Call to Order: 6:08 PM

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Call to Order: 6:08 PM

Senate Meeting- June 2, 2010 Call to Order: 6:08 PM Roll Call Acknowledgments: Smith: all of the cabinet nominees in the gallery, The News Record and the incoming Editor-in-Chief—Jim Anondo Approval of Minutes: “Intoxicated” be replaced with “having fun”

Motion to change the order of the day to Executive Nominations. Executive Nominations: Alec Zooker: seeking approval for Associate VP of Campus Relations. Speaking with the past AVP of CR, I would like to combine the commuter services and campus services positions. I would like to put on programs to improve campus life and improve the overall happiness of students living on campus and for members of Greek life. DeWight Lawson: seeking approval for Director of Ethnic and Cultural Affairs. I would like to bring more awareness of the events that are going on around campus. I am willing to become more digital and to have one major and one minor program per quarter. Ryan Smith: seeking approval for the Director of Greek Affairs. I want to have more connections between SALD office and the Greek Community, as well as the connection between Greek life and campus. It is only 6.5% of campus. Smith: I move to approve as a slate Ryan Smith as Director of Greek Affairs, Alex Zooker as AVP of Campus Relations, and DeWight Lawson for Director of Ethnic and Cultural Affairs. Jordan Hammons: seeking approval for Director of Public Relations. I would like to work to seek the best way to connect with students all over campus. Chezey Eigway: seeking approval for Director of Campus Services. Seeking approval for I have a good connection with students—they want changes within our dining hall and our Rec Center. I am a great person to be a voice for the students. Phil Santora: seeking approval for Director of Technology. I am going for my second year. I am going to continue driving the bookswap website. I would like to focus on starting iPhone applications as well as mobile stuff. We are meeting with UCIT tomorrow about this. There is a lot of smaller stuff that will come up throughout the year. Smith: I move to approve Jordan Hammons, Cheze Eigway, and Phil Santora as a slate. Melissa Felts: seeking approval for Vice President of Special Interests, no objections- approved. Tasha Fought: seeking approval for Director of LGBTQ Affairs. Brian Kapkar: seeking approval for Assistant to the Vice President. I was involved with Cincinnati Dance Marathon, Pi Kappa Alpha, and the Smith Rooney Campaign. Smith: I move to approve as a slate Missy Felts, Tasha Fought, and Brian Kapkar, no objections-approved. Grift Krehnbrink: seeking approval for Director of Athletic Spirit. I was the Bearcat Pride Chair and am now the Internal VP of Pi Kappa Alpha. I want to make Cats a reputable student group on campus. I am in the process of getting this group approved. The Cats Committee is taking over the student t-shirt this year so that the t-shirts are distributed to students in a timely fashion. Brittany Williams: seeking approval for the Director of Transportation Services. I would like to tweak the BTS a bit to make it more efficient for the students using it and for the staff driving it. Smith: I would like to approve these nominations as a slate, no objections-approved. Motion to change the order of the day to Old Business, no objections-approved. Old Business: Smith: move to open discussion on S.10-E-020. This bill adds two new positions- Director of Alumni Affairs and Director of Career Services. Director of Governmental Affairs and Director of City Relations will be combined into this position. Move to call to question S.10-E-020. No objections, passes with a vote of 27-0-0.

Smith: move to change the order of the day to Executive Nominations. Executive Nominations: Leif Edgar: seeking approval for the Director of Alumni Affairs. I would like to connect SG more with SAC and the Alumni Association. I would like to connect Grad Fest. I would like to start up a Student Alumni Association so that we can get students to join the Alumni Association sooner. Smith: I move to approve Leif Edgar as the Director of Alumni Affairs, no objections- approved. Lane Hart: sworn in as Speaker of Senate. Bryant Shannon: sworn in as External Holdover Senator. Jay Payne: sworn in as Internal Holdover Senator. Smith: motion to restore the order of the day.

Report of the Speaker of the Senate: I transitioned with Brad last week. I have done a few Senator Orientations this week. In Ways and Means, the Enactment Bill was not passed out. I think we are going to try to make some changes with UFB—if we’re going to make changes in Ways and Means, UFB must approve them as a Body. Until that happens, that bill will stay. I have had meetings with a lot of At Large Senators, please let me know when you can meet with me. Over the summer, I will be working on selecting the committees and the committee chairs. We are looking at having our meetings on July 16 and September 18. Try to keep those dates open if you can. We are unsure of the times yet, we understand that some people may be on co-op. we will send out a doodle poll to see what dates work for everyone. I will be putting my 20 hours a week this summer to work on the goals for the upcoming year. We are going to have an informal social after the meeting tonight. Food is provided, drinks must be purchased. We are swearing in 3 new senators later. Report of the Student Body President: I apologize for my lack of Bearcat casual attire. President Williams sent me his copy of his strategic plan and his ideas for that. Myself and the Exec are reviewing that—he wants some SG input. If anyone is willing to take a look at that document, you are welcome. Please let me know. It’s really cool that we have a say in President William’s plan for UC. I attended the UC Memorial Service today. A lot of people-students, faculty, and staff, that have passed away this year were honred. I am having some meetings next week for the UC First program. Dr. Livingston is on board and wants to help us out. Athletic Director Thomas and Grift Krehnbrink and I had a meeting so that we can revamp the Cats group to make it stronger. We are seeing what we can do during this football season. Perhaps we can get involved with the Oklahoma game— transportation downtown. We stand up at the beginning of every meeting and say the Pledge of Allegiance; I think it would be cool to say our Alma Madder before every meeting. For those of you who can be in town this summer for our SG retreat. There isn’t as much going on during the summer, so it’s a good time to plan. For those of you who were here 2 years ago, the Rosensweig administration tried to push out legal services, we would like to bring that back. Proudly Pennies—there is a lot of work to be done. I am really fired up about it. I had a meeting with Senator Reid. We are going to be revamping things. I think we can make an impact with Orientation. We will be having a booth at Orientation—we will be pushing FYE, Proudly Pennies, etc. if you can help at 8 AM a few times during the summer; that would be great. We need people to be pushing SG so we can show the new students that we mean business. Did you know? We want to connect students to all of the sports. The following sports have won the following number of conference titles: Basketball-4, Baseball-1, Men’s Track and Field-, Football-3, Volleyball-4, Women’s Soccer-2, Men’s Soccer-2, Swimming-Josh Schneider won the National Title this year. Clark: can you explain the seasonal open house? At the beginning of every quarter, we are going to have a big expo where we bring in all of the teams and coaches that are going to play that season. The entire Cincinnati community is invited. They will get to highlight the key games that they need spirit at and the key players of the season. There is not an official document outlining Proudly Pennies—there is currently a committee of SG members. There are 4 chair people underneath him who are in charge of student volunteers who signed up to get on board with Proudly Pennies. Report of the Student Body VP: This past week he was in Munich, Germany. He is headed to Amsterdam in two days. He will be back in 18 days. Report of the Internal Holdover Senator: Office hours-make sure they are in. Don’t be surprised to be put on the cutting block if you don’t get those in. I’m trying to put together a convention for the senators. I hope you all got the enactment bill from SAB-it will become S.10-E-021. Linger: are we required 24 hours? I don’t have that number on me—it’s 6 hours a week for 4 weeks, we will say 24. Report of the External Holdover Senator: I will be meeting with the AVP’s within the next few days so that they can talk to their directors. They will be in contact with them. I will send out an email to all of cabinet. Report from the Director of Finance: We are still reviewing the budget. There is enough money for the appropriations bill for tonight. Director Slee is still reviewing our budget. There is not an updated copy yet. It will be posted under this weeks’ meeting materials on Blackboard. Executive Nominations: Three At Large Senators—Ruparel, Elena Pluch, Collin Curry Committee Reports: None Board Reports: SAB: Goertemiller: no new groups this week. Our planning for next year—group swap. Those of you who are leaders of groups, please update your information with SAB. Re- registration of groups is not until the beginning of the year. UFB: Sims: the new Exec Board was elected. NSB:Clark: NightWalk got 100% last weekend. RHA: tonight was the last meeting. They are preparing for all of the students to move out —Saturday by 12 PM. Tribunal reports: A&S: we just had our last meeting today. We discussed what we are going to do next year. Nursing: we had our meeting on Tuesday. Nursing will have an Exec Board for the first time next year. We are going to have a great year. CCM: Luau this Friday. Take it or Leave it—you can drop what you don’t want, anything that isn’t picked up will be donated to Salvation Army. The breezeway is holding up. Proudly Piggies—MT division won. They will be getting $750 to spend on whatever they want. Next year we will have another competition. Social work: Engineering: we helped the faculty this past Friday with the Staff Appreciation Lunch. I have been meeting with the senators to ensure a smooth combining. We had a faculty student softball game. RW: we lost our President and VP. We had Spring Fling last week and we found 10 people that are interested. DAAP: we did not have a meeting this week. Next Tuesday is DAAPworks which will showcase all graduating seniors’ work. Our posters were designed by Apple this year. CECH: Last meeting of the quarter in Teacher’s College next week, we will be discussing our goals for next year. Comments from the Gallery: none Old Business: Smith: move to open discussion on S.10-A-040, no objections. The President and Vice President have historically been provided with laptops. Doug’s laptop that was given to Mark hasn’t been used for about 10 months; it is time for a new computer. VP Rooney’s Dad is going to get us a discount on a laptop from IBM. Info on this computer is available. Larson: I was shocked at reading this—I know it is tradition, I think this bill needs to be voted down. This is wasteful spending at best. This is outrageous. I don’t think students would approve their money being spent on a laptop for the VP. I don’t see why he would need another laptop. Ruparel: what is VP Rooney is he planning on doing with this computer? Smith: he did not specifically outline everything he plans to do on this computer. I assume he needs email, internet, Microsoft capabilities, etc. All computers in the SG office are of better quality. It wasn’t feasible for that type of computer to be in the office. Rosensweig bought a 2200 Macbook Air—that is a ridiculous expense. The most basic features of a computer are necessary. Ruparel: this is a gaming computer and it is ridiculous. I am a Computer Science major and I have half of this storage space. He does not need all of these features. He can use the internet and word on another computer that is much cheaper. $900 is not a good use of the student life fee. Sims: you said his father works at IBM, correct? (yes). That is a lot, but I think that this is a good investment. This computer will most likely get a warranty. I agree that we could get something basic, but I think we should get a price before we decide on anything. Payne: the VP is key for achieving accomplishing the initiatives of this campaign team. I am definitely in favor of buying this computer. The Appropriations bill is for $899 and if you vote, that is the number you are voting for. If Rooney wants to have a thinkpad, I understand. If we have the budget for this computer, we should spend it. Volmering: I was Mark’s mentee this year. His computer is in bad shape. It’s easy, it’s reliable, the computer will always be there. I disagree with the mini, I think he needs a normal size laptop. Donovo: for the $899 for a 8 gigabyte laptop. You can find a $300 or $400 laptop, but they are slow for the kind of software that is out there now. I would like to know the discount before we vote. Miller: Sims, do we know what the warranty on said computer would be? It is not the fact of financing something, it is the amount. This is a little high. I am a person who likes to shop around and find the best deal—I think that we can find a better deal for this. There is a 3 year with an optional 4 year warranty. Shuerman: just because it is tradition doesn’t mean it is right. If his dad can get him a laptop for a good deal, I think he can get his own laptop. I worked hard for the money to buy my laptop. Do these laptops stay with the VP? The laptops stay with SG. Shannon: these laptops stay around, they are not a gift. I agree that $900 is a large amount, but this kind of laptop is a better laptop than most. I have seen the Macbooks that the current Exec are using. I think spending the money to have a laptop that will last for a while is a good investment. Ocho: I think it is outrageous that Doug didn’t have to use the laptop for the past 9 months and now Mark needs one. If this laptop is only needed for basic functions, I think we can find a better use for the money. Just because we have the money doesn’t mean we need to spend it. Janek: I use a T43, it is about 4 years old and it runs like a champ. I am not afraid to take it into any meeting, it looks professional. You can’t bring up the point that Doug didn’t use the laptop, if the resource wasn’t there, then you can’t use it. If we set up Mark to do his job but don’t give him the resources, that isn’t fair. I am in full support of this bill. This will allow him to accomplish what the students need him to accomplish. Is UFB able to fund the laptop? I don’t think so. UFB only funds student groups that do not have their own source of funding. We have our own source of funding. Quinn: technology runs fast. After you have had something for 2 or 3 years, it’s old. The laptop will be used down the line. We vote Mark and Drew in, and not giving them the resources is not fair. How many people have you seen on Facebook on one of those computers? There is going to be other things that he needs to do on that computer besides word and internet. This seems like a good laptop and I am in full support of it. New senator in the red and blue polo: there are plenty of places on campus, the library, etc. where Mark can use a computer. Goertemiller: I would be more comfortable with the VP getting a desktop computer. The desktop would last longer and would be more secure within the position of how much work is being done personally and with SG. If we have a laptop, it should be a lot cheaper. Ruparel: I am on the IBM website. The Linovo brand seems to be a trustworthy one and they have one that is a 15 inch laptop for $495. This laptop will be able to run all of the programs. Lopez: do we have an exact number as to how often these laptops are replaced? I have a Macbook now (I am not a fan of Macs). It is about 4 years old. I was using a laptop as Internal Holdover that was on its third year. I think we should put this on the side until we know what the exact price is going to be. Reid: this laptop would be an investment for Senate. If we have a laptop that can last, then we wouldn’t have to deal with appropriations bill every three years for new laptops for Senate. Linger: can Rooney find a price and get back to us? Any money not used this fiscal year is returned to the University. Goertemiller: if the money is going to go away, no one else is going to use it. why not? Clark: this money would be $400 we have to take out of next year’s budget, why not take it out now. How many meetings per week does he go to? This will save us money if we buy it this year. Smith: he will probably be going to anywhere from 8-15 meetings per week, depending on the week. Depending on what comes up. I think that we are putting a face on the VP. This computer is not for Mark Rooney, it is for the office of the Vice President for hopefully the next 4 or 5 years. we are elected to these offices, we are fortunate enough that the students and administration to have these resources available to us. Because they go to so many meetings per week, we need laptops to be able to take notes, etc. I would not feel comfortable approving anything less than $600 with extra cost, shipping, etc. the office of the VP should not have a mini computer when all of the other offices have a full screen functioning laptop. I believe that the VP needs a laptop to fulfill his or her duties. While they are working on their vice presidential duties, they are serving the students. By taking notes on a computer, they are being more sustainable. We cannot look at this at Mark, but the office of the Vice President. We need to account for at least $600. Ruparel: I think that sounds great to give Mark an assigned amount of money for his laptop (we don’t pay tax). I don’t know if you would want to amend this today. Smith: I like this idea. Unless we are getting on there and buying this right now, I don’t know when I can get a hold of Gila to get the money. Executive Expenditures are only for items less than $150. If we could go down to $550, that would be good. Larson: I disagree with the sentiment that “if we have the money, let’s just spend it.” I have to assume that as time progresses, I have to bring up that most people have laptops, and I think that the purchase of a laptop would be useless in the next few years. Richman: everyone can tell that we need to get Rooney a laptop, I move to close the floor.

Smith: I move to call to question S.10-A-040 with the following friendly amendments: the 6th and 7th whereas clauses be stricken and in the 9th whereas clause $899 be changed to $600 and the 8990 be changed to 60 for a total of $660. Bill passes with a vote of 20-7-0. New Business: Goertemiller: move to add to the agenda the enactment bill regarding the SAB bylaws. Added to the agenda by vote of 24-2-0. Move to open discussion on S.10-E-021. SAB’s constitution and bylaw changes, one of them is formatting, some position descriptions that were not in there before, and the groupswap information. Shannon: please explain the major changes. Goertemiller: all groupswap programs must be approved by the members. We had it in there how to elect a Rep but their responsibilities were not in there. We made duties of members a little more strict—require attendance at all SAB events. We want everyone to know what is going on and how SAB works. The last major thing is the definition of the 2 weeks notification that the group will automatically be denied. Shannon: this looks pretty solid. Ruparel: will we be able to vote on this as S.10-E-021? You can vote on any bill that is Old Business. Smith: this looks good. I like seeing SAB working towards the groupswap program. Goertemiller: move to table S.10-E-021 to the body. Announcements: Miller: LGBTQ will be receiving a full time staff person next year and we are very happy that our hard work has paid off. Every single stall bathroom will be soon changing to unisex. Every building will have one unisex bathroom. This is very exciting and a great accomplishment for the LGBTQ office. Donovo: we met about a mobile phone. If there are any features that you would like to see, please let me know after meeting. Smith: July 18 at 1 PM, UC Day at the Reds. There will be a lot of cool events going on with that. For the summer Senate meeting on July 16, please try to clear your schedules. I would like to try to get together to have an event at one of the Exec. Houses to improve the dynamics of Senate. Good and Welfare: Hitt: Hart for having his birthday tomorrow. Shannon: Miller and the LGBTQ office. Hart: all of the senators who got engaged in the discussion. Donovo: the entire body for the year. Linger: the newly sworn in Exec. Smith:: everyone on exams because we are first students. Payne: Kenning on her birthday tomorrow Janek: for everyone whose last meeting is today. Ruparel: Sweeney for watching us Adjournment: 8:09 PM

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