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Electrochemistry page 1 2+ - 3+ 1970 Br2 + 2 Fe (aq) 2 Br (aq) + 2 Fe (aq) Account for the observation that silver dissolves in 1 For the reaction above, the following data are avail- molar hydroiodic acid despite the fact that the standard able: + - electrode potential for the change, Ag Ag + e- is – 2 Br (aq) Br2(l) + 2e- E = -1.07 volts 0.80 volt. Fe2+(aq) Fe3+(aq) + e- E = -0.77 volts Answer: ------The standard potential is based upon [Ag+] = 1.0 M. S, cal/mole.K 2+ But because AgI is insoluble (very small KSP) the con- Br2(l) 58.6 Fe (aq) -27.1 centration of Ag+ never reaches 1.0 M. Therefore, the Br-(aq) 19.6 Fe3+(aq) -70.1 equilibrium is shifted in favor of the production of the ------ion and the potential under these conditions is > 0 (a) Determine S (b) Determine G volts. (c) Determine H Answer: 1970 D S_ = Â S _ - Â S _ Why are solutions of thiosulfate for analysis not (a) p r o d . r e a c t a n t s acidic? Refer to the following standard electrode po- = [(19.6)(2)+(-70.1)(2)]-[58.6+(-27.1)(2)] cal tentials and write the balanced equation that would ac- = -105.4 cal count for this fact. E _ (b) G = -nE = -(2)(23060cal/v)(0.30v) = -13800 - 2- - 2 S + 6 OH S2O3 + 3 H2O + 4e +0.74v cal. 2- - 2- - S2O3 + 6 OH 2 SO3 + 3 H2O + 4e +0.58v (c) G = H - TS ; H = G + TS 2- + - S2O3 + H2O 2 SO2 + 2 H + 4e –0.40v 2- + - = -13800 + (298)(-105.4) = -45.4 kcal 2 S + 3 H2O S2O3 + 6 H + 4e –0.50v Answer: 2- + - 1973 B S2O3 + 6 H + 4e 2 S + 3 H2O E = +0.50v + 2+ 2- + - Sn + 2 Ag Sn + 2 Ag S2O3 + H2O 2 SO2 + 2 H + 4e E = –0.40v ------(a) Calculate the standard voltage of a cell involving 2- + 2 S2O3 + 4 H 2 S + 2 H2O + 2 SO2 E = +0.10v the system above. The thiosulfate decomposes into sulfur, water, and sul- (b) What is the equilibrium constant for the system fur dioxide. above?
1971 (c) Calculate the voltage at 25C of a cell involving + Quantitative chemical data are often based on arbitrary the system above when the concentration of Ag is 2+ standards. Discuss this statement with the following 0.0010 molar and that of Sn is 0.20 molar. data for fluorine Answer: (a) The atomic weight of fluorine is 19.00 (a) E = [0.80v - (-0.14v)] = 0.94v 0 . 0592 (b) E, the standard electrode potential, is +2.65 volts E = log K OR - nFE = - RT ln K - n for the half reaction: F2 + 2e- 2 F (b) 0 . 94 ¥ 2 3 1 Answer: log K = = 31 . 8 ; K = 6 ¥1 0 (a) The atomic mass of fluorine is 19.00 times the 0 . 0592 mass of 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom. RT [ Sn 2 + ] E = E _- ln Q ; Q = + 2 Carbon-12 has been given the standard atomic nF [ Ag ] mass of 12.000… (c) 0 . 0592 0 . 20 (b) the fluorine/fluoride potential is 2.65 v better than E = 0 . 94 - l og 2 = 0 . 81 v + 2 ( 0 . 0010 ) the half reaction, 2 H + 2 e- H2, which has been given a value of 0.00 v. 1974 B 1972
Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 2 A steady current of 1.00 ampere is passed through an (c) Calculate the final concentration of copper ion, electrolytic cell containing a 1 molar solution of Ag- Cu2+, in the cell described in part (b) if the cell
NO3 and having a silver anode and a platinum cathode were allowed to produce an average current of 1.0 until 1.54 grams of silver is deposited. ampere for 3 minutes 13 seconds. (a) How long does the current flow to obtain this de- Answer: posit? (a) E = 0.76 + 0.34 = 1.10 volts (b) What weight of chromium would be deposited in a G = -nE = - (2)(23.06kcal/v)(1.10v) = -50.7 second cell containing 1–molar chromium(III) ni- kcal trate and having a chromium anode and a platinum 0 . 0591 0 . 0591 0 . 10 cathode by the same current in the same time as E = E _- log Q = 1 . 10 - log was used in the silver cell? (b) n 2 0 . 010 (c) If both electrodes were platinum in this second = 1.07 v cell, what volume of O2 gas measured at standard (c) (1.0 amp)(193 sec.)(1 farad./96500 coul) = temperature and pressure would be released at the = 0.0020 faraday anode while the chromium is being deposited at the cathode? The current and the time are the 0.0020 faraday/2 = 0.0010 mol Cu2+ reduced same as in (b) (0.0050 - 0.0010) mol = 0.0040 mol Cu2+ remain- Answer: ing (a) 0.0040 mol / 0.500 L = 0.0080 M final [Cu2+] 1 . 54 gAg 1 mol A g 1 mol e - 96500 amp _sec ¥ ¥ ¥ = - 1 . 00amp 107.9gAg 1 mol A g 1 mol e 1978 B = 1380 sec. (a) When 300.0 milliliters of a solution of 0.200 mo- lar AgNO3 is mixed with 100.0 milliliters of a 1 mol A g 1 mol e - 1 mol Cr 3 + 1 . 54 gAg ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 0.0500 molar CaCl2 solution, what is the concen- 107.9gAg 1 mol A g - (b) 3 mol e tration of silver ion after the reaction has gone to 52.0 g C r completion? ¥ 3 + = 0 . 24 7 g Cr 1 mol Cr (b) Write the net cell reaction for a cell formed by
+ placing a silver electrode in the solution remaining (c) 2 H2O O2 + 4 H + 4e- - from the reaction above and connecting it to a 1 mol A g 1 mol e 1 mol O 2 1 . 54 gAg ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ standard hydrogen electrode. 107.9gAg 1 mol A g - 4 mol e (c) Calculate the voltage of a cell of this type in 22.4 L O 2 -2 ¥ = 0 . 0779 L O which the concentration of silver ion is 410 M. 1 mol O 2 2 (d) Calculate the value of the standard free energy change G for the following half reaction: 1976 B Ag+ (1M) + e- Ag (a) Calculate the value of G for the standard cell re- Answer: action (a) Ag+ + Cl- AgCl Zn + Cu2+(1M) Zn2+(1M) + Cu mol Ag+ added = (0.300 L)(0.200 mol/L) = (b) One half cell of an electrochemical cell is made by placing a strip of pure zinc in 500 milliliters of = 0.0600 mol
0.10 molar ZnCl2 solution. The other half cell is mol CaCl2 added = (0.100 L)(0.0500 mol/L) = made by placing a strip of pure copper in 500 = 0.00500 mol milliliters of 0.010 molar Cu(NO3)2 solution. Cal- mol Cl- added = 2(0.00500 mol) = 0.0100 mol culate the initial voltage of this cell when the two half cells are joined by a salt bridge and the two mol Ag+ remaining = 0.0600 - 0.0100 = 0.0500 metal strips are joined by a wire. mol
Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 3 + 0 . 0500 mol 0 . 0591 1 . 80 [Ag ] remaining = = 0 . 125 M = 0 . 740 - log = 0 . 712 v 0 . 400 L 2 0 . 20
+ + (b) H2 + 2 Ag 2 H + 2 Ag (c) At equilibrium, Ecell = 0 0 . 0591 0 . 0591 [ M 2 + ] E = E _- log Q ; E_= 0.80 volts = = - n E c e l l 0 E _ log 2 + (c) n [ Cu ] [ H + ] 2 1 0 . 0591 [ M 2 + ] Q = + 2 = - 2 2 = 625 [ Ag ] ( P ) ( 4 ¥10 ) E _= log 2 + H 2 n [ Cu ] E = (0.80 - 0.08) v = 0.72 volt [ M 2 + ] E _n ( 0 . 0740 )( 2 ) (d) G = -nE = -(1)(96.5kJ/mol)(0.80v) = -77 kJ log 2 + = = = 25 . 0 [ Cu ] 0 . 0591 0 . 0591 or -18 kcal 2 + [ M ] 2 5 2 + = 1 ¥10 1980 B [ Cu ] M(s) + Cu2+(aq) M2+(aq) + Cu(s) For the reaction above E = 0.740 volt at 25C 1981 D (a) Determine the standard electrode potential for the A solution of CuSO4 was electrolyzed using platinum reduction half reaction: electrodes by passing a current through the solution. M2+(aq) + 2e- M(s) As a result, there was a decrease in both [Cu2+] and the (b) A cell is constructed in which the reaction above solution pH; one electrode gained in weight a gas was occurs. All substances are initially in their stan- evolved at the other electrode. dard states, and equal volumes of the solutions are (a) Write the cathode half reaction that is consistent used. The cell is then discharged. Calculate the with the observations above. value of the cell potential E, when [Cu2+] has dropped to 0.20 molar. (b) Write the anode half reaction that is consistent with the observations above. (c) Find the ratio [M2+]aq/[Cu2+]aq when the cell reac- tion above reaches equilibrium. (c) Sketch an apparatus that can be used for such an experiment and label its necessary components. Answer: (a) M(s) M2+(aq) + 2e- X v (d) List the experimental measurements that would be needed in order to determine from such an experi- 2+ Cu (aq) + 2e- Cu(s) 0.340 v ment the value of the faraday. ------Answer: Cu2+(aq) + M(s) M2+(aq) + Cu(s) 0.740 v (a) Cu2+ + 2e- Cu
X (oxid. potential) = 0.740 v - 0.340 v = 0.400 v + (b) 2 H2O O2 + 4 H + 4e- 2+ M (aq) + 2e- M(s) E = -0.400 v (c) (b) M + Cu2+ M2+ + Cu D.C. initial: 1.00 M 1.00 M power supply change: -0.80 M +0.80 M anode cathode final: 0.20 M +1.80 M 0 . 0591 deposited Cu E c e l l = E _- log Q n CuSO 4 solution 0 . 0591 [ M 2 + ] = 0 . 740 - log 2 + Pt n [ Cu ] O 2
Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 4 (d) current; time; mass of cathode before and its mass (c) A galvanic cell is constructed that utilizes the re-
after passage of current - or - volume of O2 re- action above. The concentration of each species is leased with its temperature and pressure. 0.10 molar. Compare the cell voltage that will be observed with the standard cell potential. Explain 1982 B your reasoning. When a dilute solution of H2SO4 is electrolyzed, O2(g) (d) Give one example of a property of this reaction, is produced at the anode and H2(g) is produced at the other than the cell voltage, that can be calculated cathode. from the standard cell potential, E. State the rela- (a) Write the balanced equations for the anode, cath- tionship between E and the property you have ode, and overall reactions that occur in this cell. specified. (b) Compute the coulombs of charge passed through Answer: 3+ 2+ + the cell in 100. minutes at 10.0 amperes. (a) Ti + H2O TiO + 2 H + e-
+ - (c) What number of moles of O2 is produced by the H + HOBr + 2e- Br + H2O
cell when it is operated for 100. minutes at 10.0 3+ 2+ + - 2 Ti + HOBr + H2O 2 TiO + 3 H + Br amperes? (b) HOBr is the oxidizing agent and Ti3+ is the reduc- (d) The standard enthalpy of formation of H2O(g) is ing agent. -242 kilojoules per mole. How much heat is liber- ated by the complete combustion, at 298K and (c) The observed voltage will be greater than the E 1.00 atmospheres, of the hydrogen produced by value since: 0 . 059 3 the cell operated as in (c)? E = E _- log( 0 . 1 ) Answer: 2 - (a) cathode: 2 H2O + 2e- H2 + 2 OH (d) Identification of a property from the group: G, K, + or 2 H + 2e- H2 pH + (e) G = -nE or E = log K anode: 2 H2O O2 + 4 H + 4e- 2– 1985 B or 2 O O2 + 4e- (a) Titanium can be reduced in an acid solution from 2 2 2 overall: 2 H O 2 H + O 2+ 3+ s e c TiO to Ti with zinc metal. Write a balanced equation for the reaction of TiO2+ with zinc in acid (b) (10.0amp)(10.0 min)(60 m i n ) = 6.00104 coul. solution. 1mol e - 1mol O 6.00 ¥ 10 4 coul ¥ ¥ 2 = 96489 coul. 4 mol e - (b) What mass of zinc metal is required for the reduc- (c) tion of a 50.00 millilitre sample of a 0.115 molar =0.155 mol O2 solution of TiO2+? (d) from Hf for H2O: (c) Alternatively, the reduction of TiO2+ to Ti3+ can be 1 H2(g) + /2 O2(g) H2O(g) H = -242 kJ carried out electrochemically. What is the mini- 2 mol H 2 O - 242 kJ 0 . 155 mol O 2 ¥ ¥ = - 75 . 0 kJ mum time, in seconds, required to reduce another 1 mol O 2 1 mol H 2 O 50.000 millilitre sample of the 0.115 molar TiO2+
when the H2 is burned. solution with a direct current of 1.06 amperes? (d) The standard reduction potential, E, for TiO2+ to 1983 C Ti3+ is +0.060 volt. The standard reduction poten- 3+ 2+ - 2+ Ti + HOBr TiO + Br (in acid solution) tial, E, for Zn to Zn(s) is -0.763 volt. Calculate (a) Write the correctly balanced half-reactions and net the standard cell potential, E, and the standard ionic equation for the skeletal equation shown free energy change, G, for the reaction de- above. scribed in part (a). (b) Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing Answer: agent in this reaction. (a) Zn Zn2+ + 2e-
2+ + 3+ 2 TiO + 4 H + 2e- 2 Ti + 2 H2O Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 5 ------1 f a r a d 2+ + 2+ 3+ 2 TIO + 4 H + Zn Zn + 2Ti + 2 H2O 495 coul 9 6 5 0 0 c o u l = 5.1310-3 faraday 0.115 mol TiO 2 + 1 mol Zn (b) Fe3+ + 1e- Fe2+ 1 L 1 mol TiO 2 + (b) 0.0500 L - + 2+ (c) MnO4 + 8 H + 5e- Mn + 4 H2O 65.4 g Zn 5 Fe2+ 5 Fe3+ + 5e- 1 mol Zn = 0.188 g Zn ------+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 0.115mol TiO 2 + 1mol e - MnO4 + 8 H + 5 Fe 5 Fe + Mn + 4 H2O 0.500L ¥ ¥ 2 + - 2 + 1 mol Fe 1 mol MnO (c) 1L 1mol TiO - 3 4 5 . 13 ¥1 0 farad ¥ ¥ 2 + 96500coul 1 amp _sec 1 (d) 1 f arad 5 mol Fe ¥ ¥ ¥ = 523 sec. - 1 - 1mol e 1 coul. 1.06 amp ¥ = 0 . 0416 M MnO 0 . 02465 L 4 (d) Zn Zn2+ + 2e- E = 0.763 v
2+ + 3+ 2TiO + 4H + 2e- 2Ti + 2H2O E = 0.060 v 1987 D
E = 0.823 v A dilute solution of sodium sulfate, Na2SO4, was elec- G = -nE trolyzed using inert platinum electrodes. In a separate experiment, a concentrated solution of sodium chlo- 96500 coul 0 . 823 v 1 J - ride, NaCl, was electrolyzed also using inert platinum = - 2 mo l e ¥ - ¥ ¥ = 1 mo l e 1 1 v _coul electrodes. In each experiment, gas formation was ob- = -1.59105 J served at both electrodes. (a) Explain why metallic sodium is not formed in ei- 1986 B ther experiment. A direct current of 0.125 ampere was passed through (b) Write balanced equations for the half–reactions
200 millilitres of a 0.25 molar solution of Fe2(SO4)3 be- that occur at the electrodes during electrolysis of tween platinum electrodes for a period of 1.100 hours. the dilute sodium sulfate solution. Clearly indicate Oxygen gas was produced at the anode. The only which half–reaction occurs at each electrode. change at the cathode was a slight change in the color (c) Write balanced equations for the half–reactions of the solution. that occur at the electrodes during electrolysis of At the end of the electrolysis, the electrolyte was acidi- the concentrated sodium chloride solution. Clearly fied with sulfuric acid and was titrated with an aqueous indicate which half–reaction occurs at each elec- solution of potassium permanganate. The volume of trode. the KMnO4 solution required to reach the end point was 24.65 millilitres. (d) Select two of the gases obtained in these experi- ments, and for each gas, indicate one experimental (a) How many faradays were passed through the solu- procedure that can be used to identify it. tion? Answer: (b) Write a balanced half-reaction for the process that + + – (a) Na is not reduced as easily as H2O (or H or OH ). occurred at the cathode during the electrolysis. OR (c) Write a balanced net ionic equation for the reac- If Na(s) were formed, it would rapidly react with tion that occurred during the titration with potassi- water to reform Na+.
um permanganate. + (b) Anode: 2 H2O O2 + 4 H + 4e-
(d) Calculate the molarity of the KMnO4 solution. - cathode: 2 H2O + 2e- H2 + 2 OH Answer: + or: 2 H + 2e- H2 (a) (1.100 hr)(3600 sec/hr) = 3960 sec. - (c) anode: 2 Cl Cl2 + 2e- (3960 sec)(0.125 amp) = 495 coul - cathode: 2 H2O + 2e- H2 + 2 OH
+ or: 2 H + 2e- H2 Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 6
(d) H2 - “pop” with a lit splint; O2 - ignites a glowing which reacts with iodine according to the equation be-
splint; Cl2 - yellowish-green color low. The end point of the titration was reached when (other suitable tests accepted) 37.3 millilitres of the Na2S2O3 solution had been added. 2- - 2- I2 + 2 S2O3 2 I + S4O6 1988 B (a) How many moles of I2 was produced during the An electrochemical cell consists of a tin electrode in an electrolysis? acidic solution of 1.00 molar Sn2+ connected by a salt (b) The hydrogen gas produced at the cathode during bridge to a second compartment with a silver electrode the electrolysis was collected over water at 25C in an acidic solution of 1.00 molar Ag+. at a total pressure of 752 millimetres of mercury. (a) Write the equation for the half–cell reaction oc- Determine the volume of hydrogen collected. (The curring at each electrode. Indicate which half–re- vapor pressure of water at 25C is 24 millimetres of mer- action occurs at the anode. cury.) (b) Write the balanced chemical equation for the (c) Write the equation for the half–reaction that oc- overall spontaneous cell reaction that occurs when curs at the anode during the electrolysis. the circuit is complete. Calculate the standard (d) Calculate the current used during the electrolysis. voltage, E, for this cell reaction. Answer: 2 - (c) Calculate the equilibrium constant for this cell re- 0 . 225 molS 2 O 3 1 mol I 2 0 . 0373 L ¥ ¥ 2 - = action at 298K. 1 L 2 mol S O (a) 2 3 (d) A cell similar to the one described above is con- -3 = 4.2010 mol I2 structed with solutions that have initial concentra- tions of 1.00 molar Sn2+ and 0.0200 molar Ag+. (b) PH2 = Ptotal - PH2O Calculate the initial voltage, E, of this cell. = (752 - 24) mm Hg = 728 mm Hg
Answer: 1 mol H2 = 1 mol I2 2+ (a) Sn Sn + 2e- anode reaction PV = nRT ; V = nRT/P + Ag + e- Ag ( 4 . 20 ¥1 0 - 3 mol ) 0 . 0821 L _a t m ( 2 9 8 K ) ( m o l _K ) + 2+ = = (b) 2 Ag + Sn 2 Ag + Sn V 7 2 8 ( 7 6 0 ) atm E = [0.80v - (-0.14v)] = 0.94v 0 . 0592 = 0.107 L E = log K OR - nFE = - RT ln K – (c) At anode: 2 I I2 + 2e- (c) n - 0 . 94 ¥ 2 3 1 - 3 2 mol e 96489 amp _sec log K = = 31 . 8 ; K = 6 ¥1 0 4 . 20 ¥1 0 mo l I ¥ ¥ ¥ 2 1 mol I - 0 . 0592 (d) 2 1 mol e RT [ Sn 2 + ] 1 min 1 E = E _- ln Q ; Q = + 2 ¥ ¥ = 4 . 5 0 amp nF [ Ag ] 60 sec. 3 min . (d) 0 . 0592 1 E = 0 . 94 - l og = 0 . 84 v 1991 D 2 2 ( 0 . 02 ) Explain each of the following. (a) When an aqueous solution of NaCl is electrolyzed, 1989 B Cl2(g) is produced at the anode, but no Na(s) is pro- The electrolysis of an aqueous solution of potassium duced at the cathode. iodide, KI, results in the formation of hydrogen gas at (b) The mass of Fe(s) produced when 1 faraday is the cathode and iodine at the anode. A sample of 80.0 used to reduce a solution of FeSO4 is 1.5 times the millilitres of a 0.150 molar solution of KI was elec- mass of Fe(s) produced when 1 faraday is used to trolyzed for 3.00 minutes, using a constant current. At reduce a solution of FeCl3. the end of this time, the I2 produced was titrated 2+ 2+ against a 0.225 molar solution of sodium thiosulfate, (c) Zn + Pb (1–molar) Zn (1–molar) + Pb
Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 7 The cell that utilizes the reaction above has a higher potential when [Zn2+] is decreased and + - K C l [Pb2+] is held constant, but a lower potential when 2+ 2+ [Pb ] is decreased and [Zn ] is held constant. M e t a l (d) The cell that utilizes the reaction given in (c) has M Z i n c the same cell potential as another cell in which [Zn2+] and [Pb2+] are each 0.1–molar.
Answer: 1 . 0 M M ( N O 3 ) 2 1 . 0 M Z n S O4 – (a) Cl is more easily oxidized than water (c) Calculate the value of the standard free energy water is more easily reduced than Na+ change, G, at 25C for the reaction in (b). 2+ farad 1 (b) Fe req. 2 /mol Fe(s) or 1 farad /2 mol Fe(s) 3+ farad 1 (d) Calculate the potential, E, for the cell shown in (b) Fe req. 3 /mol Fe(s) or 1 farad /3 mol Fe(s) if the initial concentration of ZnSO4 is 0.10-molar, for equal numbers of farad 1/2:1/3 :: 1.5:1 but the concentration of the M(NO3)2 solution re- (c) using LeChatelier’s principle mains unchanged. if [Zn2+] , reaction shifts , cell potential Answer: - 2+ 1 mol e 60 sec. 35 . 0 min if [Pb ] , reaction shifts , cell potential 2 . 50amp ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 96500 amp _sec 1 min . 1 or using the Nernst Equation (a) 2+ 2+ Ecell = E - RT lnQ, where Q = [Zn ]/[Pb ], 1 mol M - 2 ¥ - = 2 . 72 ¥1 0 mol 2+ if [Zn ] , Q<1, Ecell > E 2 mol e
2+ -2 if [Pb ] , Q>1, Ecell < E 3.06 g/2.7210 mol = 112 g/mol; metal is Cd (d) [Zn2+]/[Pb2+] does not change regardless of the val- (b) Zn Zn2+ + 2e- E = +0.76 v ues, Ecell = E Cd2+ + 2e- Cd E = –0.40 v 2+ 2+ ------or [Zn ]/[Pb ] = 1; ln Q = 0; Ecell = E Cd2+ + Zn Cd + Zn2+ E = +0.36 v 1992 B (c) G = -nE = -(2)(96.5 kJ/v)(0.36v) = -69 kJ An unknown metal M forms a soluble compound, 0 . 0592 [ Zn 2 + ] M(NO3)2. E = E _- log c e l l n 2 + (d) [ Cd ] (a) A solution of M(NO3)2 is electrolyzed. When a constant current of 2.50 amperes is applied for 0 . 0592 0 . 10 E = 0 . 36v - log = 0 . 39 v 35.0 minutes, 3.06 grams of the metal M is de- c e l l 2 1 posited. Calculate the molar mass of M and identi- fy the metal. 1993 D (b) The metal identified in (a) is used with zinc to A galvanic cell is constructed using a chromium elec-
construct a galvanic cell, as shown below. Write trode in a 1.00-molar solution of Cr(NO3)3 and a cop-
the net ionic equation for the cell reaction and cal- per electrode in a 1.00-molar solution of Cu(NO3)2. culate the cell potential, E. Both solutions are at 25C. (a) Write a balanced net ionic equation for the sponta- neous reaction that occurs as the cell operates. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent. (b) A partial diagram of the cell is shown below.
Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 8 (d) How would the cell potential change if the reac- tion were carried out at 25C with a 1.0-molar so-
lution of Mg(NO3)2 and a 0.10-molar solution of
Sr(NO3)2 ? Explain. (e) When the cell reaction in (d) reaches equilibrium, what is the cell potential? C r C u Answer: (a) (+); K > 1 OR reaction is spontaneous OR E for Sr2+ is more positive OR E for Sr is more nega- 1 . 0 M C u ( N O ) tive OR E = +0.52 v 1 . 0 M C r ( N O 3 ) 3 3 3 (b) Mg2+ (i) Which metal is the cathode? RT (ii) What additional component is necessary to (c) increase; E = n ¡ ln K , as T increases so does make the cell operate? eq E. (iii) What function does the component in (ii) 0 . 0 2 5 7 0.10 serve? n 1 (c) How does the potential of this cell change if the (d) increase; Ecell = E – ln Q, when Q = then Ecell becomes larger. concentration of Cr(NO3)3 is changed to 3.00-mo- lar at 25C? Explain. OR an explanation using LeChâtelier’s Principle.
Answer: (e) Ecell = 0 (a) 2 Cr + 3 Cu2+ 2 Cr3+ + 3 Cu Cr = reducing agent; Cu2+ = oxidizing agent 1997 B In an electrolytic cell, a current of 0.250 ampere is (b) (i) Cu is cathode passed through a solution of a chloride of iron, produc- (ii) salt bridge ing Fe(s) and Cl2(g). (iii) transfer of ions or charge but not electrons (a) Write the equation for the half-reaction that occurs
(c) Ecell decreases. at the anode. use the Nernst equation to explain answer (b) When the cell operates for 2.00 hours, 0.521 gram of iron is deposited at one electrode. Determine 1996 D the formula of the chloride of iron in the original Sr(s) + Mg2+ Sr2+ + Mg(s) solution. Consider the reaction represented above that occurs at (c) Write the balanced equation for the overall reac- 25C. All reactants and products are in their standard tion that occurs in the cell. states. The value of the equilibrium constant, Keq, for (d) How many liters of Cl2(g), measured at 25C and the reaction is 4.21017 at 25C. 750 mm Hg, are produced when the cell operates (a) Predict the sign of the standard cell potential, E, as described in part (b) ? for a cell based on the reaction. Explain your pre- (e) Calculate the current that would produce chlorine diction. gas from the solution at a rate of 3.00 grams per (b) Identify the oxidizing agent for the spontaneous hour. reaction. Answer: – - (c) If the reaction were carried out at 60C instead of (a) 2 Cl – 2 e Cl2 25C, how would the cell potential change? Justi- (b) 0.250 amp 7200 sec = 1800 coulomb fy your answer. 1 mol e - 1800 coul 96500 coul = 0.0187 mol e-
Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 9 1 mol Fe (c) If 10.0 mL of 3.0-molar AgNO3 solution is added 55.85 g Fe to the half-cell on the right, what will happen to 0.521 g Fe = 0.00933 mol Fe the cell voltage? Explain. 0.0187 mol e - 2 = (d) If 1.0 gram of solid NaCl is added to each half- 0.00933 mol Fe 1 cell, what will happen to the cell voltage? Explain. 2+ - Fe + 2e Fe ; FeCl2 2+ – (e) If 20.0 mL of distilled water is added to both half- (c) Fe + 2 Cl Fe + Cl2 cells, the cell voltage decreases. Explain. 1 mol Cl 2 - Answer - 2 mol e (d) 0.0187 mol e = 0.00933 mol Cl2 - (a) 2 Ag+ + 2 e 2 Ag E = +0.80 v Ê L • atm _ ( 0 . 0093 3 mol ) 0 . 0821 ( 298 K ) - 2+ Ë mol • K ¯ Cd – 2 e- Cd E = +0.40 v n R T + 2+ 750 a t m 2 Ag + Cd 2 Ag + Cd E = +1.20v P ( 760 ) V = = (b) Anions flow into the cadmium half-cell. As the = 0.231 L cell operates, Cd2+ cations increase in number and 3.00 g Cl 2 1 hr 1 mol Cl 2 need to be balanced by an equal number of anion ¥ ¥ 1 hr 3600 sec 70.906 g Cl charges from the salt bridge. (e) 2 2 mol e - 96500 amp _sec (c) Cell voltage will increase. An increase in silver ¥ ion concentration will result in faster forward re- 1 mol Cl 1 mol e - 2 = 2.27 amp action and a higher cell potential. OR (d) Cell voltage will decrease. As the salt dissolves, 0.00933 mol Cl 0.662 g Cl 0.331 g Cl 2 = 2 2 the Cl– ion will cause the Ag+ ion to precipitate as 2 hrs. 2 hrs. = 1 hr. AgCl and decrease the [Ag+]. This will result in a 0.250 amp X = slower forward reaction and a decrease in cell po- 0.331 g Cl 3.00 g Cl tential. Since cadmium chloride is a soluble salt, it 2 2 ; X = 2.27 amp will not affect the cadmium half-cell. 0.0592 [Cd 2 + ] 1998 D log 2 [Ag + ] 2 (e) Ecell = 1.20v – ; while both con- centrations are 1.0M, the cell potential is 1.20v. But if each solution’s concentration is cut in half, 0.0592 [.5] log 2 [.5 ] 2 then, Ecell = 1.20v – = 1.19v
2000 B 2. Answer the following questions that relate to elec- trochemical reactions. (a) Under standard conditions at 25C, Zn(s) reacts with Co2+(aq) to produce Co(s). (i) Write the balanced equation for the oxidation Answer the following questions regarding the electro- half reaction. chemical cell shown. (ii) Write the balanced net-ionic equation for the (a) Write the balanced net-ionic equation for the overall reaction. spontaneous reaction that occurs as the cell oper- ates, and determine the cell voltage. (iii) Calculate the standard potential, E, for the overall reaction at 25C. (b) In which direction do anions flow in the salt bridge as the cell operates? Justify your answer.
Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 10 (b) At 25C, H2O2 decomposes according to the fol- lowing equation.
2 H2O2(aq) 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) E = 0.55 V (i) Determine the value of the standard free en- ergy change, G, for the reaction at 25C. (ii) Determine the value of the equilibrium con- stant, Keq, for the reaction at 25C. (iii) The standard reduction potential, E, for the + - half reaction O2(g) + 4 H (aq) + 4 e 2 H2O(l) has a value of 1.23 V. Using this in- formation in addition to the information giv- en above, determine the value of the standard Answer the following questions that refer to the gal- reduction potential, E for the half reaction vanic cell shown in the diagram above. (A table of below. standard reduction potentials is printed on the green in- sert and on page 4 of the booklet with the pink cover.) O (g) + 2 H+(aq) + 2 e- H O (aq) 2 2 2 (a) Identify the anode of the cell and write the half re- (c) In an electrolytic cell, Cu(s) is produced by the action that occurs there. electrolysis of CuSO4(aq). Calculate the maximum (b) Write the net ionic equation for the overall reac- mass of Cu(s) that can be deposited by a direct cur- tion that occurs as the cell operates and calculate
rent of 100. amperes passed through 5.00 L of the value of the standard cell potential, Ecell . 2.00 M CuSO4(aq) for a period of 1.00 hour. (c) Indicate how the value of Ecell would be affected if Answer: the concentration of Ni(NO3)2(aq) was changed (a) (i) Zn(s) – 2 e- Zn2+(aq) from 1.0 M to 0.10 M and the concentration of Zn(NO ) (aq) remained at 1.0 M. Justify your an- (ii) Zn(s) + Co2+(aq) Zn2+(aq) + Co(s) 3 2 swer. (iii) oxid: Zn(s) – 2 e- Zn2+(aq) E = +0.76V (d) Specify whether the value of Keq for the cell reac- red: Co2+(aq)+ 2 e- Co(s) E = –0.28V tion is less than 1, greater than 1, or equal to 1. +0.48V Justify your answer. (b) (i) G = –nE = –(2)(96500)(0.55) = –106 kJ Answer: 2+ – (a) zinc; Zn(s) Zn (aq) + 2 e (ii) Keq = e– G/RT = e–(–106150/(8.31)(298)) = 2+ 2+ 4.131018 (b) Zn(s) + Ni (aq) Zn (aq) + Ni(s) E = +0.76 + (-0.25) V = +0.51 V (iii) 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) 2 H2O2(aq) E = –0.55 V cell + - (c) decrease Ecell ; Ecell = Ecell – log Q, Q = , when O2(g) + 4 H (aq) + 4 e 2 H2O(l) E = 1.23 V ______the value of Q becomes larger than 1 then the log + - 2 O2(g) + 4 H (aq) + 4 e 2 H2O2(aq) E = 0.68 V Q > 1 and is subtracted from the standard potential of the cell. divide the equation by 2 but keep the E the same. (d) greater than 1. All spontaneous reactions (this re- (d) 1.00 hr 100. amp = 119 g Cu action is spontaneous because the cell potential is larger than 0) have a Keq that are larger than 1, 2001 D which favors the formation of products.
2002 B Answer parts (a) through (e) below, which relate to re- actions involving silver ion, Ag+. Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 11 The reaction between silver ion and solid zinc is repre- = 0.46 - log= 0.38 v sented by the following equation. (e) yes; any reaction is spontaneous with a positive 2 Ag+(aq) + Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s) voltage (a) A 1.50 g sample of Zn is combined with 250. mL 2004 D Required of 0.110 M AgNO3 at 25˚ C. (i) Identify the limiting reactant. Show calcula- tions to support your answer. (ii) On the basis of the limiting reactant that you identified in part (i), determine the value of [Zn2+] after the reaction is complete. Assume that volume change is negligible. (b) Determine the value of the standard potential, E˚, for a galvanic cell based on the reaction between AgNO3(aq) and solid Zn at 25˚ C. Another galvanic cell is based on the reaction between Ag+(aq) and Cu(s), represented by the equation below. At 25 C, the standard potential, E , for the cell is 0.46 ˚ ˚ An electrochemical cell is constructed with an open V. switch, as shown in the diagram above. A strip of Sn + 2+ 2 Ag (aq) + Cu(s) Cu (aq) + 2 Ag(s) and a strip of unknown metal, X are used as electrodes. (c) Determine the value of the standard free-energy When the switch is closed, the mass of the Sn elec- change, ∆G˚, for the reaction between Ag+(aq) and trode increases. The half-reactions are shown below. Cu(s) at 25 C. ˚ Sn2+ (aq) + 2 e– Sn(s) E˚ = –0.14 V (d) The cell is constructed so that [Cu2+] is 0.045 M X3+(aq) + 3 e– X(s) E = ? and [Ag+] is 0.010 M. Calculate the value of the ˚ potential, E, for the cell. (a) In the diagram above, label the electrode that is the cathode. Justify your answer. (e) Under the conditions specified in part (d), is the reaction in the cell spontaneous? Justify your an- (b) In the diagram above, draw an arrow indicating swer. the direction of electron flow in the external cir- Answer: cuit when the switch is closed. (a) (i) AgNO solution 3 (c) If the standard cell potential E˚cell is +0.60 V, 1.50 g Zn what is the standard potential, in volts for the 3+ = 417 mL of silver nitrate solution required to X /X electrode? completely react the zinc, therefore, AgNO3 is the (d) Identify metal X. limiting reagent. (e) Write balanced net-ionic equation for the overall (ii) 250 mL AgNO3 chemical reaction occurring in the cell. 2+ = 0.01375 mol Zn (f) In the cell, the concentration of Sn is changed from 1.0 M to 0.50 M, and the concentration of = 0.0550 M [Zn2+] X3+ is changed from 1.0 M to 0.10 M. + - (b) 2 Ag + 2e 2 Ag E˚ = +0.80 v (i) Substitute all appropriate values for determin- - 2+ Zn – 2e Zn E˚ = +0.76 v ing the cell potential, Ecell, into the Nernst +1.56 v equation. (Do not do any calculations.) (c) ∆G˚ = -nFE˚ = -(2)(96500)(0.46 v) = -89000 J (ii) On the basis of your response in (f) (i), will the cell potential be greater than, less than, or (d) Ecell = E˚ - log equal to E˚cell? Justify your answer. Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited. Electrochemistry page 12 Answer: (a) tin electrode is the cathode; cathode is the site of reduction (gain in electrons) and will convert met- al ions into a metal.
e l e c t r o n f l o w
c a t h o d e
(b) (see diagram) (c) red: Sn2+ (aq) + 2 e– Sn(s) E˚ = –0.14 V oxid: X(s) – 3 e– X3+(aq) E˚ = +0.74 V E˚cell = +0.60 V red: X3+(aq) + 3 e– X(s) E˚ = –0.74 V (d) Cr (e) 3 Sn2+ + 2 Cr 3 Sn + 2 Cr3+ (f) (i) E˚cell = 0.60 – log () (ii) greater; •
Copyright 1970 to 2004 by College Entrance Examination Board, Princeton, NJ. All rights reserved. For face-to-face teaching purposes, classroom teachers are permitted to reproduce the questions. Portions copyright 1993-2004 by Unlimited Potential Inc., Framingham, MA 01701-2619, 508/877-8723. Web or Mass distribution prohibited.