On Inland Waterways Transport Statistics
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Directorate E: Sectoral and regional statistics Unit E-3: Transport
Document: IWW-WG-2015-1 Original: English Version: 06/10/2015
EU Transport Statistics
Working Group on Inland Waterways Transport Statistics
Luxembourg, 05-06 November 2015
Bech Building
Room Ampere
Beginning 13:45 AM
Draft Agenda Day 1 Thursday 5 November 13:30 Registration and coffee
13:45 Ruxandra Roman-Enescu Item 1 Opening address and adoption of agenda For 15’ adoption Eurostat Developments in the EU's Inland Waterways Transport Policies For DG MOVE A3 14:00 The Directorate General for Mobility and information Item 2 30’ Transport (DG MOVE) will report on recent developments in Inland Waterways transport policies Ongoing legislative procedures For 14:30 Ruxandra Roman-Enescu Item 3 Eurostat will update the Working Group on the information 15’ Eurostat latest developments 14:45 Presentations from NSIs Mario Sattler Austria: CoRISMa project 40’ For via donau Item 4 information
30’ Netherlands: IWW data quality iprovements Maarten Pouwels CBS Netherlands
Item 5 Data quality and timeliness
Data status and compliance assessment 16:10 Eurostat will inform the Working Group about the For Item 5.1 Eurostat 20’ data reception status and the current assessment discussion of the compliance of the reporting countries. Presentation of new quality checks For 16:30 Eurostat will present new quality checks to be Item 5.2 information Eurostat 15’ performed on regular basis, linked to the new voluntary datasets A4 and A5. Annual quality report For 16:45 Item 5.3 Presentation of the annual quality report information Eurostat 20’ including results of the mirror checks. For Update of the reference manual 17:05 information Eurostat Item 6 New layout + Presentations of the changes 15’ and discussion Dissemination For 17:20 Item 7 Presentation of the SE articles and plans for a information Eurostat new dissemination table. and 20’ discussion 17:40 List of inland waterways ports For Item 8 Presentation of the updated list of ports information Eurostat 20’
18:00 END OF THE FIRST DAY v. 06.10.2015
Day 2 Friday 6 November 9:00
Proposals for clarifications of methodology Eurostat will present some proposals for For 09:00 Item 9 clarifications of the methodology for IWW discussion Richard Butchart 40’ transport statistics for approval by the Working and decision Group Item 10 Other developments Port-to-port distance matrix 09:40 For 20' Item 10.1 Harmonised distances between inland waterways information Eurostat ports – creation of a port-to-port distance matrix Intermodal transport For 10:00 Recent developments of intermodal transport information Item 10.2 statistics Eurostat 30' and discussion Emissions by Inland Waterways transport 10:30 For Item 10.3 Eurostat will present the findings of the Project Eurostat 20’ information on Emissions by IWW 10:50 COFFEE BREAK DG MOVE will present the current findings of the project PLATINA II For 11:05 Item 10.4 Review of the currently available European information DG MOVE 30’ datasets for external costs calculations on emissions to air by inland navigation Common questionnaire on transport statistics – 11:35 For Item 10.5 IWW part Eurostat 20’ information
Reports from other institutions and organisations 11:55 Item 11 CCNR 60’ Danube Commission Mosel Commission UNECE 12:55 Item 12 Conclusions of the Working Group Eurostat 20’ 13:15 CLOSING OF THE MEETING
All meeting documents will be made available on the following CIRCABC website:
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