Wine Country Barrel Racers Membership Packet & Rules Date Revised 11/12/16

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Wine Country Barrel Racers Membership Packet & Rules Date Revised 11/12/16

Wine Country Barrel Racers – Membership Packet & Rules Date Revised 11/12/16 Congratulations on becoming a member of the Wine Country Barrels Racers!

Member Name: ______

 Receipt of Membership Dues, Membership Application, Liability Form, Rule Agreement Received by WCBR Board Member’s Name: ______Paid By: Cash_____CK# ______Date: ______

Please keep this rule packet with you for the season so you can refer back to it if you have any questions & to track proof of membership & to track events that you have competed at. To be a current season member you must: . Pay the annual dues, preferably by check . Provide a completed membership application . Provide a completed liability release . Provide a signed copy of the membership packet agreement (that you have read the WCBR membership packet and agree to follow the rules)

Competition Log: Please use this provided Event Log to track the Wine Country Barrel Racers jackpots you compete and also any co-sanction events that you compete at. Co-sanction event participation must be signed for by the producer of that event (or the event secretary)

Date Arena/Production Signed by (producer)

1 Membership Rules: Wine Country Barrel Racers: (aka WCBR)

General Information:

Please help us to have a safe event: Absolutely everyone must have a current signed liability waiver in order to be allowed to ride on the property. All contestants must have a current release on file. Contestants include those doing exhibition runs; must have a signed release before riding, any person that is riding a horse MUST have a liability release signed. These liability releases must be signed at every event, every time.

Dogs: Please keep all dogs on a leash and preferably at your rig. Please pick up all waste after your dog.

Trash: Please pick up all of your trash (and any that you see) If we can keep the trash pick up to a minimum, then we can avoid raising the grounds fee.

We are asking that everyone abides by basic Barrel Racing Rules. Good sportsmanship and conduct are required. Absolutely no abuse to any animal will be tolerated.

Boots are required for all contestants.

Some general Rules:

Helmets mandatory for the youth under the age of 12, All children 12 and under must wear a helmet to ride when on the property & No one under the age of 18 is allowed to handle or ride a stallion, ever.

Do not Pony horses in warm up arena (open area south of covered arena) You can pony horses in the fenced roping arena ( east of covered arena)

Do not tie horses to any fence; do not place your horse any pen or alley way without permission of the ranch manager. Setting up barrels ( or pop up barrels ) is not not allowed anywhere on the property. Not in any of the warm up arenas, or the roping arena or the parking lot.

Consequences for breaking rules: you may be subject to a $ 50 fine (and/or repair of any damage which may be a larger dollar amount) and/or suspension of membership, and/or WCBR may bar you from attending and/or competing and WCBR event for that season or perhaps longer.

Novice Jackpot: *For WCBR current members: The rule is the rider or horse (Or both) must be under $ 500 LTE as of the first jackpot entered for the Wine Country Barrel Racers – Membership Packet & Rules Date Revised 11/12/16 season entered, then this horse/rider can remain in the Novice Division until the end of the season. *For Non-Members: The rule is the rider or horse (Or both) must be under $ 500 LTE as of the day of the jackpot only. Youth is age 17 and under & Senior is age 45 and over:

Once a person joins WCBR, the age upon the date, is their age division until the end of the season.

Non-members; must enter the jackpot / age division, their age is as of the day of that jackpot. 4-D Jackpot defined as: Open 4D races. 1D being the fastest time of the race. 2D is .5 seconds added to the fastest time. 3D is the fast time plus 1.0 second and the 4D is fastest time plus 2.0 full seconds Ground Rules: At any given event, a ground rule may be put in place for that day (and possibly that day only) (examples, arena gate entrance procedure, parking mandate, jackpot order change) even if the ground rule is just in place for one event, it is still a rule and must be followed or a fine or suspension of membership could result.

Spectators, Guests of competitors and Children: Children under the age of ten must have a responsible escort with them at all times, on horseback or on foot. We have had many situations with children wandering into the path of the competition horses or the equipment or moving vehicles. Please make sure that your small children are escorted. This also means your guests (friends and family that come to watch). If this rule is not followed it could result in a $ 50 fine and/or suspension of membership. Please help us to prevent any tragedy. Also; if you do have friends and family that come to watch; please encourage them to stay in the seating areas away from the horses. Please DO NOT give any small children a ride on your barrel horse, even while being “ponied”, it only takes a second for an accident to happen. Be aware that if your guests or children cross in front of a contestant in the arena gate area and foul the contestant (get in the way): then you can be subject to a $ 50 fine and/or disqualification and/or suspension of membership. If your child is found unattended near warm up arena and/or arena gate you can be fined $ 50, second offense could result in suspension of membership. *** During events at Casner Ranch indoor arena, it is especially important to keep the gate area clear during competition. You may only pass by on foot or on horseback while the tractor is IN the arena working the ground. You must stay away from the gate at all other times to allow the tractor to go in and out and the contestants to enter and to exit. Please suggest to your friends/family/children that they walk around the east side of the arena to the bleachers (near the restrooms and around) this is a longer walk, but much safer! Thank You!

No lunging of horses is allowed in the warm up arena near the competition arena. If you need to lunge your horse, you must use one of the other arenas or round pen. If caught lunging near the competition arena then you can be subject to a $ 50 fine and/or disqualification.

Competition and Arena Rules:

3 Exhibition Runs: Only one horse at time is allowed in the arena. Each run is allowed a maximum of 60 seconds on the pattern and we ask that you stay at trot or faster. (In order to give everyone a chance to get in the arena.) Riders must stay mounted while entering and exiting the arena.

BEING READY WHEN NAME IS CALLED: A contestant will be disqualified if she/he cannot enter the arena to compete in a reasonable amount of time. If your name is called and you do not immediately enter the gate area to compete and the announcer then has to call the contestant for a “second call” At that point a stop watch will be started; after the "second call" you will have 60 seconds to cross the electric eye or you will be disqualified. We need this rule in place due to several situations that have been time consuming and dangerous. Please note the “second call” can be from the arena announcer or the person working the gate. The gate crew will be equipped with a stop watch. (May we suggest that if your horse does have a gate issue that you develop a plan ahead of time, line up helpers, let the gate crew know that you need the area clear, arrive very early and work your horse in exhibitions) We do want everyone to be able to compete, however, we do need to keep the event moving and we need to try to make it safe for everyone.

Remain on Board: Contestants must be mounted at all times in the competition arena: contestants are not allowed to enter the arena on foot or to leave on foot. (Of course if there is an accident this cannot be helped) Intentionally entering the arena on foot or leaving on foot can and will result in a $ 50 fine and/or possible disqualification.

Youth jackpot: When entered in the open jackpot and carrying the run over to the youth IF YOU HIT A BARREL IN THE OPEN you will be granted a re-run in the youth. But you must come to the entry office and notify the show secretary that you want a re-run before the open jackpot is over.

Timer Malfunctions: If the timer malfunctions, the contestant will be granted a rerun at the end of the jackpot (no refunds)

Entering/Paperwork: Regular season: We will be closing entries one hour after the open jackpot starts, so that we can have a quick and efficient payout. WCBR Finals; entries close at start of jackpot. Entries for Novice, Senior, Youth and Pole bending: We would appreciate if you can be entered up by horse # 50 in the open, so we can get all of the paperwork squared away. No one is entered until his/her fees are paid! No one is entered until entry form is filled out and signed, liability portion is signed. Even if you pre-entered by email; you must come to the office PRIOR to making your run and have your paperwork filled out and entry fees paid. Failure to do so can result in a turn out (you will still be liable for the entry fee)

Pre-Entries for regular season jackpots: You can enter by email; include your name, horses name, verify you want in the open jackpot, list the other jackpots that you would like to enter (youth, senior, novice) and if your time is to be carried over or not. You can email to [email protected] by Noon the Thursday before the jackpot. If you do so; you will be placed in the first draw. Wine Country Barrel Racers – Membership Packet & Rules Date Revised 11/12/16

(Please remember there is no need to pre enter if you want in the late draws or only in the side pots) If you pre enter; you are responsible to pay your fees, even if you do not show up that day. Failure to pay your fees: you owe the fees plus a $ 50 fine and/or suspension of membership.

Contestants running multiple horses should remember that the draw is random. Often, the producers will attempt to space out a rider’s horses as a courtesy. This can only be done if you arrive early in the day and complete your entries in ample time so that the producers can attempt to space out your horses. This is done as a courtesy. If you arrive after the open has begun, there will be no guarantee that your horses will be spaced apart.

Draws: YOU are responsible to check the draw that is posted to make sure that you are listed correctly. This is especially important with the Youth, Novice and Senior jackpots. Check to be sure that you are listed properly as a Carry Over or as to run in the jackpots. If you do not notify the office personal of a mistake on the draw BEFORE the jackpot begins in order to make the corrections, you may be disqualified from the jackpot.

Refund policy: Once you are entered ,there are no entry fee refunds without at 3 hour notice. You must have doctor release or vet release (to be provided within 24 hours). Exceptions could include a visible injury release and this must be reviewed by a WCBR board member. Doctor and/or Vet releases will receive 70% of the entry fee back as a refund.

All entry fees CASH Only, with exception of mail in entries for (mailed by the dead line) for Firecracker and finals. No checks accepted on site, except for membership fees. NSF checks will result in a $50 fine and the member being put on an ineligible list


WCBR FINALS: Attendance for Finals Qualifications: Must attend four races AS A CURRENT MEMBER and run in the Open jackpot to enter finals. Beginning in the 2015 season at least two of your competition runs must be at an official Wine Country Barrel Racers. (Not all four at co- sanctioned events) This rule will be strictly enforced, so plan your schedule ahead so that you can get all four runs within the regular season. Co-sanction fee will be $ 10.00 per run. Members qualified may run as many horses in the season-end finals as you wish.

Season End Member Award: will be awarded to those are qualified and compete and three regular season jackpots (in the Open) and who enter and compete in the finals.

5 The added money for the season-end finals will be announced closer to the date of the finals in November! The added money amount is predicated upon the amount of runs/revenue generated during the regular season.

To be eligible for the season end finals qualification award; you must be a current member by July 10th; if you join after July 11th, then you are not guaranteed a season end finals qualification award (this is due to the lead time required to have these custom made awards; they are ordered the second week in July to make the delivery date)

WCBR Finals: Full dress code = Cowboy/Cowgirl Hat, Long Sleeve (collar not required)

Mail In entries for Firecracker Race and Finals Entries: ~~~ ENTRY FORMS for the FINALS; will be available on the Wine Country Barrel Racers website. Entries must be mailed by the deadline or late fees must be paid. All entry fees that are received after the mail in deadline must be paid in CASH, thanks! ~~~~


All contestants and their family members and/or friends are expected to display good sportsmanship at all times. Foul language, misconduct or derogatory, threats and abusive (this includes arguing) comments spoken to any contestant, spectator, staff member or volunteer will result in a $ 100 fine minimum, and up to disqualification and suspension of membership. This also includes any abuse of the sportsmanship rules via social media, face to face, email or any type of negative communication will result in a $ 100 fine minimum, and up too disqualification and suspension of membership.

"The production board of the WCBR reserves the right to refuse service/admission/entry to any person whose conduct is discourteous and or unsportsmanlike. This also applies to any family member or friend of a contestant. No offensive behavior will be tolerated."

All decisions of the Wine Country Barrel Racers board of directors will be final upon thorough review of any contested situation. This may not happen the day of the event. If you do have a situation you would like reviewed please submit it in writing and the board will review.

No abuse to any animal will be tolerated.

All WCBR members are asked to take ownership for the clubs/sports wellbeing; if you observe any illicit behavior or know of anyone with malice intentions. Please notify a WCBR board member. & If you see anyone doing anything dangerous, or it could become dangerous: Please immediately speak up and stop the behavior to prevent an accident.

All disqualified contestants must leave the premises immediately. Wine Country Barrel Racers – Membership Packet & Rules Date Revised 11/12/16

We are busy rule: Please refer to the membership packet, or the website or the Facebook page or the Facebook event page before you contact a board member with a question. If you contact a board member more than three times with the same question; you will face a $ 50 fine. If you are provided an answer to an unusual/or not so unusual question. Please document the information so that you do not need to continually ask for the information. The WCBR board appreciates your cooperation!


Parking: Please park your trucks & trailers and cars in the two designated parking lots.

At Casner Ranch: The front parking is east of the large warm up area. The "show parking lot" is in the area of the show barns (the north east area of the ranch) No one should be parking their rigs alongside the indoor arena or near the show office (unless you have exclusive permission from the ranch management) It is very important to keep these areas clear for the residing boarders and for emergency vehicles in the case of an incident. We appreciate your cooperation! PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON THE STREET PARKING INSIDE FACILITY ONLY, THANK YOU!


If you purchase a stall rental it is your responsibility to sign for the stall tag and check the stall and/or pen for any safety hazard. Once you place your horse in this stall/pen, you are accepting responsibility for the safety of your horse. Casner Ranch Company and Wine Country Barrel Racers will accept no responsibility for any horse. If you are found to be using a pen or stall without proper paperwork/payment you can be fined $ 50 per horse.

No Overnight tie ups allowed (ever!) Please have your horse stalled by sun-down; please avoid having horses tied up in show barn area after dark. This helps to prevent loose horses and accidents. Thanks

7 Schedule: Please always check the current schedule on the Website and/or Face Book Page for dates and start times.

WEBSITE address is: Payout WCBR will be using a payout that will ensure the last hole in the 4-D receives close to their entry fees back. The payout will be a 70% (NBHA type) payout

The WCBR results are posted at the office at the end of the day at every jackpot. The results are also published on the WCBR website and/or Face Book within seven days. Payouts: The payouts are usually done with cash, which is why it is important that you pay your fees in cash. Thanks!

The WCBR is not responsible to hold payout envelopes for more than 90 days from the date of the event placed in. Please check the results to be sure you pick up your winnings! The WCBR payout envelopes will be available at the entry office: Each envelope must be signed out by the winning contestant. If the envelope is picked up by someone other than the winning contestant; then that person must print their name and write their phone number also! Thanks! . Miscellaneous Any rule/infraction/judgment call not specifically covered by Wine Country Barrel Racers will be referred back to the WPRA and/or the NBHA rule book.

All decisions of the Wine Country Barrel Racers board of directors will be final upon thorough review of any contested situation.

This may not happen the day of the event. If you do have a situation you would like reviewed please submit it in writing and the board will review

These rules are subject to change by the WCBR board at any time. Wine Country Barrel Racers – Membership Packet & Rules Date Revised 11/12/16

Wine Country Barrel Racers: (aka WCBR) Agreement Page

Name: ______print name

Agreement Page:

I, ______( print name ) have read all of the rules outlined in this packet. I agree that I clearly understand these rules and I agree to abide by these rules or face fines and or revocation of my membership.

Signed: ______Date: ______


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