Christian History Made Easy

AD 64—AD 177

Five Events You Should Know

 Jerusalem Council AD 49-50 Gospel is for the Christians also.

 Fire in Rome AD 64

 Destruction of Jerusalem Temple AD 70

 Plinty’s letter to Emperor Trajan around AD 112

 Martyrdom of Polycarp AD 155

Ten Names You Should Know

 Peter—Died between AD 65 and AD 68

 Paul—Died between AD 65 and AD 68

 Nero (AD 37-68)

 Clement of Rome—Died AD 96. Leading pastor of Rome. Philippians 4:3

 Josephus (AD 37-100) Jewish writer. A Roman citizen??

 Ignatius (AD 35-117) Apostolic church father & leading pastor in Syrian Antioch

 Papias (AD60-130) Apostolic church father and wrote about the origins of the Gospel

 Polycarp (AD 69-155) Apostolic church father. Preserved the writings of Ignatius

 Justin Martyr (AD 100-165) Christian philosopher and apologist

 Blandina--Died AD 177 Slave girl Martyred in Lyons with the city’s pastor.

Five Terms You Should Know

 Anno Domini: Abbreviated AD—Latin for “The Lord’s Year”. Dionysius Exiguus, a 6th century monk, was the first to date history by the life of Christ. Off by 4 years.

 Century—AD 1 to AD 100; second century AD 101 to AD 200.  Yahweh—The name of God (Ex. 3:13-14)

 Apostolic Fathers—Influential first century Christians. Later ones such as Augustine church fathers

 Apologists—Second century Christians who argued that Christianity should be legal.