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The undersigned parties, Mr. ROBERTO PORTELA VERGARA of the full legal age, domiciled in the city of Bogota, identified with citizenship card No. 19.353.736 of Bogota, Rector in charge appointed to exercise its statutory powers by the University Council Resolution No 056 of 28 November 2013 and Legal representative of the DISTRICT UNIVERSITY FRANCISCO JOSE DE CALDAS, autonomous academic body with Tax Identification Number 899999230-7, created by the Resolution 10 of 5 February 1948 issued by the Council of Bogota, located at Carrera 7 No. 40-53 Bogota D.C.- Second institution´s coat of arms

Colombia, hereinafter called UDFJC, of the one part, and Mr./Ms. XXXXXXXXXXXX identified with national identity card No. XXXXXX issued in City, Rector appointed by the Resolution XXXXXX and Legal representative of the UNIVERSITY XXXXXXXX located in City-Country, which is a Higher Education Institution with Tax Identification Number XXXX, hereinafter called ACRONYM, of the other part, have agreed to sign the present Academic Cooperation Framework Agreement upon the following considerations:1) Both entities consider of common interest to promote cooperation and collaboration for scientific and technological development, seeking a practical application of knowledge for the benefit of society. 2) Both institutions want to sign a framework cooperation agreement that will manage and regulate their relations by eventual signing of specific agreements that allow the joint implementation of academic, scientific and Second institution´s coat of arms

technological programs, projects and events in different areas of common interest. 3) Cooperation and coordination are beneficial to both institutions, and the integration of resources leads to higher quality, coverage, efficiency and reduces costs in the fulfillment of common goals. 4) Subject to the recitals above, the Parties agree to sign the present Cooperation Framework Agreement under the following clauses:

CLAUSE ONE - PURPOSE: The purpose of the present Agreement is to regulate the cooperation between the UDFJC and the ACRONYM in scientific, cultural, educational and student´s fields as well as in pedagogical and administrative technical fields to enable the development of research, educational and extension programs, and organization of academic events in areas of interest. Second institution´s coat of arms

CLAUSE TWO - ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS: The aim of the present Agreement is to carry out jointly activities and projects in all sorts of topics of common interest. These activities may include but are not limited to: 1. Developing joint research projects. 2. Promoting academic mobility of students and teachers. 3. Organization of academic events. 4. Exchange of publications, researches and any instructional materials that are of interest, as well as co-publications with domestic or foreign publishing houses of institutional and commercial fields. 5. Developing and managing specific projects of mutual interest through international cooperation agencies and involving external funding, if possible. Second institution´s coat of arms

6. Other types of collaboration of mutual interest.

CLAUSE THREE - IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES: The implementation of each activity under the purpose, which is forbidden to be changed, shall be regulated by Specific Agreements signed by the Parties’ legal representatives, forming an integral part of the present Agreement and remaining in force within the term of the present Agreement.

CLAUSE FOUR - COORDINATING COMMITTEE: In order to monitor the Agreement, a Coordinating Committee will be formed by heads of international or inter-institutional relations of each institution and a teacher or a staff member with expertise in the area of specific activities to carry out. Second institution´s coat of arms

In compliance with this Academic Cooperation Framework Agreement the Coordinating Committee shall develop following functions: a) to develop and approve the activities undertaken in the framework of this Agreement b) to establish the methodology and techniques to be used within the implementation of specific agreements c) to prepare the general terms of the specific agreements d) to conduct periodic evaluations of the Agreement development e) to report in a timely manner any abnormality affecting the development of the Agreement.

CLAUSE FIVE - DURATION: The present Agreement is valid for five (5) years from the moment of its signing, however, the Parties may extend or terminate the Agreement in case of mutual consent upon evaluation of the outcome of the Agreement within thirty (30) days prior to its termination. Second institution´s coat of arms

CLAUSE SIX - VALUE: The present Agreement has neither value, whereas it is a simple academic cooperation and does not commit budgetary resources of the involved institutions. However, the Parties are free to decide on the availability of budget allocations according to the specific agreements concluded for each of the approved projects and studies.

CLAUSE SEVEN – LEGAL STATUS: The present Agreement does not create a new legal entity and is governed essentially by the following rules: a) each party is responsible only for the obligations defined by this Agreement, and in no time can be preached solidarity. b) goods of any nature using by each of the Parties for implementation of the Agreement will remain their property. c) resources or products generated in the development of the Agreement, shall be distributed among the Parties in the way indicated in each specific agreement. Second institution´s coat of arms

CLAUSE EIGHT - GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION: This Agreement may be terminated for the following reasons: 1) Failure of either party to fulfill any agreed commitment that is not corrected within thirty (30) days following the date when the affected party notifies in writing the other about non- compliance. 2) By mutual agreement in writing between the Parties. 3) Expiration of execution term. 4) Inability to develop the purpose of the Agreement. 5) Other grounds relating to such agreements specified in the Act.

CLAUSE NINE - INSTITUTIONAL INDIVIDUALITY: In all cases the Parties keep the individuality and autonomy of their administrative and academic technical structures and particularly assume their responsibilities with the possibility to make agreements with other institutions for similar purposes. Second institution´s coat of arms

CLAUSE TEN - PRINCIPLES: The UDFJC and the ACRONYM act at any time in accordance with good faith and efficiency for successful results of the cooperation.

CLAUSE ELEVEN - DIRECT AGREEMENT: In the case of differences between the Parties in the framework of this Agreement, they will seek for dispute settlement mechanisms such as direct negotiation or conciliation. For this purpose the Parties have a period of sixty (60) working days from the date of the request made by one of the Parties in this regard. This term may be extended by mutual written agreement. Second institution´s coat of arms

CLAUSE TWELVE - CONFLICT RESOLUTION: The Parties acknowledge that the present Agreement is based on good faith and shall strive for a due implementation. In case of disagreement the Parties agree to resolve differences that may arise, directly and voluntarily; it is Legal Representatives of each Entity who undertake to resolve arisen conflicts. Anyway the Parties will seek flexible and direct solutions, preferably using direct solution mechanisms, such as extrajudicial conciliation, amicable settlement and transaction; prior authorizations may be required.

CLAUSE THIRTEEN - ASSIGNMENT: The present Agreement may not be assigned in whole or in part by the UDFJC without prior written consent of the ACRONYM and vice versa; this clause is valid as well for agreements or contracts resulting from the implementation of the Agreement. Second institution´s coat of arms

CLAUSE FOURTEEN - LEGAL CAPACITY, DISQUALIFICATIONS AND INCOMPATIBILITIES: The Parties declare, with signatures of the Agreement, to be in a legal capacity for its concluding and not to be under conditions of incapacity or incompatibility specified in the Act

CLAUSE FIFTEEN - EMPLOYMENT: Any party or persons participating in the implementation of the present Agreement cannot be involved in other employment relationship.

CLAUSE SIXTEEN - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND USE OF INFORMATION: The information that is required to advance the Agreement and resulting from the cooperation has legal production of laws 23 of 1862, 44 of 1993, Decree 460 of 1995 and other supplementary provisions. The undersigned parties are the only owners of the copyright. The data and information shall be used only Second institution´s coat of arms

for the purposes of the Agreement and cannot be reproduced, sold or ceded to third parties without prior authorization from the entity that created the information. The use of information requires recognition of claims relating to the Parties in all reports and publications that are made as a result of this Agreement. In the case of UDFJC, the laws of Colombia and the Agreement 04, 2012 of the University Council, and norms modifying, completing or repealing it shall be applied.

CLAUSE SEVENTEEN - AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS: The following documents make an integral part of this Agreement: 1) Minutes signed between the UDFJC and the ACRONYM for developing this Agreement. 2) Operational work plans for the implementation of specific agreements, duly approved by the Coordinating Committee. 3) Schedule of Activities. 4) Documents arising from the implementation of contractual activities of the present Agreement. 5) Correspondence between the Second institution´s coat of arms

Parties during the implementation of this Agreement. 6) Agreements and / or Specific Contract signed in compliance with the purpose of the present Agreement.

CLAUSE EIGHTEEN - CHANGES: During the term of the present Agreement the Parties may modify any of its articles by mutual consent in a writing signed amendment to the Agreement. This amendment will form an integral part hereof.

CLAUSE NINETEEN - CONTRACT ADDRESS: For all legal effects, the contract address of the present Agreement is the city of Bogota D.C., Colombia and City and Country. Second institution´s coat of arms

CLAUSE TWENTY - PUBLICATION: The undersigned institutions undertake to include, in the relevant sections of its official Web portal, direct links to Web pages of the other party of the Agreement, as well as contact details of the person responsible for the management and Agreement document available for download in PDF format.

CLAUSE TWENTY-ONE - TOTAL UNDERSTANDING: The Parties know, understand and accept each and every stipulation of the present document and acknowledge it with signatures:




Place: Bogotá – Colombia Place: City-Country Second institution´s coat of arms

Date: Date:

Name Job title Signature Approved: Legal Officer Checked: Wilson Vargas Rectory Counselor Prepared: Alexis Ortiz CERI Director Second institution´s coat of arms


WORK TEAM Contact details DISTRICT UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY XXXXXX Second institution´s coat of arms

ALEXIS ADAMY ORTIZ MORALES Center for Inter-Institutional Relations Director Email: [email protected] Tel.: (57-1) 3239300 Ex. 2005 Fax: (57-1) 3402973 Mobile: (57) 3115093591 Carrera 7 No. 40 – 53, 3 Floor Bogotá, Colombia. Center for Inter-Institutional Relations Web Site: Second institution´s coat of arms

Manager (academic staff) Manager (academic staff) Name Name Program – Faculty Program – Faculty Email Email Tel. Tel. Address Address