Lesson Subject: Reading Date: Aug.30 to Sept. 3 Teacher: 3rd Grade The Lost and Found AZ Standard: Materials: textbook- The Lost and Found ( 3rd story) H.M. Transp.1- S2C1PO3 Sequence a series of events in a literary selection. 22, Workbooks, A story called Fun in the Snow (which will be provided), leveled readers

Content Objectives: Language Objectives SW sequence events in a story by completing a graphic organizer, and SW read a story and write a short summary retelling the important writing a short summary. events in the correct order.

Key Vocabulary: sequence of events, summary, characters, setting, plot Grouping: Whole/small/ pair Extensions/Interventions: TW work with students who need help and will read and complete organizer together.

Anticipatory Set: Remind students about Cliff Hanger and how one thing lead to another, like Gritz followed the ladies, then the ladies left him in the mountain, later Axel had to climb the mountain to get Gritz, etc. Let them know that all of those events happened in sequence, one event lead to the other and in order. Let them know that that's what sequence of events means, and in this story (The Lost and Found) they will be focusing on the sequence of events. Lesson Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Presentati on /Meaningful Activities Direct TW model sequencing Review what sequence of Review what sequence of Instruction: I events by using Cliff events means, and show events means, and talk Hanger details and students how sequence about stories they've read Houghton Mifflin Do writing them on the helps to summarize the and how they were able sequence of events test board. Students may story.. With students' to sequence them by help give out important input TW write on the looking at the order details in order. TW board some of the order words. introduce order words: words that can help figure just then, a moment later, out the order of events. after, etc. see TE pg 121A Guide Practice: As a class begin reading Working in small groups, Working with partners SW read the leveled We Do The Lost and Found pg SW get an envelope with or small group SW read reader books (see pg 94-115. Using Transp. 1- the story's summary cut workbook page 50, and 121B for appropriate 22 and WB pg 48, in small pieces, as a complete sequence of books) and will write a complete first 3 events group they will have to events on page 51. short summary by together. read and organize the sequencing the story. story in the right order.

Individual SW complete the Using the already SW read Fun in the SW write a short Practice: You remaining 2 events with summary in order, SW Snow individually and summary for their leveled their partners. rewrite the summary in answer the sequencing reader. do their own words. and comprehension questions.

Closure: As a class, some SW share summary with SW share summary with students will share their class. class/small group. response for the last events.

Assessment: Closure: . If students score 4/5- on H. M. test = mastery, if they don’t we’ll have to use the reteach section at the end of the TE book