Characteristics. Measurements at Each Star Included: Vertical Foliage Density, Percent Canopy
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Online Resource 1. Map of the Study Area. Since 1995, four mist net capture stations (termed
Caño Palma, CCC, Parque, and Aeropuerto) have been operated near the village of Tortuguero on the northeast coast of Costa Rica, in Limón Province (10°33'51"N, 83°31'7"W). Online Resource 2. Plots were centered around each net site and were used to quantify structural characteristics. Measurements at each star included: vertical foliage density, percent canopy closure and percent soil moisture Measurements within the entire 15 x 15 m vegetation plot included: tree diameter at breast height (DBH), tree density and canopy height. Online Resource 3. Box plot, with sample sizes, of percent canopy closure across all net sites separated into three habitat types: coastal scrub, secondary forest and primary forest. Online Resource 4. Box plot, with sample sizes, of canopy height (m) across all net sites
separated into three habitat types: coastal scrub, secondary forest and primary forest. Online Resource 5. Box plot, with sample sizes, of diameter at breast height (DBH) across all net sites separated into three habitat types: coastal scrub, secondary forest and primary forest. Online Resource 6. Box plot with, sample sizes, of tree density across all net sites separated into three habitat types: coastal scrub, secondary forest and primary forest. Online Resource 7. Box plot, with sample sizes, of vertical foliage density at coastal scrub net sites. Heights are separated into three categories: 0-5 m, 3-15 m and >15m. Online Resource 8. Box plot, with sample sizes, of vertical foliage density at secondary forest net sites. Heights are separated into three categories: 0-5 m, 3-15 m and >15m. Online Resource 9. Box plot, with sample sizes, of vertical foliage density at primary forest net sites. Heights are separated into three categories: 0-5 m, 3-15 m and >15m. Online Resource 10. PCA of Habitat Measurements. Loading results from the principal components analysis of habitat structure data. Note that the first principal component is negatively associated with young forest type and positively associated with mature forest.
Variable PCA1 PCA2 PCA3 PCA4 PCA5 DBH 0.418 -0.196 0.285 -0.078 0.531 Tree density -0.143 0.117 -0.694 -0.606 0.205 Canopy Height 0.508 -0.027 -0.057 -0.072 -0.013 Canopy Closure 0.449 0.293 0.041 -0.054 0.274 Soil 0.433 0.012 -0.312 -0.063 -0.067 Foliage Density 0-3m -0.324 0.195 0.466 -0.488 0.397 Foliage Density 3-15m -0.127 0.648 -0.210 0.540 0.399 Foliage Density >15m 0.190 0.635 0.272 -0.291 -0.528 Online Resource 11. Ordination of Mature and Young Forest Types. Ordination based on results from the principal components analysis of habitat structure data where the x-axis represents the first and the y-axis represents the second principal component. Online Resource 12. Parameter Estimates. Annual survival (Φ) and recapture probability (p) estimates and standard errors derived from the averaged model for White-collared Manakins captured in young and mature forest between 1995 and 2007 in Tortuguero Costa Rica.
Parameter Estimate Standard Error Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 1996 0.692 0.047 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 1997 0.268 0.042 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 1998 0.468 0.020 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 1999 0.747 0.052 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 2000 0.741 0.051 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 2001 0.560 0.028 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 2002 0.382 0.027 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 2003 0.449 0.021 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 2004 0.403 0.025 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 2005 0.422 0.023 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 2006 0.493 0.021 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Young Forest Parameter 2007 0.571 0.030 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 1996 0.561 0.028 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 1997 0.564 0.029 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 1998 0.563 0.025 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 1999 0.560 0.030 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 2000 0.560 0.030 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 2001 0.562 0.025 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 2002 0.563 0.026 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 2003 0.563 0.025 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 2004 0.563 0.026 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 2005 0.563 0.025 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 2006 0.562 0.025 Apparent Survival Parameter (Φ) Mature Forest Parameter 2007 0.562 0.025 Online Resource 12. Parameter Estimates. Annual survival (Φ) and recapture probability (p) estimates and standard errors derived from the averaged model for White-collared Manakins captured in young and mature forest between 1995 and 2007 in Tortuguero Costa Rica.
Parameter Estimate Standard Error Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 1996 0.422 0.080 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 1997 0.689 0.111 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 1998 0.446 0.059 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 1999 0.324 0.049 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 2000 0.219 0.041 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 2001 0.326 0.043 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 2002 0.489 0.063 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 2003 0.283 0.055 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 2004 0.467 0.078 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 2005 0.497 0.102 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 2006 0.354 0.090 Recapture Parameter (p) Young Forest Parameter 2007 0.319 0.080 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 1996 0.466 0.106 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 1997 0.632 0.091 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 1998 0.431 0.063 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 1999 0.356 0.073 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 2000 0.266 0.089 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 2001 0.334 0.051 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 2002 0.489 0.068 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 2003 0.276 0.058 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 2004 0.488 0.084 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 2005 0.468 0.089 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 2006 0.379 0.093 Recapture Parameter (p) Mature Forest Parameter 2007 0.361 0.095 Online Resource 13. White-collared Manakin apparent annual survival (Φ) derived from the second most competitive model: Φ (mature-SOI, young-SOI) p(t). This model was visualized to illustrate that young forest survival estimates are much more stable relative to those from mature forest irrespective of model averaging. Annual survival is grouped by young and mature forest with standard error bars. Values in parentheses after date refer to number of captures in mature and young forest, respectively; captures during 1994, the first year of the study (53/126), are not shown. The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), an El Niño Southern Oscillation metric, was added for comparative purposes. Data are from birds captured near Tortuguero, Costa Rica, from
1995 through 2007.