Fill in à Your Name: Course: Assignment

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Fill in à Your Name: Course: Assignment

FILL IN  YOUR NAME: COURSE: ASSIGNMENT: OBJECTIVES EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS MEETS EXPECTATIONS FAILS TO MEET EXPECTATIONS T Focus and method ___ Engages important, ___ Texts and methods of the N ___ Most issues are E pertinent issues. Paper uses course are largely overlooked T pertinent. Paper should use N methods and texts of the or main ideas are not explored

O the course’s texts and

C course effectively methods more fully. Accuracy of factual ___Fully accurate statements; ___Most statements are ___ Several inaccurate claims and shows comprehension of accurate, but require further statements; wrong interpretation material clarification interpretation of facts Concreteness of ___Concrete statements about ___Most statements are ___Vague statements and examples and other texts and authors; well concrete, but require further examples; skims the surface of statements developed examples detail issues. Ethical and religious ___Uses ethical and religious ___Uses ethical & religious ___Makes minimal or no use of analysis theories/principles accurately theories/ principles, but ethical and religious theories/ and in detail more detail or clarity principles required T Thesis ___Thesis is very clearly ___Thesis is adequately ___Thesis is not clearly stated; N

E stated and unifies the essay stated; paper has central paper lacks central focus M

U focus G

R Support for positions ___Strong support for ___Adequate support for ___Lack of support for A taken positions, based on ethical positions, but more needs to statements/opinions. Mere theories and reasoned be said in their defense assertion of opinions statements Creative and ___Author emerges with a ___Author begins to develop ___ Author restates the views convincing unique voice: creative a personal voice: makes of others; draws overly broad analysis interpretation of ideas; thoughtful claims but could conclusions; does not show nuanced analysis; reasoned press for more originality or commitment to the thesis yet committed arguments nuance Objections ___Objections strongly ___Objections presented, but ___Missing objections, or (alternative views) presented and analyzed more needs to be said to objections presented rebut them simplistically

G Structure and ___Clear structure; very ___Adequate structure; the ___No clear structure; the story N I

T transitions coherent story; excellent paper is clear overall, with lacks coherence; poor I

R transitions between some stumbling points; transitions W paragraphs adequate transitions Paragraphs ___Each paragraph has a ___Most paragraphs are ___Many paragraphs lack central focus and structure focused internal coherence Introduction & ___Strong introduction and ___Clear intro & conclusion; ___No clear introduction conclusion conclusion some work needed and/or conclusion Sentences ___Excellent grammar, ___A few/some errors in ___Some/many errors in sentence structure, spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, punctuation and punctuation. Appropriate punctuation, and/or word and/or word choice. These word choice. Very few errors. choice. Minimal distraction. flaws interfere with reader’s understanding.


I Assignment topic Meets all assignment criteria; Yes___ Note: Meeting these requirements will not improve

S follows the instructions. No ___ your grade, but lacking them may lower your grade— A

B Citation All sources are identified and substantially, in the case of citation. Comments: S

T referenced in the body of the Yes___ N

E paper. Author’s words No ___ M

E distinguished from source’s. R I Bibliography All sources consulted are listed U Yes___

Q in the appropriate bibliographic

E No ___

R format. Format Checklist The paper is presented in the Yes___ format requested. No ___ (Rev. Sept. ‘06) SUMMARY (+ means exceeds, = means meets, – means fails to meet) GRADE (Letter grade and/or point value) Content: Argument: Writing:

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