Wiltshire Banding Thresholds and Guidance

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Wiltshire Banding Thresholds and Guidance

Wiltshire Banding Thresholds and Guidance

Cognition and Learning 0 1 2 3 4 The criteria for band 0 has been exceeded The criteria for band 1 has been exceeded The criteria for band 2 has been exceeded The criteria for band 3 has been exceeded

CYP has is making insufficient progress & is CYP has identified learning disabilities and CYP can progress within a smaller group with CYP can progress within smaller or CYP can progress within smaller or going through assessment has an EHCP good interventions, but needs additional help specialised groups with good interventions, specialised groups with good interventions, in larger classes or activities. but needs constant to regular help in larger and in one to one situations. The CYP can progress in mainstream with With appropriate interventions the CYP can classes or activities. timely and appropriate interventions. (This progress in classes but may need regular In the GRSS documentation your assessment In the GRSS documentation your assessment may involve some small group work) differentiated activities classes and activities. used mostly “frequent” & and some In the GRSS documentation your assessment used mostly “Specialist” & and some “specialist” descriptors used mostly “frequent” & and significant “frequent” descriptors In the GRSS documentation your assessment In the GRSS documentation your assessment “specialist” descriptors used the “occasional” & some “frequent” used the “occasional” & but often the The CYP; The CYP; descriptors. “frequent” descriptors.  has severe learning difficulties The CYP;  has very limited understanding of  communicates using limited range of  has severe or profound and multiple language and very limited expressive The CYP experiences low level/low frequency The CYP signs and gestures and some key words learning difficulties communication difficulties with:  has moderate to severe learning  has little or no understanding of social  uses facial gestures, eye gaze and  has profound and multiple learning  one aspect of learning e.g. written difficulties reciprocation. A recognition of the need for body movements to communicate feelings difficulties communication, verbal communication,  is working outside of the programme of social interaction may be yet to develop. and needs  has additional needs in one or more numbers study for their key stage in all core  Has continuing emotional, social and  is often socially isolated; no other area e.g. ASD, PD, sensory and  appreciating instruction subjects (English, maths, science) behavioural difficulties associated with the understanding of social reciprocation may have complex medical needs  tackling new concepts  Can communicates using spoken primary need that would be expected to  requires frequent to constant  requires individual supervision within  dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia &/or language, sometimes using a range of lessen over time as the learning needs are supervision to ensure safety and to playground and to move around school Irlens signs, gesture as well as words met. support vulnerability – no understanding of site  Looks for social interaction with peers as  Requires a high level of support to risks relating to social, environmental and  is unable to understand and manage  The CYP is falling behind the average well as adults. Can maintain simple scaffold thinking. physical issues risks within the school environment relationships with guidance range for attainment and progress for age  My require essential and ongoing support  requires 1:1 assistance in relation to  may have additional complex health May have SEMH difficulties associated related expectations  and monitoring for healthcare procedures additional needs such as severe sensory needs with the primary need that would be loss, complex medical condition which is identified in a Health Care Plan, e.g.  The learning range is in the bottom expected to abate as the learning needs respiratory care, frequent seizures. potentially life threatening. are met. quartile of SS scores below 65.  Is able to benefit from time limited  have very limited understanding of May require essential and ongoing  inclusion in mainstream with support language and very limited expressive There is coexistence of secondary needs. support and monitoring for healthcare communication  Requires small group with individual procedures identified in a HC plan, e.g. support  have additional needs in one or more respiratory care, occasional seizures other area e.g. ASD, PD, sensory Is operating at a level significantly below  Is able to benefit from an inclusive  expected outcomes and there is evidence  learning may be inconsistent or approach to the mainstream curriculum of an increasing gap between them and incomplete. with support their peers  Progress may be limited with  There are clear problems with concept  Has progress that is at a very slow rate standardised assessments 65 -75 in a development and logical thought. Additional support is required to ensure specific area of learning.  Just below the average range for progress and/or access the curriculum attainment with SS 75-85 There may be coexistence of secondary  Moderate difficulties with concept needs.  has difficulties with the pace of delivery development and logical thought which and needs help to appreciate instructions limits access to the curriculum. and how to prioritise/organise work  Below average range for attainment with SS 65-75 There may be coexistence of secondary needs. There may be coexistence of secondary needs.

1 Communication and Interaction (including ASC) 0 1 2 3 4 The criteria for band 0 has been exceeded The criteria for band 1 has been exceeded The criteria for band 2 has been exceeded The criteria for band 3 has been exceeded

CYP has identified needs & is going through The CYP has identified ASD or The CYP has identified ASD or The CYP has identified ASD or The CYP has identified ASD or assessment or identified as having ASD or Communication & Interaction difficulties which Communication & Interaction difficulties which Communication & Interaction difficulties which Communication & Interaction difficulties which SLCN require additional specific provision & require additional specific provision & require additional specific provision & require additional specific provision & specialist advice and an EHCP specialist advice and an EHCP specialist advice and an EHCP specialist advice and an EHCP In the Graduated Response documentation your assessment used the “occasional” & In the GRSS documentation your assessment In the GRSS documentation your assessment In the GRSS documentation your assessment In the GRSS documentation your assessment some “frequent” descriptors used some “occasional”, significant use of used mostly “frequent” & “specialist” used mostly “frequent” & “specialist” used mostly “specialist” and some “frequent” “frequent” & some “specialist” descriptors descriptors descriptors. descriptors. The CYP may:  Need help developing communication, The CYP: The CYP: The CYP The CYP: social, emotional & organisational skills.  Finds it difficult to understand & use  is operating at a level significantly  presents with a range of issues and an  React differently to emotions language in terms of meaning and/ or  Has limited language and communication & below accumulation of layered needs structure is often anxious or in need of frequent expected outcomes and there is  Need strong routines & boundaries to  experiences significant, complex persistent reassurance evidence of an increasing gap between stay engaged  Struggles to understand and use concepts and enduring learning difficulties and vocabulary outside of the everyday  Has limited ability to manage & express them and their peers  need help developing & maintaining  may have a medical condition and/or context thoughts, opinions or emotions in  has significant and enduring communication & language skills physical or sensory difficulties. appropriate or socially acceptable difficulties with concept development and particularly in noisy/overstimulating  Finds it hard making themselves understood  may have associated behaviour difficulties logical thought environments because of poor speech intelligibility  Is dependent on a specialist environment including attention, oppositional or with specific support systems such as visual  is well below average range for  Be very self-contained  Struggles with understanding social authority difficulties interactions & friendships including timetables attainment with SS 65 and below  Makes limited eye contact  exhibits violent behaviour on a daily basis difficulties interpreting other people’s  Requires specialist intervention & a (equivalent to first  requires individual supervision within  Have a series of sounds or words behaviour, & intentions managed environment to cope with  percentile or below) or playground and social times which, while not in common use, are  Frequently experiences high levels of communicative demands, and/or change &  Has a very skewed profile of progress understandable by others  is involved in daily incidents which may anxiety coping with the demands of the transitions during the school day and achievement showing great require physical intervention.  Struggle to move on from an activity school day  Exhibits a range of rigid or obsessional strengths in some areas and significant displays persistently anxious and or seek repetitive acts  Can participate in most aspects of the day behaviours & needs structure across the weaknesses in others.  unpredictable behaviour to the extent  React to low level sensory likes or but has difficulties in following instructions, whole curriculum  has some complexity of other needs where they must follow highly structured dislikes e.g. high noises, certain smells classroom routines & maintaining attention  May have hypersensitivity & is easily  has significant difficulties with and personalised learning programmes.  Have a tendency to follow their own to task distracted requiring environments with lower organisational skills and independent  displays significant and repeated habitual agenda rather than that of the class  Has a set of words or sounds to express stimulus learning behaviours that need help and on-going  Need “safe” places to sit, work or eat him/herself, but these are only understood  Communicates using limited speech  Self-esteem may have suffered and intervention to break the pattern. Looks to others to support decision by a very limited number of people and only sounds, words, signs, gestures & use of behaviour problems linked to frustration   is unable to develop appropriate making elicited reluctantly low-tech communication aids may have resulted.  Displays strong pre-occupations & needs  Potentially has other SEN or mental relationships with others without specialist  Enjoys and engages in some positive  There are learnt/ingrained behaviours support. support or preparing for changes in routines. wellbeing concerns which are being exacerbated, reinforced activities  is unable to recognise social,  Needs support managing & developing their  Is able to benefit from structured inclusion in or maintained by the ASD profile.  With help may gain skills and strategies to environmental and physical risks. reactions & behaviour when anxious or mainstream with support and a high level of  Can often become aggressive or manage the difficulties identified.  Has low self-esteem that often results in distressed differentiation angry when conflicts of ideas, thoughts  Need adults to simplify language used or defensive or aggressive reactions and  Does not notice or follow social cues from  Has shown limited progress with band 1 or concepts are too complex, over provide visual support/adapted activities. behaviours which could be associated with other children powering or conflict with the CYPs  Need support to produce written work ASD or SEMH  Will avoid eye contact or direct interaction appreciation of the situation. responds to anxiety and small changes  Have some difficulty sharing their ideas by  has limited functional communication  talking.  Is making limited progress within band 0 with unpredictable, prolonged and sudden support, but can benefit from a inclusive  be involved in incidents which may outbursts that jeopardizes the health and environment with appropriate differentiation require physical intervention. safety of self and others. and support  Requires frequent to regular  experiences profound, complex lifelong interventions by Senior Leadership learning difficulties, and will require The CYPs ASD/SLCN could co-exist with Team. specialised provision, with personalised other secondary needs.  Sometimes display significant and programmes of support delivered by staff unpredictable distress that requires with a high level of expertise have

2 regular immediate intervention. extremely limited expressive  Requires specialist planned communication personalised and prolonged intervention to manage anxiety about change and transitions during the school day.  unable to develop appropriate relationships with others without support

3 Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs 0 1 2 3 4 The criteria for band 0 has been exceeded The criteria for band 1 has been exceeded The criteria for band 2 has been exceeded The criteria for band 3 has been exceeded

CYP has identified attachment or SEMH CYP has identified attachment or SEMH CYP can progress within a smaller group with CYP mostly needs small classes and or CYP mostly need small classes and or needs & is going through assessment needs & has an EHCP. With appropriate good interventions, but needs additional help supported activities. supported activities. interventions the CYP can progress in some in larger classes or activities. The CYP can progress in mainstream with classes, but may need regular smaller classes Where interventions are not embedded the Where interventions are embedded the pupil timely and appropriate interventions. and activities. In the GRSS documentation your assessment pupil may continue to exhibit emotional and may continue to exhibit emotional and used mostly “frequent” & and some disruptive incidents. Where interventions are disruptive incidents. In the GRSS documentation your assessment In the GRSS documentation your assessment “specialist” descriptors embedded the pupil may continue to exhibit used the “occasional” & some “frequent” used the “occasional” & but more often the emotional and disruptive incidents at times of In the GRSS documentation your assessment descriptors. “frequent” descriptors. CYP may: pressure. used mostly “specialist” with some “frequent”  be involved in regular incidents. Where s/he descriptors The CYP experiences low level/low frequency CYP may: deliberately chooses to express physical In the GRSS documentation your assessment difficulties with:  require support to interact aggression which requires specific used mostly “frequent” & “specialist” The CYP:  following classroom routines appropriately in unstructured times intervention descriptors  is unable or unwilling to manage their own  complying with adult direction  be withdrawn, timid and in need of nurture  have additional complex mental health behaviour and/or reflect on the across the curriculum needs which impacts on their learning or consequences for others  responding appropriately to social situations The CYP: show anxiety, distress or challenging social interaction and which requires  exhibits violence on a daily basis  forming and sustaining relationships with   is involved in frequent (daily) incidents. behaviour which requires access to a additional staff interventions  requires individual supervision within peers Where s/he deliberately chooses to specialist environment for more than half  target other children and/or staff, often with playground and social times express physical violence which requires of the school day limited understanding of the consequences These may be linked to events in their life specific intervention  is involved in persistent and continuous occasionally refuse to go to school of their behaviour on others which have a temporary or irregular impact on   may have mental health needs with incidents which may require physical the child.  regularly refuses to go to school intervention (more than once a day)  May have learning difficulties or delays in concerns around mental health e.g. self- progress associated with the primary  engage in self-harm and activities which harm, irrational fears, risk-taking, and  requires frequent interventions by Senior The CYP may: need that would be expected, with deliberately put him/her in dangerous substance misuse. which impacts on their Leadership Team (several times a day,  have immature social/emotional skills e.g. appropriate support, to abate as the situations learning or social interaction every day) difficulties with turn-taking, reciprocal SEMH needs are met  have imbedded habits that inhibit learning  targets other children and/or staff, with  is mostly absent or not able to school attention, sharing resources, etc.  struggle with self-regulating emotion or be and progression limited understanding of the  persistently sabotages and disrupts  be socially isolated e.g. tends to be alone full of strong feelings that have no outlet  have approaches to situations that are consequences of their behaviour on teaching groups to the extent where they and has low-level anxiety in social situations resulting in inappropriate language or disruptive to the learning of others and others must follow highly structured,  have low self-esteem which can result in frequent angry, emotional or aggressive leads to frequent conflict with staff.  frequently refuses to go to school personalised learning programmes outbursts, sexualised language, anxiety, low level bullying, attention seeking or  Once interventions are in place, require  displays prolonged, targeted, mood swings, and unpredictable  engages in self-harm and activities which withdrawal. occasional interventions by Senior/specific unpredictable, explosive behaviour behaviour, which affect relationships and deliberately put him/her in dangerous  Have difficult family experiences that are staff resulting in frequent assaults learning situations hard to leave outside the classroom significantly and repeatedly self-harms  regularly fail to engage with appropriate  has daily incidences of non-compliant and  The CYP experiences significant, frequent such that intervention is frequently learning tasks – would be ‘off task’ for uncooperative behaviour which are long- difficulties: required much of the time unless supported lasting and frequent e.g. refusals to work,  with regular incidences of non- defiance, leaving classroom/school site on experiences prolonged and sudden  struggle with appropriate learning  compliant and uncooperative behaviour a regular basis. outbursts of behaviour that jeopardizes behaviour e.g. sustaining attention and which are long-lasting and frequent e.g.  require regular interventions by Senior the health and safety of self and others concentration, motivation to engage with refusals to work, defiance, leaving Leadership Team  has a profile of sexualised behaviour that work-related tasks classroom/school site on a regular basis.  Has limited ability to self-regulate intense requires constant supervision  often challenges rules and shows  With self-regulating e.g. intense emotional with aggressive outbursts,  has additional, complex mental health or persistent resistance to adult intervention emotional or aggressive outbursts, uninhibited unpredictable outbursts, learning needs which require daily to help them manage their behaviour uninhibited unpredictable outbursts, inappropriate sexualised behaviour, high intervention without supportive interventions inappropriate sexualised behaviour, high levels of anxiety, hyper-vigilance, mood  have significant self-esteem issues levels of anxiety, hyper-vigilance, mood swings, difficulties with social affecting relationships and behaviour swings, or difficulties with social relationships. patterns (‘acting in’ or ‘acting out’) relationships.  Regularly and sometimes frequently  struggle socialising with peers and adults  Often or regularly approaches approaches situations in ways which e.g. lack of empathy, victim or perpetrator situations in ways which cause a causes a significant barrier to learning of bullying significant barrier to learning e.g. e.g. disengaging, destroying own/others’ disengaging, destroying own/others’ work,  often show low mood or refuse to work, use work avoidance strategies, use work avoidance strategies, often with communicate for periods of time often with limited concentration.

4  have difficult relationships with adults in limited concentration. authority  increasing concerns around mental The CYP’s SEMH needs may co-exist with  need time to discuss feelings and health e.g. self-harm, irrational fears, risk- other learning needs experiences before learning can start taking, and substance misuse.  sometimes particular activities or The CYP’s SEMH needs may co-exist with adults/CYP will trigger difficult emotions other learning needs that need to be responded to at the time.  sometimes approaches situations in ways which causes a barrier to learning such as disengaging, destroying own/others’ work, use work avoidance strategies, often with limited concentration.

The CYP’s SEMH needs may co-exist with other learning needs. Physical and Medical Needs 0 1 2 3 4 The criteria for band 0 has been exceeded The criteria for band 1 has been exceeded The criteria for band 2 has been exceeded The criteria for band 3 has been exceeded

The CYP experiences needs which are The CYP has an EHCP. With appropriate CYP can progress within a smaller group with The CYP has significant primary needs which The CYP will experience significant, complex managed well in a mainstream class interventions the CYP can progress in classes good interventions, but needs greater help in impact on progress requiring Long term persistent and enduring difficulties but may need regular differentiated activities larger classes or activities. involvement of educational and non- acknowledged through and EHCP The CYP may; classes and activities. educational  Have some lack of control or In the GRSS documentation your assessment professionals as part of a EHCP May require a complex funding package precision around fine and/or gross motor In the GRSS documentation your assessment used mostly “frequent” & and some skills are developing at a slower pace than used the “occasional” & but often the “specialist” descriptors May require an integrated funding package. The CYP; his/her peers. “frequent” descriptors  presents with a range of issues and May require funding from more than one The CYP:  appear clumsy, poorly co-ordinated an accumulation of layered needs, which The CYP may: source. and lack strength.  has a medical condition that impacts could include mental health, relationships,  Experience fine and gross motor on personal hygiene (catheter, colostomy physical, medical, sensory,  have minor difficulties with daily living difficulties and whose physical condition The CYP may; bags) communication & cognition skills such as dressing, personal care, varies from day to day.  have moderate difficulties with fine eating and drinking.  has physical or medical needs which  needs constant support to access  experience a physical difficulty and gross motor movement. require active management by adults to curriculum  have mobility affected by fatigue recording their work.  be highly reliant on adults for support keep them safe and able to access  needs adaptations to the  have verbal communication affected  experience difficulties with their core in moving, positioning, personal care education environment. e.g. use of a hygiene suite by physical causes. stability  have some independent mobility e.g.  needs which make them reliant on and hoist have a long term medical condition   have mobility that is moderately assistance with transfers, use a power adults for moving, positioning, personal  needs bespoke modifications to that is self-managed and not life limiting impaired and experiences difficulties on chair care including eating and drinking e.g. postural equipment following the advice of (dependent on age). stairs and with spatial orientation and  have a physical disability that creates require hoisting NHS colleagues. be visually different, which may lead to  whose movements are unsteady in communication difficulties  has a physical disability that creates  where palliative care needs to be low self-esteem or vulnerability to crowded areas and on uneven ground.  unable to negotiate steps and stairs severe communication difficulties balanced against school attendance bullying, this may not be associated with a  have an unpredictable long term  has a communication aid which need physical impairment.  unstable when sitting on standard  be reliant on 1 or more adults for condition which sometimes affects their chairs or on floor significant engagement from the positioning, movement, personal care  independent use a mobility aid to ability to access normal activities. They communicant including eating and drinking e.g. require overcome their physical difficulties e.g.  be able to reposition self when seated may experience fluctuating levels of pain  needs adult support to access learning hoisting, gastrostomy walking frame, power chair. and their school attendance may be  be unable to independently manage and social interaction  be complex communication aid users e.g.  need to use a technological or supportive affected. transfers and personal care including  is unable to walk more than a few steps Tellus/Dynavox lo-tech communication aid occasionally  fail to make age related expected toileting, eating and drinking , e.g. cutting up food, wiping own nose with aids or may be dependent on adults  need individual specialist adult support to to support verbal communication progress because of their physical for mobility access learning and social  have a medical condition that requires limitations.  have restricted fine motor skills, e.g.  is unstable when seated Pupils may have severe medical needs regular medication and/or management  A child whose speech production is unreadable mark making; unable to use  scissors or do/undo buttons, but with  is unable to move by his or herself for e.g. unstable epilepsy which is self-managed, but requires class affected by breath control or impaired for appropriate low or high technology can positioning, transfers, personal care and school appreciation and staff physical reasons and finds it difficult to  Cannot benefit from a mainstream participate in class tasks including eating and drinking, toileting (MDSA, class teacher and TA) make themselves understood or finds it environment awareness. too tiring to repeat themselves.  have communication aids which are  is unable to feed self, may be unable to mostly self-managing or can be chew food or take food orally.

5  need some assistance with personal appreciated and understood by other  Has very limited fine motor skills e.g. is care, positioning or getting around. children and staff relatively easily unable to: mark make; wipe own nose; lift  have some independent mobility e.g.  unable to do tasks that require a drink to mouth; grip clothing to readjust independent transfers, good use of self- strength, e.g. screw/unscrew it; do/undo buttons; turn over pages of a propelled or powered mobility aid  have a skill level that fluctuates book significantly or deteriorates during the day  Is only able to complete simple motor The CYPs Physical disability/medical needs  be able to complete simple fine motor tasks if given a significant amount of time could co-exist with other secondary learning tasks with additional time compared to age e.g. touch single button switch(longer than needs but are still within an the range for group 2 seconds or may miss button on first his/her year group. attempt) The CYPs Physical disability/medical needs  Is unable to undertake two handed tasks in could co-exist with other secondary needs need of daily physical therapy which may require P scales.

The CYPs Physical disability/medical needs could co-exist with other secondary learning needs which may require P scales.

Sensory Impairment 0 1 2 3 4 The criteria for band 0 has been exceeded The criteria for band 1 has been exceeded The criteria for band 2 has been exceeded The criteria for band 3 has been exceeded

The CYP experiences needs which are With appropriate interventions the CYP can CYP can progress within a smaller group with The CYP has significant primary needs which The CYP will experience significant, managed well in a mainstream class progress in classes but may need regular good interventions, but needs greater help in impact on progress requiring Long term complex persistent and enduring differentiated activities classes and activities larger classes or activities. The CYP may have involvement of educational and non- an EHC plan educational difficulties acknowledged through an Visual impairment There is a referral by heath specialist professionals as part of a EHCP EHCP A CYP has a visual impairments such that: In the GRSS documentation your assessment  They have a medically agreed time Visual Impairment The CYP has: used mostly “frequent” & and some Visual Impairment The CYP: May require a complex funding limited programme of eye patching which  A recognised visual condition which “specialist” descriptors  Has a severe visual difficulty requiring package needs supporting within the school requires adjustments to support extensive modification of resources to Visual Impairment The CYP: environment independent learning fully access the curriculum Visual Impairment The CYP:  They have a mild visual loss( that  Reduced vision which means they  Has a level of visual impairment that  Has a deteriorating or degenerative  Requires total curriculum to be taught cannot or is not fully corrected by have an on-going difficulty accessing impacts on his/her ability to access a condition that will require skills to be through the medium of Braille glasses) which requires some small aspects of the curriculum and may significant part of the curriculum introduced in preparation for future needs adjustments to ensure access to the require enlarged resources independently. e.g. loss of visual field (mobility) and/or  Specialist teaching required for curriculum  Reduced vision that may require  Has a recognised visual condition that reduced visual acuity (braille or IT) literacy and broader curriculum areas through a tactile medium  They have intermittent but regular appropriate IT to enable full access to requires adaptation of resources and  Requires the learning of braille in instances of eye conditions which require materials and / or large print teaching approaches across the conjunction with current large print  Support within the setting for areas of attention during the school day e.g. eye resources. curriculum. (large print, access access the curriculum to ensure safety (science, technology) drops  Access technology may need to be  Specialist assessment of IT and a DT, PE)  They have colour blindness or other linked to the school system  Access technology may need to be package of equipment provided to  All written material and diagrams need linked to the school system e.g. white low level sight conditions which do not  Reduced vision which may require enable assess to the curriculum transcribing into braille or tactile format board / on line materials make significant impact on their learning, support with social interaction  Access technology will need to be  Will require examination modifications but need some alterations within the  Requires mobility skills for the safe  A diagnosis of a visual condition linked to the school system e.g. white  Specialist assessment of IT and the learning environment. movement around the environment which limits independence in specific board / on line materials provision of a package of specialist due to limited vision.  They have reduced vision in one eye areas  Will require ongoing training with equipment to enable assess to the which can give some difficulties with  Requires support with independent

6 spatial awareness  Vision difficulties that mean they living skills due to their level of visual specialist equipment curriculum require adjustment to their difficulties  Requires some adjustments to the  Will require ongoing training with environment  Reduced vision which may require school environment to ensure safety of specialist equipment  May require examination support with social interaction movement or lighting levels  Access technology will need to be modifications  Has a diagnosis of Cortical Visual  Support needed within the setting for linked to the school system e.g. white Impairment that affects both cognitive areas of the curriculum to ensure safety board / online materials and visual functioning (science, DT, PE)  Requires adjustments to the school  Will require examination modifications  Requires mobility training within the environment school environment and in the home /  Requires mobility training within the community (including road crossing and school environment & in the home / safety) community (including road crossing and  Requires support with independent safety) living skills due to their significant visual  Requires support with independent difficulties living skills due to their significant visual  Reduced vision which may require difficulties support with social interaction  Reduced vision which may require  Has a diagnosis of Cortical Visual support with social interaction Impairment that severely affects both  Has a diagnosis of Cortical Visual cognitive and visual functioning Impairment that severely affects both  Has an additional need(s) which jointly cognitive and visual functioning Hearing impairment - A CYP: has a higher impact than the severity of  Has learning and / or physical the visual condition alone would in other difficulties requiring the tactile system of  A a reoccurring conductive deafness. circumstances Moon as the main method of accessing This may be associated with middle ear  Will require examination modifications material infections, glue ear, temporary perforated  Has a combination of difficulties which eardrums when added to the severe visual difficulty  Has a unilateral (one sided) hearing makes access to teaching / accessing loss resources extremely complex e.g. dual  Needs temporary use of hearing aids Hearing Impairment - The CYP has: sensory loss and/or Sound fields  Has a severe deteriorating visual Hearing Impairment - The CYP:  May require appropriate differentiated  A recognised permanent hearing condition which will require a change in the teaching strategies including provision of impairment which requires adjustments to method of accessing the curriculum and visual clues, seating places, access to lip support access to the curriculum and  Has significant primary needs which /or the environment and may require patterns and consideration of acoustic support to learn independently impact on progress requiring long term increased specialist provision to be in environment  a diagnosis of a hearing impairment Hearing Impairment -The CYP: involvement of educational and non- place at secondary or post 16 transition. which limits their ability to act educational professionals as part of a EHCP.  Consequently the CYP may: independently  Has a significant permanent moderate Hearing Impairment - The CYP: o be easily distracted and  Reduced hearing which means they to severe hearing impairment that  Has a severe to profound permanent hearing impairment requiring extensive struggle to concentrate have an on-going difficulty accessing requires adaptation of resources and modification of resources to fully access o find it difficult to listen and aspects of the curriculum and may require teaching approaches across the  Experiences significant, complex, curriculum. the curriculum persistent and enduring difficulties attend to speech assisted listening devices in addition to personal hearing aids such as Soundfield  May have auditory neuropathy - the acknowledged through an EHCP. o be withdrawn and wait for  May have late diagnosis of hearing systems and radio aids CYP’s ability to listen and access the May require a complex funding cues from others in the class loss which has affected listening and  curriculum may vary on a daily basis package. o find it difficult to listen in  Personal radio aids that may need to language development be linked to the school technology system  Has a deteriorating or degenerative background noise  Requires personal radio aids will need  Has a severe deteriorating hearing condition that will require skills to be o not hear clearly in a group  Hearing difficulties that mean they to be linked to the school system e.g. condition which will require a change in the introduced in preparation for future needs method of accessing the curriculum and situation require some changes to their listening white board / on line materials environment  Requires adjustments to the classroom /or the environment and will require o have unclear speech  Needs specialist assessment for and school environment so the pupil can be increased specialist provision to be in o have a vocabulary deficit or  Needs that will require ongoing training assistive listening devices to enable with specialist equipment access to the curriculum provided with a high level of visual support place delayed language (written clues, lip- reading, transcripts etc)  May have had a late diagnosis of o be experiencing difficulties  Needs that will require additional visual  May require the learning of approaches to support their learning e.g. BSL/bilingual/total communication  Requires the learning of hearing loss or late fitting of hearing aids acquiring phonic sounds which have delayed learning goals use of subtitles and note taker.  May be a BSL first language user BSL/bilingual/total communication  Needs daily support from HI specialist  May have rejected or struggle to make  needs A risk assessment for extended  Needs the school to make reasonable  Has a**Speech intelligibility score 3 adjustments to provide acoustically treated (ToD / CSW / HITA) in all lessons good use of their aided hearing, such that school activities (Connected speech is intelligible to a communication is very limited

7  Has a **Speech intelligibility score 4 environments listener who concentrates and lip reads  Has learning and/or physical difficulties  Needs the provision of a package of (Connected speech is intelligible to a  Need for support within the setting and within a known context) requiring specialist communication specialist equipment to enable access to a listener who has little experience of a out of school activities for some areas of  Will require examination modifications. approaches supported curriculum (assisted listening deaf person’s speech) the curriculum to ensure safety (science,  Has a serious delay of devices) DT, PE) receptive/expressive language  Requires total curriculum to be taught Generic terms  Reduced hearing which will require  Requires support with independent through the medium of BSL/bilingual/total Hearing aids means any personal hearing aid support with social interaction and/or living skills communication device i.e. Hearing aids, Cochlear implants, broader school life  Specialist teaching required for literacy Bone Anchored Hearing Aids.  Has an additional need(s) which jointly  Need of specific teaching of language have a higher impact than the severity of and broader curriculum areas in an skills and some SSE (sign supported acoustically treated environment meeting Radio Aids means any device remotely the hearing condition alone. English) building standard *BB93 connected to the personal hearing aid device to enhance the listening environment for the HI  A delay of receptive / expressive  Will require specialist Teachers of the child i.e. digital radio aids, FM radio aids etc. language Deaf to deliver all lessons  Additional SEN or English may be a  Has a combination of difficulties which second language such that greater help is when added to the significant hearing needed Notes: difficulty makes access to teaching /  May require examination accessing resources extremely complex modifications. For Sensory Impairment and Physical and e.g. dual sensory loss Medical conditions it may be possible for CYPs  language does not follow patterns of to stay in a mainstream setting to have their spoken English needs met  has a**Speech intelligibility score 2 or lower(Connected speech is unintelligible but is developing for single words) Notes:

*BB93 can be accessed at : https://www.gov.uk/government/upload s/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/ 400784/BB93_February_2015.pdf

**Speech Intelligibility ratings obtained from http://www.earfoundation.org.uk/education- programme/education-online/assessment-and- monitoring/additional-resources/downloads


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