Location: Save the Children Office, Erbil

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Location: Save the Children Office, Erbil


Attendance: Access Aid, ACTED, British Council, BCF, Chavin, COOPI, Coordaid, CRS, DoE Ninewa, Handicap International, Help EV, HRF, INTERSOS, IRC, IVY, JRS, KFD, Mercy Corps, MoE KRI, NRC, OCHA, People in Need, PRM, Qatar Red Crescent, RNVDO, Save the Children, Secours Islamique, SEDO, TDH-Italy, TDH-Lausanne, Triangle, UMIS, UNESCO, UNHCR, UPP, War Child UK, ZOA. Agenda Item Commentary Action Points Introduction MoE KRG: and welcome On behalf of MoE-KRG Mr. Bashdar have stated about the registration of NGOs in the by Federal Kurdistan, and he urged education cluster partners to get in touch with him if they face MoE and KRI any difficulties regarding their operations in Kurdistan region. He also made an MoE announcement about the integration of Syrian refugee’s children into Kurdish medium schools workshop which will take place in August in Erbil. Mosul  Since Mosul City has now been re-taken, there are Low numbers of Ninewa Sub-Cluster operations displacement in the last 2 weeks and the military operation is likely to be on coordination meeting update hold for the next week. was voted by the  Tel Afar operation is going to be the next phase and expected number of participant and will start displaced people is estimated to be less than around 20,000. The government soon in Ninewa. of Iraq want to finalize all the military operations by the end of 2017.  Bartella camp was temporarily opened, but was used only for families associated with ISIL. After advocacy Bartella was closed and families relocated to other camps with better services.  A waiver letter was written by the MoE for UNICEF. However all UNICEF and The cluster will circulate cluster partners will use this letter if they are facing issues with accessing the soft coy of the waiver schools or permissions from head teachers. letter.  PIN have some left over stocks in their warehouse and the cluster partners were encouraged to approach PIN or otherwise it will be provided to DoE Ninewa. Rapid Needs  The 2nd Rapid Needs Assessment has taken place between 25th of May and The cluster will circulate Assessment 2 - 13th of June, where the data collection was carried out by 12 partners. the assessment report to

Education Cluster Meeting Minutes 1 Agenda Item Commentary Action Points EiE findings  43 neighbourhoods were assessed - 28 in West Mosul and 15 in East Mosul. all the cluster partners. Previously unassessed areas of West Mosul were prioritized, specifically those recently retaken, alongside previously unassessed areas of East Mosul with a reported high population of IDPs. The key findings of the assessment was:  Majority of the assessed neighbourhoods in both East & West Mosul, children are facing challenges in accessing education (93%).  57% of assessed neighbourhoods in West Mosul, a vast majority of children were not attending school. Most of these children who are not in school have not been attending school for more than 1 year.  In East Mosul there are 4 neighbourhoods with 1 school damaged or destroyed, and 2 neighbourhoods with 2.  In West Mosul there are 9 neighbourhoods with 2 schools damaged/destroyed, 5 neighbourhoods with 3 damaged/destroyed, and a further 7 neighbourhood with 4 schools reported as damaged/destroyed. Capacity • The education cluster will roll out a massive Capacity Building initiative for The cluster will send out Building Education partners! The Cluster is finalizing the schedule of the August the invitations through Campaign for workshops. the online sing up ASAP. Education • For those who want to express their interest in attending any of the trainings, Partners there is an online sign-up system (sent to everyone via email) the interested person needs to enter her/his name onto online sign-up. • Selection of the final participants will be done by the Cluster Team, according to which agency is the most appropriate for each training. • Corner Stone Foundation donates their training software to NGOs, to help improve agency’s effectiveness, and the training of staff & partners and many free, open-source learning platforms, are available in English and Arabic languages Funding • The traffic light document has been presented to show how much of the 2017 Updates Education HRP is funded and show which projects still didn’t receive funding. • The education cluster expects that the next IHPF window is opening soon! Partners were encouraged to start thinking about your proposals now, identify needs and design projects. • Malala Fund came to Iraq this month and met with the Cluster & a few key partners. During the meeting a variety of education topics were discussed,

Education Cluster Meeting Minutes 2 Agenda Item Commentary Action Points including adolescent girls, education for IDPs, and protection issues, etc. The delegation met with KRG officials, including the PM and his Chief of Staff, Foreign and Deputy Foreign Ministers, the KRI Minister for Education and the Federal Minister of Education. The PM gave Malala a commitment to boost funding for education UNESCO EiE Funding UNESCO has recently selected implementing partners on their new funding to implement Access to Inclusive Quality Primary and Secondary Education for IDPs and Refugees project, aiming to: • Enroll and provide learning materials to the targeted students • Train teachers to provide quality education • Renovate and expand schools or provide with equipment’s • Improve capacity of civil society and non-governmental and government organizations to implement emergency education • Identify the need for the development of Education in emergencies policy and implementation mechanisms. The project will be implemented in Anbar, Salahadiin, Ninewah, Dahouk, Erbil and Suleimaniah governerates, targeting both IDPs and Refugees. The project will be implemented by five partners namely PIN, SCI, WVI, PAO, and WADI. KRI - Mid-Year • A mid-year review workshop will be organized at the MoE (KRI) request The national cluster will Review • To present to the MoE KRI what each organization has done during the 1st half circulate the invitation of Presentation of 2017 and what the Education Cluster partners are intending to do for the 6 the workshops to the months to come. cluster partners • The workshop is tentatively scheduled on 28th of August 2017. • An official invitation will be extended to all education cluster partners working in Kurdistan for both IDP and refugee caseload, and each agency is supposed to present their achievements and plans of 2017 Refugee 1. Integration of Syrian Refugee Students into the public schools in KR-I – The national cluster will Education Workshop circulate the invitation of Update • After advocacy, the MOE (KRI) have principally accepted the suggested the workshops to the integration of Syrian refugee children into the public schools (Kurdish-Medium). cluster partners • A workshop will be conducted to further discuss about the modalities, procedures and even consequences at the end of August 2017. • An official invitation will be extended to all refugee education partners and

Education Cluster Meeting Minutes 3 Agenda Item Commentary Action Points MoE directors. 2. REFUGEES EDUCATION LESSONS LEARNT AND BEST PRACTICES WORKSHOP IN DAHUK a. Transportation of Students to/from Schools. . To better define vulnerability criteria and make sure that is in line with the agreed criteria. . Train adults who will be in charge of monitoring the situation and intervene if needed. b. Distribution of Teaching and Learning Materials. • A proper PDM is suggested after each distribution to get a feedback on the content of the kits • In a mixed-community school distribution of educational material, should target all the students to prevent discrimination and bullying • Distribution of educational supplies must be done before the beginning of the school year c. NFE Programs • After-school tutoring, it is important to support students on the subjects like Math, Science and English. • Kurdish language classes were appreciated by both parents and students. • Extra-curricular activities, it is fundamental that partners coordinate with teachers in identifying students, designing the activities and monitoring of the results. d. Incentives For Teachers And Lecturers • Only volunteer teachers should receive incentives, so it is crucial that partners to have clear information about the type of contract that each teacher has. • Before providing incentives, a clear monitoring system should be put in place and coordinate with DoE e. Psychosocial Support • Feedback on PSS should be collected from children without teachers presence • Clear division of roles between put in place for teachers and the persons conducting PSS and recreational activities. • Pre- and post- tests recommended to measure the impact of PSS and recreational activities. f. School Uniforms

Education Cluster Meeting Minutes 4 Agenda Item Commentary Action Points • School uniforms should be distributed at the beginning of the school year, as part of the Back to school campaign. IM Updates It has been presented to the meeting participants on the main source of data for IDP Locations. • CCCM list: only IDP camp profile. • IOM DTM Iraq Data AOB – INEE MS • The contextualization of the Iraq INEE Minimum Standards started in 2015, and The national cluster will recently MoE signed off the final draft. Then it was translated into Arabic and support the MoE’s to Kurdish languages. conduct launching of the • Since March, the Arabic, English and Kurdish drafts have been with a graphic contextualized INEE MS in designer in Baghdad. He is addressing some final comments and adjustments. August 2017. • The three versions will then be printed in A5 booklets, and launched for everyone to use.  Next National Education Cluster meeting will be 6 th of August 2017. • Centre South: 30 th July 10am, NCCI Baghdad • Dahuk: 15 th August, 10am, at DoE office • Erbil: 6 th August, 9am, SCI office • Kirkuk: 24th August, 10.30am, SCI office • Sulaymaniyah: TBC August, 10am, DoE office • Tikrit: 25 th July, 11am, Sorouh office www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/iraq/education/events

Education Cluster Meeting Minutes 5

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