University Academic and Administrative Information Technology Steering Committee

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University Academic and Administrative Information Technology Steering Committee

University Academic and Administrative Information Technology Steering Committee

ELT Monthly Update for April, 2017

New IT Investment Proposals

1. SEM - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

Sponsor: Joanne E. Jensen Description: Admissions would like to take advantage of the upcoming contract expiration with our current vendor to survey the available products in the marketplace to determine if there are better CRM solutions that allow for consistent and comprehensive management of student recruitment communications throughout the student recruitment and admissions cycles. The Office of Admissions seeks approval to solicit proposals for an online CRM. Resources: The solution can/will be supported within current staffing levels. Audience: The primary external audience for the CRM is undergraduate and graduate students, both domestic and international. Secondary audiences include parents and families, high school and college counselors, and internal staff users of the system. Benefits: The application product should provide functionalities meeting applicants’ 21st century technology expectations in ways that our current product does not. Some of these expectations include mobile device readiness, streamlined ability to share information between university systems, ease of use by staff users and a user-friendly experience for prospective students. Total Cost: $221,870 yearly estimated Funded: Yes Recommendation: APPROVE

2. School of the Arts – Apple Computer Lease

Sponsor: Dan Grenier Description: Three-year equipment lease for the school’s classrooms provides the following benefits:  Keeps technology levels provided to our students at or above the level of our peer institutions.  Allows for better budgeting UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 2

 Establishes a fixed number of computers for the school to deploy and maintain. Resources: The solution can/will be supported within current staffing levels. Audience: Students and faculty using School of the Arts facilities working on computers that support their teaching and learning objectives. Benefits: Increased student satisfaction with facilities which should lead to an improved classroom experience. Total Cost: $74,836 yearly for three years Funded: Yes Recommendation: APPROVE UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 3

Infrastructure and Operations Portfolio Project/Sponsor Cost Funded Benefits Description

1. CBORD CS Building $1,631,445/ Y Enhance building Procure and implement Access Control System / $81,214 yearly security and reduce risk, the CBORD CS Access VCU Police Department improve service to building control system, customers convert all VCU buildings 2. Hosted Email $170,700/ Y Unified email encryption Migrate email Encryption Service / $68,925 yearly for Gmail and Lotus encryption from in- Technology Services users; avoids cost of house to Zix systems upgrading end-of-life hosted environment equipment 3. Telephone Equipment $225,000/ Y Primary operations Replace current system and Billing System / $28,000 yearly system for (Pinnacle) losing vendor Technology Services Telecommunications support office

4. LANDesk Customer $150,000/ Y Improved user Replace current system Management System / $120,000 yearly experience, elimination (Remedy), savings to Technology Services of duplicative solutions, partially fund new integration with current system software suite 5. Move Blackboard $318,000 Y Eliminate hardware costs Move Blackboard from LMS to hosted solution / and reduce staff time to VCU-supported platform Technology Services support to vendor-supported

6. Point-Of-Sale System $17,250/ Y Support sales and Business Services to for Technology Store / $2,000 yearly administrative activities implement the Business Services of new technology retail LightSpeed POS system outlet

7. QRadar Security $118,000/ Y Improve monitoring of Information Security Incident Monitoring $23,600 yearly risks and vulnerabilities Office to procure System / Technology that affect VCU’s additional components Services information technology and upgrade QRadar assets, and provide better data to aide decisions regarding those risks UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 4

8. Server and Storage $18,000/ Y Model and showcase Implement the Architecture for $18,000 yearly distinctive, high- WordPress Course Site MOOCs / Learning engagement online and build an online Innovation and Student learning that leads to learning community for Success deep learning MOOCs beginning in Summer 2014 9. e911 System / $131,400 Y Provide number and Replace existing system Telecommunications location data for all 911 losing vendor support calls

10. Internet Upgrade / $370,000 yearly Y Increase aggregate 40% increase in Technology Services bandwidth from 5 Gbps bandwidth available for to 7 Gbps Internet traffic

11. Network Equipment $294,000 Y Replace 80 existing Improved network End-Of-Life Refresh / network switches reliability and access Technology Services reaching EOL in 2015 speed

12. Sanger Hall Network $350,000 Y Install new fiber to Improve Sanger’s Upgrade / Technology improve architecture network reliability and Services and meet standards access speed

13. PrivateNet Network $72,500 Y Replace 40 network Improve financial Refresh / Technology switches on the network’s reliability and Services VCUCard point-of-sale access speed network 14. Incident $120,000 Y An incident management Improve response to Management System / system allows for the incidents and VCU Police real-time collection and management of Police aggregation of resources. information related to incidents or events that could cause life safety issues or operational continuity disruption. 15. Weather $5,500 yearly Y Ensure operational and Improved weather Notification System / public safety units can information will facilitate VCU Police make efficient and better decisions about timely decisions during VCU reaction and severe weather events preparation for weather- related events. UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 5

16. PARCS Parking $2.4 Million Y Enhance customer Procure and implement Access and Control service, security, and an integrated access System / Parking & financial position of control, automated Transportation parking system revenue, and enterprise (eliminate $5 Mil management system subsidy from University Fee) 17. Utilities $150,000 Y Solution to track utility Contract with EnergyCap Management System / consumption, costs, for hosted system. FMD forecasting, rate verification and charges 18. Network End-Of-Life $160,000 Y Replace 116 network Procure and install new equipment replacement switches reaching equipment. / Technology Services obsolescence. 19. Hosted Ironport $15,869 yearly Y Relocate the majority of Transfer the 3 Ironport eMail Service / email traffic between appliances to a Cisco- Technology Services Ironport and Google hosted solution. from the VCU network. 20. Penetration Testing $12,000 yearly Y Identify VCU security Employ a third party to Solution / ISO vulnerabilities before an perform continuous attacker can exploit penetration tests them. Additionally, this against VCU’s perimeter system can also be used technology to conduct social infrastructure and engineering exercises actively share results against VCU personnel, with the VCU thus providing anti- information security phishing training. team. 21. Packet Broker $80,000 initial Y Automated and real- Procure and implement Device / ISO time defensive a packet broker device capabilities that will that will allow the minimize the risks of University to integrate compromise for on- various individual premises assets and security tools in-line reduce the amount of with the University’s threats and incidents overall network. needing manual intervention. 22. Identity Access $450, 000 initial, Y Reduced wait times for Implementation of an Management Solution / $311,000 yrs 2-5= new eID accounts, more identity access Technology Services $1,694,000 control over access to management (IAM) systems and resources, solution will streamline and increased current user access efficiencies through authorization workflows granting baseline access and procedures, and by role in the university. provide access management to critical UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 6

university resources.

23. SOPHOS security $53,000 yearly Y SOPHOS security The existing contract for software renewal / software provides Sophos expires in June Technology Services ISO protection against 2016 and VCU will need computer virus and to issue an RFP to malware attacks. establish a new contract so we can ensure that continuing services for endpoint protection are provided. 24. Avaya IP-PBX $1,000,000 Y Lowers overall cost, Establish a contract to Equipment, Support, eliminates physical provide equipment, and Maintenance servers security risk maintenance coverage, and expert level technical support for the existing Communication Manager system (IP- PBX) and adjunct servers (i.e. voice mail, Session Manager, Session Border Controller). 25. Network Equipment $763,000 Y Improved network Replace 305 existing End-Of-Life Refresh / reliability and access network switches Technology Services speed reaching EOL in FY 2017

26. Application $180,000 yearly Y VCU will enjoy a safer A centrally managed and Vulnerability Scanner/ and more secure scalable application Technology Services ISO application environment, vulnerability and enjoy better management platform to assurance for the adequately assess the security of their applications provisioned information and developed at VCU 27. Cisco RFP/ $3,000,000 yearly Y The primary benefit A replacement Technology Services will be felt by end VASCUPP contract Network Services users in the form of with Cisco will sustained network facilitate network reliability and access expansion, the speed. replacement of older equipment. It will provide a state of the art network for the VCU community for UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 7

years to come.

28. Banner Contract $671,516 yearly Y Continued use of All VCU employees, Renewal / Technology Banner as the VCU students, and affiliates Services Administrative enterprise resource for years to come. Systems planner.

29. Planning $100,000 initial Y Provides the Academic affairs: All Assessment and $5,000 yearly replacement for academic programs; Accreditation Software Weave by providing a Administrative support collaborative online units: All units system for supporting academics; engagement in Accredited programs planning, assessment, and planning offices. and reporting activities. 30. VCU SAS Visual $222,000 initial Y A new SAS A replacement to Analytics/Visual $50,000 yearly environment enabling VCU’s existing SAS Statistics/Data decision makers at all Enterprise Business Management levels to make data- Intelligence (EBI) Advanced enabled decisions and platform consisting of Environment focus on fact based SAS Visual Analytics, planning, thereby SAS Visual Statistics, promoting effective and SAS Advanced decision making. Data Management. 31. SEM - Online Initial unknown Y A graduate application A replacement to Graduate Admissions $98,667 yearly product providing SEM’s existing Application functionalities meeting graduate application applicants’ 21st providing a better century technology graduate faculty, staff expectations in ways and student that our current experience. product does not. 32. SEM - Customer $221,870 yearly Y A CRM providing A replacement to Relationship functionalities meeting SEM’s existing CRM Management (CRM) applicants’ 21st providing a better System century technology applicant and staff expectations in ways experience. that our current product does not. UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 8

33. School of the $74,836 yearly Y Increased student Three-year equipment Arts – Apple satisfaction with lease for the school’s Computer Lease facilities which should classrooms lead to an improved classroom experience.

PORTFOLIO COST $10,185,295 initial $5,094,997 yearly

Business Process Automation and Improvement Portfolio

Project/Sponsor Cost Funded Benefits Description

1. Customer Relationship $2,073,604 / Y Improve Implement the Management System / $245,874 yearly communications Blackbaud CRM system Development & Alumni management to Relations support fundraising and alumni relations 2. Grants Management $670,000 / Y Improve grant Implement Click System/Office of $35,000 yearly submission and award Commerce system Research Administration management processes

3. Animal Resources $437,000 / Y Improved functionality Implement Click System / ORA $20,000 yearly in animal resource Commerce system management

4. Time and Attendance $262,000 / Y Automated attendance Implement TimeClock System / Human $26,900 yearly and leave recording; Plus system Resources improve FLSA compliance

5. ImageNow site $399,500 / Y Remove funding barrier Convert per user license/ Technology $72,000 yearly for schools and license to site license Services departments; leverage functionality 6. Hobsons Apply $100,000 + / Y Improve graduate Purchase off State Yourself / Strategic $25,000 yearly application process contract, configure and Enrollment Mgmt implement hosted solution UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 9

7. Visa Management $60,000 / Y Automate reporting of Implement the System / Global $10,000 yearly student/staff/faculty Sunapsis system from Education Office visa information to Indiana University SEVIS

8. Career Services $125,000 Y Improve ability for Partner with School of Technology Platform / students to perform job Business and School of University Career Center searches Engineering to procure hosted solution 9. VIRTIFY Clinical Trial $65,000 Y Improve required Purchase and Registration and Results reporting to implement VIRTIFY’s System; Clinical Trial ensure compliance with Registration and FDAAA Results System 10. Course Evaluation / $90,000 / Y Improved instrument, Implement the ALT Lab $18,500 yearly more student data eXplorance Blue system

11. Curriculum Vitae $50,000 (est.) Y Consistent format Develop a system to Builder / School of User friendly automate the Medicine Eliminate redundant production of CVs for data entry School of Medicine Online updates faculty and staff 12. Recreational $65,000 (est.) Y Improve customer Survey the marketplace Management System / service, record keeping for a new rec sports VCU Recreational Sports and audit tracking; information system; record inventory loan procure, implement, and point of sale train staff transactions 13. Huron Consulting $290,000 Y Create database for Engage Huron Agreement for OnCore clinical research studies consulting services to Financials / Office of at VCU for accurate extend OnCore to be Research billing and compliance enterprise solution with regulatory issues 14. Portal for Board of $3,000 / Y Collaborative software Implement the chosen Visitors / Presidents $32,000 yearly to allow BOV members solution and introduce Office to securely store and to BOV operations access documents. 15. Courseleaf $199,980 / Y Automate and integrate Purchase and / Office of Faculty & $35,980 yearly the catalog and implement the Academic Affairs academic activities into Courseleaf software. a more efficient and effective central reference system. 16. Banner $75,000 Y Streamline business Engage consulting firm Revitalization/VP for processes and make to analyze and identify Finance and ERP data more how Banner can be Administration accessible, accurate, revitalized. UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 10

and usable

17. Online Student $49,975 Y Provide improved Contract with Orientation / Strategic service to incoming Advantage Design Enrollment Management freshmen and eliminate Group for their hosted inefficient processes. system. 18. Governance, Risk $125,000 / Y Centralizing Governance, Risk and and Compliance e- $110,000 yearly information within one Compliance (GRC) e- Solution GRC Software Platform solution – an creates efficiencies in enterprise-wide, reporting, data comprehensive, analytics, monitoring vendor-hosted solution and oversight of to effectively manage compliance and risk and document activities. compliance activities.

19. Kaltura Video and $94,500 initial Y Publish and share video Replace current video Media Content $150,000 yearly and rich media; repository with Kaltura Management consolidate duplicative hosted solution. System solutions; unlimited storage 20. lyndaCampus $120,000 yearly Y Video library with top- Replace Atomic Learning Library and quality courses from Learning with Training Repository industry experts. lyndaCampus hosted solution.

21. SPGA Web Site $68,000 initial Y Integrate student Engage Web developer portsls, intranets, social to design and media to reach current implement new site for and potential students, L. Douglas Wilder alumni, donors and School supporters.

22. Hyperion Planning $150,000 initial Y Organize and improve Engage Performance and Budget $89,000 yearly the University Architects to Software/Office of budgeting process. implement the Planning and Budget Hyperion Planning and Budget software. 23. Call Center $156,000 Y Update the call-center Issue an RFP, evaluate Replacement / to better support DAR responses, select the Development and alumni and fund raising best option and Alumni Relations activities. implement. 24. Preparation of RFP $300,000 Y The proposed EDW for Contract with a for Electronic Data Research will require a consultant to more Warehouse in Research / complex analysis and quickly and effectively Office of Research preparation of an RFP. develop the RFP. UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 11

25. Electronic Data $2,000,000 (est.) Y Improve analysis Integrate data from the Warehouse for capabilities in research, VCUHS clinical systems, Research / Office of health outcomes, and VCU biorepository, and Research grant funding genomics into an EDW 26. Cerner – OnCore $156,617 Y Provide more Create an interface Integration / Office of information on patients between the Clinical Research participating in Research Management research protocols. System (OnCore) and the Electronic Medical Record system (Cerner) 27. OnCore for CCTR $360,000 yearly Y Provide a secure web- Extend the OnCore based centralized license agreement to database to include CCTR comprehensively manage the unit’s clinical research activity

Portfolio Cost $8,065,176 initial $1,350,254 yearly

Innovation Portfolio

Project Cost Funded Benefits Description

1. Research $60,000 Provide researchers Quest for Distinction Opportunity and ability to post research funded project to be Application System / opportunities and developed by Nihar Center for Study of students to apply for Sheth Biological Complexity them

2. Preterm Birth $50,000 Y Provide research data - This health literacy Prevention / School of Collection of project will place Medicine demographic computers in 5 resource information; program centers throughout related information; Richmond’s East end. Tracking returning subjects; information browsed by subjects 3. Predictive Crime $9,000 yearly Y Tracking crime by time Purchase a license for Analysis / VCU Police and location will PredPol, the same Department facilitate better system used by utilization of VCU PD Richmond PD. UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 12


4. Taser Cameras / VCU $100,842 one-time Y Recording of police Purchase and install five Police activity will verify the Taser pods with five officers are operating cameras each (total 25 within all codes of officer cameras) conduct and following required procedures; serve training needs.

5. Education Advisory $183,000 yearly Y Provide advisors and Join the EAB-SSC and Board Student Success administrators insight input VCU’s data into Collaborative / into problems impeding the predictive analysis Strategic Enrollment student success capabilities; address Management identified issues

6. Digital Signature $26,000 Y Pilot project to evaluate Trial in the Office of Pilot / Office of Faculty the efficiencies and Faculty Recruitment and Recruitment and savings provided by Retention for associated Retention digital signatures. faculty contracts. 7. Sportstec Elite Video $238,902 Y Elite enables athletes The Sportstec Elite Analysis / Athletics and coaches to analyze Analysis software is a game performance. Elite hosted solution that will allows multiple systems allow the VCU Men’s to network into the and Women’s Basketball package resulting in teams to record video in more real-time real-time during games information for more in- and practices. depth analysis.

7. Membership $135,500 initial Y All of the ICA’s An institution-wide, fully Database and Ticketing $33,000 yearly audiences, including integrated software Software Solution / ICA members, visitors of all system designed ages, educational specifically for arts and groups, students, staff, cultural organizations, and faculty. with customized features and functionalities befitting a top-tier cultural institution embedded in one of the nation’s premiere urban research universities 8. Website Design / ICA $175,000 initial Y All of the ICA’s An institution-wide, fully $20,000 yearly audiences, including integrated software members, visitors of all system designed UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 13

ages, educational specifically for arts and groups, students, staff, cultural organizations, and faculty. with customized features and functionalities befitting a top-tier cultural institution embedded in one of the nation’s premiere urban research universities 9. School of Nursing $150,000 initial Y The creation of a web A more robust Workload System $1,000 yearly application that scheduling and faculty automates course workload system with scheduling and faculty the capacity to track assignment how much courses management for the cost based on the specific and unique number of students needs of the school of enrolled in the course nursing with clinical and the faculty courses, preceptor member assigned to sites, and student site teach the course. tracking.

Portfolio Cost $934,342 initial $246,000 yearly

Non-Discretionary Portfolio

Project Cost Funded Benefits Description

1. Security Camera $1,200,000 Y Improve surveillance Upgrade existing Upgrade / VCU Police and the ability to cameras and install 300 identify suspects additional ones


Initial Cost Yearly Cost

Infrastructure & Operations $10,185,295 $5,094,997 UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2017 14

Business Process $8,065,176 $1,350,254 Innovation Portfolio $934,342 $246,000 Non-Discretionary $1,200,000 TOTAL ALL PORTFOLIOS $20,384,813 $6,691,251

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