French Gulch Upper Clear Creek

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French Gulch Upper Clear Creek

French Gulch – Upper Clear Creek Resource Management Group P. O. Box 49, French Gulch, CA 96033

Managing for Sustainability of Natural Resources & Community

COMMUNITY MEETING French Gulch-Whiskeytown School April 26, 2007

WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS: The meeting was called to order by Brenda Blinn, Watershed Coordinator, WSRCD at 7:15 p.m. All present introduced themselves. There were 24 present.

APPROVAL OF FEB. 22, 2007 COMMUNITY MEETING MINUTES: Upon the motion made by Kit Lauderdale, seconded by Kevin Ransom, the approval of the Feb. 22, 2007 minutes passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Kit Lauderdale reported that the checking balance is $4895.79.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ UPDATE a. Free Dump Day-Judy Britton reported that the April 14th Free Dump Day event was very successful in spite of the weather. A letter of thanks was written to Supervisor Cibula with copies to Bill Ramsdale, Crystal Creek Boys, Northstate Recycling and Waste Management. b. Waste Management-Waster Management was notified regarding the problem of trash blowing out of the trucks on trash day. Bunky Leach spoke with a driver regarding the issue. She was informed that it is the resident’s responsibility to bag trash before disposing of it into the cans. This procedure would eliminate the problem. c. Off Highway Vehicle Activity-J. Britton contacted Lt. Mark Von Rader from the Shasta County Sheriff’s Dept. to brainstorm a solution to the traffic on Main St. and Eastfork Road on weekends and during sanctioned events. If BLM and motor cycle shops would let the highway patrol and Sheriff’s Dept. know of their plan events, an officer could be available. Lt. Von Rader would research the possibility. Besides traffic on Eastfork Rd. being a problem, riders are leaving their trash, there have been 2 accidents within a month of each other and the primary problem is the damage being done to the watershed by OHV’s, i.e. erosion, riding through creeks, etc. Joan Laws will draft a letter to BLM regarding Eastfork residents’ concerns. Valerie Townsley said a petition needs to be circulated to stop the re-construction of a 2-lane bridge on Eastfork Rd. and Trinity Mtn. Road. Stan Leach will be asked to be put on the June agenda of the Resource Advisory Council to address the concerns of the FGUCCRMG. WATERSHED COORDINATOR REPORT a. Brenda Blinn (WSRCD) reported that Jack Bramhall checked the crossings on the upper end of French Gulch Road and they have come through the winter in good condition b. Jack Bramhall commended Stan Leach for representing the UCCRMG at Jim Gunderson’s retirement party. c. A Watershed Festival will take place May 26th in Caldwell Park. All are encouraged to attend.

RESOURCE MGMT. GROUP BOARD ELECTIONS- J. Britton read Den Corrin’s letter of resignation and Ember Swan’s letter of interest for the position. Upon the motion made by Rick Brown, seconded by Valerie Townsley, the membership voted unanimously to seat Ember Swan. Stan Leach motioned to re-elect Gene Dymond; Rick Brown seconded the motion and the membership voted unanimously to approve the election. Stan Leach moved to close the nominations. Rick Brown seconded the motion. So be it…

UPDATE ON STREAM WATER QUALITY – Bianca Bennett reported that the water test taken in February, 2007 on French Creek indicated 2400 ppb arsenic levels. 500 ppb is considered hazardous. Water tests results by California Laboratory Services in Redding were distributed for membership review. The majority of the test results are not complete at this time. There is still waste matter in the creek.


ANNOUNCEMENTS – Carol Jandrell from NPS reported that Waterfall Week is May 20th through May 26th at Whiskeytown. Public input is encouraged regarding the Camden House restoration project and non-motorized trail system in the Park. Ms. Jandrall was uncertain about where the trail system will be but there will be a staging area at the old Park Service housing area on Trinity Mtn. Rd. and across the bridge. Superfund money will be used for the project. J. Britton announced that the Parents’ Club Spaghetti Dinner/Bingo has been rescheduled for May 18th. Also, the Volunteer Fire Dept.’s Open House has been postponed until the remodel project is complete.

FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Identify Date/Time of Board meeting-Possibly May 31, 2007

ADJOURNMENT – Upon the motion made by Kit Lauderdale, seconded by Judy Britton, the annual membership adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

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