Organizational Self Assessment Forms

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Organizational Self Assessment Forms

2013 Organizational Self Assessment Forms

CONTENTS (page numbers will change as you add information):

Mission and Planning, Page 1 Governance, Page 3 Financial, Page 4 Fundraising, Page 5 Collections Policy, Page 8 Risk Management, Page 10 Security, Page 14 Public Relations/Marketing, Page 15 Outreach, Page 17 Deposit/Gifts, Page 19 Access Policy, Page 20 Appraisal, Page 21 Accessioning, Page 22 De-accessioning, Page 24 Cataloging, Page 25 Loans, Page 26 Preservation, Page 27 Storage, Page 29 Materials Handling, Page 32 Collections Survey, Page 33 General Building Workshop, Page 34

All participants in the Saving Oklahoma Collections program are expected to submit the THOROUGHLY completed form at least two weeks prior to Oklahoma Historical Records Advisory Board the Consultant Site Visit. Failure to do so will result in a cancelation of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries visit. Submit by email to [email protected] Oklahoma Museums Association Not all forms are applicable to every organization. It is suggested that staff and board members complete the self-assessment together. MISSION AND PLANNING ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT the organization have a ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENTThe mission FORM of this Society is: Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 written mission statement? YES [TypeTo text] inspire pride in the My Town Community; [Type text] . preserve the materials and ideals used and worked with by those who established this community; preserve the works of these founders, such as letters, books, pictures, cultural development, handy-work, education, etc. reflecting the historical pattern of “Oil Boom” life in My Town; preserve the events, stories, and tales of the lives of our founding fathers; record on tape the voices and stories of pioneers concerning early day life in the My Town Community; record in the best forms available continuing events of historical interest to the Society and to the Community.

What are the goals of the To grow the number of memberships through organization? YES added member value, gain community involvement by hosting special events, adopt sound policies and procedures that will ensure the longevity of the organization, to renovate the railcar; catalog the artifacts; preserve photo’s; provide an entertaining as well as educational history to the public; to be good stewards of the responsibility the public has instilled in us. What is distinctive about the We are the only known publicly owned organization’s identity and “oilfield” museum in Oklahoma. mission?

What process guides the The organization is guided by some strategic organization’s direction and goals set forth at the annual meeting. These growth? goals are often in the form of “this year’s project will be…” Also, hard work, dedication and a sincere interest in keeping My Town’s history Does the organization have a NO Needs to be 2The board needs to adopt a strategic plan to Board strategic or long-range plan? developed guide the museum in the years to come. Aside If yes, indicate date last from goals set year to year at the annual updated. membership meetings, no long-range plan has been identified. ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

GOVERNANCE ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Do you have Directors and NO. Consulting with our agent. Board Officers Insurance? If yes, when is the last time it was reviewed? Does it provide adequate coverage? Do board members have term NO limits? Is there a formal board NO Need to develop At very least, set of guidelines for what we Board orientation and training? expect of board members should be drafted. New board members probably don’t know what is expected of them. Do you have a formal process NO of board evaluation? Has the board adopted a code NO of ethics? Do board members provide YES, by way of financial support? . dues and contributions. It is not required other than dues Do board members provide YES, we have Yes, all board members bring certain skill sets professional expertise, for two that make the organization better. example legal, financial, bookkeepers, a management? retired educator, three business owners. Do you have job descriptions YES in our By YES Need to have a more concise description. The Board for board members? Laws By Laws are rather vague.

3 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

FINANCIAL ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Does the organization YES, monthly prepare reports on its and annually finances on a regular basis? Is there an individual We have a CPA Officers with debit Need to put into policy the dollar amount that Board responsible for monitoring that reviews cards do not need is acceptable for an officer to spend without finances? What checks and annually and we approval. formal approval. balances are in place? require two signatures on all checks.

Are accounts audited or Annually by reviewed on a regular basis? CPA, as a compilation financial statement Do you have a budget for YES We keep a reserve on hand for large budget capital expenditures in items. The Board reviews and approves both addition to regular operating present and future expenditures. expenses?

4 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]


What are your annual fundraising goals? Each year our goal is to cover the operating cost of the museum through our corporate sponsorships. Don’t have any formally set goals, however. Are you a non-profit with a 501(c)3? YES What is the average size of your donations? Average size is $25.00 the largest total annual donation (including Corp. Sponsors) is $14,034 Largest annual donation? Do you typically meet your fundraising goals? Yes, we typically cover our operating expenses. Who in your organization is responsible for Everyone fundraising? Do your board members actively participate in YES fundraising efforts? Do they contribute? What fundraising activities work well in your Corporate sponsorships are our biggest money maker. community? How do you identify prospects? DK How do you track donations? QuickBooks Why does your organization deserve support? We are small and struggling. We have no formal experience in museum operations. We are attempting to be more professional in our dealings, in our image and more confident in our actions. We are the keepers of the town’s history. Without the historical society there wouldn’t be an organization devoted to the preservation of the town’s heritage. We are good stewards of the funds, artifacts and collections entrusted to us.


5 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] fundraising plan that addresses NEED IMPROVEMENT OR TO: the following: IS IN PROGRESS Annual Campaign YES Membership YES Board NO Foundations NO Haven’t started, but need to. Board Government (local/state/federal) NO Corporations YES In-Kind NO

Capital Improvements NO Special Events NO NEEDS Need to make an effort for Board IMPROVEMENTS Discovery Days to be a “fund raiser” and not just a “special event.” Product Sales NO Endowment/Planned Giving NO We haven’t touched this. It is a Board good option to pursue. Other (Please elaborate) NO


6 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] IS IN PROGRESS Fundraising Calendar/Timeline X YESYES Direct Mail Materials XXYESXYESB CHEC (letters/envelopes/brochures) Personal Solicitation NO Online giving Brochure Social Media Email News Media Newsletter Other (Please elaborate)

IN THE SPACE BELOW, PLEASE PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT WILL HELP THE MARKETING/FUNDRAISING CONSULTATN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE BEST POSSIBLE PLAN. NOTE: The computer would not allow fill-in on the above. I have answered here: Fundraising: YES Direct Mail: Annual letter; we will check with post office for bulk flyer mailing Personal Solicitation: YES Online giving: YES Brochure: YES Social Media: YES Email: NO News Media: YES Newsletter: YES needs improvement Newsletter: Curator is working on a “blog” or newsletter.

7 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

COLLECTION POLICY ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Do you have a written collection NO We are obtaining information in order to form Board policy? a written policy.

Is the policy consistent with your mission? N/A Does the policy indicate the types N/A Some suggestions have been made on what we Board of activities supported by the will accept but that hasn’t been put into a collection, i.e., research, exhibits, formal policy. outreach, publications, etc.? Does the policy address the N/A Needs to be addressed in policy. Board priorities of the collection, i.e., geographic and subject areas collected? Is the policy realistic in terms of N/A Needs to be addressed in policy. Board your capacity to care for the materials acquired? Do you acquire only materials NO Past museum history is that anything was that you can properly document, accepted. We are now being more diligent in preserve, store, maintain, and only accepting items we have room for and the provide access to? capacity to maintain. We have purged some duplicates, given away some to other museums and stored others. Do you have a designated YES The Board is the committee individual or acquisitions committee with final decision making authority over all acquisitions?

Are donations accepted only YES We try to accept them unconditionally except 8 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] without conditions or with for by rare circumstance. We don’t generally reasonable restrictions that you accept loaned items. are able to honor?

9 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

RISK MANAGEMENT ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Do you have a Risk Management NO We have received some samples in order to Board Plan that identifies, analyzes, and write our own. controls risk? Does your Risk Management Plan N/A specify what will be covered by insurance? Is an individual assigned N/A responsibility for monitoring risk management and insurance options? Do you have insurance coverage YES for your building(s), equipment, and furnishings? Do you have insurance coverage YES for your collections? Do you have public liability YES insurance? Have you investigated what NO elements of exposure can be eliminated or reduced by changes in procedure or in operations? Do you regularly conduct security NO audits? Do you perform background NO checks on employees and contractors? Do you have a sprinkler system or NO other fire-prevention system? Do you have fire and/or smoke NO We have a burglary alarm but no fire &/or

10 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] alarms? smoke

Have you appointed a Disaster NO Team that is responsible for emergency preparedness planning and post-disaster responsibilities? Have you established a collection NO priority ranking that indicates collections or items to be protected or removed first? Have you conducted a building NO audit? If yes, how often do you conduct audits? What happens when needs are identified? (See page 23 for a Building Worksheet) Do you maintain a list of the NO names and contact information for facility and maintenance contacts within your organization as well as who should be called in the event of an emergency?

NO Do you have an evacuation plan for staff and visitors in the event of an emergency? Do you work with local responders to help determine evacuation plans? Do you annually review your YES insurance coverage to determine what is covered for fire, water,

11 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] explosion, smoke damage, vandalism, theft, acts of God, and other occurrences?

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RISK MANAGEMENT ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12) IMPROVEMENT Have you consulted with your NO YES Treasurer insurance agent about ways to reduce premiums, i.e., written and enforced emergency plan, smoke and heat detectors, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, water detectors, burglar alarms, etc.?

Do you maintain an off-site YES inventory of your items with photographs? Do you maintain a cache of NO We will start putting one together. Board disaster supplies? For example, tarps, flashlights, battery operated radios, rubber boots and gloves, face masks, protective goggles, paper towels, first-aid kit, various types of tape, towels, wet-dry vacuum, etc.? Do you know the history of YES natural (flood, tornado, etc.) or man-made (gas leaks, water main breaks, etc.) in the vicinity of your building?

13 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

SECURITY ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Does the building have an YES intrusion alarm system? Is a staff or board member YES assigned responsibility for security management? Do you know who has keys and YES passwords? Is there a written closing YES procedure for the building? Is there a mechanism for YES distributing and collecting keys for new or terminating employees? Who can access areas where ALL collections are located? Are researchers required to fill NO out a registration form and provide identification? Are researchers required to NO complete call slips to document which collections they access? Are materials of special value NO counted out for researchers, returned, and checked by staff before additional materials are issued?

Are researchers ever YES unsupervised when they are

14 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] using materials? Are there written rules for use of NO historical collections that are distributed to researchers?

PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Do you have a designated person YES It is a group effort by the Board and/or committee who are responsible for marketing?

Do you have a marketing and NO Develop one Board public relations policy? Who produces your promotional Central Several members proof-read, but nothing on materials? What procedures are Technology “public relations policy”. in place to ensure that materials and are correct and follow the VistaPrint marketing and public relations policy? Have you established YES We are well acquainted with the local relationships with local media newspaper and have a good relationship with representatives? Have you area papers. established a program of regular media releases? Do you maintain a database of media outlets?

Do you work with your local Main YES Street or Tourism programs to promote your organization? Do you maintain records YES documenting your marketing and publicity efforts?

15 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] Do you have a website? If yes, YES Website is updated as needed. how often is it updated?

16 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

OUTREACH ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT What programs do you offer your We have a Looking into doing Oklahoma History local community to keep them movie night classroom presentations. Curriculum is connected to your organization? during the currently being developed. summer. We also have an annual Discovery Days in June. We have a Website and are on Facebook. Do you work with other YES, organizations and educational Chamber of institutions in your community on Commerce, cooperative projects or Rotary and programs? Lions clubs

Is your organization open to the YES, hours public on a regular schedule? noted on How are your hours publicized? door and on website Do you publish a newsletter or NO Curator has discussed doing a “blog” but has other form of regular not as yet. Recently started sending regular communication? articles to the local newspaper.

Do you have a brochure? YES A recently updated glossy, tri-fold brochure.

17 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

Do you have a collections guide NO Cataloging our artifacts is one of our goals. Board or catalog? Is your catalog available online or NO in a bibliographic network?

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If you accept deposits or gifts, D/K how do you let the public know of this?

Do you use a deposit/gift D/K agreement form? If yes, when was it last updated?

Does the form contain the D/K depositor’s name, address, and signature? The date and time span of the deposit? The description of the material? Restrictions regarding use? Your responsibilities for processing? Your responsibility in case of loss or damage? A procedure for withdrawal of materials by the depositor? Any costs to the depositor?

19 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

ACCESS POLICY ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Do you have a written Access NO Policy? Does it state who may use the NO collection? Does your collection hold NO restricted collections? If yes, how are restricted records identified? How are restrictions enforced? Are restrictions to collections N/A reviewed on a regular basis to determine if they are still necessary? Does staff consistently and N/A equitably enforce access to collections? Are staff members aware of NO restriction policies?

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When materials are appraised as N/A not appropriate for your repository, do you refer the materials to other repositories that may collect in that area?

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ACCESSIONING ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Do you have a written procedure? NO Are duties assigned to a specific N/A person? Do you maintain an accession N/A register? Do you have accession forms? YES YES Do you maintain a backup copy of N/A the accession register off-site? Do you assign a unique number to NO objects in a consistent manner? For objects, are the methods used to N/A apply accession numbers appropriate to the material to which the number is being applied and are they consistent with accepted conservation practice? Do your forms record: YES We do not have ALL that is listed, so we need Board  Accession number to add to our record.  Date received/accessioned  Provenance (source)  Description of material  Date range of material  Quantity/size of collection  Location within repository  Notation of any restrictions  Donor/depositor information  Copyright owner  Relationship to previously accessioned materials

22 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]  Condition

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DE-ACCESSIONING ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Are all de-accessions recorded? N/A Do you have a committee or NO other formal structure to make all final decisions regarding de- accessions? Are de-accessioned collections or N/A objects offered as an exchange, gift, or sale to other archival repositories before disposition? Are funds received through de- N/A accessioning used for the direct benefit of the collections? How do you identify objects that N/A are leaving your collection?

24 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

CATALOGING ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Do you create object descriptions N/A Most of our inside exhibits have descriptions. Board to aid researchers? Most of our outside exhibits lack descriptions. Do your descriptions follow a N/A consistent format? Are all items cataloged as fully as N/A This is one of our goals. Nothing since the Board possible according to written museum’s inception in 1968 has been procedures? cataloged. Does the cataloging system N/A provide for ready retrieval of information? Are staff members trained in the N/A retrieval of catalog data? Do you keep secure, and maintain N/A controlled access to, catalog records that include insurance valuations or other confidential information? Are your collections management N/A Checking on some collection software. Board records cross-referenced with other records such as donor files, artists’ resume files, etc.? Is an object classification system N/A used in registration and recordkeeping of artifacts?

25 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

LOANS ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Do you have a written policy on NO loans? Does it contain a clause regarding N/A copyright and reproduction rights of loaned materials? Is there a written loan agreement NO Need to create a loan agreement. Board form for both incoming and outgoing loans that clearly describes the materials, loan period, time frame, and responsibilities of both organizations? Do you keep track of loaned N/A We do not “loan” at this point. materials to ensure their return?

26 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

PRESERVATION ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Have you conducted a NO preservation survey to assess and prioritize problems? Do you have a written NO preservation plan, with needs prioritized? Are key decision makers in your YES We need more training Board organization aware of preservation needs and committed to the protection of collections? If needed, have you upgraded YES We are still supplies and storage materials? upgrading by purchasing archival storage. If needed, have you improved YES YES We need to add another dehumidifier and environmental conditions? window tinting. Do you have a budget line item NO devoted to preservation? Does one person have NO responsibility for preservation activities? Is there a preservation committee?

Are staff members knowledgeable about common NO forms of damage, their causes, and potential solutions? 27 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] Are procedures established to NO examine the condition of materials in your collections on a regular basis?

28 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

STORAGE ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT How are shelving and storage If they are According to the need at the time. materials selected? archival. Are the types of storage NO YES The need for better storage has been brought furniture in use adequate for the to our attention. We do have plastic lining all materials they store, i.e., map wood shelves, but that is about all. files, compact shelving, free- standing shelves, file cabinets, microfilm cabinets, locked cabinets, etc. Are collections stored in an un- YES crowded, orderly manner? Are bottlenecks and sharp NO corners eliminated? Has the floor loading been tested YES and can it accommodate the weight of cabinets, shelving, and collections? Is the storage location of each NO archival collection or object recorded? Is a plan posted showing the NO layout of the storage area? Are all shelves and cabinets NO clearly numbered and labeled?

Are all boxes and other YES containers labeled with light and water-resistant ink or carbon-

29 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] based printer toner? Is access to storage area YES controlled? Are objects stored in their N/A natural position or in the position that is most stable and provides the least stress to the object? Are objects supported to prevent N/A accidental movement or shifting and to prevent sagging or distortion over time? Are shelves or cabinets large DK enough to support objects completely? Is there good air circulation DK around collections? Are wooden shelving units or YES, NO, YES We do have archival shelf lining on all cabinets used for storage of wooden shelves. historical collections? If so, has the wood been sealed? With hat? Are any composite materials used such as particleboard or plywood?

Is there any barrier (for example, YES archival boxes, phase boxes, laminate, glass, etc.) between collections and wood?

30 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] Are archival-quality, acid-free YES and chemically-neutral containers, padding, and packing materials used?

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MATERIALS HANDLING ACCEPTABLE NEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION ASSIGNED TO: IMPROVEMENT Are all staff members who handle NO Need instructions collections trained in proper handling procedures?

Do you have rules governing the NO handling of research materials, i.e., only pencils may be used, no food and drink? Do you enforce the rules? Who is allowed to photocopy, CURATOR scan, or photograph historical collection materials? What may be photocopied? How Anything are these materials identified? that is at least 90 years old. Are original photographic prints GENERALLY and negatives handled only when absolute necessary and with gloves? Is sufficient workspace provided YES for handling collections? How frequently are collections Storage We have just started cleaning some of our Board and storage furniture cleaned? furniture at garments. Other artifacts are cleaned perhaps How is it done and by whom? least weekly once a year. by the Curator.

32 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]

COLLECTIONS SURVEY Quantity Unit of Measurement: Specify titles, volumes, linear feet, reels, items, etc. Books (general) DK DHS yearbooks 1916 to current minus 44-’45, plus numerous oilfield related books Books (rare) 23 Emma Akin and History of Oklahoma Archives -0- Manuscripts DK Scrapbooks 153 Scrapbooks of various civic organizations, families, and founding fathers Serials -0- Newspapers DK 1917-2000 years available on hard drive and backed up on CD Microfilm/microfiche -0- Photographic prints DK Never counted just now getting them organized. Photographic negatives -0- Slides -0- Audio recordings 30 Ensemble club recitals Film -0- Video recordings 8 Eileene Huff local historian dinner talk; Okla. Centennial; Krumme Early Day Maps 2 Posters 3 Art on paper DK Artifacts DK Other (specify) DK

1. What are the most important areas of these collections? For example, which are the most heavily used? Which have long-term research value? Which are rare, unique, or valuable? Our scrapbooks are frequently used. Some of our bottles are noted in collection books as “scarce.” Our vaudeville costumes are rare. Our oilfield supplies and equipment range is age from early 1912 to 1980s.

2. At what rate are the collections expected to grow? Don’t have any idea.

33 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text]


NOTES: In what year was the building constructed? 1915 Is the building considered historic? YES, it is on the National Registry Have additions or renovations been made to the building? If We restored the flooring in the main part of the depot yes, describe them and indicate when they were made. 2 years ago, repainted the inside; sealed the outside and tinted the windows. Addition built on to the back, but don’t know what year. Are renovations planned for the future? YES, a new roof. What is the general condition of the building? VERY GOOD Is there a regular schedule of inspections and maintenance of YES the building? Is there a written schedule of maintenance? NO Is there a history of problems with the building? YES, termites and skunks! What is the condition of the roof and drains? Roof needs repair and we have no gutters. Are there skylights? If so, what is their condition? NO What is the condition of the exterior of the building? VERY GOOD Does water accumulate around the foundation? NO What is the age and condition of the plumbing system? D/K What is the age and condition of the electrical system? Some has been replaced and some has not. We have made many up-grades. Does the building have an attic or basement? Attic and “crawl space.”

34 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] If collections are stored in the attic or basement, are the N/A spaces clean and dry? Is there evidence of water leaks inside the building around NO windows, interior walls or ceilings? Is there evidence or rodents, insects, or mold? YES, we have a dehumidifier for the mold and have quarterly pest control. Are there problems with condensation within the building? D/K Does anyone else occupy the building? NO What other activities take place in the building that could NONE pose a hazard? Do you have a plan of the building that indicates where NO collections are stored and the location of water pipes, bathrooms, climate control equipment, and any other sources of water in relation to collection storage? Is there adequate storage within the building for collections? YES What is the age and condition of machinery that controls One new heater installed this spring, window A/C in temperature and humidity? other areas installed 3 years ago. What is the average temperature and humidity inside the We only heat and cool to a comfortable level on days building? we are open. Is the environment in collections storage areas monitored on NO a regular basis? Does air circulation function effectively? YES, we have ceiling fans that provide circulation also. Is the air circulation system equipped with filters? YES Are filters changed regularly? NO

35 ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT FORM Questions? Phone 405-522-3259 [Type text] [Type text] What are the sources of natural light in collections areas? Windows Is sunlight controlled to remove ultraviolet radiation? YES Are window coverings shut when sunlight is direct? When NO, because we have tinting to reduce ultraviolet the room is not in use or the building is closed? rays. What type of artificial light is used? If fluorescent lights are Florescent - NO used, are they shielded to filter ultraviolet radiation? Are lights turned off when collection storage areas are YES unoccupied? Is extermination for pests done routinely? What is used? YES, Service Bait Stations for termites and Cy-Kick CS for spiders Do you use integrated pest management strategies? YES Are food and drink prohibited in collections areas? YES Is garbage removed from the facility daily? YES Is there a well-planned and supervised housekeeping YES program?

This Organizational Assessment is an evolving document. Please let us know how you think it can be improved. We are also interested in learning if it was a helpful tool for you and any changes it may have had on your organization. Please contact Susan Feller at [email protected] with questions or suggestions. Thank you!


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