Yuma Metropolitan Planning Organization
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Yuma Metropolitan Planning Organization “Local Governments & Citizens Working Together”
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Starkey, City of San Luis Jennifer Albers, City of Yuma Samuel Palacios, City of Somerton Mark Hoffman, ADOT Maggie Castro for Paul Melcher, Yuma County Roger Patterson, Yuma County Joel Olea, City of Yuma Rodney Rinehart, Town of Wellton Lewis (Dan) Sanders for Paul Brooberg, City of Yuma
MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Soto, Cocopah Indian Tribe
OTHERS PRESENT: Ana Lugo, City of Yuma Mary Ellen Finch, MCAS Alvin Stump, ADOT Joseph Grant, Town of Wellton Charles Gutierrez, YMPO Paul Patane, YMPO Norma Lekan, YMPO
I. CALL TO ORDER Chair John Starkey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. The following votes were declared by the City of Yuma: Dan Sanders – 2 votes, Joel Olea – 2 votes, and Jennifer Albers – 1 vote.
(Items taken out of order)
MOTION: Jennifer Albers moved to approve the April 14, 2011 minutes as submitted. SECOND: Rodney Rinehart. ACTION: Motion carried.
IV. TAC PROJECT STATUS REPORTS Rodney Rinehart reported for the Town of Wellton: PARA study – Long Range Transportation Plan No Reports
Roger Patterson reported for Yuma County: Bridge ratings/load ratings/in-bed steel inspection projects – no report. County 19th bridge design – no report. HSIP – RPMs from Co. 23rd to Arizona Avenue – no report. Foothills PARA Study – Mark Hoffman reported that kick-off meeting was held 1 ½ weeks ago. They are collecting data and identifying stakeholders, and involving the public. The next TAC meeting will be in a couple of months. They are not holding public forums during the first phase, but collecting information via the internet. The second phase will involve public meetings. County 14th & Somerton Avenue Intersection Improvement – Construction will begin in the next couple of weeks. Avenue C – 1st Street to 8th Street – RFP will be out in the next couple of weeks.
Dan Sanders reported for City of Yuma: Avenue 3E, 24th St. to 32nd St. – Completed – remove from agenda. 32nd Street from Avenue A to Avenue B – In final design and should be complete by mid-June. This project was downgraded to a minor repave which will include realignment with Kofa driveway at 15th Avenue, 28th Avenue will have a signal light, Avenue A & Avenue B will be re-signaled and added turn bays, and Avenue B with have left turn arrows (both eastbound and westbound). Avenue 6E & 32nd Street – In construction. 5th Avenue water main, from 8th St. to 16th St. – 30% completion.
Alvin Stump reported for ADOT: I-8 from milepost 0.56 to 13.7 – ongoing. AC should be completed by second week of June. ARCFC will depend on temperatures – if too hot will have to wait until September. Signage on I-8 from milepost 0 to 19 – Ongoing and should be complete in September.
John Starkey reported for San Luis: Juan Sanchez Blvd overlay, Ave. H to Ave. F - Waiting on IGA from ADOT. US 95/Main St. (Enhancement Project) – presentation made by Alvin Stump.
Rodney Rinehart introduced the Town of Wellton’s new Public Work Director, Joseph “Joe” Grant, and stated that Mr. Grant will be replacing him (Mr. Rinehart) on the TAC. Introductions were made around the table.
Sam Palacios reported for City of Somerton: Somerton Avenue, from Fern Street to Jefferson – Starting design with engineer. HSIP/Design parking on Main Street – Working on design with ADOT. Enhancement Project/Somerton Canal Pathway – In the pre-design process with ADOT. Enhancement Project /Main Street from Bingham to Somerton Avenue – Pre-design. Local project - Williams St. addition – Construction will start next Monday. Project includes storm drain, new curbs and new sidewalks.
TAC Minutes May 12, 2011 2 II. PRESENTATION ON SAN LUIS IMPROVEMENTS Alvin Stump made a presentation on the US 95 / Main Street Enhancement Project. Current schedule – Project Assessment is nearing completion, final design to begin in Fall 2011, public meetings will be held in summer/fall 2011, and advertisement for construction will be in 2013. However, if advertisement for construction can be done in November/December, the work can start earlier. Therefore, when work is completed, work on the other two projects can begin. Mr. Starkey commented that Archibald needs to be done first, prior to the Main Street work. Paul Patane suggested an alternate route during construction - after the 1st Street job, traffic be shifted to 10th Avenue up to Urtuzuastegi.
V. 2012 AND 2013 HSIP PROJECTS Paul Patane reported that the City of Yuma has submitted an application for a 2013 project. He added that a project takes 18 months to develop so projects for 2013 need to be turn in as soon as possible. This area receives $600,000 each year and if the money is not used, it is given to another area – this money does not carry over.
Joel Olea then gave a brief summary of the City’s 2013 HSIP project (sidewalk fill-in on 22nd Street, from 4th Avenue to Avenue A. Project cost is approximately $92,000.00. Paul Patane asked that comments be sent to Mr. Olea within the next two weeks, and informed Mr. Olea that if no comments are received, the application needs to be submitted to Irene Higgs at ADOT for eligibility. YMPO needs to be sent a copy as well.
VI. PROJECT RANKING CRITERIA Paul Patane distributed the project ranking criteria. The top 7 were previously decided by the TAC, and will be used to score STP funds. Each year Yuma area is allocated $1.2 million in STP funds. Mr. Patane asked committee members to review the criteria and send any questions or comments to him so that this can be discussed at the next meeting.
Mr. Patane distributed a copy of the PACER manual, which contains information on pavement condition and ADOT’s 10-point system. John Starkey commented that on the ranking criteria, the significant route and pavement conditions should be worth more than 5 points – he suggested that the points be increased to 10 points.
VII. PROJECT UPDATES Mark Hoffman reported on the Transit Needs Assessment. The first TAC meeting was held last month and ridership surveys (approximately 400 for YCAT and 400 for DAR) have been completed via telephone. The next TAC meeting will be held on July 14, 2011.
Mr. Hoffman also reported on the Wellton PARA. The final report will be mailed out next week. Mr. Hoffman added that the next round of PARA applications will begin in June and applicants have 45-days to submit their application.
Paul Patane asked about the due date for the 2012 TIP. Since it is due July 1, 2011 a draft needs to be completed a/s/a/p, as it as to be approved by the Executive Board at the June meeting. Mr. Hoffman added that if any projects in 2011 need funds obligated by August 1, 2011, they need to be included in the 2012 TIP, as well as any projects utilizing federal funds must also be added to the 2012 TIP (International Border to Juan Sanchez Boulevard). Paul Patane asked John Starkey if the staging area project could be pushed back a couple of months, to 2012, and Mr. Starkey replied that it could be moved to start in October 2011. TAC Minutes May 12, 2011 3 Paul Patane announced a call for projects for 2015. He stated that they could be left blank and come up with projects later. Roger Patterson commented that $3 million have been approved in CBI funds for studies so the next step is to start the studies. Mr. Patane also added that the Hwy 95 & Archibald project would qualify for STP funds as back-up in 2013. After a short discussion, Mr. Patane stated that he will be meeting with Roger Patterson, Paul Brooberg, Sam Palacios and Joe Grant to discuss the 2012 TIP. There will have to be a special TAC meeting in June to approve the TIP and recommend approval to the Executive Board at the June meeting.
VIII. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING 2012 and 2013 HSIP Projects Project Ranking Criteria YMPO web-site
IX. PROGRESS REPORT A. MPO/COG Directors Meeting / April 15, 2011. Charlene FitzGerald participated. B. Wellton PARA TAC Meeting / April 19, 2011. Paul Patane and Charles Gutierrez participated. C. Roads & Streets Conference / Tucson, AZ, April 20-22, 2011. Paul Patane attended. D. AWC Sustainability Fair / April 21, 2011. Charlene FitzGerald, Charles Gutierrez, Shelly Kreger and Norma Lekan attended. E. YCIPTA Meeting, April 25, 2011. Charlene FitzGerald and Jess Segovia attended. F. RTC/RMC Meeting, April 26, 2011. Norma Lekan and Jess Segovia attended. G. ADOT Route Transfer Study TAC Meeting, April 27, 2011. Paul Patane and Charles Gutierrez attended. H. Managing Community Mobility Training / Phoenix, AZ, April 27-28, 2011. Norma Lekan attended. I. Yuma Foothills PARA TAC Meeting, April 27, 2011. Charles Gutierrez attended. J.APS 230 KV-TS8 Meeting, April 27, 2011. Charles Gutierrez attended. K. APS Open House, April 27, 2011. Charles Gutierrez attended. L. YMPO Executive Board Meeting, April 28, 2011. Charlene FitzGerald, Paul Patane, Shelly Kreger, and Charles Gutierrez attended. M. MPO/COG Planners Meeting, May 6, 2011. Paul Patane and Norma Lekan attended. N. Functional Classification Subcommittee Meeting, May 12, 2011. Paul Patane, Charles Gutierrez, and Norma Lekan attended.
Charles Gutierrez played a short video of what the YMPO’s web-site will look like when it is completed. He asked all entities to send their best pictures of their area to him so that they may be included on the web-site home page.
Roger Patterson asked about the ADOT Route Transfer Study and Paul Patane replied that the turn-backs have been identified and they are in the process of taking more roads.
X. ADJOURN The next meeting will be held at the City of Yuma Public Works Training Room on June 9, 2011.
MOTION: Jennifer Albers moved to adjourn. SECOND: Roger Patterson. ACTION: Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:22 a.m.
TAC Minutes May 12, 2011 4 Minutes prepared by:
______Norma M. Lekan Transit Coordinator/Mobility Manager
Minutes submitted by: Minutes approved by:
Paul Patané John Starkey, Chair Senior Transportation Planner YMPO Technical Advisory Committee
TAC Minutes May 12, 2011 5