Ap World History s4

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Ap World History s4

Name:______AP WORLD HISTORY Block:_____ Study Guide: Chapter 10 – Western Europe

Stages of Post-Classical Development 1. Describe the political landscape of early Western Europe.

The Manorial System: Obligations & Allegiances 2. What are the pros and cons of the manorial system? Be sure to examine this from both the upper and lower class perspective.

The Church: Political & Spiritual Power 3. Describe the relationship between the Catholic Church and political leaders.

4. Illustrate (graphically or otherwise) the hierarchy found within the Catholic Church.

Charlemagne & His Successors 5. Were Charles Martel and Charlemagne the exception or the rule when it came to medieval monarchs? Explain how they differed (or were similar) to the average Western ruler.

New Economic and Urban Vigor 6. How does the economy affect Western Europe’s development? Be sure to explain specific aspects of this relationship.

Feudal Monarchies & Political Advances 7. How does feudalism work? Why did both parties (lords and vassals) feel this relationship was worth entering into?

Limited Government 8. Even as Western Europeans were perfecting their feudal relationships, they were also pushing for greater freedom from rule. What examples do you see of each of these desires for political organization?

The West’s Expansionist Impulse 9. Explain the significance of the Crusades in terms of its importance to the cultural and economic development of the West.

Religious Reform and Evolution 10. What is the significance of monasticism in terms of the development of the Catholic Church (essentially, how does one affect the other)?

Theology: Assimilating Faith and Reason 11. Explain how a co-existent relationship was possible between philosophy and theology in Western Europe. Identify some key developments/figures in this area.

Popular Religion 12. Read the story of Raoul de Cambrai. What does this story reveal about the relationship between the beliefs of Westerners and their actions? Religious Themes in Art & Literature 13. How does the development of Western artistic culture demonstrate their obedience to religious beliefs? How does it illustrate a growing divide?

New Strains in Rural Life 14. How does the relationship between lords and serfs begin to change? Why is this taking place?

Growth of Trade and Banking 15. What was the significance of the development of trading organizations like the Hanseatic League? What impact did they have on the future of Western Europe?

Limited Sphere for Women 16. Explain the opposing views of women in Western society.

The Decline of the Medieval Synthesis & Signs of Strain (2 sections) 17. Find 4 causes for the decline of medieval Europe. Explain how these things contributed to the decline.

Points to Ponder: (will be on your next test )

1. Thoroughly compare the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

2. What were some of the characteristics of Western Europe that made centralized political control and unification a virtual impossibility?

3. Explain the appeal of Christianity to a dominantly pagan European population. Explain why Christianity is unable to totally replace the traditional pagan traditions.

4. Compare the roles of women (socially, religiously, and politically) in Western Europe and the Muslim world.

5. What are the factors (and there are several) that contributed to the decline of medieval (feudal) Europe? How did they cause the decline? Study Guide: Chapter 11 – The Americas on the Eve of Invasion

Postclassic Mesoamerica, 1000 – 1500 CE 1. Who are the Toltecs? What relationship do they have with previous Mesoamerican societies? What relationship do they have with the Aztecs?

The Toltec Heritage 2. Ignoring the scholarly disputes on the topic, what do we “think” we know about interactions between Toltecs and other American groups?

The Aztec Rise to Power 3. Who were the Aztecs (where did they come from, what were they like, etc)? How do they establish themselves as a regional power? The Aztec Social Contract 4. Describe the political organization of the Aztec Empire? What was the relationship between politics and the practice of human sacrifice?

Religion and the Ideology of Conquest 5. Despite its apparently bloodthirsty and savage nature, explain why Aztec religion could be considered just as sophisticated and developed as other major world religions.

Tenochtitlan: The Foundation of Heaven 6. Describe the layout of the city of Tenochtitlan. How did it compare to its counterparts in Europe?

Feeding the Empire: The Economy of the Empire 7. What advancements/innovations are made to agriculture during Aztec rule? What other methods were used to acquire food?

Widening Social Gulf 8. What were the various social classes found within Aztec society (describe in hierarchical order)? What was the relationship between social class and corporate groups (ex: calpulli)?

Overcoming Technological Constraints 9. (Create your own question AND answer on the topic of gender roles and rights)

A Tribute Empire 10. Describe the political organization of the Aztec city-state.

11. What aspects of Aztec rule ultimately led to their downfall?

Twantinsuyu: World of the Incas **Read, but no question The Inca Rise to Power **Read, but no question

Conquest and Religion 12. Describe the concept of “split inheritance”. How does it relate to the need for conquest?

13. How does Incan religion compare with that of the Aztecs?

The Techniques of Inca Imperial Rule 14. (Create your own question AND answer on gender issues)

Incan Cultural Achievements 15. What technological/cultural advances are shared by both Indians and civilizations in the East? What advances are notably absent?

Comparing Incas and Aztecs 16. (Create your own question AND answer)

The Other Indians 17. In what ways do Indian cultures throw a proverbial “wrench in the works” of determining who is “civilized” and who is not? How Many Indians? 18. Why is so much attention paid to population figures of pre-Columbian Americas? What do you think is the bigger issue behind this conflict over the numbers?

Differing Cultural Patterns 19. Find 5 ways in which the peripheral areas (NOT the major centers of civilization) of the Americas are much more advanced than they are typically given credit for?

American Indian Diversity in World Context 20. Create your own “what-if” hypothesis for the development of an Americas that never experiences European interaction.

Points to Ponder: (might be on your next test)

6. Compare and contrast the Aztec religion with Hinduism and the early Bedouin religions.

7. Describe the impact (political, social, religious) that the Toltecs have on the Aztecs? Then, compare and contrast that relationship with the impact that the Greeks had on the Romans.

8. How did the Indian cultures outside the Andean and Mesoamerican civilization zones contrast in political and social organization with the Aztec and Incan empire?

9. How have historians explained the existence and prevalence of human sacrifice among the various Indian societies?

10. Compare the technological developments and accomplishments of the Americas with those of West Africa? Be sure to think about architecture, art, weaponry, and agriculture, as well as any other topics you may choose to discuss. Study Guide: Chapter 12 – Tang & Song China

Rebuilding the Imperial Edifice in the Sui-Tang Eras 18. Explain the events that allowed for the rise of the Sui dynasty.

Sui Excesses & Collapse 19. Describe some of the corruption and excesses that caused the decline of the Sui dynasty.

Emergence of the Tang & Restoration of the Empire 20. Compare and contrast the last ruler of the Sui and the first ruler of the Tang (look at both accomplishments and personal character).

Rebuilding the Bureaucracy 21. What was the role of the revived bureaucracy during the Tang dynasty?

Growing Importance of the Examination System 22. Explain the benefits of success on the civil service exam. Be sure to address both personal benefits and generational benefits.

State & Religion in the Tang-Song Era 23. (Create your own question) Anti-Buddhist Backlash 24. What problems did Buddhism’s success pose to the government? How were these problems resolved?

Tang Decline & Rise of the Song 25. How does the decline of the Tang resemble the decline of the Sui dynasty? (be specific)

Founding of Song Dynasty 26. How does China avoid collapse after the fall of the Tang dynasty? Was disaster completely averted?

Song Politics: Settling for Partial Restoration 27. How did the early Song rulers try and deviate from the patterns established by the Tang? Were these changes ultimately beneficial?

Revival of Confucian Thought 28. (create your own question)

Roots of Decline: Attempts at Reform 29. Explain the how the massive Chinese army can be seen as both a sign of strength, and as an indicator of weakness and decline?

Reaction and Disaster: The Flight to the South 30. What were the causes of the Song dynasty’s collapse?

Tang & Song Prosperity: Basis of a Golden Age 31. Explain the importance of the Grand Canal to Chinese agrarian and transportation efforts. Why was this such a big deal?

New Phase of Commercial Expansion Read, but no question

World’s Most Splendid Cities 32. Describe the splendor of the Chinese cities (specifically Hangzhou). Compare it to any other city in the world that we have discussed so far.

Expanding Agrarian Production and Life in the Country 33. (create your own question)

Family & Society in the Tang-Song Era 34. Describe the organization of the Chinese household. What were the rules governing men/women/children? What were the laws concerning marriage and divorce?

Neo-Confucian Assertion of Male Dominance 35. (create your own question)

Points to Ponder: 1. Compare the status of women in Post-Classical China with that of women in any other Post-Classical civilization (East/West Europe, Arab Empire, Africa) in terms of the following characteristics. a. Marriage b. Role in the household c. Role in society 2. How has Confucianism changed from the era of Confucius to the era of Neo-Confucianism? How has it remained the same?

3. Compare and contrast Buddhist wealth and influence in China (between the Han and Song dynasties) with Roman Catholic institutions in western Europe.

4. Explain the decline of Buddhist influence in the later Tang and Song dynasties.

5. In what ways did the Chinese empire during the Tang-Song era depart from previous developments in Chinese civilization?

6. Extra Credit (optional) On pg. 275, Stearns says that “Culturally [the Song’s] brief reign was to be one of the most glorious in Chinese history – perhaps in the history of humankind.” Defend this statement using information found in the chapter. Study Guide: Chapter 13 – Spread of Chinese Civilization

Japan: The Imperial Age 36. What was the relationship between Japanese and Chinese culture during the early Post-Classical period? What were some of the initial problems with this relationship?

Crisis at Nara & The Shift to Heian 37. The Taika reforms attempted to revamp traditional Japanese society. Describe some of the problems that arose as a result of those reforms during the following century, AND the effect those problems had on Japan’s young political system.

Ultra-civilized: Court Life in the Heian Era 38. Describe 4 examples of developing Japanese culture during the Heian Era.

39. (Create your own question AND answer on the topic of elite women).

Decline of Imperial Power 40. What was the relationship between Buddhist monastic orders and noble aristocrats?

Rise of the Provincial Warrior Elites 41. Compare life at court (aristocrats) versus life in the provinces (landed elites)

42. Explain the development and rise of the warrior class.

Era of Warrior Dominance 43. (Create your own question AND answer)

Declining Influence of China 44. Describe the new relationship between Japan and China around 800 C.E.

Breakdown of Bakufu Dominance & The Age of the Warlords 45. Explain the reasons (there is more than one) for the decline of central authority in Japan as it neared the end of the Post-Classical period.

Toward Barbarism? Military Division & Social Change 46. What changes to the position of women in society take place during this period of social decline? Artistic Solace for a Troubled Age 47. How does Buddhism influence Japanese artistic culture during this period of social decline?

Korea: Between China & Japan 48. Compare & contrast (3 each) the China-Korea relationship with the China-Japan relationship.

Tang Alliances & the Conquest of Korea 49. (Create your own question AND answer)

Sinification: The Tributary Link 50. Why did the tribute system appear to be mutually beneficial to both the Chinese and the Koreans? Sinification of Korean Elite Culture 51. (Create your own question AND answer on the topic of religion and culture)

Civilization for the Few 52. Illustrate the hierarchy of Korean society. Briefly explain the difference in daily life between elites and everyone else.

Koryo Collapse, Dynastic Renewal 53. Describe the state of Korea as the Post-Classical period comes to an end.

Between China & Southeast Asia: The Making of Vietnam 54. How does the early relationship between Vietnam and China differ from Japan’s and Korea’s experiences with the Middle Kingdom?

Conquest & Sinification 55. Why were the Vietnamese willing to adopt Chinese culture? What was the impact of sinification on the Vietnamese?

Roots of Resistance 56. (Create your own question AND answer on the topic of women or revolt)

Winning Independence & Continuing Chinese Influence 57. What allows the Vietnamese to gain their independence from China?

58. Despite their independence, what aspects of Vietnamese society remain distinctly Chinese?

The Vietnamese Drive to the South 59. How do the “sinified” Vietnamese deal with their own barbaric neighbors?

Expansion & Division 60. What events in Post-Classical Vietnam set the stage for future conflict with the French (and ultimately the Americans) during the Vietnam War in the 20th century?

Points to Ponder:

1. Compare and contrast the political development of Japan with that of Korea & Vietnam.

2. Compare and contrast the social development of Japan with that of Korea and Vietnam.

3. Thoroughly compare and contrast Japanese and Western European feudalism. 4. How did the extension of Chinese culture to its satellite civilizations differ from either the Muslim or Indian (not Americas!) civilizations?

5. Compare and contrast the north-south divisions in China, Vietnam, and Korea with the east-west divisions in Europe. (*Hint: Treat China, Vietnam, and Korea as a single grouping…don’t address individual characteristics.) Study Guide: Chapter 14 – Last Great Nomadic Challenges Mongol Empire of Chinggis Khan 61. Describe the typical Mongol lifestyle (diet, dress, housing, work, etc)

62. Describe the 3 levels of Mongol social organization. How successful was interaction between these 3 groups?

The Early Career of Chinggis Khan 63. Briefly outline the story of the life of Chinggis/Temujin. What are the major events of his early life?

Building the Mongol War Machine 64. What made the Mongol warriors so effective in terms of both technology and lifestyle?

65. What trait do YOU feel made the Mongols so successful?

Conquest: The Mongol Empire Under Chinggis Khan 66. What techniques did the Mongols adapt to make war against sedentary societies?

First Assault on the Islamic World: Conquest in China 67. (Create your own question AND answer)

Life Under the Mongol Imperium 68. What are some examples of Chinggis Khan’s “unbarbaric” behavior?

The Death of Chinggis Khan and the Division of the Empire 69. How is the empire divided after Chinggis Khan’s death? Was this division successful in maintaining the empire?

The Mongol Drive to the West 70. Explain the reasons for the relative ease with which the Golden Horde conquered Russia. Provide some examples of just how badly the Russians were defeated.

Russia in Bondage 71. In what ways does Russia actually benefit from Mongol rule?

Mongol Incursions and the Retreat from Europe 72. Why were Europeans initially excited about reports of Mongol conquest? What allows Europe to be spared from the full might of the Mongol armies?

The Mongol Assault on the Islamic Heartland 73. How do the Muslim empires fare against the Mongol invasion? Who finally defeats them (please elaborate without having to be prompted)? The Mongol Interlude in Chinese History 74. How does Kublai ensure cultural separation between Mongol and Chinese? Ultimately, how successful were these attempts?

Gender Roles and the Convergence of Mongol and Chinese Culture 75. (Create your own question AND answer)

Mongol Tolerance and Foreign Cultural Influence 76. (Create your own question AND answer on the topic of cultural learning and exchange)

Social Policies and Scholar-Gentry Resistance 77. How does Kublai alter the traditional social classes of Chinese society?

78. How are traditional Chinese cultural characteristics preserved (and even improved) under Mongol rule?

The Fall of the House of Yuan 79. What factors contributed to the decline of Mongol control over China?

Aftershock: The Brief Ride of Timur 80. Compare and contrast the conquest AND rule of Timur-i Lang with that of the Mongols. (Do this in power-thesis form, with 2 points of comparison and 2 points of contrast.)

Points to Ponder: 1) Compare and contrast the Mongol conquest of the Russian and Arab civilizations.

2) How do Mongol gender roles compare to those of the Chinese?

3) Describe the European view of, and reaction to, the Mongols.

4) How did the Mongol “Yuan” dynasty alter China?

5) What are the positive aspects of the Mongol conquest? What are the negative?

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