Q.1 (A) What Is Centre of Buoyancy? Explain Stable and Unstable Equilibrium

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Q.1 (A) What Is Centre of Buoyancy? Explain Stable and Unstable Equilibrium



Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code: BET-037 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission: October 31, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q.1 (a) What is centre of buoyancy? Explain stable and unstable equilibrium. (b) What do you understand by ‘Fluid Mechanics’? Explain about dimensions and units used in ‘FM’. (5+5) Q.2 (a) What is vapour pressure? Discuss the importance of saturated vapour pressure. (b) When a pressure of 21 MN/m2 is applied to 90 litres of a liquid, its volume decreases by one litre. Find the bulk modulus of liquid and identify it. (5+5) Q.3 (a) Explain the following types of flow with suitable examples – laminar flow, turbulent flow, uniform and non-uniform flow, rotational and irrotational flow, compressible and incompressible flow. (b) Derive “Darcy-Weisbach equation” (5+5) Q.4 (a) Explain how following coefficients are determined experimentally when water flows through orifice : coefficient of contraction, coefficient of velocity, coefficient of discharge and coefficient of resistance. (b) A 1.0 m diameter circular tank contains water upto 3.5 m. At the bottom of tank an orifice of 30 mm is provided. Find the height of water above the orifice after 2.0 minutes. (5+5) Q.5 (a) Explain how the discharge in open channel is measured. (b) Explain briefly, types of open channels and types of flow. (5+5) Q.6 (a) What is Darcy-Weisbach equation. Find the loss of head due to friction in a pipe carrying water. The pipe is 500 m long and 20 cm in diameter. The discharge through the pipe is 0.05 m3/sec. Take f = 0.035. (b) Two reservoirs are connected by a pipe line consisting of two pipes, one of 20 cm diameter and 5 m length and other of diameter 2.25 cm and 15 m length. If the difference of water levels in the two reservoirs is 5 m, calculate the discharge. Take f = 0.035. (5+5)

1 Q.7 (a) Derive the equation for flow through a nozzle at the end of a pipe. (b) A 3000 m long pipeline is used for transmission of power. 150 kN power is to be transmitted through the pipe in which water having a pressure of 3000 kN/m2 at inlet is flowing. If the pressure drop over the length of pipe is 800 kN/m2 and f = 0.006 find diameter of pipe and efficiency of transmission. (5+5) Q.8 (a) Explain Chezy and Manning’s equations. (b) A trapezoidal canal has a bottom width of 3.5 m and side slopes 1 V to 2 H. If the bed slope is 1 in 4000 and depth of flow is 2 m. Find discharge by various equations known to you. (5+5) Q.9 (a) A circular sewer with 0.6 m in diameter is laid at a slope of 1 in 300. What is maximum velocity of flow and corresponding discharge. Take C = 60. (b) Show that hydraulic mean depth of a trapezoidal canal having best proportion is half of the maximum depth. (5+5) Q.10 Write short notes on following : (i) Coplaner forces, (ii) Velocity distribution in circular pipe, (iii) Syphon technique, and (iv) Minor losses in pipes. (2.5 X 4 = 10)


Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BCE-043 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 31, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory.

Q.1 (a) Briefly explain supervision during construction. What is the importance of supervision after completion? (b) What is CPM network? How it works? (c) List the tested to be conducted for coarse aggregate for concrete. (3 + 3 + 3) Q.2 (a) What are the common misuses of government assets by users? (b) Describe the functioning of different agencies for carrying out repair work. (c) What are the constraints in maintenance? Describe. (3 + 3 + 3) Q.3 (a) What are causes of fire in building and its effects? (b) What is the meaning of fire grading of material? (c) Write a brief note on fire detection and its prevention. (d) In detail describe the effect of fire on concrete? (5 + 5 + 5 + 3) Q.4 Write a shot note on (a) Effect on stability of structure due to fire on load bearing elements (b) Fire proofing of building (c) Mobile fire fighting system (4 + 4 + 4) Q.5 (a) What are the advantages of I-section over a rectangular section? (b) What are advantages of welded joint over bolted and riveted joints? (c) Distinguish the fillet and butt welds. (3 + 3 + 2) Q.6 (a) What are the components of sound? (b) What is the meaning of absorption of sound energy? List the material, which are good in sound absorption. (c) Write short notes on echoes, reverberation and foci.

3 (3 + 3 + 3)

Q.7 (a) What is the effect of volume and shape of room on its acoustic? (b) How sound absorption can be enhanced using different material? (c) What is sound insulation? Describe briefly. (3 + 3 + 3) Q.8 (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of natural and artificial ventilations? (b) What are different methods of thermal insulation for wall and roof? (4 + 4) Q.9 (a) Describe the function of vibratory roller and its advantages over other types of roller. (b) Describe different parts of jaw crusher. (c) What are advantages of drum mix plant over conventional plant? (3 + 3 + 3) Q.10 Write a short note on following (a) Maintenance of heritage building (b) Modern trend of constructing foundation in problematic soil. (c) Construction of masonry wall with non conventional bonds. (3 + 3 + 3)


Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BCE-043 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 31, 2013

Note : All questions carry equal marks and are compulsory. Part a) and b) carry 3 marks each and part c) carries 4 marks. Support your answers with sketches where ever required.

Q.1 (a) What do you understand by construction drawings? Which types of drawings are useful at a construction site? (b) Briefly explain orthographic drawings with the help of figures. (c) What is perspective drawing and how it is different than isometric drawing? Q.2 (a) Describe the standard layout of a drawing sheet. (b) What are the various lines used in a drawing? Explain their applications. (c) Explain the various formats of dimensioning used in preparation of drawing. Q.3 (a) Explain the symbols used for various doors and conventional breaks. (b) What are the common abbreviations used for directions, units, dimensions and materials while preparation of a drawing? (c) Design a masonry footing on property line for a 345 mm thick compound wall of 2100 mm height above GL. The wind pressure on the wall is 210 N/m2, bearing capacity of soil is 115 kN/m2, angle of repose of soil is 32º, unit weight of soil is 20 kN/m2 and unit weight of masonry is 20 kN/m2. Q.4 (a) Define the role of bearing capacity of soil while designing the foundation of any structure. (b) What are the loads considered while designing a foundation? (c) How the depth and width of the foundation is fixed? Q.5 (a) What are the special provisions for laying foundations at different levels in different soils? (b) Explain with sketch, the critical section for bending moment, shear and punching shear for isolated footings. (c) Explain various types of combined footings with beam. Q.6 (a) Differentiate between mat footing and cellular footing. (b) Explain under-reamed pile foundations. (c) Differentiate between pre-cast piles and under-reamed pile foundation.

5 Q.7 (a) Briefly explain the lengthening joints in timber with the help of sketches. (b) Define stone masonry and concrete masonry arches. (c) Draw different types of hinges used in RCC arches. Q.8 (a) What are the various types of bearing joints used in timber work? (b) How are the riveted joints different than bolted joints? (c) With the help of sketch, explain various types of welding used for steel jointing. Q.9 (a) Explain the merits and demerits of steel windows over wooden windows. (b) Detail the functions of providing doors and windows in a building. (c) Explain the types of staircase used in a building with their utilities. Q.10 (a) Explain the reinforcement details of a simple one way and two way slabs. (b) Explain ribbed slab floors. What are the dimensional limitations for using such floors? (c) Describe the additional dimensional parameters for design purpose of flat slabs.

6 DCLE (G)


Maximum Marks : 100 Course Code : BCEE-052 Weightage : 30% Last Date of Submission : October 31, 2013

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q.1 (a) Explain the changes in physical properties of earth during excavation and back filling. (b) Describe swell and shrinkage. How are the swell factor and shrinkage factor calculated? (c) Differentiate between the heaped capacity and struck capacity of excavating and hauling equipment. How the unit weight of soil is related with the rated capacity of any earthwork equipment? (d) Justify that the job and management factors affect the expected production of equipment? Q.2 (a) On what factors does the production rate of excavation equipment depend? (b) On what considerations would you choose an appropriate type of equipment on any highway project? Q.3 (a) Explain briefly the various costs considered in evaluating the economic life of equipment. (b) Explain straight line method and sinking fund method for determining depreciation rates. Q.4 (a) Explain briefly the factors on which the output of a power shovel depends. (b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of draglines? Explain the operations of a dragline. (c) Explain the advantages of trenchers. What are the various types of trenchers? (d) Differentiate between the ladder dredge and the suction dredge. Q.5 (a) What are the drilling patterns for underground works? Describe briefly with sketches. (b) Describe the drilling patterns in surface excavation. Q.6 (a) A construction company has hired a compacting roller at Rs 500 per hour. The roller travels at 6 kmph, time of rolling is 45 minutes, length of drum is 3.6 m, number of drums are 2, fraction of overlap is 1/6, layer thickness is 0.25 m and the number of passes given are 10. Find out the hire charges of roller to be paid for compacting 10,000 m3 of clay soil.

7 (b) A construction equipment costs Rs 1,20,000 and has an expected life of 6 years and salvage value of Rs 10000. Compute the yearly depreciation taking i=0.12 for the machine using Sum of the years’ digit method and sinking fund method. Q.7 (a) Explain the types of handheld drills. (b) Describe the operations of tamping rollers, smooth-wheel rollers and pneumatic-tyred rollers. (c) What are the various applications of front-end loaders? (d) What are the advantages of mobile crane, hydraulic crane and locomotive cranes? Q.8 (a) What factors determine the capacity of an escalator? (b) Briefly explain the steps involved in determining the number of trucks required for a particular job. (c) What is a concrete batching? Why weigh-batchers are preferred over volume- batchers? (d) Define mass concrete. What are the normal practices for mixing and placing concrete at lower temperature? Q.9 (a) What are the tipping wagons? Compare the advantages of such wagons. (b) Explain in how many ways pre-cooling of concrete ingredients may be performed. (c) Explain various types of concrete buckets used now-a-days at projects. (d) What are the different methods of aggregate cooling? Q.10 (a) Explain the four major types of inspection used in periodical maintenance. (b) What are the methods of reducing accident at project sites?


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