Article #1 Read the Article Titled After 5 Years in Iraq, Bush Says No End Is Sight

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Article #1 Read the Article Titled After 5 Years in Iraq, Bush Says No End Is Sight

Key Newspaper March, 2008 Questions

Article #1 -- Read the article titled “After 5 Years in Iraq, Bush Says No End Is Sight” 1. List five things President Bush said recently about the war in Iraq. ______2. On what occasion did he say these things?______3. Describe the reason President Bush gave for starting the war in March 2003?______4. How many American Troops remain in Iraq? ______5. What are the conditions that keep U.S. forces in Iraq? ______6. How many U.S. troops have died in Iraq? ______Does anyone know how many died in other wars like Vietnam, Korea and World War II?______7. What is the cost of this war for the United States people? ______

Article #2 – Read the article titled "Packers’ Brett Favre Retires” 1. What organization change happened at the Green Bay Packers football team? ______2. At a press conference in Green Bay, what was the reason he gave for his decision? ______3. List the quarterback records Brett Favre set during his career? ______4. True or False (circle one) - Favre said he would not miss the game and playing every Sunday. 5. How long did Brett Favre play for the Packers? ______6. What two traits did fans love about “gunslinger” quarterback Brett Favre? ______

Article #3 – Read the article titled “Aaron Rodgers is the New Packers’ Quarterback” 1. Who is expected to replace Brett Favre as quarterback for the Green Bay Packers? ______2. What experience does Rogers have? ______3. When did he join the Green Bay Packers team? ______4. How does he view his new responsibilities? ______

March 2008 Key Lesson Plans Page 2

Article #4 - Read the article titled “Keeping Good Tax Records” 1. What is important about April 15th and the Internal Revenue Service? ______2. What is one way to make your tax preparation easier? ______3. True or False (circle one). These records can be collected when you file on April 15th. 4. True or False (circle one). The IRS specifies how you should save these documents. 5. What kinds of records should be kept?______6. Where can you get more information? ______

Article #5 - Read the article titled “Milwaukee Bus Routes Cut – System has Fewer Riders, Higher Fares 1. What has happened to Milwaukee County Bus routes? ______2. What percent of riders have stopped using the bus from 2006 to 2007?______3. How does this compare nationwide?______4. List two possible reasons riders are not using the bus system. ______5. Who else is worried about the cut in bus service besides the riders? ______6. Is the outlook for more buses in Milwaukee County good? ______7. How does Milwaukee compare with fares in the nation and other big cities? ______8. How does the Milwaukee County Executive think Milwaukee bus service should survive if he does not want to raise taxes? ______9. If you were the head of the bus company, what would you do to get more people to ride the bus? ______

Article #6 - Take time and do the fun Word Find puzzle dealing with election-related terms.

Article #7– Read the article titled “Generic Drugs” 1. What is a “generic drug?” 2. Are generic drugs safe to use and who decides to give them to you? 3. Are the generic drugs as strong as brand names drugs? 4. Will they take longer to work in my body? 5. Are brand name drugs made in better factories? 6. List reasons why brand name drugs cost more than “generic drugs”. 7. Are there many “generic drugs” in use today? March 2008 Key Lesson Plans Page 3

8. True or False: Generic drugs look just like brand name drugs. 9. True or False: Generic drugs flood the market as soon as the brand name patent has run out. 10. List 5 resources that can provide you more information about generic drugs

Article #8- Read the article titled “Super Delegates Playing Important Role in Presidential Race” 1. What happened on March 4, 2008? What effect did this have on delegate selection in the Democratic party? 2. Describe the two kinds of delegates. 3. What influence does this have on the election of a Democratic candidate? 4. Describe the super delegates in Wisconsin. 5. How many delegates are needed to win the nomination; how many of them are super- delegates and how many delegates does Wisconsin have? 6. Is this statement True or False? Super delegates must commit their vote soon after their state’s primary. 7. If we define controversial as ‘causing a public discussion or argument about something being disagreed upon,’ would you say that the super delegate process is controversial right now? 8. Where and when will a big primary determine a lot of delegates? How many?

Article #9 - Read the story titled “Wisconsin Super Delegates Have Varied Backgrounds” 1. Who are Wisconsin’s 16 super delegates and why are they important? ______2. The Marquette University student, Jason Rae, said he is a normal student and a super delegate; who will he vote for?______3. List the super delegates and for whom they say they will vote. ______

Article #10 - Read the book review titled “Help, Help!” 1. List the author and illustrator and the year it was published. ______2. Is this a children’s picture book about friendship? ______3. Who are the main characters in the story? ______4. What is the main subject of this story? ______5. What special form of art does Holly Keller use for this book? ______6. If you want to read this book to your children, where should you look for it?______

Article #11 - Read the article titled “Wikipedia Offers On-Line Research Help” 1. What is Wikipedia? ______2. Is it an official encyclopedia? ______3. Who started Wikipedia and in what year did they go on-line? ______March 2008 Key Lesson Plans Page 4

4. Do experts in many fields write for Wikipedia? ______5. Could you make changes if you disagree with an article? ______6. How many articles are in Wikipedia today and how many languages? ______7. How much does Wikipedia cost to use? ______8. Should you use it for all your research papers? ______9. What is the internet address for Wikipedia? ______10. Explain in your own words why Wikipedia should not be your only source of research ______11. Extra Credit: Choose any topic that interests you. Go to the Internet. Go to Wikipedia. Is the topic of your choice in Wikipedia? What does it say?

Article 12 - Word Find Puzzle

Choose five new words in the Word Find Puzzle. Use a dictionary. Look up the definition of each word. Write a sentence for each word using correct grammar and punctuation. Key Newspaper March 2008 Answers

Article #1 - 1. (A) It is harder and has lasted longer than expected. (B) cost more than was planned. (C) that it is necessary and just and noble. (D) it will not end anytime soon.( E) he would do nothing now for we would lose any gains that have been made. 2. The 5th anniversary of the start of the Iraq war. 3. He claimed evidence that Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction. 4. 158,000, ne hundred fifty-eight thousand. 5. There is religious and ethnic violence and the Iraq government cannot run the country on its own. 6. In Iraq- 4,000; Vietnam- 58,000; Korea- 54,000; WWII- 300,000. 7. Estimates start at five hundred billion ($500,000,000) (thats half a trillion).

Article #2 - 1. Green Bay Quarterback Brett Favre announced he was retiring. 2. He said he had given everything, that he had nothing left to give; he no longer wanted to play. 3. His records are the following: the only 3-time Most Valuable Player (MVP); the most touchdown passes; the most pass attempts; the most passing yards; the most interceptions; the most completed passes; played 275 consecutive games. 4. False; he will miss it. 5. Sixteen seasons. 6. His strong arm and the joy he showed and shared after each of his touchdown passes.

Article #3 - 1. Quarterback Aaron Rodgers. 2. He played at the University of California where he was an All-Pacific 10 first-team selection; as starting quarterback at California, his record is 17 wines, 5 losses; in 3 seasons with the Packers, he has played in seven games. 3. He was a first-round draft pick in 2005. 4. He said he will step into a team that is established, that he will not be expected to carry a team that does not have a lot of talent.

Article #4 - 1. It is the deadline (last day) for filing and paying any taxes owed for the previous year to the government. 2. Keep good records about your financial activities. 3. False- you should collect them all year long. 4. False- you can save them any way you want, even in a shoe box, as long as they are available to support your taxable income reporting. March answers Page 2

5. Whatever justifies your tax filing- bills, credit card and other receipts, invoices, last year’s tax return, medical and dental expenses, donations to religious groups or charities, canceled checks or any other proof of payment, receipts for energy-saving home improvements. 6. The IRS at 1-800-829-3676

Article #5 - 1. There are fewer bus routes and fewer buses to ride in Milwaukee County each day. 2. Ridership dropped nine percent from 2006 to 2007. 3. Fewer people are riding the bus in Milwaukee County, the lowest level in 33 years. More people are riding the bus nationwide, ridership the highest in 49 years. 4. a.) Bus prices have increased up from $1.35 to $1.75 per person from 2001 to 2007. b.) Changes in the routes or routes have been eliminated. 5. Businesses and industries are worried that their workers who rely on the bus cannot get to their jobs especially those living in surrounding areas like Waukesha and Ozaukee Counties. 6. The situation could get worse, said the planning commission, who said new local or state money needs to be found to run the bus system. 7. The Milwaukee System has some of the highest fares in the country. 8. Milw.Cty. Executive Scott Walker refuses to raise local taxes for he believes that the state should increase what it pays for the system.

Article #6 - Check last page for answers, definitions can be good for discussion.

Article #7 – 1. It is a copy of a brand name drug. 2. Yes, they are safe according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who require they all are safe. Your pharmacist can decide to change the drug from a brand name to a generic one; you are often asked by the insurance companies to do this. 3. Yes, the FDA demands that they be just as strong, pure and stable as brand name drugs and of the same quality. Exceptions would be noted by your doctor. 4. No, they work the same way and in the same amount of time. 5. No. They must meet standards and the FDA will not let drugs be made in poor quality factories. The FDA inspects about 3,500 factories a year to meet standards. 6. (A) New drugs are protected from another manufacturer under a patent that protects the company that created the drug, did the research and marketing. They keep this special patent for 20 years. (B) Generic drugs do not have the same start-up cost (research and development) that the brand name has, so when they are near the time for the patent to be expired the generic companies apply to FDA to see the generic brand. (C) Once a generic drug is approved, many other companies start selling the drug and this keeps the price down. 7. Almost half of all prescriptions are filled with generic drugs. 8. False; the Generic drugs must use the same substances but their colors, flavors and some other inactive parts may be different. 9. False; not until they have been tested by the maker and approved by the FDA. 10. Contact your doctor, pharmacist, insurance company, the FDA Center for Drug Evaluations and Research, the FDA Office of Women’s Health. The last two have internet access.

Article# 8 - 1. Hillary Clinton won 2 large-state primary elections so that neither she nor Barack Obama can gain a decisive number of delegates in the remaining primary elections. March answers Page 3

2. (A) Most delegates at the convention must vote the same as the voters in their states. (B) Others, called super-delegates, can vote for any candidate. 3. Since Neither Senator Clinton nor Senator Obama can get enough regular delegates to win the nomination before the convention, then at the convention, the super delegates’ votes will decide who is to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States in the election in November, 2008. 4. Most are elected officials and Democratic party officials; in Wisconsin the governor, and 2 senators, plus some representatives. 5. Nation wide more than 2,000 delegates are needed to win the nomination; that includes 796 super delegates. Wisconsin has 16 super delegates. 6. False: they can change their mind whenever and not commit until they vote at the convention. 7. Yes, for it is possible, if the super-delegates vote that way, that a candidate is selected who did not receive a majority of the popular vote. 8. Pennsylvania on April 22 with 158 delegates to award.

Article #9 - 1. Some are familiar and we will meet them in later questions but they are important decision makers as to who will get the Democratic nomination for president. 2. Obama. 3. FOR BARACK OBAMA (9): Governor Jim Doyle; Rep. Gwen Moore; Rep. David Obey; Rep. Steve Kagen; Rep. Ron Kind; state party Chairman Joe Wineke; Party officials Stan Gruszynski, Jason Rae and Melissa Schroeder. FOR HILLARY CLINTON (2): Rep. Tammy Baldwin; party official Tim Sullivan. NO endorsement: Senator Herb Kohl; Sen. Russ Feingold; State Senator Lena Taylor, the party’s vice-chairperson; party officials Paula Zeller and Awais Khaleel.

Article #10 - 1. Holly Keller, author and illustrator; 2008. 2. Yes. 3. Snake, mouse, hedgehog, skunk, squirrel, and rabbit. 4. Gossip and repeating what is not true. 5. She used collographs which are printed collages, paper cut and pasted into different forms. 6. You can find books at the Public Libraries near you.

Article #11 – 1. Wikipedia is a reference tool found on-line, an encyclopedia of shared knowledge. 2. It is a good reference point and is used throughout the world. 3. Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger started Wikipedia in January 2001. 4. Yes, experts from around the world contribute articles by placing them on the web-site. 5. If you disagree with information, you can make changes on the site. 6. There now over two million articles in many, many languages. 7. Wikipedia use is free. 8. Use it as a starting point for information for your research projects; always give credit when using a reference such as Wikipedia. 9.

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