Name: Raz Azad Jalal

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Name: Raz Azad Jalal

Name: Raz Azad Jalal Date: 30/11/2013 Writing for Business studies 201

?Should Men be allowed to have more than one wife

We are here today, in another Kurdistan conference, in the title of building our

community. We will discuss one of the most popular phenomena which name is

Polygamy as we all know that phenomena make a lot of problem in society and

.aggravating Kurdistan

My speech to those who want ending Polygamy in Kurdistan, those adult who

are future of this community. I hope my speech make conference productive and


What is Polygyny? It is a most common figure of Polygamy describes when a man

has more than one wife at the same times. This phenomenon acceptable in many cultures in the world especially in the Middle East countries. This phenomenon is not

just practice limited in to the Islam religion also Polygyny exited in Christian and

Jews religion. Exiting Polygyny within cultures has negative effect so men should not

.be allowed to have more than one wife

I am totally agree with that idea men should not be allowed to have more than one

wife because this phenomena cause of unfairness social stigma, Jealousy, and

.increasing rate of divorce

Unfairness social stigma Jalal

Allowing men have more than one wife it makes unfairness between them if the man

is able to have more than one wife, why is it that the wife is not able to have more

than one husband? My husband does not want me to sleep with other men and I do

not want my husband to sleep with other woman. Religion do not allowed women

have more than one male, however allow male have more than on one wife at the

same time it makes inequality between them. Marriage is a holy promise between two people and marriage is meant to be a beautiful and optimistic thing it should be an

equal partnership, rather than an inequity. Each woman deserves to have the love of

.one man and not to have to share it with any other women

In contrast, the view of Islamic religion they think variety is the greatest selection to

protect the community, and maintain birth manage human, because it is not sensible to accept relations unlawful for a man, such as being married and has many girlfriends

and mistresses and sexual relations dangerous and refuse these thing at the

background of marriage so in the view of them they allows men have more than one

wife men have right to get marriage with four woman at the same time ,but that men

.should gives them rights as wives

Admittedly, allowing men have four wives at the same time it makes no justice

between men and women. Why men have right to do that, but women not allowed to do that. Both of them are human there is not different between them this process make

.gender gap and unfairness between them

Making jealously between wives Jalal

Jealousy is a feeling which has evolved in us for excellent reason. One man

can't control emotion of four wives at the same time with. Why woman must tolerate

her man sleeping with another woman then coming back to sleep with her, that is

directly harmful. I think men should think about a woman's feelings and try to put

themselves instead of them at the same place how would you feel if your five had

.more than one man at the same time. I am sure you'd die of jealously

However, God allowed man have for than one wives because it have benefit for society and it is holy thing. When one men get marriage with four woman he reducing

phenomena of bachelorette and reducing relations unlawful for a man, such as being

married and has many girlfriends and mistresses and sexual relations dangerous. God

.advice men should gives them rights as wives and protecting justice between them

Even thought, ever never one man can't protect justice even between two women and

gives them right as wives. If Polygyny have benefit for society that woman who her husband get marriage with another woman she is not one of that society and she have

not right in that society. It is not possible woman be victim to reducing bachelorette

.and unlawful relation in society

Increasing rate of Divorce in society Jalal

There has been a significant growing in divorce because women have been

refusing polygamy in current years. In today’s world women are becoming

increasingly aware of their rights and women are now daring to fight for their

rights and reject man domination. Allowing men have more than one wives it is

.tremendous cause for increasing divorce in our community

In contrast, there is the idea within our society that there is no divorce within

polygamous marriages. Generally in our society they think how in the past men had

more than one wives and all of them they lived together and no one got divorce.

Society will be safer and the rate of unmarried women will be decrease in this way they can reduce unlawful relation such as being married and has many girlfriends and

mistresses and sexual relation. In that way another our community can be solve and

.they think it is a best way

I must admit that, we must build our community instead of adding problem for it. We

don’t have to compare now and past because in the past those women who accepted

polygamous marriage they didn’t have right to ask for there right no one listened to

them or sometimes they were killed by their family. Now our community continually growth this phenomena make problem for our community by allowing men have more

than one wives the rate of divorce will be increase in our community

Lastly, we must work hard and function together to build our community.

Polygamy one of those phenomena that makes problem and increasing rate of divorce

so by ending this phenomena we can reduce rate of divorce in our community.

Polygamy instead having benefit for society have negative impact and aggravating

.our community

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