Call to Order 9:03 PM Mystery Activity 9:03 PM

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Call to Order 9:03 PM Mystery Activity 9:03 PM

RESIDENCE HALL STUDENT ASSOCIATION Associate Council Meeting October 19, 2015 Crispell Hall

Call to Order 9:03 PM

Mystery Activity 9:03 PM We went around the room and said our favorite part of Spirit Weekend.

Roll Call/ Hall Reports 9:07 PM

Hall Name Number RHSA Report Present Shirt

Bevier 3 3 their last meeting was cancelled for the lipsync, their meeting is rescheduled for tomorrow where they will discuss Halloween in the Halls Bliss 5 5 discussed Halloween in the Halls, Spirit Weekend, and finalized their constitution Bouton 5 4 discussed Halloween in the Halls

Capen 3 3 discussed Halloween in the Halls

Collango 2 1 discussed programs and Spirit Weekend

Crispell 11 11 discussed Spirit Weekend and finished their lip sync

Deyo 3 2 their meeting is rescheduled for Wednesday where they will discuss Halloween in the Halls DuBois 10 10 discussed Spirit Weekend and Halloween in the Halls

Esopus 2 2 finalized their lip sync and discussed Spirit Weekend


LeFevre 2 0 discussed Halloween in the Halls and worked on their banner Lenape 7 7 discussed programs, finalized their GI for Halloween in the Halls, sent RHSA videos from the lip sync, and created an Instagram: @lenapehallgovernment

Ridgeview 2 2 discussed Spirit Weekend and Halloween in the Halls

Scudder 1 1 discussed upcoming events and Spirit Weekend

NRHH 9:10 PM Maria introduced herself as Mike’s co-NCC, and said that they want to start bringing more NEACURH to our meetings! She taught us how to do a “Standing O” (stand up, make an “O” with your arms, and sing the letter “O”). They do this to recognize someone whenever they do something really great. The AC then did a Standing O for the E-board for putting on a great Spirit Weekend! Pay it Forward Day was last Friday, and they were giving out phone wallets. There were extra that Maria gave out for answering a trivia question about NRHH correctly. 1. What does “NRHH” stand for? Lenape: National Residence Hall Honorary 2. NRHH has two values. Name one of them. Bouton: Recognition 3. What’s the other value? Catherine: Service They also have stress balls, lanyards, and pens that they will be giving out at their future events! They had their first GI tonight, and they have 3 more coming up this week. - Tuesday, October 20th in Bliss Hall at 9pm - Wednesday, October 21st in Ridgeview Hall at 9pm - Thursday, October 22nd in Bevier Hall at 9pm Applications are online, and you can find them at They’re due on November 16th at 11:59pm. Letters of recommendation are due November 18th at 11:59pm. You can send everything to [email protected]. If you want the person writing your recommendation to send it you first and then you want to send it to NRHH, it has to be in PDF format. If the person writing the recommendation wants to email NRHH directly, it can be in any format. You’ll find out by November 22nd if you get in!

SENATE 9:14 PM They finalized their Senate roster, and they have 25 senators. If you want to get involved next semester, elections will be happening in December. Senator Maria Iskaros is working with Students Against Mass Incarceration on the “Ban the Box Campaign”. They are working towards eliminating barriers from higher education. On your college application, there’s a box that you have to check if you’ve ever been convicted, and they are working towards removing that box. Tomorrow is “Free University” on Old Main quad. It’s from 3pm-5pm and clubs and programs will be there talking about how they are trying to make education affordable for everyone. This Friday, Goldie Harrison and Student Association of Productions is putting on a comedy show. It’s at 7pm in Studley Theater. Nicole Byer from MTV’s Girl Code and Thomas Dale from Chelsea Lately and HBO’s Funny as Hell will be performing. It’s a first come, first serve basis. Tickets are $3 will your student ID, and you can contact any of the senators if you have any questions.

OLD BUSINESS 9:17 PM Motion to Open- Bouton Second- Collango

NCC There are 11 days until NEACURH! Yesterday they were emailed about legislation and bids, and the approved policy are program of the year by Columbia and Pace at Pleasantville, restricting the RBD, the NEACURH spirit stick, and Subs. The NCCs were voted in to vote on behalf of you guys, so if you have any strong feelings about any of those things, come to their office hours on Tuesdays from 12:30-3:30 or email them at [email protected]. Betsy Weiner, who many of you probably know, is running for the Coordinating Officer of New England on the RBD. She’ll be going to conference with them, and the NCC boardroom can be scary sometimes so make sure you give her support and wish her luck!

PR Spirit Weekend happened, so please send us group pictures of your Hall Gov so we can hang it in the Hasbrouck case! The case is located across the Sweet Shop in Hasbrouck.

Spirit Weekend It was this past weekend, and we loved having you all there with all of your spirit. Thanks for coming and making it such a success!

Motion to Close- Lenape Second- Crispell

NEW BUSINESS 9:19 PM Motion to Open- Bouton Second- Capen

Care Packages The next round of care packages came in, so if you get an email or text saying it’s here, come to our office to pick it up. Our office hours are posted on our website.

Labeling Pizza Party For those of you who like pizza and labeling things, come to Alejandro’s office hours this Wednesday from 3:30-6:30. You’ll get pizza if you label things. Our office is in CapenB- 16.

Game Night It’s TOMORROW! It’ll be from 8pm-10pm in the MPR. We’re gonna have regular sized board games as well as human sized board games….at night.

Halloween in the Halls It’s October 25 from 3pm-5pm. It’s a lot of fun, you’ll get to see a bunch of little kids. We’re giving each hall one bag of candy, you NEED TO BUY MORE. You can pick it up from us in the office from 2-3.

Condom Casino Condom Casino is November 6th from 7pm-11pm. If you want your design on a t-shirt, email us a design by next Monday. If you volunteer to help at Condom Casino, you get GFPs!! Angelique will have a sign up sheet after the meeting. If you volunteer, you get a free shirt. If you don’t know what Condom Casino is, we take up the whole MPR and play casino games but instead of using money, we use candy and condoms. There are also prizes!!

AC Retreat This is to say thank you to our lovely AC reps! It will happen Sunday, November 8, from 11am-2pm. We’re going to Wood N Wheel, which is like an indoor arcade. There will be skating, bumper cars, rock climbing, laser tag, and free pizza. This is open to AC reps first, but if one of you can’t go, you can open it up to your Hall Gov. We need the sign up sheet ASAP so we can order buses, so try to have them back by our next meeting. If you have more than 2 AC reps, just write their information on the bottom of the sheet.

Palisades Mall Trip We’re all going to the mall together on November 21st from 9am-5pm. It’s a FREE TRIP! All you have to do is give us $5 to save your place, and we’ll give it back to you when you show up the morning of the 21st. You can do your Christmas shopping, your Thanksgiving shopping, and hang out with us. The trip is open to anyone, but it’s a first come, first serve basis. The deadline is 2 weeks from today, November 2nd.

Motion to Close- Lenape Second- Dubois

Upcoming Events 9:26 PM Game Night: October 20th, SUB MPR, 8pm-10pm Halloween in the Halls: October 25th, 3pm-5pm Condom Casino: November 6th, SUB MPR, 7pm-11pm AC Retreat: November 8th, 11am-3pm Palisades Mall Trip: November 21st, 9am-5pm

Hall concerns 9:27 PM Rui: I think some halls are still having vending machine problems, like they still can’t use their debit card on it. -Ariana: I actually have an update on that! Every hall with a vending machine should work with a credit card, and if it doesn’t tell an RA to call CAS, who will then call Coke and they’ll fix it. Your ID card doesn’t work, but your credit card should.

Student Concerns 9:28 PM Bouton: I talked about this once before, but the handicap door in the gym still doesn’t work. I saw another person today who was on crutches and struggling to get in. - They have been informed, but Ariana will remind them. DuBois: At my staff meeting last week, someone from the Psychological Counseling Center came and she was telling us how people who need help can’t get an appointment because they’re understaffed. Some people might have to wait 3 weeks or longer for an appointment, and later in the semester people might not be able to get an appointment at all. This is not ok, because a lot of people who need the PCC can’t wait 3 weeks to talk to them. I was hoping you could bring this to a higher place, and just see if they could get more staff or more support. I know they’re looking into different group meeting things, but they can support more staff and they don’t have it. Ashley: I have a really specific situation, but I’m sure other people can relate to it. I’m in an independent study right now, and I went to the tutoring center with a paper I wanted them to look over. But they told me if I want a tutor I need one for the whole semester, I can’t just go for help on one part of my essay. If I’m in a biology class and I have an A, but there’s one part I don’t understand, they won’t give me a tutor for just that one part. Tutors get paid so I feel like changing this would help them too. I talked to the department chair of the tutoring center, and he said “no, I’m not changing this”, so maybe you could go to a higher place to change this. If you miss a tutoring session twice you’re denied one for the rest of the semester. Jarred: There’s a door in JFT, on the side that goes out toward Old Main that slams whenever you go through it. Bliss: Regarding what was said before about the PCC, they have a “Let’s Talk” every Wednesday in SUB407 from 10-12. It’s like a group counseling thing.

Open Floor 9:33PM Bliss: I have a question for you all. Do you like bouncy houses? If you do, tomorrow from 10am-4pm AEPi, or the “Jew frat”, will be having a bounce against cancer. We have a suggested donation of $2, and all the money we raise go towards childhood cancer research. I might be there, who knows. It’s on Parker Quad, go Bliss. Lenape: Thank you again for an amazing Spirit Weekend! Crispell: This Friday from 6pm-8pm in the Crispell main lounge, we’ll be having a Shabbat dinner. Crispell: This Thursday October 29th from 7pm-9pm, we’ll be having a Halloween party, and right after we’re having a walkover to the Sexy Pitches dorm performance in Capen. Esopus: On Monday October 26th at 8:30pm, we’ll be having a Halloween movie night. We don’t know which movie yet, but it’s gonna be a good one. Maria: If any of you are interested in the deaf education and empowerment study abroad program, we’ll be having a presentation about it tomorrow in SUB201 at 6:30pm. We’ll have cookies and chips. Bevier: This Friday, Epic Glee will be having a show and other performing groups such as Melodia will be there. It’s at 8pm in the MPR. Bouton: This semester, I’m interning at a house for adults with disabilities, and I’m looking to start an art supplies drive. I’m going to ask RHSA for the emails of all the Hall Gov presidents, because I know Bouton has a lot of art supplies we will never use so I’m assuming everyone else does as well. I will send out an email later this week, if you are interested approach me after this meeting. Lenape: I’m the president of a new science club on campus, and at our meetings we have science related discussions and we have presentations and go on trips to museums, talks, and conventions. Last semester we went to Harvard to listen to a talk on evolution of flightless birds. We’ll be going to Boston University this semester for another talk. We’re having a GI tomorrow at 6pm in SUB409. Brenna: Just a reminder to everyone to watch Senate Speaks because they’re getting better; I don’t hate watching them anymore. Also, November 2nd is Black Solidarity Day, and we need volunteers. It’s a really great event, and if you’re interested in helping contact Rookie Reynoso. DuBois: This Wednesday at 8pm in DuBois, we will be having an active shooter program. UPD is coming and giving a prevention with a discussion on protocol on how to handle these types of situations. I don’t know if we’ll have food, but we probably will. Come get educated. Mike: As we all learned this past weekend, you guys are really good at cheering, and me and Maria want you to get more pumped for NEACURH stuff the same way you’re pumped for Spirit Weekend. (Mike taught us the NEACURH chant which is this: NE-NE- NE with an AH. AH-AH-AH with a CURH. NE with an AH. AH with a CURH. NE-A- CURH! You repeat this 2 more times, getting faster each time.) Jarred: I just wanted to say thanks to RHSA for letting me be a judge for the lip syncs this weekend, they were all fantastic and I loved them. Rui: I have 5 things I want to say to you today. 1. The Community Service Committee had their first project, and I wanted to say thank you to the only 2 people who showed up. Sachin from Bevier and Elaine from Collango. We still have 7 seats open on the committee if you’re interested in getting involved. Also register with RHSA for Make a Difference Day if you haven’t yet. 2. I haven’t talked about this in a while, but we still have an energy minor crisis, so send in any classes you think will work. They can be in any subject for any major, just as long as it relates to energy. 3. Relay for Life is having their Halfway to Relay this Wednesday in the MPR from 6:30pm-8pm. It’s $3 to get in, and it’ll be catered by Asian Fusion. We’re also tabling in the SUB, and if you play and win Bra Pong you could get in for free. 4. The Red Cross club is going to work with the Community Service Committee this semester, and they want to start a food drive next week. They’re having a competition of sorts. Take a picture during Halloween in the Halls of you in costume with a non-perishable food item and post it on Instagram and tag it with #HalloweenForHaiti. If you do this, you’ll be entered in a competition for a raffle with an unknown prize. Hopefully it’ll be cool. 5. I just want to say again that we raised SO MUCH MONEY during Spirit Weekend for Penny Wars. It’s all going to the American Cancer Society, and hopefully we’ll surpass this number next year!

Passing of Molly the Moose 9:45 PM Bouton put a handmade choker on Molly’s ankle because she’s edgy now. They passed her to DuBois.

Quote of the Week 9:45 PM “Keep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you.” - Walt Whitman

Adjournment 9:45 PM

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