Kristian Hoel, DVM, Dr. Scient

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Kristian Hoel, DVM, Dr. Scient

CURRICULUM VITAE Kristian Hoel, DVM, Dr. scient BORN 27.09.1964

ADDRESS Work: Norwegian Veterinary Institute, P.O. Box 750 Sentrum, NO-0106 Oslo, Norway Home: Jacob Neumannsvei 30 b, NO - 1384 Asker, Norway

TELEPHONE Work: +47 23 21 64 56, Mobile: +47 99 15 42 63, Home: +47 66 79 19 79

FAX: Work: +47 23 21 60 01

E-mail: Work: [email protected] Home: [email protected]

EDUCATION • Dr. scient (PhD), Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine, 1997 • Cand. Med. Vet. (DVM), Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine, 1991

COURSES (most recent)  Veterinærdagene 2016 (2016) – Seksjon for veterinær samfunnsmedisin, Den norske veterinærforening  Animal risk assessment course, Berlin 20.-24. April 2015, Better Training for Safer Food, EU  CBRN seminar for leger og helsepersonell, Oslo, 8.-10. September 2014, Helsedirektoratet  Kurs i medikamentell immobilisering av dyr, Kristiansand, 13. – 15 november 2012, Den norske veterinærforening  +++

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY • Fluent in Norwegian and English • Written German

POSITION: • Head of Section, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, P.O. Box 750 Sentrum, NO- 0106 Oslo, Norway (since 01.03.2014) • Member of Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety, P.O. Box 4404 Nydalen, 0403 Oslo, Norway (since 01.01.2007) • Private Veterinary Practitioner (since 01.12.1991)


PREVIOUS POSITIONS  Senior Veterinary Adviser, Animalia, Meat and Poultry Research Centre (2010 - 2013)  Senior veterinary officer (Major), Norwegian Armed Forces, PRT 14, Meymaneh, Afghanistan (2009 – 2010)  Head of Poultry Department, Animalia, Meat and Poultry Research Centre (2008 - 2009)  Manager, Centre for Poultry Science (2001-2007)  Senior Veterinary Adviser, The Norwegian Animal Health Authority, Oslo, (1997 – 2001) • PhD student/ Researcher, National Veterinary Institute, Oslo, (1994 -1997) • District Veterinary Officer, The Norwegian Animal Health Authority, Hamarøy District, 1993 -1994 • Private Veterinary Practitioner, 1991 – 1993

Scientific publications: Sparagano O, Pavlićević A, Murano T, Camarda A, Sahibi H, Kilpinen O, Mul M, van Emous R, le Bouquin S, Hoel K, Cafiero MA (2009) Prevalence and key figures for the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae infections in poultry farm systems. EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY Volume: 48 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 3-10 Hoel, K; Holstad, GH; Lillehaug, A (1998) Adjuvant activities of a Vibrio salmonicida bacterin on T-dependent and T-independent antigens in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: 287-293

Hoel, K; Reitan, LJ; Lillehaug, A (1998) Immunological cross reactions between Aeromonas salmonicida and Vibrio salmonicida in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and rabbit FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 171-182 Hoel, K; (1998) Adjuvant effects of bacterial components in fish vaccines VETERINARY QUARTERLY Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Pages: 77-78 Published: APR 1998 Hoel, K; Lillehaug, A (1997) Adjuvant activity of polar glycopeptidolipids from Mycobacterium chelonae in experimental vaccines against Aeromonas salmonicida in salmonid fish FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY Volume: 7 Issue: 6 Pages: 365-376 Hoel, K; Salonius, K; Lillehaug, A (1997)Vibrio antigens of polyvalent vaccines enhance the humoral immune response to Aeromonas salmonicida antigens in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Pages: 71-80

Hoel, K; Lillehaug, A (1997) Immunological cross reactions between Aeromonas salmonicida and vibrio salmonicida in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) and rabbit In: FISH VACCINOLOGY Book Editor(s): Gudding, R; Lillehaug, A; Midtlyng, P; et al. Book Series: Developments in Biologicals Volume: 90 Pages: 448-448 Published: 1997

Hoel, K (1997) Adjuvant effects of bacterial components in fish vaccines. Thesis for the degree of Dr. scientiarum, Norges veterinærhøgskole The Norwegian College of Veterinary medicine. ISBN 88-90550-28-6 Aakerstedt, J., Hoel, K. & Ødegaard, Ø. (1996). Chlamydia som årsak til konjunktivitt hos katt, Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 108, 21-23.

Hoel, K. (1996). Adjuvans i vaksiner til dyr, Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 108, 13-19.

Mork, J., Slettbakk, T., Hoel, K. & Valheim, M. (1994). Salmonella diarizonae på sau i Nordland fylke- Forekomst og klinisk betydning. Husdyrforsøksmøtet Faginfo- NLH Fagtjenesten 6, 463-467.

Oral scientific presentations and posters:

Hoel, K. & Lillehaug, A. (1997). The superior effect of polyvalent vaccines against furunculosis- Mechanisms of action. VIIIth International Conference «Diseases of Fish and Shellfish», 14.-19. September, European Association of Fish pathologists, Foredrag abstr. p. O-107.

Høie, S., Grove, S., Hoel, K. & Evensen, Ø. (1997). Detection of Aeromonas salmonicida by polymerase chain reaction and antibodies against A. salmonicida in Atlantic salmon vaccinated against furunculosis. VIIIth International Conference «Diseases of Fish and Shellfish», 14.-19. September, European Association of Fish pathologists, Foredrag abstr. p. O-106

Hoel, K. (1997). Adjuvanseffekt av polare glykopeptidolipider fra Mycobacterium chelonae i eksperimentelle vaksiner mot Aeromonas salmonicida. Fiske- og dyrehelsemøtet 1997, 27.- 29. januar, Norges Forskningsråd, Foredrag abstr. p. 54.

Hoel, K. & Lillehaug, A. (1996). Immunological cross reactions between Aeromonas salmonicida and Vibrio salmonicida in Atlantic salmon and rabbit. International Symposium on Fish Vaccinology, June 5-7, International Association of Biological Standardization, Poster abstr.p.78. Hoel, K. & Lillehaug, A. (1996). Immunologiske kryssreaksjoner mellom Aeromonas salmonicida og Vibrio salmonicida i atlantisk laks (Salmo salar L.) Fiskehelsemøtet 1996, 22-24. januar, Norges Forskningsråd, Röros, Foredrag abstr. p.54.

Hoel, K., Salonius, K. & Lillehaug, A. (1995). Enhancement of humoral response in Atlantic salmon against Aeromonas salmonicida caused by the use of polyvalent vaccines. The Nordic Symposium on Fish Immunology, May 24-27, Reykjavik, Poster abstr. p.79.

Other publications and presentations: Hoel K, Hansen T, Refsum T, Hansen M, Svendsby NE. (2012). Dyrevelferd i fjørfe- produksjonen, Norsk veterinærtidsskrift 8 577-584.

Hoel, K (2012) OVERFØRBAR ANTIBIOTIKARESISTENS I TARMBAKTERIER: ESBL/AmpC In: Kjøttets tilstand 2012, Animalia, pp.12-15. Diverse artikler i tidsskriftet Go’ mørning (Animalia) 2008 - 2010

Diverse artikler i rapportene Kjøttets tilstand 2007, 2008 og 2009

Diverse artikler i Fagsenteret for fjørfes Aktivitetsrapporter 2002 - 2007

Diverse foredrag for aktører i fjørfenæringen (Prior, FLF, Nortura, KLF, Felleskjøpet m. fl.) 2001 - 2009

Diverse artikler i tidsskriftet Fjørfe (Norsk fjørfelag), 2002 - 2009

Kaldhusdal, M., Lysaker. A., Hoel, K. (2004). Oppdrett av slaktekylling utan koksidiostatika (del 2). Gemensam nordisk fjäderfätidsskrift 2004, 48-49.

Hoel, K. (2004). Fjørfeforskning i Norden – en kort oversikt. Gemensam nordisk fjäderfätidsskrift 2004, 14-17.

Hoel, K. (2002). Newcastle disease i Danmark – en oppsummering. Norsk veterinærtidsskrift 12.

Hoel, K. (2002). Nye utfordringer for veterinærer med interesse for fjørfe. Norsk veterinærtidsskrift 3.

Hoel, K. (1999). CAE og mædi/visna; unngå smitte mellom geit og sau! Sau og geit 2, 14-16.

Hoel, K. (1999). Listeriose – Behandling og forebyggende tiltak Sau og geit 1, 26-27.

Hoel, K. & Dragseth, J. (1997). Bekjempelsesstrategi for paratuberkulose, Dyrehelsa Nr. 4, s. 5-6.

Hoel, K. (1997). Vaksinasjon av drektige dyr, Smådyrpraktikeren Nr. 4. Hoel, K. (1997). Valg av vaksinasjonsstrategier for ørret, Vaksinasjonsstrategier og forebygging av sykdommer i ørretoppdrett, Bergen 16.-17. april, Stiftelsen Havbrukskunnskap, Kursmateriell.

Hoel, K. (1996). Vaksinasjon av små hunder, Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 108, 824.

Hoel, K. (1996). Vaksinasjon av små hunder, Hundesport 8, 33.

Hoel, K. (1994). Vaksinetelefonen, Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 106, 643-647.

Hoel, K. (1994). Salmonella diarizonae- Et nytt problem for norske sauebønder? Sau og geit 3, 90-91.

Hoel, K. (1992). Helse og Miljøproblematikk i et Forsikringsperspektiv,

Helse-, Miljø- og Medisineringskurs, Stiftelsen Havbrukskunnskap, Kursmateriell.

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Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (2008) Risk assessment concerning the welfare of animals kept for fur production

Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (2008) Risikovurdering i forbindelse med utarbeidelse av en positivliste over dyr tillatt for fremvisning i sirkus

Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (2008) Transportation of fish within a closed system Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (2008) Risikovurdering - Slakting uten forutgående bedøvelse

Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (2007) Vurdering av smitterisiko ved fôring av oppdrettsfisk med ubehandlet villfanget fisk

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