Stanwood Elementary

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Stanwood Elementary

Stanwood Elementary

Dedication Ceremony

Stanwood Elementary Mia Logan, Arizona Taylor Dahl and Meghan held its Dedication Archibeque, Abby Johnson were two of the Ceremony on the evening Kubasky, Ali Prenovitz, speakers on stage. of November 4th. The Sarah Schoaf, Mya Refreshments were night began with musical Perkins, Adam Smith, provided before Fifth and choral concerts, Tyler Williams, Brooke grade tour guides directed by Mrs. Edgar. Nelson, Miranda directed visitors around Kindergarten students Henderson, Gigi Wills, the school. Foreman sang a song to welcome Lydia Vinosky, Chelsea Architects presented Mr. the numerous guests that Hough and Jade Pegram. Burk and Stanwood with filled our spectacular Speeches by a sculptural plaque that auditorium. Featured administrators, teachers depicts the tree in the chorus singers and band and school board Kindergarten wing. members include: members were also given.

Community Open House

Stanwood opened its Former students, staff teachers on tours and doors once again to invite and curious community demonstrations of our the community to visit our members joined new technology. school on December 1st.

Limo Ride

Top Fundraisers were Hill (4th gr.) , Trent Gray to McDonald’s where they treated to a ride in a limo (3rd gr.), Adam Reagan were treated to lunch with Mr. Burk, Dr. Milne (2nd gr.), Liam Hurst (1st from C-PAT. and Mrs. Stoner. Maria gr.), and Aidan Lynch Foschia (5th gr.), Shane (kdg.) rode in the limo

Movie Night

The Stanwood Bully-Free Donations to the event displayed responsible Committee hosted the helped to provide all characteristics have their First “Movie Night” in students with a t-shirt. names placed into a October. Guests were The Bully-Free fishbowl. From here, treated to popcorn, Committee also provided winners are selected to cookies, and a movie. classrooms with real fish eat a special lunch at the The movie was projected to promote our theme “Of “Ocean Table” in the onto the side of the Dive into Success.” Each cafeteria. school building. month students that have

Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention Week Stanwood. Students fire prevention and brought the Youngwood participated in talks about viewed the fire trucks. Fire Department to

Veteran’s Day

Over and over again, we band, chorus and our Speeches and poems have heard that this Kindergarten. Baritone were read before ending year’s Veteran’s Day solos were performed by the assembly with the Assembly was one of the Andrew Kistner and playing of “Taps” by Mira best. Over 100 veterans Elijah Gilbert. Each Federico and Mackenzie attended our morning grade level wore red, Libengood. assembly that began with white and blue colors and performances by our sang patriotic songs for the guests.

Ag Lab

An Agricultural traveling learn about agriculture. Ag Lab. This experience lab came to Stanwood in Hands-on experiments ties right into a few November. The lab was included a comparison of language arts stories located in a large trailer crayons and the creation where students will be that travels to of their own peanut- learning about trees and Pennsylvania schools shaped crayon. Second flowers! Funds for the Ag throughout the year. grade enjoyed learning all lab were provided for by a Students worked with about flowers, bees, and grant. partners in the lab to pollination at the Mobile

Blue Hair

Students witnessed some were able to raise money Kalp and Mr. Behrendt of Stanwood’s staff for our Book Fair. When because their hair was so getting their hair dyed the students met the goal dark. Mr. Kalp got his BLUE in December. Mr. of $10,000.00, the dye beard dyed too!” Behrendt, Mr. Morton, came out! (statements from Alexa and Mr. Kalp all were Fritz, Tori Bartlow, willing to get this colorful “It was cool and funny. It Arianna Connors, treatment if the students barely showed up on Mr. Meredith Martz) Evening with Santa

Santa came to Stanwood and Rheanna Hixson- cookies from Eat ‘n’ Park. on December 3rd. Face Steele . Shopping was Alexa Fritz said “the line Painting was offered by available along with for Santa went out of the Stanwood’s own Molly Spartan Blue Smiley auditorium!” Gribbin, Emily Smith,

Welcome New Staff

This year we welcome Ms. Bradley and Mr. (Aide), Mrs. Taylor many new faces to Behrendt (gr. 5), Mrs. (Guidance), Mrs. Egnor Stanwood. They include: Rossi (reading), Miss (Intervention Coordinator) Mrs. Muchoney (Kdg.), Smith (PCA), Ms. Handler and Ms. Walling (Nurse Ms. Miller (gr. 1), Mrs. (PCA), Mrs. Edwards Assistant). Prodoscimo (gr. 3),

Grade 2 News

Pen Pal Letters the story Frog & Toad. As Second Grade welcomes Our Pen Pal project is a treat, they watched a a bunch of new students well under way. Second Frog & Toad video that to Stanwood this year… Grade students have supported the story. Mrs. Crimboli’s room – started writing to 5th grade Then they enjoyed frog Mihailo Blagojevic students at Sudley floats served up by their Mrs. Crescenzo’s room – Elementary in Manassas teachers! What a yummy David Merenda, Bryce Virginia. Mrs. Crescenzo treat! Cunningham, Lily Roby David Merenda enjoys a float and the 5th Grade student Ms. Goodlin’s room – teacher, Mrs. Macerelli, Little D – Nutrition Blake Newhouse, Seth attended Hempfield High Second Grade learned all Cooper, Caitlyn School together. They about healthy eating & Frankovich-Trustwell recently reconnected this good nutrition through Ms. Gray’s room – past summer to their Health unit. Little D Abigail Shaw coordinate this project. the dragon taught them Mrs. Nelson’s room – Students are exchanging all about the food groups, Nina Flynn, Sydney letters and pictures, and exercise, and healthy life Spino, Ashley Wamsley, hope to Skype at the end styles. Students put their Brandon Kaup Sydney Selesky, Jose Magnana, of the year! learning to the test when Lily Roby we held our Healthy Frog Floats Snack day! We enjoyed Students enjoyed reading treats from all the healthy food groups! Grade 5 News

Stargazers Get Together constellation work, Hanna Livingston: For Stanwood Fifth students enjoyed water, “Seeing all the craters on Graders juice, hot chocolate with the moon was my favorite On October 16, whipped cream, and a part.” approximately 50 fifth- wide array of cookies and graders from Stanwood other snacks. Thanks to Junko Gresko: “I liked it participated in an all who donated because we got to look at unforgettable evening at refreshments! The event the constellations and the Hempfield Park. The was well received by planet Jupiter.” weather cooperated with parents and students a beautiful night for the alike. Some fifth graders Katie Bagon: “I liked fifth graders to enjoy the were interviewed about looking through the stars, planets, and the the night. The interview telescope at the moon.” moon. The main highlight question was, “What was of the evening was your favorite part of the Elijah Gilbert: “Looking at viewing our moon and Stargazer get-together?” Jupiter and its moons Jupiter and its two moons Here are some replies: through the telescope.” from the telescope. Never before had they Kelsey Kissner: “I liked Olivia Solomon: “I like seen these. Students also looking through the looking at the moon, used their star charts to telescope, and I liked seeing its craters and locate the following seeing the planets and cracks and shadows.” constellations: Hercules, the moon. I really liked Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, seeing the craters on the The President of the Pegasus, and Draco the moon.” PTO, Dani Lingis: “How Dragon. Students also all the fifth grade students created and identified the Cameron Steiner: “I think and parents could get constellations using their it was awesome the way together to enjoy an flashlights. After the we saw Jupiter. It was evening under the stars.” telescope and also fun seeing our friends.”

Kalp on the Korner

The new computer lab is the standards of the 21st the basics of Microsoft up and running. The century allowing the Word. Second and third computer lab is fully students to stay current grade are learning how to equipped with 30 laptops, with the new type, while First grade a projector, a ten foot technologies. and kindergarten are adjustable screen, a Fifth grade is using the learning how to operate Mimio Touch, Vote, and digital cameras to create the educational software Viewer, digital cameras, a movie of the newly available on the flip video, camcorders, renovated building computer. webcams, and through the use of microphone head sets. Windows Movie Maker. The computer lab meets Fourth grade is learning

Keepin’ the Art in SpARTans

Recently the third graders mammals, etc. Third Did you know that 120 had the Carnegie grade artists studied the previously unseen Museum come to them in body parts of insects and Picasso paintings were the form of Insect Kits. artists who show insects recently found in an The Carnegie Museum in their work. Students electrician’s garage? lends out educational kits observed the insects and Check out Dr. Milne’s for community school drew them in the style of school website to learn districts. This year, Andy Warhol and Eric more about fun art facts, Dakota Rhome and Anjewl Stanwood is participating Carle. They ended the websites and museums to Miller view Insect kits from the in the program. Teachers unit by creating gorgets visit in our area. Carnegie can borrow a variety of out of clay to wear as kits to learn about insects, necklaces. dinosaurs,

Rhett Hoffer’s Gorget Necklace From the Nurse’s Desk Here are some basic 3. Excessive vomiting 5. Pale, drowsy, listless guidelines on when to during the night prior behavior keep your child home to school from school: 6. Painful earache 4. Sore throat with 1. Oral temperature of difficulty swallowing 7. Itchy, crusty eyes 100 degrees or higher not relieved by drinking fluids 2. Coughing with wheezing or difficulty breathing

Newspaper Editors: Mr. Kalp & Dr. Milne *If you have news that you would like us to consider placing in the newspaper, please let us know via email ([email protected] or [email protected])

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