Quantitative Analysis of Impact of Awareness Raising Activities

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Quantitative Analysis of Impact of Awareness Raising Activities


Quantitative Analysis of Impact of Awareness Raising Activities on Residents’ behaviors for waste separation in Indonesia

- Evidence from an Aid Project in Balikpapan City -

Abstract : While many aid projects in the waste management sector have been implemented in developing countries, only a few project impacts have been evaluated quantitatively. We conducted quantitative analysis of impact of awareness raising activities on residents’ behaviors for waste separation focusing on the pilot project on waste reduction in Balikpapan City. The result shows that separation of organic waste was promoted by the awareness raising activities significantly. However, there are no significant differences in separation of salable items and other waste by the awareness raising activities. We will execute detailed analysis of factors which contribute to expression of the impact of the awareness raising activities on waste separation by reviewing data at small community level. Key Words :Waste Separation, Awareness Raising, Indonesia, Balikpapan City

1. Introduction promotion of appropriate waste management While aid agencies including the World Bank continuously. Therefore, it is important to analyze evaluate outcomes of many projects quantitatively, impact of waste management projects quantitatively Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has aiming to utilize the result of the analysis for selection only just attempted quantitative evaluation on several of effective inputs at project formulation stage in the cases in the educational and agricultural sectors future. (Kozuka, et al., 2016; Takahashi and Todo, 2013). In Indonesia, which is one of the major recipient Many aid projects for improving waste countries of JICA’s support for waste management, management, which is one of the main areas of waste amount have increased rapidly along with cooperation in the environmental sector, have been economic growth, and many cities are relying on implemented in developing countries by JICA. open-dumps to dispose their waste because sanitary However, only a few project impacts in the waste landfill sites are not developed yet. The capacity of management sector have been evaluated quantitatively existing final disposal sites in many cities is so far. Chong, et al. ( 2013 ) reported that they approaching the limit, but securing lands for new were not able to confirm positive impact of awareness waste disposal sites is getting difficult because of the raising messages on recycling actions in the project for opposition of local residents and urbanization. In this waste recycling promotion in Peru. There is little other situation, many cities are under pressure to dispose study that shows positive quantitative impact of aid their waste properly and reduce it. projects in waste management sector. In response to In order to tackle with the issues mentioned enhancing needs for improvement of living above, JICA, in cooperation with the Ministry of the environment in urban areas in developing countries, it Environment and Forestry and the Ministry of Public is considered that JICA will focus its cooperation on Works and Public Housing in Indonesia which take the

'IAIA16 Conference Proceedings' Resilience and Sustainability 36th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 11-14 May 2016, Nagoya Congress Center, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan (www.iaia.org) 2

lead in establishing a legal system

Fig 1. Location Map of Balikpapan City and policies for waste reduction and appropriate waste Fig 2. Waste Flow before PP starts management and applying them to the waste management in local cities, has implemented the discharge was allowed from 18:00 till 6:00 in the next technical cooperation project since October, 2013 morning. Waste in TPS was collected by small dump including assistance in preparing regulations and waste trucks owned by the Department of Cleansing, Parks reduction plans in local cities and implementing Pilot and Cemetery (Dinas Kebersihan, Pertamanan dan Project (PP) aiming at waste reduction in target areas. Pemakanan, DKPP) of Balikpapan city and it was Balikpapan city, which is located to the east of the transported to the Waste Transfer Station (TPS-3R). island of Borneo, is one of the target cities to Then, collected waste was transferred to a big dump implement PP (Fig 1). The ministries are considering truck and was transported to the final disposal site expansion of waste separation and recycling activities (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir, TPA). Salable items were to other cities utilizing the result of PP. Therefore, it is extracted by DKPP workers at TPS-3R and they were meaningful to evaluate the impact of PP from the sold to recycle traders. viewpoint of contribution to promotion of the Waste Banks collects salable items in Balikpapan. Ministries’ strategy for waste reduction. Waste Banks adopt the system; they issue “bank This research aims to analyze impact of awareness passbooks” to residents who wish, and update the raising activities on residents’ behaviors for waste passbooks without paying for salable items that the separation by the Cluster Randomize Control Trial residents bring to them each time, and then, the method in PP of Balikpapan City. residents withdraw their “deposit” upon request later. Although there is one Waste Bank office established 2. Situation of Waste Treatment before PP starts by DKPP in the PP area, it has not collected salable The target area of PP, which is located to the items actively. One residential group has also collected southeast of Kelurahan (Sub-District) “Gunung salable items in the PP area utilizing the Waste Bank Bahagia”, consists of 13 small neighborhood system with the assistance of a local NGO. The community associations (Rumah Tangah: RT). The residential group members bring salable items to open population is 3,779 people and the number of space in front of a meeting place of RT. Then, they household is 810 in March, 2015. sell the collected items to a recycle trader. Fig 2 shows household waste collection and Regarding organic waste, two families in the PP disposal flow before PP starts. Household waste was area are making compost at home. DKPP are also discharged to the seven Temporary Dumping Stations making compost in TPA site using organic waste from (Tempat Pembuangan Sementara: TPS) in the PP area markets. by residents. Discharged waste was scattered in the vicinities of most of these TPS. The waste was always 3. Outlines of Waste Separation Activity in PP in the TPS although the Balikpapan city sets a goal to reduce waste amount disposed at TPA by 20%. To achieve this goal,

'IAIA16 Conference Proceedings' Resilience and Sustainability 36th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 11-14 May 2016, Nagoya Congress Center, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan (www.iaia.org) 3

Balikpapan city is implementing necessary measures RT in a residential zone, a residential and commercial based on the action plan including both community- mixed zone and a public-facilities-dominated zone. based activities and the city government’s efforts: Then, RTs in each group were randomized into two introduction of waste separation at home and operation groups: 6 RTs where Environmental volunteers of an intermediate treatment facility for waste implemented awareness raising (With AR) and 7 RT reduction. did not implement awareness raising (No AR). The Based on the action plan, residents in the PP area number of household (population) in “With AR” is have started waste separation since April 13, 2015. 369 households (1,731 people), and that in “No AR” is Household waste is separated into three categories 441 households (2,048 people). “Organics”, “Salable items”, and “Others” at home. Awareness raising activities in the PP area divides Residents put “Organics” and “Others” into each into two types: activities implemented in both “With plastic bag designated by the city government and AR” and “No AR” and those implemented in “With discharge the plastic bag to “Waste Station”: a waste AR” only. Environmental Volunteers responded collection point newly set by RT respectively. The questions about waste separation from residents in plastic bag for “Organics” is disposable. On the other both “With AR” and “No AR”. Waste Bank staffs hand, the bag for “Others” is reusable and bigger than advised residents who bring salable items to Waste the bag for “Organics”. After DKPP workers discharge Bank whether the items were buyable or not. On the “Others” in the bag to a dump truck, the workers leave other hand, the activities implemented in “With AR” the bag at “Waste Station”. It is required for residents only were (1) patrolling at “Waste Station” by to use the bag repeatedly. Waste discharge time is from Environmental Volunteers on a designated week per 7 to 9 a.m. “Organics” is collected five days a week month, (2) holding monthly meeting with (Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri. Sat.) and “Others” is once a week Environmental Volunteers in “With AR”, (Thu.). Residents are encouraged to bring “Salable representatives of RTs in “With AR”, DKPP and BLH items” to Waste Banks by themselves. and discussing progress of waste separation and issues Environmental Volunteers are in charge of to be improved, (3) holding monthly meeting between awareness raising for residents in order to establish an Environmental Volunteer and residents in each RT household waste separation in the PP area. of “With AR” and discussing issues based on the result Environmental Volunteers who were appointed by the of the meeting mentioned (2) above. Environmental Agency (Badan Lingkungan Hidup, The study of waste amount and composition BLH) of Balikpapan city have led community (WACS) was implemented in both “With AR” and beautification activities. BLH conducted training in “No AR”, one week and six months after PP starts awareness raising skills to Environmental Volunteers. (study period: April 20-25, October 27-November 2, Five members were selected from each RT and 2015). 28-38 target households of the study were participated in the training. After the training, selected from each RT (“With AR”: 218 households, Environmental Volunteers was hold a meeting to “No AR”: 256 households). Surveyors visited the explain how to separate waste at home and took target households and requested the residents that they initiative to decide on the location of “Waste Station” discharge waste during the study period as they did in each RT. Environmental Volunteers are also in one week before. However, they also explained them charge of distributing the plastic bags designated by to discharge salable items using a common plastic the city government. disposal bag and to put the plastic bags in front of their houses in order to distinguish each other. When the 4. Measurement of Impact of Awareness Raising surveyors collect the plastic bags, they wrote down a Regarding measurement of Impact of awareness household number on the bag. Then, they measured raising activities in the PP area, we use Cluster weight of each bag and also measured weight of Randomized Control Trial method. Firstly, we divided “Organics”, “Salable items” and “Others” in each bag. 13 RTs into three groups based on features in each RT: Awareness raising activities in “With AR” started next

'IAIA16 Conference Proceedings' Resilience and Sustainability 36th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 11-14 May 2016, Nagoya Congress Center, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan (www.iaia.org) 4

week after the first WACS. and “No AP”. Therefore, there was no clear impact of the awareness raising activities on waste 5. Result separation of “Salable items” and “Others”. Table 1 shows the amount of properly separated Table 2 shows the ratio of properly separated waste based on the result of WACS one week and six waste. The ratio of properly separated “Organics” was months after PP starts. The amount of properly more than 70 % as shown in the data at time of both separated “Organics” of “With AP” at time of six one week and six months after PP starts. Moreover, the months after PP starts was more than that of “No AP” ratio increased by awareness raising activities because significantly. Therefore, there was clear impact of the it decreased 3.9% in “No AP” and increased 7.3 % in awareness raising activities on organic waste “With AP” at time of six month after PP starts. On the separation. On the other hand, regarding the result of other hand, the ratio of properly separated “Salable “Salable items” and “Others”, the comparison between items” at time of six months after PP starts was the data at time of one week and six month after PP decreased more than 10 % in both “With AP” and “No starts showed no significant differences to prove the AP” while the decrease ratio of “With AP” was impact of the awareness raising activities. At time of smaller than that of “No AP”. Regarding the ratio of six months after PP starts, the amount of properly properly separated “Others”, the increase ratio of “No separated “Salable items” of “With AP” was more than AP” is bigger than that of “With AP” although it is that of “No AP”, but the amount of properly separated increased more than 10% for six months after PP “Salable items” was greatly decreased in both “With starts. AP” 6. Discussion Table 1. Amount of Properly Separated Waste It can be inferred that ease of discharge of Type of 1 week after starting PP “Organics” would6 months affect afterthe difference starting ofPP impact of Waste No Plan of AR With Plan of AR awarenessNo raising AR (n =256activities) on Withwaste AR separation. (n=218) (n=256) (n=218) Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Organics 4.801 3.873 4.979 4.383 4.147 3.300 5.508 7.864 ** Salable 0.666 1.289 1.061 2.603 * 0.114 0.434 0.275 0.972 * items Others 0.846 1.363 1.313 1.943 ** 1.409 2.056 1.006 1.433 ** Unit: kg/week/household, AR: Awareness Raising Activities, SD: Standard Deviation, *:P<0.05、**:P<0.01 Amount of Properly Separated waste: amount of waste in the designated disposal bag taken out on the designated day(s) of the week Table 2. Ratio of Properly Separated Waste Type of 1 week after starting PP 6 months after starting PP (c)-(a) (d)-(b) Waste No Plan of With Plan of No AR (c) With AR (d) AR (a) AR (b) Organics 77.3 73.1 73.4 80.4 -3.9 7.3 Salable 19.9 24.3 5.0 12.5 -14.9 -11.8 items Others 37.5 47.3 51.0 57.4 13.5 10.1 Ratio of Properly Separated Waste: (amount of waste in the designated disposal bag taken out on the designated day(s) of the week) / (total amount of waste in the designated disposal bag). The data of “Salable items” show the percentage of total waste in general disposal bags. Unit:%

'IAIA16 Conference Proceedings' Resilience and Sustainability 36th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 11-14 May 2016, Nagoya Congress Center, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan (www.iaia.org) 5

Separation and discharge of “Organics” would be is reported that residents using Waste Banks in easier for the residents who have not experienced Balikpapan city had different awareness and behaviors waste separation yet because of easy recognition of on waste separation in comparison to residents not “Organics”, many opportunities to discharge (five days using Waste Banks (Murase et al., 2015). Although a week) and designation of the disposable bag. These quantitative impact of Waste Banks activities on waste conditions for “Organics” would be the reasons why reduction is small in Balikpapan city, it is advisable for the separation of “Organics” with awareness raising the city government to make an improvement plan of activities shows the specific result. On the other hand, PP considering impact of Waste Banks activities on the separation of “Salable items” would be difficult for residents’ awareness and behaviors. the residents because “Salable items” include many kinds of items. It would also difficult for the residents Reference to find opportunities to discharge them because of Chong, A., D. Karlan, J. Shapiro, J. Zinman (2013) irregular activities of the Waste Banks in the PP area. (Ineffective) Messages to Encourage Recycling: These situations for “Salable items” would be the Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Peru. reason not to show clear positive impact of awareness The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, raising activities on the separation. The reasons why No.6548. awareness raising activities did not clearly affect the , 2/15/2016 refered. opportunity of “Others” discharge is only once a week Kozuka, E., Y. Sawada, Y. Todo (2016) How Can and the residents have to use a reusable big bag Community Participation Improve Educational designated by the city government. Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a In addition, it is also inferable that more residents School-Based Management Project in Burkina are discharging waste using general disposable plastic Faso. JICA-RI Working Paper, No.112. bags which are not designated by the city government , 2/15/2016 refered. “Salable items”. It would be necessary to reconsider Murase, N., T. Murayama, S. Nishikizawa (2015) the introduction of the designated bags. Analysis on Relationship between Residents' Awareness and Waste Bank Activities in Indonesia 7. Conclusion - Case of Balikpapan City. Journal of The separation of “Organics” is promoted by the Environmental Information Science, No.29, 267- awareness raising activities by Environmental 272. (Japanese) Volunteers in PP, but there is no significant difference Takahashi, R., Y. Todo (2013) Impact of a Shade on the separation of “Salable items” and “Others” by Coffee Certification Program on Forest the awareness raising activities. It is necessary to Conservation: A Case Study from a Wild Coffee deeply analyze factors that the impact of the awareness Forest in Ethiopia. JICA-RI Working Paper, raising activities occurs by reviewing the result at RT No.55. level. , 2/15/2016 refered. discuss proper separation and collection of “Salable items” and “Others” with the residents based on the result of PP and make an improvement plan reflecting opinions of the residents especially for the number of collection times and designation of a disposable bag on “Others”. Regarding promotion of “Salable items” collection, it is desirable that the city government should encourage the residents to use Waste Banks. It

'IAIA16 Conference Proceedings' Resilience and Sustainability 36th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 11-14 May 2016, Nagoya Congress Center, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan (www.iaia.org) 5

'IAIA16 Conference Proceedings' Resilience and Sustainability 36th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 11-14 May 2016, Nagoya Congress Center, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan (www.iaia.org)

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