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The Board of Directors of Coos Bay Public Schools met on February 12, 2007, in the Community Room at Milner Crest Education Center, 1255 Hemlock Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon, for their regular monthly meeting. Chairman Don Blom called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. The Board and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance, led by several Millicoma Intermediate School students.
Board members present: Tom Bennett Kathy Murray Don Blom Donna Opitz David Ford Andy Post Wally Hazen
Board members absent: None
Others present included: Superintendent Karen Gray, Attorney David Dorsey, Rod Danielson, Duella Scott-Hull, Lisa DeSalvio, Mary Bjornerud, Nancy Tedder, Gael Berhow, Dale Inskeep, Roger Trail, Jon Mishra, Chad Putman, Linda Vickrey, Bryan Trendell, Joel Smallwood, Trevor Edd, Lynda Sanders, Luella Cox, Larry Willett, Kitty DeMoss, Kati Banks, Judy Driscoll, Tom Hull, Rick Edgar, Greg Stambaugh, Linda Smith, Sue Walberg, John and Annie Kruse, Shannon Whitty, Les Engle, Kelly Thompson-Poore, Kate O’Donnell, and Millicoma students Heather Whitty, Alisha Molloy, Neil Cox, and Mareyna Karlin.
As there were no corrections to the Consent Agenda items, Chairman Blom declared the following items approved as submitted:
Minutes of the January 8, 2007, Board Executive Session. Minutes of the January 8, 2007, Regular Board Meeting. Licensed New Hires for 2006-07, including Nicole Preston, School Psychologist (50%) at Harding Learning Center; and Richard Sebesta, Read 180 Teacher (71.4%) at Marshfield High School. Professional Services Agreements were extended for 2007-08 for HGE as Architect of Record, David Dorsey as Attorney of Record, and Dr. Jon Yost as Doctor of Record.
On behalf of Bandon Dunes, Mr. Hickhock, and Mr. Keizer, Les Engle was pleased to present a $21,000 check to Tom Hull for improvements to the shop at Marshfield. Les explained that Mr. Keizer became acquainted with Tom Hull and his work through Tom’s REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2007 Page 2
Quarter Inch Drive publication and came to tour his program. They asked what they could do for his program, and Tom said he would like to replace the plexi-glass window coverings i the shop. The $21,000 donation will be used for that purpose. Mr. Hull thanked them for their tremendous donation and said this improvement will give everyone in the program more pride.
Highlighted School – Millicoma Intermediate School: Nancy Tedder shared information about Millicoma’s choir and band programs, which meet only twice a week. Several students entertained the Board with vocal songs, accompanied and directed by John Kruse, and several students performed instrumental songs, directed by Luella Cox. Mrs. Tedder invited everyone to enjoy Millicoma students’ artwork on display in the hallway outside the Community Room.
CBEA Business: Lynda Sanders reported that the CBEA would be helping with Dr. Seuss’s Read Across America event at the Coos Bay Library March 1. This is a very fun event. The schools are getting ready for Read Across America activities as well. Recognizing the upcoming Classified School Employees Week, Lynda thanked the classified staff for all their work. March 1 will be the first day of bargaining with the Board negotiations committee, which is made of Tom Bennett, Wally Hazen, and Dave Ford.
OSEA Business: Greg Stambaugh reviewed the prizes being given away this year in their annual raffle to raise money for scholarships. The drawing will take place at the March 12 Board meeting. Greg reviewed upcoming events, including the annual Education Rally on the steps of the State Capitol on Monday, February 19, and the OSEA Legislative Education Day at the State Capitol on Monday, March 12.
MHS Activities Report: Kate O’Donnell reported on events and activities at Marshfield, highlighting ASPIRE, Forecasting, a new bell schedule, sports, and forensics. Kate and Aaron Marineau won their way to compete in a forensics tournament in Boston, Massachusetts.
Revised CBSD Scholarship Committee Bylaws: Les Engle brought attention to the set of Bylaws included in the Board packets. There have been no major amendments since these were written. John Whitty provided legal assistance in making the revisions shown on the exhibit, which bring the Bylaws in line with current procedures. Committee membership was changed from the original 8 to as many as 25; there are currently about 20. Also appropriate changes were made in how members are appointed, etc. Les explained that the Scholarship Committee works with both pass-through donations for scholarships as well as endowment funds that go to Oregon Community Foundation. The revised Bylaws will be presented for second reading/approval at the March 12 Board meeting. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2007 Page 3
No one provided Public Input.
Board Member Activity/Committee Reports: Individual Board members shared information regarding school visits, committee meetings, etc., during the previous month. Donna Opitz re-iterated the Board’s invitation for anyone to attend the “Schools for the Future” meetings. She said it if important to go into the buildings and classrooms to get the real feeling.
Chairman Blom reminded the Board of OSBA’s Legislative Conference February 18- 19 in Salem and the Presidents’ Day Education Rally, sponsored by the Stand for Children organization, to be held on the Sate Capitol Steps in Salem on Monday, February 19, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
OSBA Spring Regional: All members of the Board plus Supt. Gray plan to attend the Spring Regional meeting March 20. They will meet at the District Office at 5:30 p.m. and carpool to Bandon.
NSBA Annual Convention: Chairman Blom said the Board would have representation at the NSBA Annual Convention in San Francisco April 14-17, 2007.
2006-07 Board Goals: The Board’s goals were in the Board packets for review.
Policies for Second Reading/Adoption:
Dr. Gray explained the few changes made to Revised Policy CCA – Organization Chart since its First Reading in January. The policy as presented reflects the current District organization. Donna Opitz moved to adopt Revised Policy CCA as presented. Wally Hazen seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Revised Policy GBED – Employment Required Drug Testing and Criminal History Verification: Dr. Gray clarified that the required drug testing would take place after a job offer has been made but before employment begins. This clarification was made as it was inaccurately reported in the newspaper. Other local school districts require pre-employment drug testing. If the candidate who is offered a job lives out-of-state, the drug test can be done in their area with the results sent to the District. Karen said she and Rod have checked into kits that could be in the District as a “first screening”; i.e., if the candidate tests positive using a test kit, then request a second test done by a lab. Don Blom moved adoption of Revised Policy GBED as presented. Tom Bennett seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2007 Page 4
New Policy GCBDE/GDBDE – Military Leave of Absence: Dr. Gray explained that there was no policy regarding military leave of absence, although temporary military duty is included in the bargaining agreement. This new policy reflects laws passed in 2006 regarding the obligations of the District and the rights of the employee. Wally Hazen made a motion, seconded by Donna Opitz, to adopt Policy GCBDE/GDBDE. There was a brief discussion regarding temporary military leave of absence as included in the bargaining agreements. A vote on the motion was taken, and it passed unanimously.
South Coast ESD Resolution Programs and Service Plan Resolution for 2007-08: This annual Resolution states that the ESD will provide services for the Adaptive Life Skills Program and the Mild and Moderate Orthopedic Program for the 2007-08 school year. The Service Plan Resolution is a result of HB 3184, which requires that ESD’s discuss their Service Plans with the Districts. Dr. Gray assured the Board they had that discussion at the last South Coast Superintendents’ meeting. Tom Bennett made a motion to approve the Resolution Programs and the Service Plan Resolution for 2007-08. Wally Hazen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Chairman Don Blom read Governor Kulongoski’s Proclamation declaring March 5-9, 2007 to be Classified School Employees Week. On behalf of the Board, Don thanked all of them for their dedication and hard work.
Proposed Budget Calendar: A proposed Budget Calendar for 2007-08 was presented to the Board. Wally Hazen moved to approve the calendar as presented. Donna Opitz seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Resolution 2007-17: This resolution accepts the $21,000 vocational grant received from Bandon Dunes and the $3,000 CCTI grant and appropriates the funds into the appropriate categories. Kathy Murray made a motion to approve Resolution 2007- 17. Wally Hazen seconded her motion, and it passed unanimously.
Schools for the Future Research Project: Donna Opitz said that she and Don Blom attended the OSBA Bonds & Ballots Workshop recently, along with Karen Gray and Rod Danielson. One important piece they came home with was to look at what the community will support. It is important to inform the community of what’s needed in our facilities. The presenters felt it was imperative that the District hire a professional research team to survey our community to provide us with some answers before moving forward with a bond. Donna explained that the District/Board will help put a survey together. The estimate to hire a professional research team for this project is between $10-15,000. She asked the Board to support that amount from the 2006-07 contingency fund.
Don Blom added a few other important pieces of information he came back with. The workshop included Lessons from November’s Winners, and they heard from REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2007 Page 5
Medford School District about their successful ballot measure. They encouraged us to “do the research and stick with the results from the survey.” He read several general statements made about the successful measures and agreed that hiring a research team to do a survey would be a worthy investment.
Donna Opitz made a motion to spend up to $15,000 to hire a professional research team to prepare and conduct a survey in our community and to provide the results to the District. Kathy Murray seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Duella Scott-Hull, Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction:
Assessment Series – Writing: Duella provided the results of the writing papers to those Board members who participated in the writing assignment. Luke Parrish and Jeff Clark, Marshfield teachers, graded the writing papers. Duella provided the Board with a Performance Standards Summary that showed the standards and reported that each of the Board members who turned in a writing sample met or exceeded the standards for the 10th grade. However, even though 4 of the 7 met or exceeded the standards, as a whole, they did not meet AYP because participation was not high enough.
Update on Graduation Requirements: Duella reviewed the new graduation diploma requirements approved by the State Board of Education as shown on an exhibit. The new requirements, which are in Math, Science, and the Arts/Second Languages/Professional Technical Ed, will have a financial impact on the District.
PDD Update: Duella provided a written recap of what each of the schools did on the half-day of professional development on February 2.
Mastery in Motion Demonstration: Duella asked Nancy Tedder to demonstrate the Mastery In Motion program, which was purchased through Title V funds. The program analyzes assessment information, which allows teachers to identify strengths and weaknesses of a student, a classroom, or a school. The program is easy to use and very organized. It’s easy and organized. Teacher Rick Edgar showed how he uses Mastery in Motion in his 5th grade class at Millicoma.
Lisa DeSalvio, Special Programs Director:
Child Count: Lisa DeSalvio brought attention to the chart included in the Board packet, Number of Students by Primary Disability. The chart showed that, in 2003-04, we had 15.72% or 607 students with disabilities; As of December 1, 2006, it was 18.5%, or 655 students. Lisa said that, if we go to common assessments, we will be able to focus on identifying students earlier and more accurately. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2007 Page 6
Rod Danielson, Business Manager:
Financial Report: Being slightly over halfway through the year, Rd said we are doing well for this time of the year. December 31st was the deadline to submit ADM for the 2nd quarter. Rod estimates that the District will continue to lose students for several years and then level off to about 3,200 students. He also believes, however, that we are getting towards the end of that decline.
Karen Gray – Superintendent:
Renew/Non-Renew, Extend/Non-Extend Licensed Staff Contracts: Karen provided “first blush” lists of those who contracts will be extended/non-extended and renewed/non-renewed. They will be finalized and presented to the Board for action at the March 12 meeting.
Laidlaw Scholarship Donation: Supt. Gray announced that Laidlaw gave the District a check for $2,000 to be used for high school scholarships.
School Closure Hours: Supt. Gray reminded the Board that we lost approximately 14 hours of class time due to school closures because of the snow. According to OAR 581-022-1620, we must provide a certain number of hours of instruction at the various school levels. She reviewed the instructional hours required by law versus hours provided and assured the Board that, at all levels, we are still well above the required hours. The administrative team agreed we should not add days back in because we are well within compliance of the law.
Education Enterprise Road Map: Dr. Gray asked the Board to read the executive summary included in the packet. It summarizes two much larger reports and provides a coordinated response to the findings and recommendations of the Gibson Consulting Group report entitled Efficiency Study of the Oregon System of ESDs (9/06) and the Annenberg Institute study entitled Better Supports for Better Oregon Schools (11/06).
OACOA Conference: Supt. Gray gave a brief report on the conference, which focused on leading and earning as well as focusing on improvement. Our Special Programs Director and Curriculum Director also attended the conference.
Community Fund Update: Supt. Gray said she has been working with Roger Gould on some of the necessary paperwork – the ID number, Articles of Incorporation, obtaining the name “Coos Bay Schools Community fund,” etc. The next step is to meet and review By-Laws.
2006-07 Superintendent Goals: The superintendent’s goals for the year were made available for review. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING February 12, 2007 Page 7
Chairman Blom brought attention to the Communications included in the Board packet. Included is a letter from Representative Arnie Roblan congratulating the Board on being recognized by OSBA for their outstanding performance.
There was no further business, and the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:42 p.m.
______Don Blom Mary Bjornerud Board Chairman Board/Superintendent Secretary