Central Insecticides Lab

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Central Insecticides Lab

Central Insecticides Lab

Pesticides are inherently toxic in nature, they are more likely to affect the health of human beings, particularly in agricultural sector. In India, there is a comprehensive legislation known as Insecticides Act, 1968 which regulates the import, manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use of insecticides with a view to prevent risk to human beings or animals and the matters connected therewith. By virtue of the Section 16 of the said Act, the Central Government has established a Central Insecticides Laboratory.

Functions of CIL: The functions of the Laboratory as envisaged under Rule 5 of Insecticides Rules 1971 are as follows:-

 To analyze such samples of insecticides sent to it under the Act by any officer or authority and submission of certificates of analysis to the concerned authority.

 To carry out such investigations as may be necessary for the purpose of ensuring the conditions of Registration of Insecticides.

 To determine the efficacy and toxicity of insecticides;

To carry out such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Central Government or by a State Government with the permission of the Central Government & after consultation with the Central Insecticides Board.

Activities of CIL 1. To verify Quality of samples of Insecticides, submitted by any Officer or Authority Authorized by the Central or State Government.

2. To investigate Insecticides with a view to verify conditions of registration. 3. To determine efficacy and Toxicity of Insecticides; and

4. Any other function as may be entrusted by the Central Government or by a State Government with the permission of the Government and after consultation with the Central Insecticides Board.

Division wise Details of Activities & Achievements:






OBJECTIVE: To discharge the techno-legal duties as specified under Rule 5 of Insecticides Rules, 1971.

ACTIVITIES: a. To analyze samples of pesticides sent to it under the Act by any officer or authority authorized by the Central or State Governments and submission of certificate of analysis to the concerned authority;

b. To carry out such investigations as may be necessary for the purpose of ensuring the conditions of Registration of insecticides;

c. To validate methods of analysis for newly introduced pesticides for their adoptability.

d. To facilitate formulation of Indian Standards on pesticides.

e. To carry out investigational analysis on imported commodities, suspected to contain pesticides.

Samples analysed during 2007-08 to 2012-13

S.No. Year Target Sample Received No. of replicate Total Under Act and samples analysed No. of for verification samples Reported analysed 1. 2007-08 1600 1057 2599 3656 2. 2008-09 1600 929 1787 2716 3. 2009-10 1600 733 1884 2617 4. 2010-11 1600 947 1830 2781 5. 2011-12 1600 954 1882 2836 6 2012-13* 1600 856 1188 1828 *Up to Feb.-2013. Accreditation of the Chemistry division of CIL: Division had taken initiatives for accreditation of the division and got accreditation certificate valid up to


Analysis of samples for ILCP: : As per the requirement of National Accreditation

Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), Inter-Laboratory

Collaboration Programme is under progress.

Additional activities:

1. Pre Registration Verification of pesticide samples sent by the Secretariat of CIB & RC:

The programme for testing the technical / formulated pesticides to be

registered under section 9(3), 9(3b) & 9(4) for ensuring quality standards and

verification of their method of analysis has been taken up by this Division. 129

samples have been analysed for Pre Registration Verification from April, 2012

to March, 2012 and 91 samples analysed during April, 2012 to November


2. Analysis of samples for repetition/confirmation:

Chemistry Division is analyzing samples for repetition /confirmation of results

which are incidental and supplemental to the analysis of samples for statutory

quality control. During the year 2011-12 , a total of 2836 No. of samples

have been analysed and 1568 samples during April, 2012 to November,2012.

3. Maintenance of Pesticide Repository:

Technical/Reference standards of all available pesticides are procured from the approved source in regular manner. These are supplied to Regional Pesticides Testing Laboratories/ State Pesticides Testing Laboratories as and when asked for. 4. Formulation of BIS Standard and Technical comments on printed and drafted Indian Standards specification: Technical comments are furnished on the subject matters to expert committees of the Bureau of Indian Standards, FAD - I (Pesticides & Pesticide Residue Analysis). 5. Technical Guidance to State Pesticides Testing Laboratories:

The Analysts of the SPTLs and Insecticide Inspectors have been provided Technical support by the chemists of this division. Training in-situ including other relevant assistance e.g. copies of the relevant specifications, standard reference material, handling of sophisticated equipments, list of equipments necessary for pesticide Testing Laboratories and other infrastructure etc. are provided on demand.


Chemistry Division of CIL is analyzing the samples of pesticides and their formulations for the quality control. The methodology adopted by the Division is Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) methods/Approved methods of pesticides and their formulations by the Registration Committee.

Bio-Assay Division

Bioassay Division of Central Insecticides Laboratory (CIL) is established under

rule 5(d) of Insecticides Rules, 1971 of the Insecticides Act, 1968 under

scheme “Implementation of Insecticides Act.”


The main mandate of this division is to study the bio-efficacy of pesticides

against target pest species including quality control of bio-pesticides

The bio-efficacy of pesticides is evaluated in terms of pest

mortality/reduction in pest population due to the application of pesticides


A. To evaluate the pesticides for:-

i. Bio-effectiveness ii. Phytotoxicity

iii. Compatibility with other pesticides

B. Evaluation of pesticides of plant origin.

C. Development of Bioassay techniques for quality control.

D. Preparation of information/material and training of scientists.


 Post registration verification of bio-effectiveness and phytotoxicity of chemical and biological pesticides against target pests on approved crops/habitat under the Insecticides Act, 1968  Pre registration verification of bio-pesticide samples received from CIB & RC for quality control


 To maintain laboratory cultures of test pests (insects, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc.)  To maintain weed seeds as test material for conducting bio-efficacy tests  To conduct laboratory and field trials/experiments for studying bio- effectiveness and phytotoxicity of pesticides  Preparation and submission of technical reports of bioassay division  To impart trainings to the state/central officials on quality control of bio- pesticides

Physical Targets and Achievements of Central insecticides laboratory (CIL) for the last five years (2007-08 to 2011-12)

Division No. of samples

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Cap. Ach. Cap. Ach. Cap. Ach. Cap. Ach. Cap. Ach.

Chemistry 1600 1142 1600 982 1600 787 1600 1020 1600 1083

Medical 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19

Bioassay Pesticide 60 91 60 89 60 67 60 72 60 75

Bio-pesticide -- 112 - 120 - 161 - 244 - 174

Packagin 150 139 150 78 150 94 150 74 150 50 g

Cap – Capacity to analyze Ach.-Achievements


Bioassay Division of CIL obtained accreditation of NABL as per ISO// EC

17028:2005 in the field of Bio-logical testing. The quality control of Bio-

pesticides is being tested for the following parameter.

Name of the Biopesticides Parameters tested

Trichoderma viride & CFU (Colony Forming Units) Counts T. harzianum Antagonistic capability pH Suspensibility

Pathogenic contaminants Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV) POB count

Pathogenic contaminants pH Moisture content


Pseudomonas fluorescens Viable cell count Antagonistic capability Moisture content

Pathogenic contaminants



Beauveria bassiana CFU count


Moisture content


Pathogenic contaminants Metarhizium -do anisopliae/clamydosporium - Verticillium lecanii -do- Paecilomyces lilacinus CFU count

Ph Moisture content


Antagonistic capacity Pathogenic contaminants .Bacillus thuringiensis Heat resistant spore count (CFU) pH Moisture cont Suspensibility


The Division maintains cultures of crop insects, household insects, stored grain pests, fungi and seeds of weed species for tests and trial purposes.


Any insecticide which is to be imported or manufactured for use in the country is to be compulsorily registered by the Registration Committee constituted under Section 5 of the said Act. The registration of a pesticide is to be granted after the Committee is satisfied as regards the efficacy and safety of the product. The Medical Toxicology Division is created in order to verify the safety claims made by the manufacturers through submission of the data on various parameters at the time of grant of registration. Sometimes, the adverse effects come to limelight in the due course of its use. To establish its adverse nature, this Division has to generate data and advice to the Government to take suitable course of action. In such cases, there is a need for adopting the risk management strategy in order to reduce the hazards to the human beings and the environment. The Division is a highly specialized discipline of medicine which inter alia looks after the safety to human beings, animals and the environment.

Objectives and Activities/Functions Keeping in view the above background, as per the Insecticides Rules, 1971, Medical

Toxicology Division is to undertake functions like risk identification, risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. For the purpose of safety evaluation, this Division has to generate data on different parameters of toxicity as follows:-

a) Acute, Oral/Dermal LD 50 study b) Standardization for estimation of cholinesterase in rat and human serum c) Short term studies d) Sub-acute/ sub-chronic oral toxicity study e) Chronic toxicity study in mammals. f) Health monitoring study g) Impart training to Medical doctors on Diagnosis, Management and

Treatment of Pesticide Poisoning in the areas having high incidence of pesticide poisoning


The Medical Toxicology Division evaluated 20 samples for Acute oral toxicity studies as against the Annual Capacity of samples for every year

The other activities include:

(i) Toxicity/Safety evaluation/status of pesticides before and after introduction. (ii) Toxico-vigilance activities regarding pesticides. (iii) Epidemiological study/current status on pesticide poisoning and related health effects. (iv) Training on safe and judicious use of pesticides for users/farmers (v) Training on diagnosis, management and treatment of pesticide poisoning for medical doctors and para-medicals. (vi) Preparation of technical material on pesticide toxicity.

The Medical Toxicology Division is providing the information regarding - technical programmes activities, target, achievements and progress in the form of EFC Memo, Annual Report, Annual Plan, Physical & Financial Review, Mid-Term Appraisal to the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation in the programme “Strengthening and Modernization of Pest Management Approach in India”.

The M.T. Division is also collecting information on Current status of Pesticide Poisoning Cases for Safety Evaluation and Status of notification of functionaries for reporting poisoning cases from Zonal Conferences. ACHIEVEMENTS/HIGHLIGHTS

Acute Oral Toxicity Study (LD50): for the last five years

Year Capacity Achievements

2008-09 20 21

2009-10 20 20

2010-11 20 20

2011-12 20 20

2012-13 20 18 (Up to feb 2013)

1. Conducted IAEC Meeting/s 2. Prepared module on safety status and use of pesticides for training to the Medical doctors and presented in CIB meeting 3. Prepared material for the finalization of Module on doctors Training Programme 4. Prepared agenda / documents for the Management Review and management review committee and NABL accreditation

Animal House Modernization

As per the requirement of CPCSEA/NABL/GLP, the process for updation and modernization of the animal house of Medical Toxicology Division, CIL is in progress. after Administrative approval form DAC.

NABL Accreditation This division has initiated the process for submission of application to NABL for getting NABL accreditation.

Reports and Publications :

I) Publications

A) Know Your Pesticides.

B) Treatment of Pesticides Poisonings .

C) Avoid Pesticides poisoning- Do,s and Don’ts( Both Hindi and English).

D) Report on Establishments on harmonized Pesticides Poisoning data base in India.

II) Posters and pamphlets on

A) Do,s and donts regarding

i) Safe and Judicious Use of pesticides:

ii) During Storage

iii) During handling

iii) During Use

iv) After use

B) Definition of Pesticides

C) Classification of pesticides

D) Brief Description of Insecticides Act and Rules

E) Emergency management of Pesticides Poisoning

F) Diagnosis and Treatment of pesticides Poisoning

G) Documentary on safe use of pesticides

H) Guidelines: Medical Toxicology Division is conducting Acute Oral Toxicity studies as per OECD Guidelines. available on website of OECD.

PACKAGING DIVISION Packaging Division is one of the four Divisions of Central Insecticides Laboratory

(CIL), established u/s 16 of Insecticides Act, 1968. Significant activities of the

Division are as under:-


1. Pre and post registration verification of the packaging and labeling claims / requirements made by the manufacturers / registrants. 2. Verification / analysis of the packaging and labeling samples received under Section 5 (C) of the Insecticides Rules, 1971 in the context of conditions laid down on the certificate of registration issued under Insecticides Act, 1968. 3. Technical guidance to the Bureau of Indian Standards, in formulating, updating and amending the standards of pesticides quality control, safety storage, transportation and use. 4. Imparting training to the enforcement functionaries of States/UTs on various aspects of pesticides relating to packaging, labeling and other requirements.


a. Verification / analysis of the packaging, labeling & leaflet samples received under Section 5 (C) of the Insecticides Rules, 1971, in the context of conditions laid down on the certificate of registration issued under Insecticides Act, 1968. b. Verification of data on shelf-life claims of pesticides and their formulations as per protocol approved by the Registration Committee and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on Quality Control and Packaging. c. To render technical guidance to the state Department of Agriculture functionaries and the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and other scientific bodies dealing with matters relating to the packaging, labeling, quality control, safety and other aspects of pesticides. d. Development of eco-friendly and economic pesticidal formulations and packaging system/devices at laboratory scale.


The annual capacity of the Division is to analyze 150 samples.

1. Pesticide sample for testing of packaging, labelling & leaflet parameters are required to be drawn by State Department of Agriculture functionaries on regular basis as per the target earmarked to them. 2. A copy of each Label, Leaflet and the certificate of Registration is required to be sent with the samples of pesticides drawn under Rule 5(C) of Insecticides Rules 1971 while forwarding the sample to CIL.

Target and Achievement of the Packaging Division (CIL) for last five years

(2007-08 to 2011-12) including current year (2012-13 upto February,

2013) is as under:

Year Annual Target Achievement

2007-08 150 139

2008-09 150 78

2009-10 150 94

2010-11 150 74

2011-12 150 60

2012-13 150 64( 2013) upto Feb.,2013)

Total 509

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