Meeting Minutes #4
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Meeting Minutes #4 I. Call to Order Joseph Anderson, Speaker, called to order the regular meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government at 3:10 PM on February 16, 2015. II. Roll Call The following persons were present: Dean DuJuan Smith, Danielle Leibowitz, Jacob Schulz, Brandon Gaskew, Joe Anderson, Gabriela Bedolla, Flordalia Rodriguez, Priya Uppuluri, Joseph Washington, Mercedez Jones, Sun Choi, Christen Lee, David Zheng, Mateo Uribe, Serena Salem, Ryan Chiu, Sally Mei, Sarah Mustafa, and Omero Jimenez. III. Approval of the minutes from last meeting Motion to approve the meeting minutes. The minutes were approved. IV. Approval of the agenda Motion to approve the agenda. The agenda was approved. V. Ceremonial Induction(s): None. VI. Guest Speaker(s): Members from AIAA: Look forward in working together with USG. Talked about their Jacklyn, Oliver, and national and international competitions. Ashley.
VII. Reports Executive Advisor Dean No report. DuJuan Smith Student Danielle Attended the ASFSA meeting last Friday about increasing Member of Leibowitz the price in campus care and we voted yes to contraceptives Board of to be included to help those who need them. Also is very Trustees pleased to see this google calendar active and see everyone’s availability. Comments: Jacob- Despite this increase UIC is the second lowest insurance, Urbana is the lowest. President Jacob Met with Dr. Henley on either Tuesday or Wednesday to Schulz discuss writing a letter to Marty Oberman the chairman of the Metra Board of Directors to demonstrate the benefits for a Metra student discount. Thanks those who submitted referendums last Friday, now will be a good time to support those referendums and promote them as well. I hope to increase voter turnout. Before making a survey please make sure you look if there is information regarding your questions already available to save yourself time and be less redundant. The Campus housing committee- David and Cristian are going to meet Susan Teggatz for the annual campus housing survey results. They will also be looking over roll-over meal plans issue that will also affect commuter students. The commuter student committee will plan to host a commuter town hall and thoughts of expanding CSRC or adding another location on West Campus. The committee is responsible for submitting the Metra Referendum Question. The Academic and advising policy committee will look into foreign language requirements as well trying to work on the barriers that students face when choosing a minor from a different college.
Vice- Brandon Please remember office rules; do not drink or eat by any of President Gaskew the computers. Has still have not heard who broke the lock. The Mac computer works but you cannot print from it yet. Katie, Director of Operations for the Office of the Vice- President, is the new student worker he hired and has her own file cabinet so please respect it. Has meet with the President of the Greek Programming board Adrian and the President of Student Activities Board Aashu to collaborate in another food drive possible dates will be March 10 & 11. Promo items will be given to encourage students to donate. Thanks the volunteers for helping at the pop-up pantry. The Pop-up Benefit details are coming along and it takes a team effort to create project like these. The benefit will operate like a play consisting of three acts. Lastly if you are planning to use promotional items please speak to him. Sun will also be ordering a USG flag and pins. Speaker of Joe Gabriela and Sun are working on ordering metal nameplates the Anderson for the assembly, currently working on getting paper Assembly placards. Suggested time limits will be placed on the packets so the meetings can run more smoothly. In the meeting minutes time intervals will be written. Will be meeting with committee directors during the week, if you need help don’t hesitate to ask help from Joe. Has shared the google calendar with everyone, if there are any problems please tell me. Robert’s Rules session will be broken down into two so that everyone will be able to attend one. Treasurer Gabriela Is still investigating to get bus quotes from companies for Bedolla Lobby Day. Has emailed Joy to make sure organizations are registered through UIC programs so they can get funding. Has also met with Student Nurses Association and has asked permission to use their proposal template since it is written beautifully and can be used as an example for other student orgs to follow. Please give yourself time when sending mass mails since there is a long process to follow.
Assembly Sustainability Priya Last week SIC did not meet, she has emailed Jacob and and Uppuluri Joe the survey questions as well contacted Cynthia, she Infrastructure has responded this morning regarding printing issues. committee Will contact campus facilities to clean the campus maps and possibly adding designated smoking areas to the campus maps. Campus lighting is a work on the process. Interpersonal Joseph Safer Sex fest will be on March 13 and will be at the Relations Washington Wellness Center and wanted to inform the assembly on committee this. With the Awareness Blurbs, the February issue is homelessness and brainstorming ideas for the March. IRC is having Its on Us photo series. There was already one photo series last week and there will be an upcoming week. Forming plans for April as Sexual Assault. IRC will hopefully fill three main positions: Student Org Liaison, Cultural Centers Liaison, and Inter-Committee Liaison. University Mercedez Had meeting with Bike Advisory Committee last week Relations Jones in regards to Bike to Campus. Lobby Day flyer request Committee was sent to Jamie in order to promote Lobby Day and Letter Writing Campaign. Met with Annie about lobby day and letter writing campaign and she wants to reserve the Pier Room on March 18th for this. Will be meeting with AHS this week to talk about tobacco. Mercedez wants to get more information in terms of laws/rules about the smoke free campus rules. Communications Sun Choi UIC Spirit week is this week. To represent USG, and Recruitment Gabby, Sun, and Yvonne painted windows in SCE Committee yesterday. The Student election candidates’ interview video will be promoting the student elections. CRC is going to have interviews with VP, President, and Trustee candidates. For recruitment ideas: CRC is thinking about setting up a table outside the bookstore, contact faculty from other colleges to tell their students about USG. CRC also wants to work with UIC News to report a story on student elections and the importance to vote.
VIII. Resolution proposals: a. Resolution 2015-4S-525: Student Nurses’ Association- Asking for half of their airfare expense for them to attend the National student nurses association. IX. New business: a. Resolution 2015-3S-524: Chicago Adaa Student Org Funding- Whereas the student organization Chicago Adaa would like to attend the Jhoomti Shaam, a Bollywood dance competition in Los Angeles California on February 28th and Chicago Adaa is a student organization which was founded this academic year and they have fundraised money by entertaining, bake sales and seeking community sponsors, and through this fundraising they have been able to pay for application fees and enter 5 competitions which are highly selective. They have limited themselves to attending only 3 competitions (of which we can only consider partially funding one) for financial reasons and their expenses include $3,600 for flight tickets for 12 members, $679 for hotel, which total to $4,279 and their members are UIC students who dedicate themselves to train rigorously to win Bollywood America, the largest Bollywood competition in the country. Let it be resolved, which the Undergraduate Student Government approves to reimburse half of the flight expenditures ($1800) for Chicago Adaa to attend Jhoomti Shaam. Passes. X. Items for Discussion: a. Flag and Lapel pins- Planning to order 400 lapel pins for USG members and they can also be useful for promotional items. The flag is six feet length and four feet height. Also thinking about getting a flag pole. X. Public forum and announcements: a. Maria Estrada- Has withdrawn her member application from the assembly due to the lack of miss communication. Her application has been removed permanently and her application will also be retract from being tabled. X. Voting in new members: None. XI. Adjournment: Joe Anderson adjourned the meeting at 4:54 PM. Minutes submitted by Secretary of Assembly: Flordalia Rodriguez-Garcia
(7 minute limit) President: Schulz’s Report
Hello Everyone, I apologize in advance for the lack of information included in my report. I am going to elaborate more on the following:
- UIC 50th Anniversary, Circle Back - Luncheon w/ President Killeen - Chief of Police Student Advisory Committee - UIC Commuter Bus Suggestion - Referendum Question Decision - Provost’s Search Committee
(7 minute limit) Vice President: Gaskew’s Report
Pop-Up Benefit: A Call to Action:
Campus Programs: I am meeting with Joy on Tuesday to finalize the date. At present, I have the Illinois room on hold for April 13th from 5:30-7:30pm. We will also discuss catering. Vice Chancellor Nearhoof has offered to contact Marino’s to inquire if they will donate food for the benefit.
Silent Auction: My Director of Operations Katie is contacting various departments/offices on campus to inquire if they will be willing to donate to the silent auction at the benefit.
Art showcase: Katie will also be working with Carol and Myron on organizing an art showcase at the benefit. The aim is to display UIC student art at the benefit, and have some students donate their art for the silent auction.
Pop-Up Pantry: Social media accounts: Director Katie has created and managing the new Pop-Up Pantry Facebook and twitter account. Everyone should go like the Facebook page. Listserv: I had Katie email Joey from the Undergraduate Success Center, so we can get the contact information for all advisors at UIC and add them to the Pop-Up Pantry listserv. FYI: we have collect over 300 student emails from the prior Pop-Up Panty’s which are being added as well.
Flyer: I am having Katie work with Jamie to create a flyer to solicit students to speak at the Pop-Up Benefit. At the Pop-Up Benefit, our aim is to showcase the importance of the Pop-Up Pantry using students who use the service. Thus, the flyers will be used to inquire if any student at the Pop-Up Pantry will be interested in sharing their story. Next Pop-Up Pantry? : The earliest I can foresee another Pop-Up Pantry is March 19th. I am working on getting more donations, because we don’t have enough at the moment for another Pop-Up Pantry.
Food Drive Date/Location/Time: March 10th & 11th at the CSRC from 10:00-5:00pm. Flyers: Corinne is working on the flyers for me. Sponsors: USG, the Wellness Center, SAB, and the Greek Programming Board.
Office of the Vice President Department Meetings:
My Chief of Staff is working on organizing a meeting time for the first OVP department meeting. I want to have weekly meeting with Katie, Sun, Chris, and Flo together, since many on the projects they are working on overlap. On the agenda are discussing updating the USG website, pamphlets, and elections. I have also updated the USG Conference Table Reservation, so please use it if you plan on using the conference room.
(7 minute limit) Speaker of the Assembly: Anderson’s Report
Sun has gone ahead and ordered us the metal placards. Thank you so much for doing that Sun!
I started printing out and signing the resolution we have passed thus far this semester. They are in a folder above our mailboxes currently, but if anyone knows if we have an empty binder that I can use for our resolutions let me know!
Committee Directors:
I was unable to meet with all of the directors last week, so if I will finish up meeting with them this week. The directors I did meet/contact, our meeting was productive and I hope to see some progress made soon in their respective committees. Robert’s Rule Session:
Today we had our first Robert’s Rule Session, I will tell the assembly how it went verbally. If you did not attend the one today, the second one is this Friday at 12-1PM.
Service Hours:
Next meeting everyone needs to turn in their service hours. I know it has been a short month and a busy month for most of you, but try to get done as many service hours as you can this week. Thanks everyone!
(7 minute limit) Treasurer: Bedolla’s Report
Assistant Treasurer: TBA Members: Meeting Times: Tues. 2-4PM
Lobby Day: Crystal has forwarded a longer list of vendors when I explained the situation to her. So, no worries- there will be transportation to lobby day.
Student Org Funding: I have recently received an email from Medlife requesting funding and will see to meeting with them to review their proposal soon. Also, I am currently working with Chicago Adaa to process their reimbursement. Today, we shall vote on SNA reimbursement proposal.
Internal Expenses: Assembly members and directors alike, if you have any question regarding how much money is left in your discretionary, I will happily review that with you. The general assembly budget is currently $12,715. As an assembly it is your responsibility and privilege to approve the way this budget is used. Remember your duty to the students whom you represent as general assembly members.
(7 minute limit) SIC Director: Uppuluri’s Report
Assistant Director: TBA Members: David Zheng, Flordalia Meeting Times: Rodriguez, Matt Pasko, Omero Jiménez Wed. 2-3PM Hello Assembly!
SIC Updates:
SIC assembly + Joe worked on the survey and created a possible final draft; we are waiting to hear back from ACCC/Cynthia on a couple items we want to discuss in the survey. Once we hear back we can go into the next step of distributing the survey.
David, Omero and Matt are working on compiling a list of all the registered dance groups at UIC and once we have a full list, we can send emails and discuss spaces on campus for them on campus and seeing if they would utilize the Reflection Room if it were to become a dance studio.
Flordalia is still working on the lights initative
Matt will be emailing Mark Donovan to work on cleaning campus maps.
(7 minute limit) IRC Director: Washington’s Report
Assistant Director: Members: Meeting Times: TBA Raveena Kingra Wed. at 11:00 AM
Hello Everyone!
IRC did not meet this past week however we still got some things accomplished.
It’s On Us – Photo Series • Finished our last photo shoot on Friday, overall there were three days we setup for photo shoots and from all of them we got a great turn out.
• Thank you to everyone in the assembly who attended one of these photo shoots and got their picture taken.
• We are now in the editing phase of the posters, choosing photos, designing the layout, etc. Corinne the Wellness Center graphic designer is handling the graphic designing.
Safer Sex Fest We will definitely be participating in this event hosted by the Wellness Center on March 11,2015 from 1pm-3pm If anyone would like to help out running a table with me just let me know.
(7 minute limit) URC Director: Jones’ Report
Assistant Director: Members: Serena Salem, Ryan Chiu, Sarah Meeting Times: Mateo Uribe Mustafa, Taha Husain Mon. at 10AM / Tues. at 9AM
Textbook Affordability
Ryan and I have a meeting with Pia tomorrow at 11 am. So I will hopefully have a lot of updates for you next week regarding this.
Lobby Day
Jamie has not started working on our flyer yet, but hopefully it will be done by Friday
We cannot reserve that spot by Dunkin Donuts, but Joe gave me a different idea that I will be working on this week which is to reserve an area by the bookstore
Commuter Safety
Resolution is just about done and I did a last minute addition based upon an email forwarded to me by Jacob so it will be in next week’s packet after members of URC approve it.
(7 minute limit) CRC Director: Choi’s Report
Assistant Director: Chris Lee Members: Flordalia Rodriguez Meeting Times: Mon. at 12PM
Placards: I just ordered 30 placards for the speaker. They should be delivered within this week.
Promo items: Ordered 300 USG lapel pins and 100 USG coffee tumblers. I am still waiting for the art work for the Pop-Up pantry can opener and the USG flag. Also I am inquiring to order three chalk boards to use them during the student election seasons. Student election candidate video: Thank you Chris for working on this project. He already sent out an email to schedule a meeting with each candidate and the videographer. The interview will be held within next two weeks.
USG Pamphlet and Student election poster: Sent the request to the graphic designer last week and hope we can use them for the future member recruitment.
USG member recruitment email: I am working on the first draft. Flier request form: The form is under “CRC” in Box. Please send this request form to Chris first, not directly to the graphic designer. We already sent three flier request forms during last two weeks and we want to make sure which one would be the priority.