1) When Hannah Is First Mentioned in 1 Samuel, How Many Children Does She Have? (2)

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1) When Hannah Is First Mentioned in 1 Samuel, How Many Children Does She Have? (2)

Week 1 1 Samuel 1-4 Round 2 Bible Bowl/Quiz Practice Jan 10 1 Samuel 1 9. A servant of the priest would demand raw meat to roast, and if it was not given, the 1) When Hannah is first mentioned in 1 Samuel, servant would threaten to take it (15-16) how many children does she have? (2) A. by force C. when the fat burned off A. Zero B. One C. Two D. Three B. at sundown D. in due time

2) How did Peninnah react to Hannah's closed womb? (6)

A. She pitied her 10) Each year, Samuel's mother made him (19) B. She prayed with her in the gates C. She provoked her A. a purple robe. C. a golden ephod. D. She gave her one of her own sons to raise B. a little robe. D. larger sandals

3) Hannah vowed to the LORD that if he would 11) Eli's sons did not listen to his rebuke, for it give her a son, she would (11) was the LORD's will to (25)

A. make him be a priest. C. name him Eli, after the A. put them to death C. make them high priest. priests B. give him to the LORD. D. allow Peninnah to B. crown one of them king D. shame them raise him. 12) Speaking for the LORD, a man of God asked 4) Eli, thinking she was drunk, told Hannah to Eli why sacrifices and offerings were scorned get put away her (14) and why _____. (29)

A. wine. B. false hopes. C. sorrow. D. greedy A. the tabernacle was a laughingstock among the nature. Philistines B. Eli's sons Hophni and Phinehas died on the same 5. Hannah told Elkanah that she would present day Samuel to the LORD (22) C. Eli worked so hard to restrain Hophni and Phinehas D. Eli honored his sons more than the LORD A. when he turned twelve. 1 Samuel 3 C. when his hair grew to his shoulders. B. when the bull had been fattened. 13) When the boy Samuel ministered before the D. when he was weaned. LORD, there were not many _____ (1) 6. The word Samuel sounds like the Hebrew for _____. (20) A. priests B. sacrifices C. visions D. worshipers A. child of my sorrow C. bitter 14) In 1 Samuel chapter 3, the LORD _____ B. heard by God D. will be given to the LORD Samuel. (4) 1 Samuel 2 A. loved B. blessed C. called D. revered 7. Hannah said, "My mouth boasts over my (1) 15) After telling Samuel he did not call him, Eli A. good fortune." B. enemies." C. blessings." D. said Samuel should (5) son." A. ask God for guidance. C. try to stay awake. 8. Eli's sons were (12) B. go back and lie down. D. go home to Hannah.

A. scoundrels. C. loved by Israel. 16) Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if he B. blessed by God. D. holy men. calls you, say, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant is _____.'" (9)

A. awake B. here C. listening D. afraid Page 1 Week 1 1 Samuel 1-4 Round 2 Bible Bowl/Quiz Practice Jan 10

17) The LORD said he would judge Eli's family forever for the sin that Eli (13)

A. committed. C. knew about. B. hid from God. D. dreamed about.

18) Samuel was _____ to tell Eli of his vision. (15)

A. thrilled B. afraid C. eager D. unable

1 Samuel 4

19) How many Israelites did the Philistines kill as their first battle spread? (2)

A. 40 B. 400 C. 4,000 D. 40,000

20) When the ark of the covenant came into camp, what happened to the ground when all of Israel shouted? (5)

A. it flooded B. it caved in C. it shook D. it shifted southward

21) Which of the following occurred the second time the Philistines defeated the Israelites? (10- 11)

A. the ark of God was captured C. Eli's two sons died B. Israel lost 30,000 foot soldiers D. All of the above

22) What could Eli, who was ninety-eight years old, not do? (15)

A. hear B. understand C. see D. move

23) How many years did Eli lead Israel? (18)

A. Ten B. Thirty C. Twenty D. Forty

24) What did Phinehas's wife name her son? (21)

A. Ichabod B. Ekron C. Dagon D. Gershom

25) Ichabod's mother and father both died the day he was born. Ichabod means _____. (21)

A. orphan B. no glory C. rough start D. heard of God

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