Michigan Department of Environmental Quality s1

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Michigan Department of Environmental Quality s1


Background This is a request for proposals (RFP) for Coastal Zone Management (CZM) grant funds for Fiscal Year 2012 projects that further the objectives of the Michigan Coastal Management Program (MCMP). Since 1978, the MCMP has provided financial assistance to eligible applicants to plan community land use and manage growth; protect, manage and restore coastal habitats; restore historic maritime structures; revitalize urban waterfronts; and increase recreational opportunities along Michigan's Great Lakes coast. Grants are offered on a competitive basis to eligible applicants. Grant funds are passed-through by the MCMP and are made available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) of 1972.

Overview Eligible Applicants  Coastal units of government including cities, counties, villages, and townships  Area-wide agencies including regional planning agencies and conservation districts  State agencies  Universities and school districts  Tribal governments  Nonprofit organizations (non-construction projects only) Important: Nonprofit organizations are not eligible to receive funding for construction. Nonprofit organizations wishing to use grant funding for construction projects on public lands, must apply through an eligible public entity. This eligible entity must provide assurance of public ownership.

Grant Amounts Coastal Management projects: $60,000 maximum grant request Construction projects: $5,000 minimum and $50,000 maximum grant request Program Enhancement projects: $60,000 maximum grant request

Match Requirement Federal funds awarded under this program require local match funds at a 1:1 ratio with very limited exceptions. See further information below under “Project Requirements.”

Project Location All Construction projects must be within Michigan's coastal boundary that generally lies 1,000 feet inland from the ordinary high water mark of the Great Lakes. All other projects must directly relate to coastal management or coastal water quality. See further information below under “Project Requirements”.

Award Period The standard award period is January 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013.

Application Deadline Applications must be received (or postmarked) by Monday, May 16, 2011.

Application Submittal The application must be submitted in two forms: 1) A hard copy of all applicable items in the Application Checklist (pages 6 – 7) must be mailed or delivered to the address below. 2) Items 2 – 6 of the Application Checklist must also be submitted in electronic form (MS Word or text file). The electronic form must be submitted as a data disk (CD or DVD) with the hard copy application or e-mailed to Ms. Virginia Berry at [email protected] by May 16, 2011.



1 EQP 3594 (Rev. 03/11) GRANT INFORMATION

This RFP will be used to competitively provide funding to eligible entities to implement MCMP objectives, which are to:

* Create and enhance coastal public access * Assist the development of vibrant and resilient coastal communities * Protect and restore healthy coastal natural communities, including fish and wildlife habitat * Prevent damage from coastal erosion and flood hazards * Protect coastal water quality and reduce nonpoint source pollution in coastal watersheds


A. Coastal Management Projects: $60,000 maximum grant request, 1:1 match required. The project must have a direct connection to the MCMP objectives, which must be clearly described in the grant application. An application to fund the preparation of a site plan, design, or engineering for future construction must address the likelihood that the project will actually be constructed and describe the expected timeframe and potential funding sources for construction. Typical projects include:

* Community master planning and zoning addressing management of coastal resources * Coastal educational initiatives * Inventories of natural features * Research on Great Lakes and coastal issues * Economic development feasibility studies and planning for ports and harbors * Watershed management plans * Geographic Information System (GIS) data development and mapping for coastal management * Feasibility studies, site planning, design, and engineering for public access, recreational sites and waterfront redevelopment * Feasibility studies and planning for habitat restoration and resource management * Maritime history interpretation and planning for historic structure restoration

B. Construction projects: $5,000 minimum and $50,000 maximum grant request, 1:1 match required. A project that involves any physical change to a site or existing structure is considered construction. All construction projects must be included within the coastal boundary. See further information below under Project Requirements. The project must be open to the general public, and located on non-federal, publicly-owned land or secured through a long-term lease (20 years minimum). The project must be barrier-free accessible to the extent that conditions allow. Copies of all necessary local, state, and/or federal permits must be submitted to the MCMP before construction may commence. MCMP project signs, (supplied by MCMP) acknowledging funding and displaying appropriate NOAA and DEQ logos, must be permanently placed at project sites. Typical projects include:

* Habitat restoration and coastal resource protection * Barrier-free retrofitting * Construction of boardwalks, scenic overlooks, educational and/or interpretive displays, trails, and bio- engineering shore protection demonstration projects * Restoration of historic coastal structures important to Great Lakes maritime heritage

C. Program Enhancement projects: $60,000 maximum grant request, match not required. The project must help improve the MCMP as described in the MCMP’s Section 309 Assessment and Five-Year Strategy for Coastal Zone Management Program Enhancement, Fiscal Years 2012-2016. While a match is not required, funding for this category is limited and providing a 1:1 match will increase the likelihood that the project will be funded. Eligible projects are:

 Research on bird use of coastal and offshore areas of Michigan’s Great Lakes, including use by migrating birds. The research must include a GIS mapping component.  Research on bat use of coastal and offshore areas of Michigan’s Great Lakes, including use by migrating bats. The research must include a GIS mapping component.

2 EQP 3594 (Rev. 03/11)  Surveys of species protected under Part 365 (Endangered Species), of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (Public Act 451 of 1994, as amended). The surveys must be within coastal and offshore areas of Michigan’s Great Lakes, and include a GIS mapping component.  Surveys and assessments of near-shore fishery habitats in Michigan’s Great Lakes. The surveys and assessments must include a GIS mapping component.  Assessments, analyses, and studies addressing climate change in relation to Michigan’s Great Lakes coastal wetlands including expected impacts, adaptation measures, and data gaps.  Research on coastal erosion hazard programs with a focus on identifying effective and efficient approaches that could be employed by the state or local units of government to reduce the hazard to coastal property and infrastructure. Examples might include benchmarking regulatory or incentive-based coastal erosion programs employed by other states, or technical studies leading to increased efficiency/accuracy in the currently-accepted scientific approach to conducting shoreline change analyses.  Research on Great Lakes rip current hazards including field-based technical research on rip current formation and forecasting along Michigan’s coast as well as research on social factors that influence the effectiveness of messaging and outreach on rip current hazards.  Research, inventories, GIS data development, plans, and other projects that inform the planning and siting of coastal and offshore alternative energy infrastructure, and support the protection and management of natural, cultural, and historic resources.


The MCMP highly encourages proposals for the following activities:

Public Access:  Low-cost construction projects that establish and enhance access to the water or coastal lands such as interpretive trails, boardwalks, canoe or kayak launches, educational signage, and restoration of historic coastal structures important to Great Lakes maritime heritage  Educational activities ( which for purposes of these priorities include presentations, seminars, stewardship, and field events) that improve public understanding of coastal access availability or public trust interpretation

Coastal Dependent Uses and Community Development: * Development of comprehensive land use plans and zoning ordinances that promote the principles of sustainable development (including mixed land uses, compact building design, form-based codes, walkable neighborhoods, preservation of open space and green infrastructure) and Smart Growth practices (see http://coastalsmartgrowth.noaa.gov for information) * Development and implementation of port or waterfront redevelopment plans, economic or feasibility studies, or construction activities * Research, planning and zoning initiatives addressing the siting of wind energy facilities in the context of ensuring coastal resource protection * Educational activities that improve public understanding of community development topics such as status and trends of coastal land uses, potential threats, and land use policies and programs

Coastal Habitat: * On-the-ground restoration projects of Great Lakes beaches, dunes, coastal wetlands, and nearshore habitat * Educational or training events regarding coastal habitat types, status and trends, restoration, and potential threats including impacts associated with climate change

Coastal Hazards: * Development of local master plans and ordinances that guide coastal construction away from those areas vulnerable to coastal hazards, and/or provide for the protection of naturally protective features such as beaches, dunes, and coastal wetlands * Initiatives that increase public awareness of coastal erosion and flood hazards through means that include publications, mass media, web sites, signage, etc. * Educational activities that improve public understanding of coastal hazards, community resiliency and vulnerability

3 EQP 3594 (Rev. 03/11) Coastal Water Quality: * Development and/or implementation of community plans, policies, and ordinances to prevent or control polluted runoff in coastal watersheds * Educational activities that improve public understanding of water quality status and trends and potential threats * Research on Great Lakes water quality including water quality monitoring studies


The MCMP places a priority on proposals that address the MCMP Program Preferred projects or Program Enhancement projects, and also implement recommendations and goals of the MI Great Lakes Plan (Available at: http://michigan.gov/documents/deq/MI-GLPlan_262388_7.pdf); develop or advance regional plans and initiatives; and establish or build on multi-jurisdictional partnerships


The following projects are not eligible for funding under this RFP: * Restroom facilities * General recreational and athletic facilities (e.g., playground equipment, ball fields and courts) * Maintenance of existing structures * Hard shoreline armoring (e.g., rip-rap, sheet pile, gabions) * Dredging * Design/construction for roadways and roadway crossings * Water, sewer line construction, and drain improvements * Maintaining data in GIS system * Demolition * Chemical treatment and mechanical or manual removal of invasive species * Recreation plans * Dam improvements


Matching Funds A 1:1 match is required for all projects with the limited exception of Program Enhancement projects as listed under Eligible Project Categories above. Match may be in the form of cash, in-kind services, or donations. It must directly support the project and occur during the award period. Typically, federal funds or services by federal agencies may not be used as match. The source(s) of the match must be clearly identified in the application. Applications lacking the required match are ineligible and will not be considered for funding.

Geographic Location All Construction projects must be within Michigan's coastal boundary that generally lies 1,000 feet inland from the ordinary high water mark of the Great Lakes. Included within the boundary are coastal state parks, coastal lakes, coastal floodplains, Great Lakes connecting waters, coastal river mouths, bays, and designated sand dune areas. Federally-owned lands are excluded from the boundary. For further information see coastal boundary maps at www.michigan.gov/coastalmanagement or contact MCMP staff at 517-335-3168.

Coastal Management and Program Enhancement projects (e.g., studies, designs, land use master plans, ordinances, GIS data development, and nonpoint source pollution control) must directly relate to protection or management of coastal resources or coastal water quality.


Applications that are complete and eligible will be evaluated based on the following considerations. MCMP staff may contact the applicant for additional information and conduct a site visit to assist in this evaluation. Evaluation considerations are:

4 EQP 3594 (Rev. 03/11) * Extent to which the project furthers MCMP objectives * If the project addresses program priorities * Demonstration of project need * Overall quality and clarity of the application * Organizational capability of the applicant * Cost-effectiveness of the project * Level of local support and partnerships

MCMP staff will coordinate the review of the applications with other state agency staff, and recommend projects to the DEQ Director for funding. Projects approved by the Director will be submitted to the NOAA for final review and approval. Projects with funding of $25,000 or more must be reviewed and approved by the State Administrative Board. All construction projects must be reviewed and approved by the State Historic Preservation Office and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wildlife Division.


 RFP released – March 2011  Applications due – May 16, 2011  MCMP staff site visits – June through mid-July, 2011  DEQ evaluation – mid-July through September 1, 2011  Project submission to NOAA – September 1, 2011  Notification letter to applicants – September 1, 2011  Review and approval by the State Administrative Board, State Historic Preservation Office, and DNR Wildlife Division, as required – September 1, through December 1, 2011  NOAA review and approval – December 1, 2011  Grant contracts completed – December 2011  Funding available – January 1, 2012



1. Completed Grant Application form: (see page 8 of the application)

2. Short Project Description: (summarize the project in three to five sentences)

3. Detailed Project Description:  Describe purpose of the project. Why is this project needed?  Describe essential elements of the project.  Describe how the project meets CMP objectives and program priorities.  Explain how the project is consistent with applicable local or regional land use plans, community master plans, development plans, recreation plans, zoning, etc.  Describe the level of local support for the project, including partnerships.  List approvals that will be necessary to implement the project (e.g., permits).  If construction, describe relationship to existing facilities.

4. Detailed Budget:  Itemize project components using the Project Budget Form available on the CMP website (www.michigan.gov/coastalmanagement, under Grants, Coastal Management Program Grants & Application) and provide a cost estimate for grant funds and matching funds for each component, rounding to the nearest hundred dollars. Project components should be categorized under the following headings: Salaries, Fringe, Travel, Equipment, Supplies/Materials, Contractual Services, Other, and Indirect Costs.  Provide a statement indicating how the grant will be matched (i.e., cash, in-kind services, donations).  If the proposed project is a site planning, design, or engineering project, provide a statement identifying the source of funds to construct the project after the plans and specifications are completed.  If applicable, include source AND amount of additional or leveraged funding other than local funds.

NOTE: Rent for housing, student tuition, state and federal permit application fees, and the purchase of computers are not eligible project expenses.

5. Schedule for Completion:  Provide a schedule for completion of the project components based on a standard award period starting January 1, 2012 and ending March 31, 2013 (see EXAMPLE grant application for schedule format).

6. Organizational Capability:  Describe the applicant’s capability to manage and successfully complete the project such as past performance in successfully meeting reporting requirements, managing and completing MCMP projects or other projects, as well as organizational experience.

7. Resolution of Support: (ONLY if grant applicant is a local unit of government) If applicable, letters of Support from partnering entities.

8. Project Location Map: (form provided in application package).


9. Completed Checklist: (form provided in application package).

10. 8½” x 11” drawing of the project site: (site plan, relationship to property lines, and other facilities on the site). Distinguish between existing and proposed components of the site.

6 EQP 3594 (Rev. 03/11) 11. A master plan for the site, if one exists, and sketches or drawings necessary to fully explain the project.

12. All construction projects must be either located on public land or land secured through a long-term lease (20 years minimum). The project must be open to the general public and to the barrier-free accessible. To document public ownership, please submit either a completed a or b document.

a. ATTORNEY TITLE OPINION (Form provided in grant application package) This form must be completed and signed by an attorney. Please be sure the issue of easements or encumbrances is addressed.


b. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AFFIDAVIT This document may be completed by a local official who has the authority and knowledge to attest that the property where the project is located is publicly owned. Do not fill out the form in the grant application package. The form in the grant application package is provided to illustrate the required format. SUBMIT ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER:

 Explain your authority to certify that the property on which the proposed project is located is publicly-owned

 Provide a legal description of the property on which the proposed project is located

 State that the property is publicly owned and whether there are encumbrances, easements, liens, etc. on the property and whether they would interfere with it being used for the proposed project

7 EQP 3594 (Rev. 03/11) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OFFICE OF THE GREAT LAKES COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION Authorized by the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, PL 92-583 of 1972, as amended.

Application must be completed for project to be considered for funding.

 Coastal Management Project Construction Project Project Type: (Check One) Program Enhancement Project Project Title

Project Location County Project Location: (Land Description for construction projects only) Town Range Section N/A

Great Lake or Connecting Waterway

Congressional District # State Senate District # State House District #

Amount of Grant Applied for $ (Round to nearest $500)

Amount of Match $

Estimated Total Project Cost $ Applicant Name Federal ID # 38- Street Address City

State Zip Code Fax # ( ) - Telephone # ( ) -

E-mail Address (if applicable)

Authorized Representative Name Title Project Contact: Telephone # ( ) - (if different from above)

CERTIFICATION: I certify that all statements in this application, including all requested supplemental information, are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Authorized Representative Signature Date ______



CHECKLIST – complete ONLY if a construction project Authorized by the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, PL 92-583 of 1972, as amended

1. Public Benefit: a. The project will be located on a property that is publicly owned or accessible via a publicly-held easement. Yes No b. The project will be for public benefit. Yes No c. The project will not improve private property and/or result in private or commercial gain. Yes No

If the answer to any of the above is No, the project is not eligible for construction funding. d. Securing an easement or lease is needed to conduct the project (i.e., because the property is not publicly owned). Yes No

If the answer to 1d is Yes, attach a copy of the easement or lease to this checklist; if No, go on to 1e.

What is the term of the easement or lease (provide date of expiration or specify if in perpetuity)?

The easement or lease contains a reversionary clause. Yes No e. The project will be open to the general public. Yes No N/A

If the answer to 1e is No, the project is not eligible for construction funding unless access is to be limited for a legitimate reason, such as public safety, resource protection, or scientific research. Attach an explanation for why the project will not be open to the public and describe the public benefits that would be provided by the project in the absence of public access. f. The public will be charged a user fee to access the project. Yes No N/A

If the answer to 1f is Yes, attach an explanation for the user fee, including the amount, whether there will be differential fees (and a justification thereof), the need for the fees, and proposed use of the revenue.

2. Involvement of Non-profit Organizations: A contract with a non-profit organization is needed to complete part or all of the project. Yes No If the answer to 2 is Yes, the name of the organization is:

3. National Flood Insurance Program: a. The project will be located in a Special Flood Hazard Area shown on a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Map. Yes No (If the answer to 3b is No, go on to 4.) b. The community in which the project will be located is participating in the NFIP. Yes No If the answer to 3bc is No, the project is not eligible for construction funding.

4. National Environmental Policy Act a. The proposed project may significantly affect the quality of the human environment. Yes No

9 EQP 3594 (Rev. 03/11)

b. The proposed project involves unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources. Yes No c. This action may have significant adverse effects on public health and safety. Yes No d. This action may have highly controversial effects to the human environment. Yes No e. This action may have highly uncertain and potentially significant environmental effects or involve unique or unknown risks. Yes No f. The project may have significant adverse impacts on other natural resources not covered elsewhere in this checklist, e.g., beaches and dunes, wetlands, estuarine areas, wildlife habitat, wild or scenic rivers, reefs, or other coastal resources. Yes No g. The project’s effects may be individually insignificant, but their addition to effects from existing and reasonably foreseeable actions may result in cumulatively significant impacts. Yes No

If the answer to any one subpart of 4 is Yes, then additional review and documentation may be required. Attach a description of the resource(s) affected, the nature and scope of the effects, and information explaining why you believe an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should not be required.

5. Environmental Justice: The project will have disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority or low income populations. Yes No

6. Americans with Disabilities Act: The proposed project will be accessible to people with disabilities. Yes No N/A

If the answer to 6 is No, attach an explanation for how the project meets the following criteria; otherwise, the project will not be eligible.

Construction projects shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act unless the construction would damage coastal resources or resource damage would occur in the absence of constructing a barrier-free project. In these instances the construction project shall be barrier-free to the extent that conditions allow. The applicant may not use increased cost as a reason to not construct a barrier-free project.

7. State and Local Laws: The project is consistent with applicable state and local laws. Yes No If the answer is No, the project will not be approved.

8. Tribal Interests: a. The project is located on or will affect Tribal lands. Yes No If No, go on to 9. b. The project is consistent with applicable tribal laws. Yes No If No, the project will not be approved.

10 9. Required permits: Please list local, state, tribal or federal permits required for this project and the status of the permits. Construction work will not begin until the permits have been issued and received by the state CMP.

If you have any questions or require assistance in completing this checklist, please feel free to contact the Coastal Management Program staff at 517-335-3168.

11 Michigan Coastal Management Program



Houghton Lake Superior

Ontonagon Baraga


Gogebic 31 7 27 66 Alger Iron Marquette Chippewa 48 Schoolcraft 2 17 36 Mackinac 52 Dickinson Delta 49 77


21 Emmet Menominee Cheboygan N

24 Presque Isle 55 15 Charlevoix 16 71 Otsego Montmorency Alpena 45 Antrim Leelanau 0 20 40 Miles 5 69 60 4 Oscoda Kalkaska Crawford Benzie Grand Traverse Alcona

S t a t e o f M i c h i g a n 10 28 40 20 68 1 Manistee 83 Wexford Missaukee Roscommon Ogemaw Iosco

Department of Environmental Quality 51 57 72 65 35 Mason Lake Osceola Gladwin Arenac Clare 6 Huron 53 43 67 18 26 Bay 62 54 32 Oceana Isabella Midland Newaygo Mecosta Project Location Map 9 64 37 56 Tuscola Sanilac Saginaw Muskegon Gratiot 79 Montcalm 76 73 Project 61 59 29 25 Lapeer Kent Ottawa Ionia 19 Shiawassee Genesee St. Clair Name:______Clinton 78 44

70 41 34 63 Macomb Oakland 74 Applicant 50 Allegan Barry Name:______Eaton Ingham Livingston 3 8 23 33 47 39 Kalamazoo 13 38 Van Buren 80 Washtenaw Town, Range, Wayne Jackson Section:______Calhoun 81 82 Berrien Cass St. Joseph Branch Hillsdale Monroe 11 14 75 12 Lenawee 58 30 46 Indicate the location of your project with a ● in the

12 EQP 3594 (Rev. 03/11) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OFFICE OF THE GREAT LAKES ATTORNEY TITLE OPINION Authorized by the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, PL 92-583 of 1972, as amended.



I hereby certify that I am a member in good standing of the bar of Michigan, and have been requested to determine record of ownership for the parcel(s) of property on which the above-reference project will be constructed.

(name or brief description of land)

After thoroughly examining the public land records or other appropriate records in accordance with the laws of Michigan, I certify that the record title to the parcel is held by:

(public entity) in (check one): Fee simple absolute Other (specify)

I have determined that there are: (check one)

no easements or encumbrances on the property.

easements or encumbrances on the property, but they would not interfere with it being used for the project which is the subject of this Coastal Management Program grant application. They are:

easements or other encumbrances on the property that may interfere with it being used for the project that is the subject of this Michigan Coastal Management Program grant application. They are:


Name (Printed or Typed) Address

City State Zip Code

Bar Number Telephone Number ( ) -


COMPLETION INSTRUCTIONS ONLY PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AFFIDAVIT Authorized by the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, PL 92-583 of 1972, as amended.

USING THIS FORM OR ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, prepare an affidavit and explain your authority to certify that the property on which the proposed project is located is publicly owned. The person signing this affidavit should be an official with knowledge and authority to certify ownership. Use the title "Public Ownership Affidavit", and the language provided below.


I solemnly affirm upon personal knowledge that the following statements are true:

I (name of official), being duly sworn, state that:

1. (Official must explain what authority he/she has to certify that the property on which the proposed project is located is publicly owned. Provide official title, if appropriate.)

2. (Provide the name or brief description of the property on which the proposed project is located.

3. If appropriate, state that the property is publicly owned and no encumbrances, easements, liens, etc., exist on the property that may interfere with it being used for the proposed Michigan Coastal Management Program project as stated in the application.

If there are encumbrances, easements or liens on the property that may interfere with the project, do not use this form. Instead, have an attorney complete the enclosed "Attorney Title Opinion." Submit it with your grant application.

Signature (signature of authorized official)

Name (printed or typed name of authorized official)

Subscribed and sworn before me on this day of , 20 .

My Commission Expires:

(expiration date)

(Notary Public signature)

14 EQP 3594 (Rev. 02/03)

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