchant under this Installment Plan, the order is irrevocable and no order details can be altered.

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