Swartz Creek Community Schools
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Congratulations for choosing to be a part of the strong choral tradition of Swartz Creek Community Schools. The study of vocal music is very beneficial for people from all walks of life. Whether this is your first year in a performance group or you are a seasoned veteran, you will grow individually and professionally as we study music together. This handbook has been compiled to assist you in making this year the best it can be for you and for the choir to which you belong. Inside you will find information regarding classroom policies, concert schedules, concert attire, and more. Read all of this information and know it. The success of any organization rests on the knowledge and participation of the members. Being in a choir is not just being in a class; it is about being in a community.
I. CLASSROOM RULES: a. Be respectful. b. Be cooperative. c. Listen and follow instructions the first time they are given. d. No gum, food, candy, pop, etc. Water is allowed and encouraged.
Students who repeatedly violate any of the above rules, may be removed from participation in class. Following removal, a student may only be reinstated after a conference with the student, parents, teacher, and principal regarding their behavior and future in the choir program.
II. REQUIRED MATERIALS: a. A pencil: Pens are unacceptable - this includes erasable pens. b. A folder: The choir department will provide a folder that must be brought to class everyday. c. Choir shirt: The cost of these shirts will be determined at a later date. These shirts will be used in informal settings, encourage unity in our program, and also promote the Swartz Creek Choirs in our community.
III. GENERAL POLICIES: a. Performances: Scheduled performances are mandatory. A concert is the equivalent of a test in other subject areas. One crucial difference, however, a missed test can be made up while a missed performance cannot. Choir is not an extracurricular activity. It is not a sport, club, or other after school program. Choir is a scholastic endeavor that results in a credit towards graduation. Therefore, be professional as you evaluate what and what not to attend. Concerts will be planned as much as possible to avoid conflicts with known extracurricular activities. Communication with the director is essential. As soon as a conflict arises, discuss the matter with the director immediately. In the event that an emergency or sudden illness overtakes a choir member on the date of a scheduled performance, a phone call should be made to the director as soon as possible. The Missed Performance Excuse Form must be completed by the student’s parent or guardian explaining the reason for their student’s absence and should be
Choir Handbook Swartz Creek Page 1 2006-2007 turned in with in three days of the student’s return to school. These forms can be obtained from the director or downloaded online from the Choir Program’s website. An absence will be considered excused solely at the director’s discretion. If no contact is made concerning the absence or if the absence is deemed inappropriate, the student will receive no credit for the missed performance and cannot make up the lost points. If the absence is excused, the student will still receive no points for the performance, however, they may complete an alternative assignment that can completely compensate for the lost performance grade. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding the make-up assignment. b. Tardiness: Being on time to class includes having your music; homework, folder, and pencil with you and that you are sitting in your correct seat when the bell rings. The school’s tardy policy will be strictly enforced. c. Fines: Students will be held financially responsible for the music, folders, and apparel provided. As with textbooks in other subject areas, the condition of music, folders and school provided apparel will be ascertained upon their return. Students will be charged the replacement value of any material that is lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear. Music: $1.50 to $20.00 depending on replacement value. Leather Choir Folders: $8.00 Three-Ring Binders: $1.50 Cardboard Folders: $.50 Robes: $250.00 d. Illness: Choir is a group-learning environment; therefore students are expected to participate at all times. If a student is ill, s/he should notify the director before the start of class so an appropriate action may be taken that is beneficial for both the student and the choir. e. Equipment: Pianos, keyboards, computers, projectors, etc. are for the specific purpose of instruction. Ask permission before using any equipment. f. Absences: If a student’s cumulative absences (excused or unexcused) are equal to or greater than the average of one absence per week, the student will not be eligible for participation on stage in the concert for that term. The student must still attend the concert to receive any credit. An alternative arrangement will have to be made by the student in order to receive full credit.
IV. GRADING POLICIES: Please read the attendance policies for Swartz Creek High School in the Student Handbook as they can greatly affect your student’s grade in choir. a. Daily Points: Each student receives 10 points per day for actively participating in a classroom rehearsal. Appointments, field trips, and all other absences from rehearsals, excused or unexcused, are a forfeiture of these points. You must be present to participate. These points may be made up if the amount of absences becomes excessive. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding make-up assignments. b. Written Assignment: Each student will receive credit for completing various in class assignments. Assignments that are not completed during class can be taken home to complete. These assignments will have different point values. c. Concert Points: Each scheduled concert is worth 300 points. Since the concert schedule is included with this handbook, there should be no surprise conflicts. A scheduled performance that is missed and excused must be made up. In order to obtain full credit for a missed performance that is excused you must video tape yourself singing through all concert pieces in full concert dress. If several members from your class have also missed the performance, you may do a group tape together. The tape
Choir Handbook Swartz Creek Page 2 2006-2007 must be completed one week from the performance date unless other arrangements with the director have been made. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding make-up assignments.
V. CONCERT POLICIES: a. Concert Attire: Students must be properly dressed for all performances. If a student is not properly dressed for a performance, the student will not be allowed to participate and will not receive credit for the performance. 1. Robed ensembles: Women – dress shoes, and hosiery. Men – white collared shirt, tie, black socks and black dress shoes. 2. Choir T-shirt: This uniform is used for informal performances only. Jeans are appropriate. Shorts and skirts are NOT appropriate. b. Concert Etiquette: All students participating in a performance are required to attend the entire performance. Applause following pieces of music is appropriate. Whistling, yelling, calling student’s names, etc. is not appropriate and will be cause for disciplinary action.
Coffee Concert Saturday, October 28th 10:00 a.m., SCHS Winter Concert Tuesday, December 19th 7:30 p.m., SCHS District S&E Saturday, February 10th All Day, TBA Day of Music Saturday, February 24th 8:00 a.m., SCHS District Choir Festival Tuesday & Wednesday, March 6th & 7th All Day, FIM State S&E Tuesday – Thursday, April 17th – 19th All Day, FIM State Choir Festival Tuesday & Wednesday, April 24th & 25th All Day, Holt HS Spring Concert Thursday, May 24th 7:30 p.m., SCHS Awards Night Tuesday, May 29th 6:30 p.m., SCHS
If you have any questions regarding these policies, please do not hesitate to call us at 591-1854. Our planning hour is 12:30 to 1:15. We can also be reached after 2:30 p.m. Please visit the Choir Website at http://www.infamousleucks.com/choirs/. Here you will find up-to-date information as soon as it becomes available, all necessary forms (including a copy of this handbook), audio and video recordings of the choirs, online forums for assignments and student discussions, and some excellent resources available there for you and your student. Thank you for supporting the choir program this year.
Jared R. & Andrea M. Leuck Choir Directors
Choir Handbook Swartz Creek Page 3 2006-2007