Bolwarra Public School P & C Meeting

MEETING DATE 18.02.2013 START 6.10pm FINISH 7.35pm CHAIR Carrie Rowston MINUTES Sophie Abela

Attendance: Sophie Abela, Carrie Rowston, Sue Swetnam, Penny Rose, Rebecca Croese, Megan Ridgers, Karen Bradley, Melissa Boucher, Amanda Rodrick, Ann Bartlett, Leah Robson, Jenny Watters, Ian Bates & Ali Haggarty

Apologies: Collette, Jenny Marselos, Louise Trist & Miranda Moore

Business Arising from previous Meeting: Sophie to go to Westpac and check on where bank statements are going. Meetings to be kept to a limit – 8pm finish at latest. An agenda to be set for the next AGM Meeting. Anyone that has any items to discuss send to Sue Swetnam who will pass this onto the Secretary.

Moved: Jenny Watters Seconded: Penny Rose

Correspondence In: Incorporation Certificate received. Sue to organise for all P&C information to be stored electronically. Do we want Student Injury Insurance thru P & C. Answer was decided no. Bunnings fundraiser confirmation date received – Saturday 13th July. Masters fundraiser - Volunteer note to go out. (Carrie) – 24th March

Canteen Co-ordinator Report 8 bottles of Slushi mix was wasted when fridge broke down. In the process of stocking for food for the new year. Canteen volunteers is looking positive for the start of 2013.

Moved: Leah Robson Seconded: Anne Bartlett

Canteen Treasurer Report: See Report attached. A discussion was put in place to transfer $10,000 from the Canteen Account to the P & C Account This amount was moved and agreed upon

Moved: Ian Bates Seconded: Jenny Watters

Treasurers Report: $1,000 approx made from welcome disco Moved: Anne Bartlett Seconded: Melissa Boucher Presidents Report: See attached Report. $399.05 raised from Gingerbread House fundraiser $1563 profit made from xmas raffle $2,500 profit from Tea Tower & Aprons Welcome Disco went well. Few sausages left over as some people did not show on the night.

Moved: Ian Bates Seconded: Leah Robson

Uniform Report: Uniform ladies absent.

Principals Report:

Dietician workshop is P & C interested – Yes. Sue to organise Toilet soap dispensers for childrens toilets to be organised by Anne Bartlett. Sue investigating putting in a picnic area near hall. Sue to gain 3 quotes Possible Walk A T hon – Sue looking into for Term 3.

General Business

Trivia Night update – All going well. Venue booked. Committee trying to gather prizes.

Next Trivia Night committee meeting 5th March.

List of Fundraiser Items planned for 2013

Masters BBQ Bunnings BBQ Trivia Night Walk a thon Musical Term 3 Election cake stall – 14th Septmber. No fete this year – 2014

Next Meeting: Monday 18th March @ 6.00pm

AGM Meeting first followed by normal P & C Meeting