Alderton Parish Council

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Alderton Parish Council


CLERK: Tamsin James, 9 Bowler Road, Northway, Tewkesbury, GL20 8RZ Tel: 01684 290392 E-mail: [email protected]

MINUTES: of a Parish Council meeting held in Alderton Village Hall on Tuesday 19th March 2013 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Parish Councillors: Keith Page, Dennis Rayton, Sylvia Croke, Peter Burton, Becky Parish

County Councillor: Ron Allen

Borough Councillor: Jim Mason

Roger Wilson, prospective Conservative candidate for Winchcombe Division

6 parishioners

In attendance: Tamsin James, Clerk

1. To accept apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Barry Sear and Andrew Cocks.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda – - Sylvia Croke, Dennis Rayton and Tamsin James – item 7. Dennis Rayton – item 11, Stanley Meadows.

The meeting was adjourned so parishioners could raise any points:

Dibden Lane was looking untidy – verge was overgrown and hedges needed cutting. Just past the spinney, on the left, cars were using an area to pull in but this was very close to the ditch. A warning post was required and Gloucestershire Highways would be contacted.

3. To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15th January 2013 and to agree actions on the matters arising:

 Flooding/Drainage Issues – Severn Trent had attended site to replace the manhole cover opposite Elm Villas, but subsequently decided that it did not need replacing. Clerk to chase up outcome of this.  Jubilee Oak Tree – Keith Page and Dennis Rayton to decide upon suitable site for Oak  Insurance/War Memorial – Clerk to ascertain cost from Cleevely Memorials for providing an insurance valuation.  Bus Shelter provision – It was unlikely that provision for a bus shelter would be made under S106 from the proposed Beckford Road development. The outlook for rural bus services was becoming increasingly bleak. It was agreed to ask Third Sector Services to provide information regarding their services for the village newsletter. Alderton Plan Group would be looking at the needs of an ageing population.  Jesmond House Patient Participation Group – Becky Parish would be attending their next group meeting.  Defibrillator installation/training – the defibrillator was now registered, inspected and working. It required regular inspections and it was agreed that Simon Parish would be the nominated inspector. The required signage would be installed. Training had been undertaken and Becky Parish agreed to get costs for the first aid training. This item would be added to the Annual Parish Meeting agenda.

94/12-13/457 4. To co-opt new parish councillor to fill vacancy. As required by law the “Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor”, issued by Tewkesbury Borough Council, had been displayed on the village noticeboard for the required timescale. The Parish Council had subsequently been advised by Tewkesbury Borough Council that the vacancy could be filled by co-option. It was therefore unanimously agreed to co-opt Andrew Cocks onto the Parish Council.

5. To agree or note matters relating to potential housing developments in Beckford Road (13/00114/FUL), adjacent to St Margaret’s Drive and Willowbank Road. Objections made to the Borough Council regarding the Beckford Road application did not appear to be receiving an acknowledgement. This item would be put in the village newsletter and residents advised that they should receive an acknowledgement of their letters and e-mails.

Suggested uses of S106 money from application 13/00114/FUL included: extra allotment provision, village hall extension and play equipment. With regard to the latter, space was limited for additional play items and the parish council did not have the financial resources to cover future maintenance liabilities incurred by extra play equipment. It was thought that a new play area would be safer within the development, rather than across a road that would have five entrances. A Housing Association may be able to undertake the maintenance of a new play area.

Another use for S106 funding may be the provision of increased burial space and Keith Page was currently liaising with the Church regarding this.

The compilation of a list of the errors contained within the Beckford Road application needed attending to as soon as possible and Keith Page agreed to talk to the Action Group regarding this.

The traffic problems that would be created by the Beckford Road development were discussed. The planning process should instigate the inclusion of safety features on the road, but Gloucestershire Highways did not appear to foresee the problems. It was agreed that a meeting should be arranged with Michael Glaze, the Development Co- ordinator – Tewkesbury, at Gloucestershire Highways.

6. To endorse the Alderton Plan Group’s “2013 Alderton Community Consultation Outcomes Report”. Richard Lloyd (CPRE) and Elin Tattersall (GRCC) had met with Tewkesbury Borough Council on 18th March and there was now an impetus with the Borough Council to get the Place Plan established. There appeared to be some potential to set up and fund the process towards a formalised document, which may be achieved in one go. Richard Lloyd was currently awaiting Elin’s minutes of their meeting and Peter Burton agreed to forward these on.

Alderton Parish Council unanimously agreed to endorse the Community Consultation Outcomes Report and noted the impressive response rate of 88%. The Parish Council expressed their thanks to the Alderton Plan Group for the amount of time and effort that everyone had given towards producing an excellent report.

The Housing Needs Survey required updating and this may form part of the next steps in the Place Plan.

Becky Parish reported that she was attending a consultation organised by the Winchcombe Neighbourhood Development Plan Group on 27th April. This event was for invited groups from within the town.

Elin Tattersall had agreed to facilitate the start of Alderton’s Place Plan.

7. To agree or note Allotment matters. Representatives from the Parish Council and Alderton Allotment Association had undertaken a site inspection on 3rd March and as a result some “notices to improve” would be issued shortly.

95/12-13/458 8. To discuss the new Code of Conduct and Register of Members Interest Forms. An article had recently appeared in the Gloucestershire Echo indicating that the Borough Solicitor would not be placing councillor’s Register of Member’s Interest Forms on the Borough website, during the foreseeable future. It was agreed to consider this item further, once clarification had been received from the Borough Solicitor.

9. To agree agenda content for the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed that the Action Group and the Alderton Plan Group be asked to give reports on how they came to be formed and details of the work that they had been doing. If there was opportunity, views could be sought from the community on the Place Plan and feedback could be given on the consultation.

10. To receive an update on Alderton Road Safety Group. Unfortunately there was no progress to report, despite the Group being promised some safety measures in this financial year. Keith Page would speak to Jenny Goodson to ascertain progress and also question if the next phase of road re-surfacing was still going ahead. The planned roadworks around Cambridge Square would be detailed in the village newsletter.

11. To consider and note Planning matters:

Plans for consideration

Stanley Meadows, Gretton Fields (13/00196/FUL) – Proposed single storey side extension and two storey rear extension. The Parish Council had no observations or recommendations to make on this application.

For noting

25 St Margarets Road, Alderton (12/00022/FUL) – Take down section of existing house and rebuilding slightly forward of the original position. Permission for development dated 12.3.13 with conditions:  The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.  The proposed building should be constructed from reused materials from the demolition of part of '25 St Margaret's Road' and any further external materials used shall match as near as possible the materials of the existing property.

12. To agree or note matters relating to Queen Elizabeth II playing fields designation, playing field repairs/ inspection checklist and RoSPA Inspection. Keith Page and Sylvia Croke signed the Queen Elizabeth II playing fields Deed of Dedication. The Parish Council agreed the cost of £40 for the Land Registry fee relating to this Deed.

It was further agreed to instruct a RoSPA inspection of the Playing Field equipment through Playsafety Ltd, at a cost of £68.00 plus VAT. A day would be set aside in early April in order to carry out remedial works. The Clerk would make a request to find out the date of the inspection and also if the inspector could be met on site.

13. To receive Correspondence for action

Tewkesbury Borough Council – Statement of Community Involvement Consultation. Becky Parish would review this consultation and take councillor’s comments.

Citizens Advice Bureau – Request for Funding. It was agreed to make a donation of £25.

14. To receive Correspondence for noting

Roses Theatre donation – a letter of thanks had been received for the recent donation of £100.

96/12-13/459 15. Finances i) To receive the current state of accounts @ 28th February 2013. Current Account = £262.52, Deposit Account = £18,195.27. Budget v Actual detailed at end of agenda. ii) To approve payments: The following payments were approved:

Southern Electric £3.49 a/c for 4.12.12 to 2.1.13 (by direct debit) Southern Electric £3.49 a/c for 3.1.13 to 1.2.13 (by direct debit) Southern Electric £3.41 a/c for 2.2.13 to 1.3.13 (by direct debit) Ros Smith £83.00 Alderton Place Plan expenses

(The above payments were made between meetings).

GAPTC £161.74 Annual membership 2013/14 Tewkesbury Borough Council £awaiting invoice Grass cutting 2012 season T James £140.83 Clerk’s expenses 8.1.13 – 12.3.13 iii) To agree Clerk’s Payroll Charges. PATA Payroll had advised that as from April 2013 they would increase their monthly fee from £6.00 to £6.50. The Parish Council agreed to accept this increase.

Borough Councillor Jim Mason reported that the new refuse calendars would be issued shortly. As Christmas fell mid week this year, there would be some missed collections. Tewkesbury Borough Council had been one of the best performing councils, in the county, during the snow. The Outpatients service in Winchcombe was under threat and the Town Council would appreciate some support in opposing this. There was a consultation evening on 21st March, 5-7pm, at Abbeyfields.

County Councillor Ron Allen reported that he was attending the County Council’s Planning Committee meeting on 21st March to consider the proposed development of an energy from waste facility at Javelin Park, Haresfield.

Keith Page expressed the Parish Council’s thanks to County Councillor Ron Allen for all his help and input over the past years.

The Chairman concluded the meeting at 9.45pm and thanked everyone for their attendance.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th April 2013, at 7pm in the Village Hall. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st May 2013, at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

………………………………….. ………………….. Chairman Date


BUDGET v ACTUAL as at 28 February 2013

2011/12 2012/13 Detail Actual Difference £ £ £ £ Actual Budget Receipts Actual Difference

13965 17440 carried forward £17,220 -220 8040 8040 Precept £ 8,040 0 1302 1290 Allotment rents £ 467 -823 0 120 Football Donation 0 -120 286 286 Grass Verges 286 0 9 9 Interest 10 1 20 0 Other 0 0 299 227 Vat reclaim 231 4

23921 £27,412.00 Total income £26,254 -1158


2629 2730 Staff Salary £ 2,476 -254 437 420 Admin Expenses £ 377 -43 195 195 Audit 180 -15 230 242 Insurance 195 -47 56 160 Hall Hire 51 -109 510 640 Grass Verges 724 84 438 650 Playing Field Maintenance 194 -456 0 5000 Pavilion 0 -5000 1000 1150 Allotments - GCC rent £ 1,150 0 291 350 Allotments - water etc 149 -201 211 220 Subscriptions 54 -166 0 1000 Affordable Housing 0 -1000 0 500 ACT 0 -500 100 250 Training 38 -213 0 3000 Legal Costs 0 -3000 73 200 Website 50 -150 0 1300 Defibrillator 1,750 450 0 500 IT Equipment 0 -500 120 204 Section 137 £ 37 -167 179 8501 Reserve 282 -8219 231 200 VAT paid £ 89 -111

6700 £27,412.00 Total Expenditure £ 7,796 -£ 19,616

Balance in hand £18,458


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