Icc Akreditif Semineri
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Date : 17-18 Aralık 2016 Venue :Radisson Blu Hotel, 19 Mayıs Cad No. 2 Şişli/İstanbul Trainers: Abdurrahman Özalp, Hasan Apaydın, Nilgün Ersoy Demiroğlu, Pınar Arabacıoğlu
1. Day: 17 Dec 2016, Saturday
09.00-09.30: Registiration
09.30- 11.00 I. Session
Organizations & Associations relating to Trade finance Turkish Local Regulations relating to Trade Finance Import regulations Export Regulations Inward Procesing Regime Outward Processing Regime Foreign Exchange Regulation Ministry of Customs and Trade Ministry of Economy Treasury Undersecreteriat
11:00-11.15- Break
11:15 – 12:30 II. Session
International Regulations relating to Trade Finance Introduction of ICC ICC Rules (URC 522, UCP 600, ISP 98, URDG 758, INCOTERMS, URR 725, ISBP )
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.30 III.Session
Dispute Settlement Tools of ICC Banking Commission, ADR, Expertise, DOCDEX, Arbitration
Parties to Trade Finance (Seller/Buyer & Banks) Risks and Mitigants in Trade Finance Political Risk Commercial Risk Documentary Risk Interest Rate Risk Foreign Exchange Risk
Suggestions to Buyers & sellers Agreements in Trade Finance Roles of Banks at Trade Finance
15.30 – 16:00 Break
16.00-17:30 IV. Session
INCOTERMS Payment Terms (Advance Payment, Open Account, Dpocumentary Collection, Documentary Credit) Pros & Cons of Payment Terms Risks & Mitigants relating to Payment Terms
2. Day: 18 Dec 2016, Sunday
09.00- 09.30 : Registration
09.30-11.00 I. Session
Documents used in Trade Finance Draft, Bill of Exchange, Promissory Note Proforma Invoice, Commercial Invoice Bill of Lading, Airwaybil, Roadwaybill, Railwaybill, Multimodal Transport Document Courier Receipt, Certificate of Posting vs. Insurance Policy, Insurance Certificate, Declaration Other Documents (Certificate of Origin, Movement Certificate, Packing/Weight List etc.
11:15 – 12:30 II.Session
Financial Obligations in Trade Finance (Resource Utilization Support Fund) Structured and Alternative Finance Products Eximbank Export Insurance Programme Documentary Credits (Transferable, Back to back, Revolving, Red Clause, Green Clause) Finance (Postfinance, ECA Credits, Prepayment/Purchase/Negotiation)
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.30 III. Session
Alternative Finance Countertrade Barter Factoring Forfaiting Supply Chain / Block Chain 15.30 – 16:00 Break
16.00-18:00 IV. Session
Guarantees in Trade Finance Aval Guarantees Standby Credits
Differences amongst Documentary Credits, standby credits and guarantees
Questions and Answers
Tarih: 17-18 Aralık 2016
Yer: : Radisson Blu Hotel İstanbul Şişli, 19 Mayis Cad. No 2/Şişli/İST Eğitmenler: Abdurrahman Özalp, Hasan Apaydın, Nilgün Ersoy Demiroğlu, PınarArabacıoğlu
Kayıt Ücreti: ⑨ 600,-TL (ICC Üyesi) ⑨ 750,- TL (Diğer) ⑨ 550,-TL (ICC Üyeleri – 10kişi ve üzeri katılım olması durumunda) Kayıt: 14 Aralık 2016 tarihine kadar kayıt formunu doldurup, göndermeniz gerekmektedir. Tel : +90 312 219 4254 (55-56-57) Faks: + 90 312 219 4258 E-posta: [email protected]
Ödeme Şekli: Kayıt ücretini aşağıda belirtilen hesap numarasına katılımcı adı ya da katılımcı firma adı belirterek yatırmanız gerekmektedir: MTO –Milletlerarası Ticaret Odası Türkiye Milli Komitesi Türkiye İş Bankası, Akay Şubesi IBAN: TR10 0006 4000 0014 2010 3648 40
Ad, Soyad ......
Firma/Kuruluş ......
Ünvan ......
Adres ......
Posta Kodu, Ülke ......
Tel ...... Faks ......
E-posta ......
Tarih ...... İmza ......
*Konferansa katılım sınırlıdır, kayıt öncelik esasına göre yapılacaktır. Kontenjan dolduğunda, kayıtlar ilan edilen tarihten önce de kapatılabilir.