Mathematics and Computer Science Department

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Mathematics and Computer Science Department

CST121-151 Spring 2013 Course Outline 1


INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Cheo S. Teng COURSE: CST121 – Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming SECTION & CRN: Section 151 – CRN 27701 PREREQUISITE: Any CST Course TELEPHONE: 696-4910 (College Information #) 451-4255 (Adjunct Office); 451-4270 (Day Secretary) OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday, Thursday 5:00p.m. - 6:00 p.m. and/or By Appointment

Copies of the department syllabi for all Mathematics or Computer Science courses are available in the department office (R352). The following items are specific requirements for this course.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to 1. Supply definitions for RAM, ROM, PROM and EPROM; 2. Use Binary and Hexadecimal number systems and convert to and from the Decimal number system; 3. Understand a memory diagram that relates the CPU and its MAR & MDR and the Segment Registers as to the fetching and storing of data and instructions; 4. Define a Memory Map for computer memory and how it relates to the PC Architecture; 5. Recite the purpose and use the internal registers of the Intel x86 microprocessor: CS, SS, DS, ES, IP, AX (AH & AL), BX (BH & BL), CX (CH & CL), DX (DH & DL), DI, SI, SP, BP, Flags Register, MAR (Memory Address Register) and MDR (Memory Data Register); Transition to IA32 architecture registers: EAX, EBX, ECX,EDX, etc; 6. Create the source program for an Assembly Language Program using a standard Text Editor or Word Processor and then Assemble using MASM and Run it; 7. Use Intel x86 instructions to MOVE data to and from memory and on and off the stack; 8. Do Integer arithmetic in x86 Assembler language: Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide; 9. Implement Control Structures using Conditional and Unconditional Jumps; 10. Program basic simple C language to call an Inline assembler language routine. Use the input/output of C to display results. 11. Call an external assembler language routine from a C program.

REQUIREMENTS: The student is responsible for all material taught or assigned by the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missed assignments from a classmate. CST121-151 Spring 2013 Course Outline 2

COLLEGE-WIDE ATTENDANCE POLICY: All students are expected to attend every session of each course for which they are registered. Students are responsible for all that transpires in class whether or not they are in attendance. The College defines excessive absence or lateness as more than the equivalent of one week of class meetings during the semester. Excessive absence or lateness may lead to failure in a course or removed from class roster.

INSTRUCTOR ATTENDANCE POLICY: 1. Students must stay abreast of the material being covered. If absent, the student is still expected to be prepared at the next class. 2. Students are expected to arrive at the start of class and remain during the whole class. 3. Proper classroom behavior and mutual respect are also expected. 4. Cell phones, beepers and other electronic devices must be turned off during class. 5. NO EATING, NO DRINKING IN CLASS.

GRADING PRACTICES:  Homework/Lab assignments: there will be homework assignments from time to time. We will discuss these assignments in the subsequent class meetings.  No make-up exams (special arrangements can be made in case of documented medical emergencies, however).  All quizzes are un-announced.  All students are covered by SCCC 2012-2014 Catalog page 65-67, which prohibits dishonesty. All students are expected to pursue their studies with integrity and honesty. Unless otherwise specified, all work submitted for a grade must represent the student’s own individual effort. Cheating, coping any portions of another persons work, or any other form of academic dishonesty is taken very seriously. Any student caught or deemed to have engaged in such behavior will receive an F in the course. In addition, such students may be reported to the Dean of Student Affairs, which may lead to expulsion.

Participation/Attendance 10% Exams and Quizzes 60% Final Exam 30%

No make-up tests will be given. No test grade will be dropped. If the student misses one test, the final exam test grade will be used as that test grade. Miss a second test, the student will be withdrawn from the class with a grade of W or F depending on the date the student is withdrawn. Every student must take the cumulative final examination.

TEXTBOOK: Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 6th edition Pearson Prentice Hall Publishing (Kip R. Irvine) CST121-151 Spring 2013 Course Outline 3


Date Topic Note Week 1 Introduce different number system base Week 2 Binary numbers, hexadecimal numbers Week 3 Arithmetic on Binary number and Hexadecimal number system, Boolean and logics Week 4 Review and EXAM on number system and Boolean Mid-Term Week 5 Introduce components of microcomputer Week 6 Continue to computer system, sample machine instructions and Character Set ASCII vs. EBCDIC Week 7 Introduction of hardware and software architecture Week 8 Real mode 16 bit on Dos then transition to Protected mode 32 bit processor architecture Week 9 Review and EXAM, Introduce components of Mid-Term microcomputer Week 10 Assembler language programming Week 11 Basic element of assembly language – directives, data definitions and memory layout. Week 12 Data transfer instruction and arithmetic machine instruction, signed and unsigned integer arithmetic for add, sub, multiplication, and division Week 13 Introduce C language, C routines vs assembler language routines Week 14 Introduce Inline assembler, parameter passing, stacks in relation to subroutine calls Week 15 Review and Final exam Final Exam

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