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School District of Westfield Regular School Board Meeting May 21, 2014
I. President Gerald Hebert II called the meeting to order at 8:05 PM. Board Members present: Hebert, Floeter, Pintar, Wastart and S. Janke. John Eyerly, District Administrator and Andy Saloun, Business Manager was also present.
II. Pledge of allegiance
III. Motion by S. Janke/Floeter to approve the agenda-addendum. Roll call vote, motion carried 5-0.
IV. Public participation
B. Janke and Wagner arrived at 8:13 PM.
V. District Administrator’s announcements and reports (John Eyerly) A. Pioneer Plan update by Jerry Stampfl B. Motion by S. Janke/B. Janke to approve open enrollment applications in and out of the district for the 2014-2015 school year. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0. C. Motion by B. Janke/S. Janke to approve the CESA 5 service contract for the 2014-2015 school year. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0. D. Motion by S. Janke/Pintar to approve eliminating the Transportation Director position as of July 1, 2014. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
VI. Committee Reports A. Personnel 1. Motion by Wagner/B. Janke to approve health insurance plan 1C for the 2014-2015 school year. Roll call vote, motion carried 5-2 with S. Janke and Wastart voting no. 2. Motion by Wagner/S. Janke to approve that all eligible School District of Westfield health insurance plan participants will receive the same employer contribution rate beginning the sooner of July 1, 2015 or the deadline date that is mandated by federal and/or state law. Considered as eligible employees are any employee that works on average 30 hours or more per week including but not limited to nine (9) month and twelve (12) month support staff, teachers and administrative employees. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0. B. Building/Finance 1. Motion by S. Janke/B. Janke to approve request from Neshkoro Community Group to extend the date to purchase Neshkoro Elementary to July 15, 2014 with the understanding that they assume all utilities and maintenance as of June 1, 2014. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0. 2. Motion by B. Janke/Floeter to approve recommendation to Co-op with Arcadia for Spanish grades K-2 and 7-8. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0. C. Policy/Vision/Curriculum 1. Review approve new policies a. 1630.01 Family & Medical Leave of Absence b. 5630.01 Use of Restraint and Seclusion with Students c. 8605 Use of Electronic Wireless Communication Devices by District Employees who Operate District-Owned or Operated Vehicles Motion by S. Janke/Floeter to approve new policies VIC1a through c. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0. The next PVC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at 1:00 PM.
VII. Consent Agenda A. Approve District Financial Statement, Payrolls, Vouchers 138508-138817 and Activity Account Vouchers 12099-12138. B. Approve contracts that need Board President’s signature C. Approve Board Meeting Minutes of April 16, 2014 and April 28, 2014 D. Approve Personnel Recommendations 1. Resignation of Joann Bliven, Fall and Winter Cheerleading Coach 2. Resignation of Kent Janisch, Special Education Assistant 3. Hire James Sobieski, Varsity Volleyball Coach 4. Hire Elementary Teacher 5. Retirement of Connie Seeliger, Teacher
VIII. Items from the consent agenda to be individually considered. A request was made by Wagner to consider item VIID3 - Hire James Sobieski, Varsity Volleyball Coach individually.
IX. Motion by S. Janke/Wastart to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of item VIID3. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
A lengthy discussion was held regarding item VIID3.
Motion by Wagner/S. Janke to table item VIID3 until the July Board meeting pending WIAA regulations. Roll call vote, motion fails 3-4 with Pintar, Floeter, Hebert and Wastart voting no.
A motion was then made by Wastart/Pintar to approve item VIID3 – Hire James Sobieski, Varsity Volleyball Coach. Roll call vote, motion carried 5-2 with B. Janke and Wagner voting no.
X. Identification of possible future agenda items
XI. Motion by Floeter/S. Janke to adjourn at 9:05 PM. Voice vote.
Recorder: D. Mockler